Municipal Authorization
As soon as the consumer submits an application for connecting a private house to central heating, it will be considered at the next meeting by local executive or administrative bodies. A positive verdict is based on well-written technical documentation that corresponds to the submitted project. The result is indicated in the extract to the minutes of the meeting.
Provision of technical conditions by the heat supply organization
The owner of a private house has the right to contact the energy supplier with a request. The heat supply organization must consider the application and provide the necessary data. To determine and issue technical conditions for connecting a private house to a centralized heating network, 14 working days are given. At the end of this period, the organization either provides the necessary documentation, or explains the reason for the refusal.
Actions to create and approve the project
To coordinate the project with the heat supply organization, it is necessary to submit a specific list of documents. A well-designed package consists of:
- proposals for the technical reconstruction of the previous heat supply scheme with detailed calculations;
- descriptions of the option of thermal insulation of protective devices that separate the interior of a private house from external structures;
- indications of indicators of the calculated thermal loads.
To consider the provided list of documents, a special commission meets in the organization. If there are no good reasons for refusal, then they give the go-ahead.
How to carry out the installation and draw up a contract?
The final step in the process of connecting a private house to a central heating system is the implementation of design work. Upon completion of the heating installation measures, an agreement is signed with the heat supply company. In such an agreement, the conditions for the provision of services by the organization are indicated. The accompanying documentation, which is attached to the contract, consists of detailed information about the heating system with a detailed description of all functional parts and their location.
The metering station project contains
- a) a copy of the heat supply agreement with the attachment of acts of delimitation of balance sheet ownership and information on the design loads for existing facilities. For newly commissioned facilities, information on design loads or connection conditions is attached;
- b) a plan for connecting the consumer to the heating network;
- c) a schematic diagram of a heat point with a metering unit;
- d) plan of the heating point indicating the installation locations of sensors, placement of metering devices and cable wiring diagrams;
- e) electrical and wiring diagrams for connecting metering devices;
- f) tuning database entered into the heat meter (including when switching to summer and winter operating modes);
- g) a scheme for sealing measuring instruments and devices that are part of the metering unit;
- h) formulas for calculating thermal energy, coolant;
- i) coolant consumption by heat-consuming installations by hours of the day in winter and summer periods;
- j) for metering units in buildings (optional) - a table of daily and monthly heat consumption for heat-consuming installations;
- k) forms of reporting statements of readings of metering devices;
- l) wiring diagrams for the installation of flow meters, temperature sensors and pressure sensors;
- m) specification of the equipment and materials used.
The diameter of the flowmeters is selected in accordance with the design heat loads so that the minimum and maximum flow rates of the coolant do not go beyond the normalized range of the flowmeters.
The set of equipment includes mounting inserts for replacing primary coolant flow converters and flow meters.
Project approval
The design of the metering unit installed at the consumer of thermal energy is subject to agreement with the heat supply (heat network) organization that issued the technical specifications for the installation of metering devices.
The consumer sends a copy of the project of the heat metering unit to the heat supply (heat network) organization for approval. If the project of the metering station does not comply with the provisions of clause 44 of the Accounting Rules No. 1034, the heat supply (heat network) organization is obliged to send a notification to the consumer about the submission of missing documents (information) within 5 working days from the date of receipt of a copy of the project of the metering station.
In this case, the deadline for receipt of the metering station project for approval is determined from the date of submission of the finalized project.
The heat supply (heat network) organization is not entitled to refuse to approve the project of the metering unit if it complies with clause 44 of the Rules for Accounting for Thermal Energy. In case of failure to provide information on approval or comments to the metering unit project within 15 working days from the date of receipt of a copy of the metering unit project, the project is considered approved.
The design of the heat energy metering unit will be carried out in compliance with the technical specifications, current regulations, rules, GOSTs and SNiP. High quality of execution guarantees its coordination with the heat supply organization in the shortest possible time.
We will carry out the design of heat metering units with high quality and in a short time with a guarantee of its coordination in the resource supplying organization. This will help to proceed directly to the installation and commissioning of the equipment, without wasting time waiting for a long response from the heat supplier.
After the devices are installed, we can offer you a service for the heat metering unit, which guarantees uninterrupted operation and quick troubleshooting, if any.
Estimated prices for the design of metering units | |
Design of metering units | from 20,000 to 35,000 rubles. (depending on the complexity of the node) |
General provisions
In accordance with the Federal Law "On Heat Supply", consumers of thermal energy, including developers planning to connect (technological connection) to the heat supply system, conclude agreements on connection (technological connection) to the heat supply system and pay a fee for connection (technological connection) to the system heat supply.
If it is technically possible to connect (technological connection) to the heat supply system and if there is free capacity at the corresponding point of connection (technological connection), a refusal to the consumer, including the developer, to conclude an agreement for the connection (technological connection) of a capital construction facility located within the boundaries of a certain the heat supply scheme of the effective heat supply radius is not allowed.
In case of technical impossibility of connection (technological connection) to the heat supply system of the capital construction object due to the lack of free capacity at the corresponding point of connection (technological connection) at the time of the application of the relevant consumer, including the developer, but if there is a heat supply organization in the duly approved investment program or the heat network organization of measures to develop the heat supply system and remove technical restrictions that make it possible to ensure the technical possibility of connecting (technological connection) to the heat supply system of a capital construction object, refusal to conclude an agreement for its connection (technological connection) is not allowed.
The normative terms of its connection (technological connection) to the heat supply system are established in accordance with the investment program of the heat supply organization or the heat network organization within the normative terms of connection (technological connection) to the heat supply system.
In case of technical impossibility of connection (technological connection) to the heat supply system of the capital construction object due to the lack of free capacity at the corresponding point of connection (technological connection) at the time of the application of the relevant consumer, including the developer, and in the absence of a heat supply organization in the duly approved investment program or heat network organization of measures to develop the heat supply system and remove technical restrictions that make it possible to ensure the technical possibility of connecting (technological connection) to the heat supply system of this capital construction object, the heat supply organization or the heat network organization within the time and in the manner established by the rules for connection (technological connection) to heat supply systems approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, is obliged to apply to the federal executive body, authorized authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government that approved the heat supply scheme, with a proposal to include measures to ensure the technical possibility of connection (technological connection) to the heat supply system of this capital construction object. The federal executive body authorized to implement the state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local self-government body that approved the heat supply scheme, within the time limits, in the manner and on the basis of the criteria established by the procedure for developing and approving heat supply schemes approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, decides on making changes to the heat supply scheme or refusing to make such changes to it.
In the event that the heat supply or heat network organization does not send within the prescribed period and (or) submits in violation of the established procedure to the federal executive body authorized to implement state policy in the field of heat supply, or the local government that approved the heat supply scheme, proposals for inclusion in without appropriate measures, the consumer, including the developer, has the right to demand compensation for damages caused by this violation, and (or) apply to the federal antimonopoly body with a request to issue an order with respect to the specified organization to stop violating the rules of non-discriminatory access to goods.
Preliminary calculation of the connection fee
9.1. Preliminary calculation of payment for connection to the heat supply system of Omsk RTS JSC
When the applicant chooses a connection option after making the necessary changes to the Omsk Heat Supply Scheme and the investment program or if there is a technical possibility of connection | ||
Consumer category
Connection fee, rub. without VAT | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building
(channelless underground laying) |
Connected load no more than 0.1 Gcal/h | 458,33 | 458,33 |
Consumer category
Connection fee for 1 Gcal/h, thousand rubles excluding VAT with direct connection from the heating networks of Omsk RTS JSC | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building
(channelless underground laying) |
Connected load over 0.1 to 1.5 Gcal/h | 29,895 | 6110,257 |
Connected load over 1.5 Gcal/h subject to availability | 1,898 | 815,678 |
Consumer category
Connection fee for 1 Gcal/h, thousand rubles excluding VAT when connected through the heating networks of an adjacent organization MP Omsk "Heat Company" | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building
(channelless underground laying) |
Connected load over 0.1 to 1.5 Gcal/h | 61,315 | 6141,677 |
When the applicant chooses a connection option for a fee established on an individual basis, without making changes to the investment program and with the subsequent introduction of appropriate changes to the Omsk Heat Supply Scheme in the prescribed manner | ||
Consumer category
Connection fee, rub. without VAT | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building (channelless underground laying) | |
Connectable load regardless of size | The REC of the Omsk region is established on an individual basis | The REC of the Omsk region is established on an individual basis |
9.2. Preliminary calculation of payment for connection to the heat supply system of TGC-11 JSC
When the applicant chooses a connection option after making the necessary changes to the Omsk Heat Supply Scheme and the investment program or if there is a technical possibility of connection | ||
Consumer category
Connection fee, rub. without VAT | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building
(channelless underground laying) |
Connected load no more than 0.1 Gcal/h | 458,33 | 458,33 |
Consumer category
Connection fee for 1 Gcal/h, rub. without VAT | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building
(channelless underground laying) |
Connected load over 0.1 to 1.5 Gcal/h and over 1.5 Gcal/h if technically possible | Not installed | Not installed |
When the applicant chooses a connection option for a fee established on an individual basis, without making changes to the investment program and with the subsequent introduction of appropriate changes to the Omsk Heat Supply Scheme in the prescribed manner | ||
Consumer category
Connection fee, rub. without VAT | |
without the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building | with the construction of heat networks to the border of the land plot, or to the engineering and technical networks of a residential building (channelless underground laying) | |
Connectable load regardless of size | The REC of the Omsk region is established on an individual basis | The REC of the Omsk region is established on an individual basis |