Types of combustion chambers for gas boilers
According to this classification parameter, gas boilers are divided into boilers:
- With an open (natural, passive) combustion chamber. These types of boilers consume oxygen directly from the room where the boiler is installed. Exemption from combustion products is also carried out indoors. Therefore, for them it is necessary to equip special chimneys indoors and provide high-quality air ventilation. Boilers of this type are usually installed in non-residential premises or in specially equipped boiler rooms. Similar design features are most often found in floor-standing boilers with a power above 35 kW. For example, Lemax boilers, the technical characteristics of which make it possible to provide heat to residential premises up to 500 sq.m.
— With a closed combustion chamber. The combustion process is provided by air coming from the street through a special coaxial chimney. Structurally, a coaxial chimney is a system consisting of two pipes, one of which is located inside the other. Thanks to this design, air enters the boiler through one pipe, and the combustion products are forcibly removed through the inner opening of the chimney to the street due to the installed fans. Due to the coaxial chimney, a closed system is provided, which avoids the installation of additional ventilation of the room. Active draft combustion chambers are most often equipped with wall models of gas boilers, the power of which does not exceed 35 kW. (See also: Voltage stabilizers for gas boilers)
Boiler power for home
The operation of residential heating systems directly depends on the operation of the boilers. The issue of choice must be approached responsibly, because the boiler plays one of the most important roles in the heating system of the house.
Scheme of operation of a double-circuit gas boiler.
Power is the most important parameter that you need to pay attention to when purchasing a boiler. Properly selected power is a guarantee not only of a comfortable temperature, but also of minimal energy costs.
Determining the required power is quite simple. For example, for high-quality insulation of a room with ceilings, the height of which is about 3 meters, and the area is 10 m², you need 1 kW (kilowatt) of power. For a larger area of \u200b\u200bthe room, more kilowatts will be consumed. By this analogy, calculations can be made, taking into account the size of any room, but the result will be preliminary.
To calculate the required amount of power, it is necessary to carry out a heat engineering calculation, taking into account many parameters:
- the thickness of the walls and the material from which they are made;
- floor thickness;
- size and number of windows;
- the presence of heated floors;
- the presence of a fireplace;
- functional purpose of individual rooms of the house.
It is almost impossible to make such a calculation without special education, and only experienced engineers and designers can perform it correctly.
Conditional gas pressure is approximately 13-20 mbar (millibar), but the pressure in gas networks is 10 mbar or even less. Therefore, the boiler will not work at full capacity, but only at 2/3.
How to choose a boiler for your home, given the dependence of the gas boiler on electricity
For gas boilers, the dependence of automation on electricity is also important. There are various problems with electricity, ranging from simple interruptions to its complete absence. Most of the gas boilers with atmospheric burners made in Russia operate regardless of the availability of power.
In Western countries, there are no such problems with electricity, so the question arises whether there are imported boilers that operate autonomously from electricity. Yes, there are.
There are two ways to achieve autonomous operation of a gas boiler:
- For boilers from domestic manufacturers, you can come to independence from electricity by simplifying the control system due to the small presence of automation.
- The most effective way is to use a heat generator, which converts heat into electricity required for boiler automation.
Both floor and liquid fuel boilers can be of three types:
- single-circuit - suitable only for heating. An indirect heating boiler can be connected to any such boiler (water is heated by the boiler coolant or from an electric heating element). In country houses, boilers of 100-300 liters are most often used, but models with a volume of up to 1000 liters can be found;
- double-circuit. They carry the task of providing heating and hot water. They can be of two types: with a built-in coil or boiler;
- double-circuit boilers turbo. This type of boiler, in addition to the main functions, includes the removal of gases.
Other types of heating boilers
In addition to gas, there are other types of boilers:
- electric;
- solid fuel;
- liquid fuel (diesel);
- combined.
electric boiler
The electric heating boiler is easy to operate, does not require fuel for its operation, this type of boiler has a high degree of safety. It is installed if the cottage, country house or apartment is located in a protected natural area where emissions of harmful substances are prohibited. Before choosing this type of boiler, you should think about the high cost of electricity. For comparison: 200 m² of area will require about 50 kW of power.
Liquid fuel (diesel)
Such boilers are not used for heating apartments. Diesel fuel is used as a heat source (it is considered an expensive type of fuel, and it is constantly consumed to maintain heat). The disadvantages include the characteristic smell of fuel, for this reason, liquid fuel boilers, as a rule, are placed in a separate building.
solid fuel
Such boilers are not installed in apartments for private use. In the modern world, solid fuel is used very rarely: it is difficult to imagine that a cottage will be heated with coal. However, now in stores you can find a heating boiler in which firewood, a special combustible product, coal, and wood waste are used as fuel. In terms of power, such boilers hardly reach 60 kW.
Allows the use of multiple fuels, such as gas and coal. Easy to use, especially in country houses and cottages.
Boiler for home heating prices
Prices for heating systems vary significantly and depend on many factors.
If you need the most budget option for a country house or cottage, then an electric boiler is suitable, solid fuel is in second place, diesel is next, and a combined boiler is considered the most expensive type. Undoubtedly, a gas heating boiler is less expensive, which uses gas to maintain its operation.
But don't take the prices literally. To correctly calculate the cost, you need a full calculation that takes into account all the factors affecting the total amount (installation, operation, payment for fuel, heating areas, etc.).
To understand which gas boiler for a country house (cottage) is better, you can turn to specialists so that you do not select it yourself. They will select the option that suits your needs.
Steam boilers. Technical data for steam boilers
Our organization provides a full range of services for operational and commissioning and environmental and thermal testing of steam boilers of any type and volume.
Steam boilers. Technical data for steam boilers
A steam boiler is a device designed to produce steam with a pressure above atmospheric due to the heat released during the combustion of fuel. The main elements of the boiler are the furnace and heat exchange surfaces.
Water is supplied to the boiler, which is called feed water. Feed water in the boiler is heated, and then turns into saturated or superheated steam of the required parameters. Steam parameters are its pressure and temperature. The main consumers of water steam produced in boiler plants are steam power plants, and it can also be used for technological needs.
Steam boilers. Technical data for steam boilers
The principle of operation of steam boilers
The conversion of feed water into steam takes place in the heating surfaces of the boiler. Boiler heating surfaces include evaporative, superheating and economizer surfaces.
Evaporative heating surfaces are usually located in the boiler furnace or directly behind it. In them, water is heated to saturation temperature and a so-called steam-water mixture is formed.
Superheaters are designed to produce superheated steam. They are located behind the combustion chamber.
Economizer heating surfaces are designed for preheating feed water due to the heat of combustion products leaving the boiler.
The main elements of the boiler
- drums - designed to separate saturated steam from water, remove excess moisture from it, and also as a device in which the amount of water necessary for the reliable operation of the boiler is accumulated;
- air heaters - heating surfaces in which the air entering the furnace and necessary for fuel combustion is preheated;
- burner devices - devices for burning fuel in the boiler furnace. The burners of modern boilers primarily provide the most efficient combustion of fuel in terms of chemical processes and reduce the amount of harmful substances formed during the combustion process and emitted into the atmosphere.
- devices for controlling the temperature of superheated steam - heat exchangers of various types and injection desuperheaters.
Steam boilers. Technical data for steam boilers
Classification of steam boilers
Steam boilers are divided according to their purpose into three main types: power, industrial and waste heat boilers.
Industrial steam boilers, unlike energy boilers, produce saturated steam, which has the boiling point of water.
Waste heat boilers can produce both steam and hot water.
Steam boilers according to their parameters are divided into:
- low steam capacity - up to 1 t/h of steam;
- average steam production - from 1 t/h to 10 t/h of steam;
- high steam output – over 10 t/h steam.
Our contacts
The specialists of our organization will perform installation, adjustment, maintenance, verification of gas-using equipment of any type and volume in the city of Dnipro and the Dnipropetrovsk region.
To carry out the work, we have all the relevant documents issued by state bodies, as well as laboratories certified by state control bodies.
+380 63-852-66-89 +380 96-669-11-03
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Power of gas boiler equipment
This characteristic is the most significant in order to meet the needs of the premises in which it is going to be used.The calculation of power should be carried out by a specialist, since it is necessary to take into account various factors, including the design features of buildings, their area, material of execution and the temperature difference between the external and internal temperatures. But you can also approximately calculate this indicator yourself using the formula:
where Q is the power, k is the heat transfer coefficient for the building, V is the total internal volume of the room.
In this case, it is recommended to choose a boiler with a power of 1.5 times more than the result obtained. If the gas boiler is double-circuit, i.e. is also used for hot water supply, then the power must be additionally increased by 10-40% based on the planned consumption of hot water. (See also: How to clean a gas boiler)
The power of the equipment during operation is influenced by:
- seasonal loads on the highway, due to which the working gas pressure in the network decreases;
- long-term absence of preventive cleaning of equipment;
- salinity of water in the heating circuit, which leads to the formation of scale inside the heat exchanger;
- frequent use of hot water.