Why is the heating circulation pump noisy and how to fix it

Where did the noise come from

Before removing the pump and giving it to a service center, you should find out the cause of the noise. Indeed, in some cases, it can be eliminated independently, without resorting to the services of specialists.

If the pump buzzes more than it makes noise, read this material.

First you need to determine exactly: is the pump itself making noise, or is the hum going throughout the system? If extraneous sounds come from pipes and radiators, this means that air has entered the system. In this case, the solution is quite simple - it must be pitted. Quite often, this situation is observed in systems that have just been launched - that is, during commissioning or after a long downtime (at the beginning of the heating season).

Read - how to bleed air in the heating system.

Important: if the heating system is noisy, which is just being put into operation (while the noise goes through the pipes and radiators) and the air release did not help, you should carefully inspect the pipes. Perhaps a mistake was made during installation, and the pipe is in contact with the wall

It can also cause extraneous sounds.

If the heating pump is noisy, there may be several reasons for this:

  • Air. In this case, it needs to be bled off by unscrewing a special plug on the body of the device itself.
  • Wrong rotor position. Often observed in systems that are just being put into operation. Noise may mean that the rotor is vertical, which is unacceptable. The solution to the problem in this case is the dismantling and proper installation of the device.
  • In some cases, the cause of extraneous noise may be the wear of individual elements (bearings). In this case, the parts must be replaced.
  • Manufacturing defects. Unfortunately, sometimes there is such a cause of noise. And if possible, the device should be replaced under warranty. If this is not possible, the most rational solution would be to replace the device itself.

Equipment Features

In some cases, the noise of the circulation pump is normal. This applies in particular to dry rotor pumps. The fact is that actively moving, the rotor is a source of noise and vibration. At the same time, if the power of the device is high enough, the noise will be very strong.

And in this case, there are only two possible solutions to the problem:

  1. soundproofing of the room;
  2. replacement of circulation equipment.

Manufacturers of pumps with a dry rotor honestly warn about such a “side effect”. Therefore, having opened the instructions for the device, you can find a similar recommendation "install in a separate room with a high level of sound insulation." And if you didn’t notice this item before, and the pump was installed in one of the common rooms, then there are two options for solving the problem. First of all, try to partially soundproof the pump. Today on the market you can find special casings that are worn directly on the device. Such a "fur coat" will not eliminate the noise completely, but can significantly reduce its level.

The second option is to move the pump to a separate room, while observing all recommendations regarding installation.

Important: so that the malfunction that makes the pump noisy is not detected at the height of the heating season (when manipulations with the pump are undesirable, since it is constantly needed for heating), it is recommended to sometimes start the device during the non-heating season. Sources


  • https://teplospec.com/montazh-remont/pochemu-shumit-tsirkulyatsionnyy-nasos-otopleniya-i-kak-eto-ispravit.html
  • https://ogon.guru/otoplenie/komponenti-sistemi/nasos/pochemu-shumit.html
  • http://otoplenie-doma.org/remont-circulyacionnogo-nasosa-dlya-otopleniya.html
  • http://opt-stroy.net/pochemu-gudit-cirkulyacionnyjj-nasos-otopleniya.html
  • http://www.PortalTepla.ru/nasosi/pochemu-shumit-cirkulyacionnij-nasos-sistemi-otopleniya/
  • http://kvarremontnik.ru/pochemu-gudit-cirkulyacionnyjj-nasos-otopleniya/
  • http://kvarremontnik.ru/shumit-nasos-otopleniya/

Why the circulation pump whistles Construction and repair

A heating system with a centrifugal pump has long been an indispensable attribute of a modern private house.

The ability not to depend on utilities and independently regulate the air temperature in the rooms increases the comfort of life.

Household low-noise devices, subject to proper operation, do not require attention and can withstand up to 10 years of uninterrupted operation. The appearance of extraneous sounds, hum or whistle during the operation of the unit, signal a breakdown. The problem is caused by various circumstances, some of them require immediate elimination.


Choosing the right circulator will help prevent annoying noises. The store presents units with motors of two types:

Dry. Devices of this type cope with high loads. The rotor stays dry. Cooling occurs with the help of a fan that will make noise.

Photo 1. Circulation pump for heating systems from the manufacturer Wilo. There is a fan on the back to cool the device.

Wet. The pump is located directly in the water. The unit is protected from overheating by an almost silent coolant.

Attention! Dry type devices will create discomfort due to the sound of the fan running. Wet type pumps are used for domestic needs

They are installed directly in the room.

Extraneous hum, noise or rattle of the device can be associated with some system malfunctions. The most common problems:

  • Unstable voltage.
  • Poor quality installation.
  • Air lock in the system.
  • Power and parameters mismatch.
  • Hardware failure.

The device buzzes and cracks due to equipment failure

Common problems with a circular pump include a defect in the rotor or impeller. In addition to constant noise, this problem leads to poor system performance.

The hum is a consequence of technological gaps that have increased over time and shaft trembling. Repair and replacement of adjusting washers will solve the breakdown.

Burning motor windings can crack. Correction of this defect is best entrusted to a specialist.

Why does the circulation pump of the heating system make noise?

In the vast majority of private houses, an individual heating system is equipped. This solution is the simplest and most logical - centralized heating is rarely supplied to private houses. In addition, individual systems can be equipped according to a variety of schemes and start heating exactly when needed.

A key element of a private heating system is a circulation pump, which ensures efficient transportation of the coolant throughout the heating circuit.

During operation, the pump may start to make noise at some point - and this factor should always be given maximum attention, because excessive noise always indicates a malfunction of the equipment.

This article will discuss why the circulation pump of the heating system is noisy, and how to solve this problem.

Dry and wet type

Such pumps are divided into the following types: with a "dry" and "wet" rotor. In the first case, the engine of the pumping device is placed in a separate module, and the rotation of the rotor occurs through the clutch.

There is noise during operation.

Why is the heating pump buzzing?

Dry type equipment generates noise through the operation of a fan that cools the motor. This device is used in large houses. In them, it is mounted in a separate room.

Wet type devices operate with low noise levels, since the rotor is immersed in a coolant that cools the functioning engine. Such a device can be placed close to living quarters. The noise level will not create any discomfort.

Other causes of buzz

If the noise does not arise from the operation of the fan, then why is the heating circulation pump buzzing?

The reasons may be the following:

  1. installation was completed with violations;
  2. cavitation loads, to avoid this, you need to install a hydraulic compensator that allows you to control the pressure in the system;
  3. due to the presence of air in the system: this problem usually occurs when starting the heating at the beginning of the season. For this reason, a sharp noise is characteristic. It is necessary to remove such air plugs for the full functioning of both the pump and the entire heating system;
  4. incorrectly selected circular pump: noise usually occurs if a device with more power is selected than required by the technical specifications for heating a house;
  5. mechanical failure of the device, to eliminate the cause, it is necessary to remove and disassemble the device;
  6. the presence of gaps, the runout of the motor shaft - the replacement of shims is required.

In fact, the hum of the device can be caused by design features, that is, these are natural noises during operation, or a hum of a different nature that occurs already during operation.

Malfunctions in the operation of the circulation pump may occur as a result of its heating.


