Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

Possible causes of failure

Before proceeding with the inspection and repair of the heater, do not forget to disconnect it from the power supply by pulling the plug from the mains. To understand how to carry out repairs, the first step is to find out the cause of the breakdown.

If the IR heater suddenly stops functioning, and the lamp does not light on the power indicator, then first you need to check the voltage in the outlet. Perhaps, due to a voltage drop, the circuit breaker at the input of the wiring to the house was activated, thereby turning off the electricity. Also, the contact at the point of connection of the device to the socket could be broken, or the socket itself is faulty. It also happens that the heater simply overheated, and the shutdown is the work of its protection systems.

If all the checks did not lead to the desired result, and the IR heater still does not work, then it is necessary to undertake repairs.

Gas heater device

First of all, about cylinders for imported gas heaters. They do not at all resemble collet or other tourist ones that are popular in Russia. According to American standards, everything is threaded, screwed into the receiving rim of the gas heater, reliably protecting the joint from leaks. When installing the manual, they categorically insist on checking the tightness with soapy water. Collet cylinders are not screwed into the gas heater, but simply pierced with an intake. During the maintenance of the heater, it is allowed to remove it, and at the end of the work - return it back.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

The BigBuddy gas water heater is equipped with a connector for a "quick" connection. Russian equivalents are supplied with a simple fitting, we will pull a hose on it. Inconvenient, but:

  • cheap;
  • universal;
  • does not require extra fuss.

As for the BigBuddy, it comes with two American propane tanks, and the said "quick" connector is located on the left. This will allow you to supply yourself with heat without difficulty. The BigBuddy gas heater is equipped with a 6V battery and a fan designed to blow over two ceramic grates bathed in the fire of the main burners (left and right). The ignition flame is ignited at the start by pressing and holding for 1 minute. gas flow adjustment knobs. This is the time required to charge the solenoid valve using the EMF of a thermocouple mounted on a pilot flame.

For a period of 1 min. the junction of the semiconductors heats up, and the resulting voltage holds the valve in the open position with the help of a coil. This scheme is widely used in Russia, exclusively in gas water heaters. Russia is characterized by simple, portable gas heaters, rather than complex appliances like BigBuddy. And this is in vain, because for the harsh Russian conditions a heat gun would be useful, which, due to forced airflow, heats the room more efficiently than infrared devices. At least due to the presence of forced convection of air masses.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

From what has been said, it is clear: if the pilot burner goes out, then the thermocouple cools down, as a result of which the EMF disappears, holding the gas supply solenoid valve open. And when the ignition button is pressed (and held), the lever presses the coil core for a while until the structure is cocked to working condition. Three positions are now available:

We believe the purpose of the abbreviations is clear. In the minimum mode, one burner works - the left one. Accordingly, the left ceramic grate is heated. The fan is switched on separately and does not apply to the gas flow adjustment knob. After lighting up the pilot flame, do not set the flow rate to Off, as the pilot burner will also go out. Consequently, the thermocouple will cool down, and you will have to start the process again. The device of the gas heater does not provide for other protective measures.Therefore, it is recommended to check problem areas with soapy water (after connecting the cylinder, do not light the fire), and in the presence of bubbles, take measures to seal. We do not recommend soldering, because the temperature of the heater can exceed 250ºС, maintained by solder.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

Repair work

Repair should begin with an external inspection of the IR heater to identify visible faults. First of all, inspect the power plug, it should not be damaged or cracked. The pins of the plug of a serviceable device do not have blackening and soot, they are firmly fixed in the body and do not hang out. The conductive cord must also not show signs of damage.

Particular attention should be paid to the area where the wire exits the plug body - here it often frays.

It is also necessary to make a visual inspection of the heater body (through the grid) and make sure that there are no burnt or broken wires, and make sure that the heating element is intact.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

IR heater lamp

The most common breakdown of infrared heaters is the failure of the heating element and thermostat. Faults are eliminated by replacing burnt parts. To correctly select the desired part, you need to remove it, rewrite the number and order it on the Internet, or contact the repair service.

A burnt-out lamp (in most cases it looks like a tube, length - 30 cm, diameter - 10 mm) of the heating element can be replaced independently. Replacement work begins with turning off the device from the mains. Then, on the section of the heater where the temperature controller is located, the side panel is removed, behind which there is a connector for connecting the power to the lamp. Turn it off, pick up the phone. The lamps differ from each other only in power and size, but they are powered in the standard order - from 220 V. Therefore, there should not be any difficulties with the selection. Assembly after replacing the lamp is carried out in the reverse order.

In the event that the thermostat burns out, the simplest solution would be to close it, while the adjustment will be carried out through a 2 kW triac controller. This will save time on searching and purchasing parts. If there is a break in the wires, it is necessary to avoid soldering them: under the influence of high temperature, the solder may melt. It is much more efficient and safer to use a screw connection of wires. You may also find information on connecting a thermostat useful.

Heaters have firmly entered the life of a modern person, so many people are concerned about their installation, operation and repair. Today, repairing an oil heater with your own hands and restoring the performance of other types of these devices is a very common phenomenon. This is due to the low quality of the equipment offered on the current market, violation of the rules of operation and a number of other factors. In general, fixing a faulty heater is fairly easy. The main thing is to be well versed in the types of heaters, to know their features and to have the skills to work with a certain tool.

Repair at home

Experts on this issue are unanimous: repairing an IR heater comes down to replacing one of the two main parts - either a thermostat or a heating element. This procedure is quite simple, the main thing is to have access to the necessary spare parts.

Another category of malfunctions is breakdowns associated with connecting the device to the mains. In such cases, the home master just needs to change the plugs and / or strip the contacts.

Let's imagine that you have diagnosed a malfunction of an infrared heater and found out that the problem is in the heating element, and it needs to be replaced.

The algorithm for replacing the main heating device will look as follows.

  1. Make sure the device is unplugged from electricity.
  2. Remove the cover that closes the terminal compartment.
  3. Disconnect the wires connecting the terminal and the idle heating element.
  4. The same operation must be carried out with the wires going from the heating element to the indicator.
  5. Remove the faulty heater and replace it with a new one.
  6. Connect the wires between the heating element and the indicator, bring them into the terminal.

Suppose your gas ceramic heater has failed. It is especially unpleasant when this happens exactly when you need it to work properly, that is, in the cold season. Knowing the principle of operation of the device and its design, you can fix the problem yourself.

Important: given that this heater is gas powered, before proceeding with its diagnosis and repair, it is necessary to check for fuel leaks. This problem can be solved by replacing the cylinder or tightening the mounts.

This problem can be solved by replacing the cylinder or tightening the mounts.

Usually, the repair of this type of IR heaters is reduced to the replacement of failed plates. Sometimes the cause of the breakdown is a faulty power regulator. If you do not have experience in troubleshooting such problems, it is better to contact an authorized service center that specializes in infrared heaters.

Signs of a failed carbon heater may include:

  • the device does not turn on;
  • the power regulator does not work;
  • flasks of heating elements are damaged;
  • the device emits an unpleasant odor, smokes, sparks when turned on.

It is clear that in this case it is not safe to use a carbon heater. If the device is still under warranty service, then it should be taken to a service center and entrusted with the solution of this problem to the masters. Of course, you can disassemble the IR heater emitter at home in order to fix the contacts. Very often, the cause of a malfunction can be eliminated in such a simple way, because, unlike metal, carbon fiber is not subject to burnout.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

As you can see, troubleshooting the IR heater looks like a completely solvable task. However, if you have no experience in repairing similar equipment, we recommend that you do not experiment with an expensive device and turn to professionals for help.

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Repair of heat guns

A special area of ​​our activity is the repair of industrial electric and diesel heaters. Modern heat guns have precise temperature adjustments, remote control, on and off timers.

The leading manufacturers of heat guns Fubag and Master are distinguished by increased resistance to fuel quality. However, the use of heat guns in a network with unstable voltage leads to damage to the control system. Such repairs require highly qualified personnel.

We carry out repairs of MasterLeto, Aesto outdoor gas heaters and heaters with a similar burner design, you can see the pictures below:

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

If your outdoor heater fails for warranty reasons, warranty repairs are free of charge. If the cause of the breakdown is not covered by the warranty, or the warranty period has expired, then the repair cost will be:

- the cost of repairing a heater in the form of a fungus or a pyramid - 2500 rubles.

- Departure of the master in Moscow 600 rubles.

How we repair:

-If you have a MasterLeto, Aesto heater or a heater with a similar burner design, you call: +7(495)734-99-54 and agree on the departure of the master or on the independent transportation of the failed burner.

If you need a visit of the master:

- The master comes to you, inspects the breakdown and determines the possibility of repair;

-If repair is possible, the master takes the burner and leaves to repair it in our service center;

-If the repair is not possible, you pay only the departure of the master;

When the burner is ready, and usually the next day or every other day, the master brings you the repaired burner;

- The master demonstrates to you the operability of the burner, and you are convinced of its serviceability;

-Payment is made after acceptance of the work;

-Attention! The departure of the master is paid both for the first departure, and for the second one - bringing the burner back. If you bring the burner yourself:

If you bring the burner yourself:

- You bring us a failed burner for inspection at the following address: Moscow, st. Zvenigorodskoe highway, vlad.28, building 8B

-If the burner needs to be repaired, you leave it to our master for repair;

-When the burner is ready, and usually the next day or a day after our call, you come for a repaired burner;

- The master demonstrates to you the operability of the burner, and you are convinced of its serviceability;

-Payment is made after acceptance of the work;

-This is a more economical option, you pay directly for repairs only.

We do NOT do on-site repairs!

Examples of heaters we repair:

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

We DO NOT REPAIR heaters of brands: Kroll, Falo, Enders, Remington, Fire Sense and bedside heaters.

An example of heaters that we DO NOT repair.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

Repair base address: Moscow, st. Zvenigorodskoe highway, vlad.28, building 8B

Infrared homemade device option 1

This machine is rated for 220 volts. To make such a heater with your own hands, you need to stock up:

  1. Laminated paper.
  2. Graphite. To do this, you can take shields from a trolley bus or graphite electrodes.
  3. Epoxy glue.
  4. Voltage regulator.
  5. Wire with plug.
  6. wooden frame.
  1. Cut out from a sheet of paper-laminate two pieces measuring 1x1 m.
  2. A piece of graphite is crushed. Should be a powder.
  3. A little epoxy powder is poured onto a pile of the resulting powder and mixed. The final mixture should be thick.
  4. The resulting mixture is applied to one piece of paper laminate. It is laid out in one continuous line. The shape of the line should resemble a zigzag. The two ends of the line should be placed close to each other. It will be good if the distance between them is 5-10 cm.
  5. Copper leads are glued to these ends. Wires will be attached to them.
  6. Wait until the graphite with glue is dry.
  7. The second piece of laminate is placed on top and securely attached. You can attach it with glue.
  8. Cable leads are connected to copper wires.
  9. A voltage regulator is connected to the cable. It can be turned on after 10 cm from the beginning of the cable. The distance depends on your own wishes.
  10. A cable with a plug is connected to the voltage regulator.
  11. The resulting heater is fixed on a wooden frame. Also make it mounting on the wall, which does not need repair.

This IR device generates a lot of heat because the graphite, while creating a very high resistance to electrical current, gets very hot. The heating level is controlled by changing the voltage.

A do-it-yourself infrared heater made can work for a very long time without any need for repair.

Repair of equipment that runs on gas and alleged breakdowns

In the operation of equipment that runs on gas, it may be useful to repair it. Repair of equipment that runs on gas is needed for the following key reasons:

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

Regulatory claims to the premises for the installation of a gas-fired boiler.

  1. Marriage at the time of manufacture.
  2. Incorrect installation process.
  3. Daily application is made incorrectly.
  4. Blockages in the supply ventilation or flue.
  5. Voltage drops that do not allow the piezoelectric element to work.
  6. The gas supply is on, but the burners do not light up.
  7. Automatic shutdown of equipment, which is carried out quickly after it is turned on.
  8. During operation of the gas-type device, a bad smell occurs.

Similar breakdowns of these devices occur due to various reasons. For example, in the case when gas is supplied, but the flame does not burn, the cause of the breakdown may be the supply of low-quality gas. The basis for turning off the heater can be carbon dioxide, more precisely, its increased content. The aroma of gas can mainly talk about the completion of gas in the cylinder. Sometimes - about the breakage of the panel.

If there is an orange flame in the burners, it is necessary to check the analyzer and its openings. In operation, they can become clogged.

Without outside help, you can only change cylinders after they have been filled. Also tightening the clamps and adjusting the jets of flame burning power. All other types of work to eliminate breakdowns of gas appliances must be performed by specialists with special training and skill. They must have a document for carrying out such work, which is classified as risky.

The document is provided only after passing special training. This preparation will provide an opportunity to find the real cause of the breakdown. An oversight in such a case leads to quite serious consequences. Among them - suffocation, ignition or explosion. The call of experts for verification and proposed repair is required to be performed in the following cases:

  1. A breakdown in the ignition system.
  2. Clogging internal heater systems.
  3. The bad smell after airing the room does not disappear.

at the beginning of construction work, a comprehensive check of the boiler should be done and its breakdown should be found. After finding the cause of the breakdown, a budget is collected and the cost of the work is determined.

Gas water heaters for heating systems

According to materials

Making an infrared heater

At home, you can make a lot of heaters. However, it is most advisable to focus on the manufacture of an infrared heater. This is because with it you can control the heating in different areas of the room. At the same time, some areas (the space under the ceiling or the corners in which furniture is placed) can be left without heat and, thus, save on heating a room and even the whole house. This advantage has long been appreciated by people who have learned how to make their own infrared device and know how to connect an infrared heater, as well as how to repair it.

Ceramic heater repair

The most common malfunction of ceramic models is the failure of the fan heater when it simply does not turn on. Here the reasons may be different. Immediately you need to check the integrity of the fuse, its contacts, as well as the resistance of the transformer winding. During the normal functioning of these elements, the voltage of the stabilizer is subject to verification.

At times, ceramic devices stop "obeying" the control panel. Most likely, the quartz resonator has broken. In this case, the repair is reduced to the replacement of this part.

If the heater fan does not work, it can be repaired as follows: with a slight rotation of the impeller “by hand”, the electrical part of the drive is checked, namely the capacitance of the capacitor and the integrity of the fan motor winding. Next, the details in the motor control circuit and the reliability of the soldering of the leads are analyzed.

There are models where there are special blinds. If they stop working, it is necessary to inspect the mechanical part of the shutter drive and check the contacts on the control and indication board.

Repair of thermal curtains

Do-it-yourself gas heater repairRepair of thermal curtains for the entrance group can be carried out without dismantling from the installation site.Problems associated with the fan motor, the choice of operating mode, turning off one of the heaters are solved promptly, due to the professionalism of our masters. Most thermal curtains are equipped with switches for operation in a network with a voltage of 220 or 380V, power adjustments of two or more regimes.

If the thermal curtain began to vibrate or make extraneous noise, then you can’t do without a major intervention with a complete disassembly of the heater. Such repair of the thermal curtain can only be carried out in a workshop. This is due to the fact that the restoration repair of the thermal curtain with the replacement of rotational couplings, motor bearings requires significant time costs.

Varieties of IR heaters

Going to the store for an infrared heater, be prepared for a variety of representatives of this product group - from simple models powered by electric current to gas ones, which are used to heat large areas. Let's take a closer look at each variety to consider their features.

Electric infrared heaters are divided into several subcategories depending on which heating element they use. They are compact, convenient, have a long service life and rarely fail.

A non-conductive resistive cable is placed in the ceramic IR heater as a heating element. It is located inside a ceramic panel, which transmits infrared waves well. Externally, the device is a thin hinged panel with a remote thermostat.

In carbon infrared heaters, the role of the "first violin" is played by a sealed quartz tube, inside which is a carbon nano-fiber. Such heaters consume less energy than the previous ones, and even have a therapeutic effect, therefore they are often used as a physiotherapy device. Their disadvantage is their relatively high cost. However, judging by the reviews of the owners of this device, such heaters are worth the money spent.

Film infrared heaters work at the expense of the flexible resistive cable warming up an external metal film. They are easy to mount on a prepared base. The surface of the IR film is heated up to 75°C. The unequivocal advantage of this type of heaters is flexibility, which means that the range of their application in everyday life is extremely wide.

The principle of operation of gas models is exactly the same as that of electric ones. Only as a source of energy they use not current, but gas fuel. Usually they are placed in workshops, in stadiums or on the street. They have impressive dimensions (up to 15–20 meters high) and serious power. True, there are more modest models that have the shape of an umbrella. They can be seen on open terraces and verandas of catering establishments during the cold season. They "feed" from a gas pipe or from a cylinder with liquefied gas.

Catalytic gas heater for summer cottages

A catalytic heater is another option for gas heating a house or cottage. Such a device, by the way, can work both on gas and on gasoline, which can be convenient if there is no gas pipeline in the holiday village yet.

Such a heater is able to heat a room up to twenty square meters. It can be either a dwelling or a garage, a hangar, a warehouse, and so on.

What other advantages does a catalytic gas heater have over other heater options? Firstly, this heating option is absolutely environmentally friendly, it does not harm the health of residents and the environment.

Secondly, a catalytic heater is one of the safest to use in a residential area. This is an explosion or fire hazard. Several levels of protection help to prevent the occurrence of an emergency.

If you choose a catalytic heater model equipped with a fan, the space heating efficiency will be greatly increased and the heating time will be reduced.

Infrared gas heater for giving

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

The third type of gas heater that you can successfully use in the country is an infrared heater. Its main advantage is durability. Such devices in terms of service life significantly exceed other gas heaters.

There are a number of other features that characterize infrared gas heaters:

  • They do not dry out the air, creating, perhaps, the most favorable microclimate in the room.
  • The air in the room warms up most evenly, which is comfortable for the residents themselves.
  • Another advantage is the independence of infrared heaters from electricity. If there is no light in the house, it is still possible to warm it.
  • An infrared heater is a completely safe device, easy to manage and operate.

However, if you come to the hardware store, most likely, an infrared gas heater will be shown to you one of the last. A significant disadvantage of this useful device in every sense is their cost.

The cost of such a device will be much more expensive than the same convector or catalytic heater. Nevertheless, even such heaters have their fans.

Whichever heater you choose, remember that it is safe only if you follow the manufacturer's operating instructions. Otherwise, even a device with several levels of protection will not protect you and your property from tragedy.

Do you have any questions? Go to our building forum and ask them there. Our experts will help you understand the intricacies of construction and repair.

Types of heaters

A variety of modern heaters can amaze even a specialist in this field. However, the most popular are:

Oil models are considered classics of heaters. The sections of these devices are characterized by a ribbed design. Outwardly, they are very similar to central heating radiators. In addition, they have a similar principle of operation. Oil is supplied through the pipe to the heater, which transfers heat to the sections. Then the oil goes back to the heating element.

Often the control panel of such a device includes only three keys. The first two are responsible for turning on a separate heating element, the third (wheel) serves as a temperature controller. These heating elements differ in power, which allows you to expand the possibilities of adjustment.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

The main advantages of an oil heater include:

  • warming up the air by convection;
  • high mechanical strength;
  • impeccable environmental cleanliness;
  • democratic value.

The work of the following type - ceramic heaters, is based on the principle of forced convection. The main feature of these devices is the material of the heating element, which is made of ceramic. A ceramic heater is a set of tiny particles through which air passes. Its main elements are the heating element itself, the fan, the blinds motor, the control unit (electronic) and the control panel.

The main advantage of ceramic elements lies in a very large heat exchange area. Also, it is worth noting the almost unlimited operational period, the ability to maintain the volume of oxygen in the room and high safety. Some models have the ability to ionize the air.

The main component of this equipment is a quartz infrared tube. It is able to heat the surrounding objects, which later “throw out” heat into the room. In fact, all objects become sources of heat. Maintaining the required temperature level is carried out using a thermostat.When a certain temperature is reached, the device turns on or off.

Options for gas heaters for summer cottages

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair

Let's start with a gas convector - the sales leader among gas heaters among our compatriots. The first thing that attracts users is the aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Such a convector can be installed as a conventional heater, under a window. It will perfectly fit into the design of a country house and will not spoil the design idea with its appearance.

In addition, a gas convector for a summer residence has a number of other advantages:

  • He is very efficient at work. A convector can heat a fairly spacious room.
  • It is absolutely safe during operation: gas and combustion products have no chance of getting into the room.
  • Fuel can be supplied from the main gas pipeline or from a liquefied gas cylinder, the device accepts both the first and second options.
  • This device is optimal for non-permanent heating of the house, for example, for several days a season.

As a heater for the house, gas convectors also proved to be excellent. Warm air, which is heated during the operation of the device, rises, so that the entire room warms up well in a short time.

In residential apartments, such a convector is often used in the off-season, when the temperature outside is already low, and the central heating is still not turned on.

Do-it-yourself gas heater repair


