How to make concrete from screenings and cement

Mixing Features

If you decide to prepare a solution for floor screed, you can find out the proportions by reading this article.

However, it is also important to know how the ingredients are mixed. It should be noted that dry and liquid components should be mixed in different containers.

Initially, it is necessary to combine all dry components, including fiber, cement and sand. Use a mortar of cement grade M 400, mixing it with sand, while using a ratio of 1 to 3. Thus, 16.7 kg of cement will be needed for 50 kilograms of sand. Dry elements must be mixed for 5 minutes. Next, you should move on to another container in which a plasticizer and water are added. Approximately 190 grams of plasticizer should be added to a 50-kilogram bag of cement. Water should be added in the amount of 1/3 of the mass of cement.

How to make concrete from screenings and cement

For a third of a bag of cement, you will need to add 5.6 liters of water. When kneading the floor screed solution (the proportion of each brand is indicated above), it must be taken into account that the plasticizer will have 0.6 liters. If you decide to prepare a floor screed solution yourself, the proportions for it are presented in this article. After completing all the above steps, you can begin to mix the liquid components, for this, you need to gradually add the dry mixture to the liquid container, while stirring it well. If you pour the liquid into a dry mixture, then lumps will form, it will be very difficult to get rid of them after.

Ratio of materials in solution

How to make concrete from screenings and cement
To make a mortar without the use of sand, the ratio of cement and screening for concrete should be as follows:

  • Cement grade 400 - 1 part;
  • Filler (it is best to use granite screenings) - 8 parts.

Water is also required, which should not exceed 20% of the total volume.

The ratio is aimed at obtaining concrete M150. If the builder believes that the margin of safety of such a solution is too small, he should use cement of the highest grade. For example, if cement grade 500 is used to prepare the mixture, then the ratio described above will make it possible to prepare a solution of M250.

If the master is embarrassed by the complete absence of sand, he can partially replace it. This will require the addition of gravel.

So, if concrete is prepared from screenings, sand and cement, the proportions will be as follows:

  • Cement grade 400 - 1 part;
  • Crushed rock - 1-2 parts;
  • Crushed stone - 3 parts;
  • Sand - 3 parts;
  • Water - a maximum of 20%.

At this ratio, the addition of screenings has almost no effect on the increase in the volume of the mixture, since the granules fill the gaps between the crushed stone, and are also a link between the crushed stone and sand.

You can influence the strength of the solution in the same way as in the first case, and nothing else. Considering concrete on screenings, this rule can be attributed to the minuses.

Unfortunately, many beginners believe that the strength properties of concrete are affected not by a change in the brand of cement, but by an increase in parts of this material. You should not repeat this mistake: excess cement reduces the quality of the solution several times.

You should also pay attention to the fact that for the manufacture of high-quality concrete, only cement with an unexpired shelf life should be used, in addition, the material must be free of impurities. Water for concrete preparation must be clean (it is better to use drinking water)

So, screening in concrete - good or bad? Given the popularity of this filler in the manufacture of concrete mix, it can be concluded that the use of crushed rock is a reasonable solution. Screening is highly demanded in the construction industry due to its undeniable merits. The material is profitable from a financial point of view, in addition, it allows you to produce durable and durable concrete.However, it is worth remembering that all the advantages of screening are lost if the wrong proportions were observed when creating the solution.

Video of preparing a concrete mix from screenings and cement:


