Flowing American on the battery

Reasons why an old heated towel rail may leak

Flowing American on the battery

- corrosion of metal. Moreover, not only the drying pipes themselves, but also the joints can be subjected to corrosion. Leaks can be prevented if timely preventive measures are taken - periodically check the condition of the device. If a problem is found, the equipment should be replaced immediately. If this is not done, water hammer and increased pressure in the system can lead to flooding in the house. You can additionally protect the coil from hydraulic shocks if you install a hydraulic protection system at the inlet;

- Unforeseen mechanical damage. The heated towel rail was damaged by a third-party object. As a rule, such damage occurs during the renovation of the bathroom. After the repair has been made, carefully inspect the surface of the device for damage.

Flowing American on the battery

If the work was carried out by the company's specialists, you have every reason to demand the replacement of equipment;

- wear of sealing elements. As a rule, the heated towel rail flows directly at the joints. The problem can be solved by timely replacement of sealing. A new heated towel rail is leaking - causes and solutions to problems:

- the characteristics of the heated towel rail do not match the operating conditions of the system. For example, the coil is not designed for system pressure. The only sure way out of the situation is to replace the equipment;

Flowing American on the battery

- Installation of the device was not carried out qualitatively. After installing the dryer, the first time you should check the connections of the device for leakage. If moisture is detected, the problem should be fixed immediately;

- manufacturing defects. In order to avoid this situation, when choosing plumbing equipment, preference should be given to products from trusted manufacturers that provide guarantees and quality certificates. If you have all the necessary documentation, you have every right to take the defective equipment to the store and demand a replacement;

- the pipes are incorrectly removed. If the ends of the pipes are displayed crookedly, how much Teflon tape and tow do not wind up, alteration cannot be avoided. It is necessary to remove the dryer, align the ends of the pipes so that they are in the same axes with the pipes of the heated towel rail, then install the equipment and seal the connection points;

- the internal hexagon is not tightened or silicone gaskets are used. If the heated towel rail flows directly at the junction, with the help of tow and red lead, you can quickly fix the problem. If an American "sits" on silicone gaskets, it is recommended to replace them with thick rubber ones. Some experts advise to carry out insulation on top without disassembling the connection. This is only a temporary measure, if you wrap a pipe joint with a fum-tape on top, sooner or later you will need to carry out repair work aimed at eliminating the leak. - the turning point is leaking. The swivel joint in heated towel rails is a weak point. The installation of new sealing materials will solve the problem of leakage. However, in some cases, replacement of the entire assembly is required;

- the joint of polypropylene pipes dripped. During the installation of the dryer, the joint may not have been pressed, and after the water began to flow into the equipment under pressure, the joint began to leak. There are two ways to solve this problem: either cut the connection and establish a new one, or use a folk trick. So, those who want to save on replacement should arm themselves with a building hair dryer and a collar of the right size. We heat the joint with a hair dryer until it softens and begins to move when pressed. Next, we put on the clamp and tighten it strongly. The leak has been eliminated!

To eliminate leakage in places of threaded connections, you can use a special gel-sealant (aerobic fixative) instead of tow. After being applied to the inter-threaded space, it quickly hardens, turning into a hard plastic, which will not only eliminate the risk of leakage, but also protect the thread itself from corrosion.


