What is the flammability group G1

Important points at work

We have already found out that the foam 35 material has excellent characteristics and is quite easy to install. But it is still worth knowing about some points that arise during the thermal insulation of walls. So, first you need to fix the sheets, blow out the formed joints with foam, then cover it all with a special heat-reflecting material (preferably a PET foil film). It sits on polyurethane-based glue, the joints are glued with metal tape. As a result, you will be able to provide the notorious “thermos effect”.

Remember that with thermal insulation the most important thing is the competent choice of the material to be used. In this case, ordinary foam plastic was considered ideal for a long time - it was inexpensive and fit quickly enough.

What is the flammability group G1

But foam 35 gradually replaced the foam plastic due to its parameters, which significantly exceed the parameters of ordinary foam thermal insulation. All its characteristics - thickness, dimensions and density - provide maximum efficiency of heat saving.

Video - Foam insulation

Summing up. Buy or not?

In view of the foregoing, we can safely say: penoplex 35 is one of the best thermal insulation materials of our time. Its thermal conductivity parameters are almost the same as those of air, and it weighs a little, thanks to which it can even be installed on glue. No other material will provide such high-quality building insulation with such a thin layer.

In a word, if your plans include warming the house, then be sure to pay attention to penoplex 35 - its characteristics are really excellent. And now, when utility bills are constantly rising, you simply have to think about saving energy.

Application area

So, you can buy material for repair and construction work that involves insulation:

  1. pitched roofs;
  2. foundation (vertical, horizontal insulation and under the sole);
  3. walls;
  4. bridges of cold;
  5. roofs on corrugated board or reinforced concrete base;
  6. operated and non-operated roof;
  7. paths in parks and gardens;
  8. engineering networks;
  9. floors in warehouses, refrigerators, shopping malls and residential buildings.

! The use of such a heater in the process of constructing buildings makes it possible not only to speed up all the work, but also to simplify it and reduce possible costs.

Penoplex 35 will help solve a variety of heat saving problems. This is what led to the fact that the material soon became indispensable not only in civil engineering, but also in industrial construction for thermal insulation of basement floors and foundations, interfloor ceilings and roofs, sandwich panels and comfortable floors, etc.

Penoplex Penoplex Penoplex 35. Thermal insulation plate

PENOPLEX (Penoplex) is a bright representative of a new generation of thermal insulation materials used as a heater for thermal insulation in construction. It is ideal for solving heat saving problems. The main advantages of the material: low thermal conductivity, minimal water absorption and high strength make it indispensable in civil and industrial construction.

Plates PENOPLEX (Penoplex) 35 are designed for thermal insulation of enclosing structures (exploited and ordinary roofs, walls, floors) and foundations (including sunken ones) of buildings and structures. In the manufacture of this grade, an effective flame retardant with an additive patented by the enterprise is introduced into the feedstock, which significantly increases its resistance to combustion. According to the results of tests conducted by the Independent Testing Center for Fire Safety of St. Petersburg, PENOPLEX 35 boards according to fire performance characteristics correspond to low-combustible materials (GOST 30244-94), slow-burning (ST SEV 2437-80), which do not spread flame over the surface,moderately flammable, with high smoke generating ability. Extruded (extruded) polystyrene foam, like wood, during combustion emits almost only two types of gases (CO - carbon monoxide, CO2 - carbon dioxide), in contrast to a number of organic materials that emit a complex of substances harmful to human health.

high compressive strength

resistance to burning


Simplicity and ease of use

Density 28.0-37.0 kg/cu.m.
Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, not less than 0.25 MPa
Ultimate strength in static bending, not less than 0.4 MPa
Elastic modulus 15 MPa
Water absorption in 24 hours, no more 0.4% by volume
Water absorption in 30 days 0.5% by volume
fire resistance category G1
Thermal conductivity coefficient at (25±5) °С 0.030 W/(m x°C)
Vapor permeability coefficient 0.007 mg/(m x h x Pa)
Structural noise insulation improvement index in floor construction 23 dB
Standard sizes
Width 600 mm
Length 1200 mm
Thickness twenty; thirty; 40; 50; 60; 80; 100 mm
Operating temperature range -50.. +75°C

Thermal insulation boards PENOPLEX (Penoplex) are produced with a width of 600 mm and a thickness of 20 to 100 mm. The standard length of type slabs is 35-1200 mm with quarter processing along the perimeter. Plates of type 45 are produced in lengths of 2400 mm with a quarter on four sides, for railways - in lengths of 4000 mm and 4500 mm with a straight edge on the short side and a special profile (oblique quarter) on the long side.

Plates PENOPLEX (Penoplex) are packed in a polyethylene film with protection against penetration of UV rays. The height of the package is 40-42 cm with the number of plates from 4 to 17 pcs. The volume of one package of plates of type 35-0.288 cubic meters, type 45 - from 0.576 to 1.134 cubic meters. depending on length.

Extruded (extruded) polystyrene has a fairly high chemical resistance to most materials used in construction. Some organic substances can cause softening, shrinkage and even dissolution of boards.

Poor chemical resistance to the following substances:

aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene, xylene)

aldehydes (formaldehyde, formalin)

Ketones (acetone, methyl ethyl ketome)

ethers and esters (diethyl ether, solvents based on ethyl acetate, methyl acetate)

gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel

polyester resins (epoxy resin hardeners)

High chemical resistance to the following substances:

acids (organic and inorganic)

alcohol and alcohol dyes

water and water-based paints

ammonia, carbon dioxide, oxygen, acetylene, propane, butane

fluorinated hydrocarbons (freons)

cements (mortars and concretes)

Animal and vegetable oil, paraffin

It is recommended to operate PENOPLEX heat-insulating boards in the temperature range from -50 to +75 °С. In this temperature regime, all physical and thermal characteristics of the material remain unchanged.

The boards can be stored outdoors in their original packaging, but they must be protected from prolonged exposure to sunlight to prevent deterioration of the top layer of the boards.

About the accuracy of the name

What are the characteristics of the foam 35 insulation, we will tell a little later, now we will make a small digression. Often people are reproached for incorrectly calling the material “penoplex” instead of “penoplex”. It is correct, of course, to say "Penoplex", since this is the name of the trademark, although in everyday life, as statistics show, the majority still says "penoplex". And he says that ten times more often!

What is the flammability group G1

What is the reason? Most likely, it lies in the peculiarities of the Russian language: the letter "E" is unusual for our morphology, especially in this interpretation, so people "push" it involuntarily, replacing it with a more familiar "E". The manufacturer, perhaps, should come to terms with such a name and not pour reproaches.

Properties of foam 35

Plates of this material, made in their characteristic orange color, have a density of about 35 kilograms per cubic meter. Thermal conductivity depends on the specific brand:

As for the vapor permeability, in this case it is 0.18 milligrams (m x hPa). Now about the mechanical characteristics. The compressive strength of the material (assuming 10 percent deformation) is 0.25 N/mm2. The dimensions are as follows: 60x120x2 (3.4.5 ... 10) centimeters.

Note! The cost of the material depends not only on the season, but also on the region in which it is sold. Although on average it is about 3,700 rubles per sq.m.

for plates of a standard size of 60x120x3 centimeters.

Basic installation rules

Of course, in this case it all depends on what exactly you are going to insulate. Although there are generally accepted provisions. Let's take a look at them first:

  1. there should be no gaps between the plates of material, the size of which would be more than 2-3 mm;
  2. all individual elements must be securely fastened; dowels can be used as such good fasteners;
  3. the use of waterproofing layers is optional: expanded polystyrene does not absorb moisture due to its special structure;
  4. it is also not necessary to protect the material from the load, because it already has a high compressive strength.

As you can see, using such plates, you get a lot of advantages. At the same time, the price of Penoplex 35 is quite low.

Exterior walls

To insulate exterior walls, the insulation boards you use are attached to load-bearing walls with dish-shaped dowels. For ventilation, it is necessary to leave a small gap, and then lay the masonry from the facing material. The advantage of Penoplex in this case is that its installation does not require waterproofing, since grooves are placed along the edges of the plates, which contribute to the formation of cold bridges.

Lay the plates in the partition frame and sheathe it with the selected finishing material (lining or drywall). Such a partition will be reliably insulated. At the same time, its performance characteristics will also be quite high.

But in this case, you will already need to take care of the waterproofing of the foundation. At the same time, the rough base should also dry very well.

On top of the waterproofing layers you have applied, Penoplex is glued. How does this happen? So, for the whole process, you need to use a special bitumen-cement adhesive. Just apply it to the surface of the plate and stick it. After the work is completed, the foundation can be covered with earth.

! Such plates can also be used to reliably insulate the part of the basement that protrudes above the ground. To fix all the individual elements, use dish-shaped dowels.

Classification of buildings by fire hazard

The fire resistance limits of building structures are determined, or rather selected, taking into account the fire safety class of the building. There are two types here: "K" - determines the state of load-bearing structures (walls, foundations, stairs, ceilings, etc.), "C" - the qualitative state of the building itself, as a single structure.

In category "K" there are four classes in terms of fire resistance:

  1. "KO" - non-flammable. These buildings are built from non-combustible materials, which have the highest fire resistance limit. The possibility of destruction occurs at a temperature of more than + 500C with prolonged exposure to fire.
  2. "K1" - low fire hazard. The fire resistance of the load-bearing building structures of these buildings is subject to concessions. Namely: they can be deformed horizontally and vertically under the influence of fire and high temperatures within 40 cm.
  3. "K2" - moderately flammable. Damage to load-bearing structures is allowed vertically - up to 80 cm, horizontally up to 50.
  4. "K3" - fire hazard. There is a deformation of the above parameters.

As for category "C", the classification is based on the fire resistance limits of individual structures that make up the overall frame of the structure. That is, "C" depends on "K". The ratio is:

  • "C0" are buildings in which the load-bearing structures correspond to the class "K0"
  • "C1" - these are situations in which stairwells and stairs correspond to "K0", external walls "K2", and partitions "K1";
  • "C2" - stairs correspond to "K1", external walls "K3", partitions "K2";
  • "C3" - stairs correspond to damage "K1", all other load-bearing and non-bearing structures are not considered.

What is the flammability group G1

It is clear that building structures from different building materials can be used in buildings. And each of them has its own fire resistance limit. Therefore, when calculating the class of a building according to the degree of ignition, these indicators are taken into account. They are tabular values, so they are easy to manipulate. Here are some examples of the most common building materials whose fire resistance is determined by their melting point.

Material Tree Brick Concrete Gypsum Steel Clay
Melting point, C 250 1300 1500 900 1500 1400


The table below shows the cost of insulation of various thicknesses.

Brand Penoplex thickness, mm Cost, rubles
Plate m2 Package m3
31 for interior work 50 110 150 1480 4300
10 190 270 2700 7750
31 C universal 50 160 215 1290 4500
10 290 390 2350 8100
35 basement 50 170 230 1340 4650
100 300 420 2400 8370
35 K roofing 50 180 260 1470 5100
100 330 460 2700 9200
45 improved 50 480 310 3570 6200
100 800 560 6450 11500

The price of Penoplex packaging can differ significantly from that given in the table, as it often depends on the volume of purchase of materials. The size of each plate is 600 by 1200 mm.

Consumer reviews

“They insulated their house with Penoplex back in the early 2000s. Since the size of the house was already small, we decided to mount it outside, under the plaster. To be honest, I thought it would crumble in a couple of years, the plate and the material from which it was made seemed painfully unconvincing. It turns out that in vain, almost 15 years have passed, the plaster has begun to fall off in some places, and the insulation is holding up with dignity.

Andrey, Kazan.

“Last year I decided to insulate the dacha. The budget is quite modest, so I counted every penny, choosing for a long time between stoves and mineral wool. Climbed the entire Internet, read reviews and opinions of experts. Everything spoke in favor of plates, although cotton wool is cheaper. Decided that the miser pays twice. So far, I am completely satisfied with everything, in winter we even managed to save a little on heating.”

Vasily, Moscow.

“Our construction team has long switched to Penoplex heaters. Since we have been working for many years, we have not tried any materials. It is especially inconvenient to look customers in the eye when you meet them in a couple of years, and they tell you that it is cold at home, like it is outside, and what can we do? As soon as they started working with these plates, the problem disappeared immediately, now we don’t even take on other heaters. ”

Konstantin, St. Petersburg.

“About five years ago, my husband decided to convert the loggia into his office. We chose all the building materials together, and when it came to insulation, we decided to stick with this brand. We bought the thinnest slabs, since there is not enough space on the loggia, but it’s still warm there, although the heating pipes were not led there. Definitely, Penoplex is a good insulation and we are completely satisfied with it. We recommend it to everyone."

Natalia, Moscow region.

“I never read reviews on the Internet and did not believe them, but then I decided to insulate the roof in the bathhouse, all the heat went out into the street - you get tired of drowning. I started looking for suitable boards. Some are more expensive than my bath, others do not inspire confidence by their appearance. In short, I decided to take Penoplex. The size just fit the roof, I did everything myself, now it takes half as much firewood to kindle the bath. Great stuff, in a word.

Anatoly Sergeev, Novosibirsk.

Penoplex 35 material characteristics

Due to the special properties of the insulation, as well as due to the wide range of models, you can choose the right material for any purpose.With a small weight, the insulation has a fairly long service life, although its main advantages are increased strength and ease of installation.

Note! If necessary, penoplex can be cut with a regular knife. And due to its unique characteristics, the material has gained immense popularity in a number of countries; moreover, modern experts classify it as a new generation of insulating materials

What is the flammability group G1

Also, as noted above, penoplex is suitable for almost all buildings. Thermal insulation boards made from it are primarily distinguished by:

  • non-toxic, safe for the human body;
  • lack of hygroscopicity (this means that, if necessary, the plates can be easily left outdoors in the package);
  • biological stability (bacteria do not multiply in it);
  • resistance to various atmospheric phenomena and temperature extremes (insulation can withstand both low and high temperatures).

Despite the fact that foam 35 is characterized by increased resistance to chemical attack, as well as to the influence of lime, bitumen and cement, materials that can destroy its structure still exist; as a result, the technical parameters of the insulation boards can change dramatically.

What is the flammability group G1

For example, contact with acetone can make the insulation unusable, as well as with certain solvents and other organic substances. By the way, polystyrene foam is produced (another name is polystyrene foam) using extrusion technology.

Excellent heat-saving properties are provided by special hermetic air capsules formed during the production process. And the thermal conductivity of air, as you know, is the lowest among all materials known to man - about 0.25 watts / microns. For penoplex, for comparison, it is a record 28 watts / mk, which is why, in fact, the material is so in demand among consumers. Moreover, due to the density and small thickness, the installation procedure is simplified, since the plates can even be fixed with glue (the type of the latter depends on the particular region in which the insulation is made).

What is the flammability group G1

Glue for foam

Earlier we talked about how to choose and use foam glue correctly, in addition to this article, we advise you to read this information, read about it here

Fire hazard indicators of building materials

The fire hazard of building materials is characterized by the following: combustibility (G ), flammability ( V ), flame propagation over the surface (RP), smoke-generating ability ( D ), toxicity ( T ).

Combustible building materials


GOST 30244


GOST 30402

Flame spread

GOST 30444

Smoke generating capacity

GOST 12.1.044

Toxicity of combustion products

GOST 12.1.044

G1 – low combustible

IN 1 – hardly flammable

RP1- non-propagating

D1- small

T1 – low-risk

G2 – moderately flammable

IN 2 – moderately flammable

RP2- weakly spreading

D 2 – moderate

T2 - moderately dangerous

G3 – normal combustible

AT 3 – highly flammable

RP3 - moderately spreading

D3 - high

T3 - highly dangerous

G4 - highly flammable

WP4 - highly spreading

T4 - extremely dangerous

From the table above, it can be seen that the higher the number of group indicators, the higher the danger of this group of materials. In practice, when monitoring the values ​​of indicators, it is not necessary to remember, it is only necessary to make sure that in the material used, the numbers for the group indicators are either the same as in clause 6.25* of SNiP 21-01, or less.

We give, according to the GOSTs indicated in the table, individual values ​​​​(for example) of indicators for materials used for finishing walls, ceilings and filling suspended ceilings in lobbies, stairwells, elevator lobbies:

- the duration of self-burning materials of the group G1 - 0 seconds, G4 over 300 seconds:

is the flue gas temperature of the materials of the group G1 - no more than 135 degrees C, G4 - more than 450 degrees C;

is the critical surface heat flux density at which stable flame combustion of materials occurs IN 1 – 35 and more kW/sq.m;

— smoke generation coefficient of the materials of the group D 2 – over 10 to 100 incl. cubic meters/kg;

is the toxicity index at an exposure time of 5 minutes for materials of the group T2 – 70-210 g/cu.m.

When carrying out repairs on evacuation routes and evacuation exits, paragraph 53 of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation should also be followed. PPB 01-03 prohibiting use combustible materials for finishes, cladding and wall painting and ceilings, as well as steps and landings on escape routes

(except for buildings with load-bearing and enclosing structures made of wood or other materials G4).

Appendix B of the Recommendations on improving the fire safety of roofing of the main buildings of operating TPPs. SO 153-34.03.357-2003 provides a list of some modern materials for the reconstruction and repair of roofing with subsections: waterproofing materials (with indicators G4, V2, RP4 or G4, V2, RP3) and heat-insulating materials (with indicators NG or G1 or G2 , V2, D2).

Requirements of industrial security building codes and regulations for buildings at the stage of operation

Fire safety requirements for building materials during repairs >>

Penoplex 35

Wholesale price from Price from 4300 rub.

Penoplex 35 is a type of those heat-insulating materials that belong to the so-called new generation. Plates are actively used in the course of repair and construction work where builders are faced with the task of maximizing heat conservation.

! The difference between this material and similar options is that it contains a flame retardant - a substance that can increase the resistance of plates to combustion.

Since the product is not at all afraid of moisture, it can be used in a variety of conditions, while installation will not take much time or effort.

Among the distinctive advantages it is worth noting:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • low flammability;
  • low coefficient of water absorption;
  • strength;
  • high soundproofing performance;
  • excellent heat saving performance.

The material has a fairly low chemical resistance to polyester resins and coal tar, benzene, xylene and toluene, diethyl ether and methyl acetate solvents, oil paints and formaldehyde. But, at the same time, it perfectly resists the effects of organic and inorganic acids, bleach and salt solutions, cement and ammonia, alcohol dyes and even caustic alkalis.

In the process of manufacturing Penoplex insulation, an effective fire retardant with a high-tech patented additive is added to the feedstock, which significantly increases the resistance of the final product to combustion, due to which it belongs to the category of fire resistant. In the event of a fire, the material does not emit toxic or toxic gases, equating in terms of combustion products to those gases (CO and CO2 - carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide) that ordinary wood emits during combustion.

Overview of insulation company Penoplex density 35

Density is considered only one of the main technical characteristics of Penoplex; experts do not recommend choosing extruded polystyrene foam solely on the basis of this indicator. But it is interconnected with other properties (weight and strength) and was indicated in the labeling for this product. Despite the introduction of new types of plates in 2011, many are looking for and buying it under the old designations. One of the most popular is grade 35, which refers to sheets with an average density of 28 to 38 kg / m3 with an almost universal scope and reasonable prices.

What is the flammability group G1

Description and characteristics of the material

Currently, Penoplex 35 series slabs are represented by two brands: Penoplex Foundation (former 35 without flame retardants) and Roofing. The average sheet density for both varieties is 29-33 kg / m3, but their purpose is completely different. The main difference concerns the composition: the introduction of special powder retarders during the manufacturing process of Penoplex Roofing allows you to get a heater with a higher flammability group (G3 compared to the standard for G4 foam). The characteristics of the plate of each brand are indicated in the table.

Penoplex Foundation Penoplex Roof
Compressive strength, MPa 0,27 0,25
Water absorption per day,%

For 28 days %



Fire resistance group G4 G3
Thermal conductivity coefficient, W/m K 0,03
Operating temperature range, °C. -100 to +75

The important characteristics of Penoplex Roofing include the modulus of elasticity (15 MPa) and the provision of sound insulation up to 41 dB with a partition thickness of 50 mm. The structure noise reduction index reaches 23 dB. All Penoplex grades of density 35 are resistant to biological influences and retain their useful qualities for a long service life (up to 50 years). The material is produced in the form of pressed sheets with a length of 1200 mm, a width of 600 mm and a thickness of 20 to 100 mm for Penoplex Roofing and from 20 to 150 for the brand for the foundation. It is sold in packages weighing from 10.15 kg with the number of plates from 4 to 20, the cost depends on the volume of insulation.

Penoplex Foundation is recommended to be bought as a heat-insulating layer during the construction or strengthening of the hydroprotection of structures under load and subject to intense moisture. These include: building foundations, basement and basement areas, garden paths, floors and underground utilities. This brand corresponds to the old Penoplex 35 type without the addition of flame retardants, so the sheets are covered with a protective layer (laid in a screed) or used at facilities with simplified fire resistance requirements.

Despite the endurance of significant loads, this brand is not suitable for road construction or the construction of industrial facilities, the optimal scope is private houses. Its main purpose is to protect structures from frost heaving of the soil, precipitation and ground moisture. It is used as a heater in all traditional foundation schemes, including shallow ones on heaving soils. Climatic operating conditions are not limited. To exclude cold bridges during installation, it is advised to lay at least two layers with offset joints.

Corresponding to the old type of Penoplex 35, the roof has an L-shaped edge on all sides of the sheet, which allows adjacent plates to be joined without gaps and discrepancies. This brand is recommended to be purchased for thermal insulation of attic rooms and roofing systems of any type, including flat ones with rolled waterproofing. The low thermal conductivity of the material allows it to be used as a reliable protection against heat loss, almost zero water absorption eliminates the formation of ice. An additional advantage is the noise-absorbing properties, good sound insulation of roofs is provided even if they are covered with metal.

What is the flammability group G1

The average density in this case becomes an advantage, the weight of Penoplex Roofing is suitable for installation in lightweight systems. At the same time, its use in operated and loaded structures is allowed. A striking example is inversion roofs with the reverse order of layers. In this case, Penoplex is placed on top of a thin waterproofing layer and covered with paving slabs.

There are no restrictions on the use of this Penoplex brand for insulating less critical objects: loggias, vertical walls, garages and outbuildings. But it should be remembered that the denser the extruded polystyrene foam, the higher its price. The dimensions of the insulation (namely, the thickness) are selected taking into account the type of structures and the climatic conditions of the region.

Price for Penoplex 35

The price belongs to the category of democratic, which allows the use of these foam polystyrene boards both for insulating objects with a large number of storeys and a vast area, and for repairing private apartments and houses.

Dimensions packing volume, m3 number of pcs./pack. average package weight, kg Cost per pack
(1200*600*20) 0,2880 20 10 1252
(1200*600*30) 0,3024 14 10 1315
(1200*600*40) 0,2880 10 10 1252
(1200*600*50) 0,2880 8 20 1252
(1200*600*100) 0,2880 4 20 1252
  • These thermal insulation boards are 600 mm wide and 20 to 100 mm thick, depending on the brand. Standard slab lengths are 35-1200mm with 1/4 (quarter) edge processing.
  • For the needs of railways, plates are produced with a total length of 4000 and 4500 mm each. The edge around the perimeter remains straight, but there is a special profile (oblique quarter) along the long side.
  • Buyers of Penoplex 35 boards are supplied packed in a polyethylene film that can protect the material from the penetration of UV rays. The height of each package is from 40 to 42 cm with a different number of plates. More precisely 4 to 17 pieces. The volume of the average packing of plates is 0.288 cubic meters.

Penoplex installation

As for the installation process, this material, as noted above, is quite easy to handle. The work consists of several simple steps.

Stage 1. The surface is carefully leveled and cleaned of dirt.

What is the flammability group G1

Stage 2. Material slabs are laid, dowels or glue are used for fixing.

What is the flammability group G1

Stage 3. A protective layer is laid on top of the plates. That's all.

Note! If the material will be laid on the floor, then first a layer should be prepared, thanks to which point-type loads will be distributed. It is also advisable to glue the joints between the plates with mounting tape so that the concrete solution does not get inside during pouring (it is recommended not to use glue for this)

You also need to leave small deformation gaps around the perimeter (they will subsequently be blown out with mounting foam). And if everything is done correctly, according to the instructions, then the created layer will retain thermal energy with high quality.

It is also desirable to glue the joints between the plates with mounting tape so that the concrete solution does not get inside during pouring (it is recommended not to use glue for this). You also need to leave small deformation gaps around the perimeter (they will subsequently be blown out with mounting foam). And if everything is done correctly, according to the instructions, then the created layer will retain thermal energy with high quality.


