Solar energy consumption for home heating
Let's calculate the consumption of diesel fuel for heating the house, and then compare it with the actual consumption - "by eye" from the barrel.
To heat a house of 200 square meters, you need 20 kilowatts of thermal energy per hour. This is a well-known formula for a well-insulated house that complies with modern SNiP. My house is a little better insulated and work on its local insulation and permanent sealing has been going on continuously for the past three years. Small drafts and small cracks are constantly found and foaming, which I had not noticed before.
So, for my small house of 200 "squares" it takes me from 6 kilowatts of thermal energy at a street temperature of -5C to 23 kilowatts of thermal energy at -40C "overboard".
The average winter temperature in our area is from -20C to -28C. This temperature lasts half of December, all of January, February and March. And, as usual, there are “exacerbations” up to -40C and warming up to -5C.
I heat the house with a 25 kilowatt diesel boiler. In the most severe frosts, I should need about 16 liters of fuel, based on the calculations of the calorific value of diesel fuel and the boiler power.
Somewhere, the calculations differ slightly from reality - the consumption of diesel fuel for heating a house in the most severe frosts is from 18 to 20 liters. I see this on the measuring scale on the sidewall of the barrel from which the diesel boiler is powered.
The principle of operation of a diesel boiler
Wall-mounted diesel boiler or floor-standing - all installations of this type work on the same principle. And the owner of the house must at least in general terms know the principle of operation of a diesel boiler, so that in the future there will be no problems with operation.
As soon as the unit is turned on, the pump also starts. In the nozzles of the unit, the pressure necessary for operation immediately arises. It is due to him that the liquid (diesel fuel) is distributed throughout the installation as needed. At the same time, a mini-transformer supplies voltage to the electrodes, due to which the fuel ignites.
Further, the unit operates in autonomous mode. The operation of this type of heating system is regulated by special sensors. It is they who will regulate further fuel consumption and maintain the heating temperature at a certain level.
Single-circuit diesel heating boilers can only warm up the room. But double-circuit units can also heat water, so many homeowners stop at them. If large volumes of hot water are needed, then it makes sense to purchase a device with a built-in boiler designed for a certain number of liters.
It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of such installations, what fuel consumption will be during operation. All this will help you make the right choice and not regret buying in the future.
Alternative heating of the house with diesel fuel
What could I do to make solar heating at home a little less expensive, and could use a diesel boiler as the main source of heat for the house?
The first thing I think about is using a waste oil burner. I put such a burner for testing and collect virtually free fuel, where I can - at service stations, at express oil change kiosks, and so on.
What are the disadvantages of this option? The first and most basic is the price of the burner. The cost of the burner for testing is 60,000 rubles. Which is comparable to the purchase of almost 2 tons of diesel fuel.
Secondly, working off also needs to be collected, spending gasoline and time, transporting it in cans to the house, defending it somewhere and storing it at this time.
And, thirdly, I'm not the only one so smart. More than once I have already watched comrades who collect mining at the service station and take it out for their own needs. This is exactly the same topic as with our own production of pellets. Looks like it's free.But in fact, it turns out that it is easier to heat with briquettes than to make pellets yourself from “free” sawdust.
There is, of course, also solar oil and light oil. But it also has its pitfalls. Starting from the fact that a standard burner will not be guaranteed to work on these types of fuel, and ending with the complete impossibility of obtaining this fuel in some regions.
Here the analogy with the coal-fired boiler Carborobot suggests itself. The boiler is good, no doubt. But in our region there is no fuel for it, there is no coal of the required fraction, there are no good suppliers. And to carry from somewhere - it turns out to be unrealistically expensive.
by autoruMAX » Mar 05, 2012, 06:39 pm
Good afternoon There was a problem of organizing a boiler house in the domain, you need to choose a diesel boiler for 30 kW, in pair with it, an electric boiler for 12 kW (which one is better?) A hydraulic arrow for 8 circuits - 5 for heating - a pool heat exchanger - a heated floor 1 circuit for an area of 70 mkv
the main question about a diesel boiler is which is better, which chimney is better for it? (height from the boiler room to the ridge is 14m - there is a place under the chimney - a shaft 1.5x0.7m)
how to connect boilers
in the future (after 3-4 years, a transition to main gas is possible) and an increase in the area from 300 to 500 mkv
water supply separately - completely on an electric boiler 300l (what a good one - so that a few tenns and spare parts if it's easy to buy)
For a diesel boiler, the most important parameter is trouble-free and so that you can, for example, buy a pair of burners and change as needed
Uv members of the forum, pliz does anyone have such a device, I want to know how much fuel it eats per day, how it works, what area it heats. I have a house of 2 floors 160 squares, lined with bricks, mp windows, maybe someone who knows which is the most economical of the well-known brands, please write here or on soap. Thanks in advance
Why did you opt for diesel equipment?
All I know is that fuel consumption is from two liters per hour and above. It would also be interesting to hear what people in the know have to say.
Uv Semyon, we don’t have mains gas and normal voltage, only liquid fuel remains, because you need to heat when there is no one at home, if there was someone all the time, you would heat with firewood
The fact is that you will need electricity in any case for the operation of automation and pumps. Simply, my personal opinion is that you can find an alternative to diesel fuel in the absence of main gas. It will be more environmentally friendly and cheaper to maintain. Unfortunately, it is impossible to write in detail here, they will consider it as advertising.
Cheaper to hire a stoker.
SemenSV, straight intrigued. Admit what there is an alternative to diesel fuel, in addition to gas and electric boilers. (firewood and coal do not count, as they require constant presence).
An alternative is wood pellets (pellets), which are produced by drying and hot pressing of woodworking rests without the use of binders. Moreover, the production of this type of fuel is mainly in Russia, and is used to a large extent in Europe, because. they have traditional energy sources are expensive. Due to their qualities, pellets are an environmentally friendly type of fuel, and the ash residue is no more than 1%.
Boilers on pellets are quite expensive, in comparison, for example, with diesel boilers - 2-2.5 times more expensive. But if you calculate the maintenance costs and fuel costs, then pellets are more profitable.
Everything that was written here was not on the rights of advertising, but only for clarification on the question asked.
What is a diesel boiler
A diesel boiler is a kind of floor structure, the base of which is made of cast iron or steel, which allows not only to supply heat through the pipe system, but also to heat the room through heat transfer from the heated walls of the boiler.
Modern models have a special outer coating that provides protection against overheating - this is very convenient for families with children, because even if they accidentally touch the wall of the boiler, the kids will not get burned.
Any diesel boiler is equipped with a fan burner. which supplies and regulates the air flow supplied to the internal combustion chamber. They also distribute liquid fuel supplied to the chamber by means of a fuel pump.
The heating system of a diesel boiler is based on mixing fuel and air flows, which leads to the ignition of the first in the combustion chamber. Regular addition of the required amount of fuel allows you to maintain a continuous combustion process.
The main classification of diesel boilers is made according to the type of water heating. Diesel boilers are:
- single-circuit - serve exclusively for heating the room;
- double-circuit. equipped with a flow heater - allow you to heat the room, while heating the running water in the connected system;
- double-circuit with a built-in boiler - in addition to the main heating function, they are able to supply hot water for the whole house.
Depending on the purpose for which you are purchasing a diesel boiler, you should choose a specific model.
Double-circuit products, of course, will be more expensive, but they will provide your home with hot water, but with a limited budget, it is better to stay on conventional liquid fuel boilers.
Diesel boilers also differ in the method of traction. There are:
- boilers with natural draft - the exhaust gases are carried out through a vertical chimney;
- forced draft boilers - such models have a closed firebox, and the exhaust gases generated after fuel processing are carried out through a built-in chimney.
When choosing a boiler for your home, you should decide in advance what size the product will suit you, what shape will fit best into the interior, and, of course, choosing a model in accordance with the available budget will be an important factor.
Advantages of diesel boilers
The main advantage of diesel boilers is that their installation in the house does not require any permits from special authorities. The owner himself can easily install the unit or ask a specialist about it if he himself has never encountered such work before. For normal operation of the boiler, you only need a regular electrical outlet.
Another significant advantage is the clean operation of this type of heating system. A diesel-fueled boiler will heat the room, but dirt and burning will not form. You will have to clean the installation very rarely, it will not take much time and effort.
Despite the fact that the diesel boiler runs on gasoline, it will not smell in the room during heating. Therefore, the installation can be safely used to heat children's rooms and bedrooms. It is also perfectly acceptable to use a diesel boiler to heat rooms with people suffering from diseases of the respiratory system.
Fully automated operation of this type of boiler makes it possible to forget about the constant regulation and maintenance of the unit. It is enough to turn on the unit once, after which it will automatically turn off on its own and, if necessary, turn on.
The consumption of diesel fuel in boilers of this type is relatively economical. According to preliminary calculations, 1 kg of diesel fuel per 10 kW of heat is quite enough. This suggests that even for heating a huge room with an area of about 150 m², 35 kg of diesel fuel per day will be more than enough. For this reason, it is advisable to purchase diesel boilers even for large private houses.
And another important plus is the ability not to change this heating installation to another when conducting gas into the house. If necessary, it will be enough to simply replace the electric burner with a gas one, then the work will be more economical.
Disadvantages of aggregates
It is also important to consider the disadvantages of such installations. The fact is that heating a private house with diesel fuel does not justify itself in all cases.
Sometimes the use of such a boiler may be impractical. Consider the main disadvantages that diesel heating carries.
It is inconvenient that for the full operation of this heating installation, a special room is required - a boiler room, where the boiler itself, a water boiler and a container with diesel fuel will be installed. In this case, the boiler room must be well ventilated. Be sure to have a powerful hood. If these recommendations are not followed, there may be a risk of fire.
If the temperature outside is low, while it will also be cold in the boiler room, fuel heating may be necessary. For this reason, for a region with a harsh climate, it is better to opt for a domestic diesel boiler, as it is less demanding on fuel.
Most modern diesel units for heating with diesel fuel are produced only in the form of floor boilers. Wall-mounted units are extremely low power, so their purchase will not justify itself. Outdoor devices are not convenient for everyone to place in the house, as it takes up a lot of space.
The forced draft burner has a fan that will make noise when the boiler is running. Therefore, if the sound insulation of the boiler room is insufficient, the noise will be heard throughout the house, since it is quite loud
Therefore, it is important to foresee this in advance, especially if the boiler rooms are in close proximity to the bedroom or children's room.
Diesel heating boilers are efficient heat sources.
But in some cases, they can create certain inconveniences. Therefore, before buying, it is best to evaluate not only the consumption of diesel fuel, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the equipment of the boiler room, the height of the walls and sound insulation, but also to consult a good specialist. It will help you make the right decision and choose the most suitable installation for your home.
How to choose the best diesel boiler
The advantage of choosing diesel devices is due to the fact that most models are able to work not only on diesel fuel, but also on alternative types of fuel, for example, on liquefied gas
To choose the optimal model from the numerous range of offers from leading manufacturers of heating equipment, you need to compare all the parameters.
When choosing a heating boiler, an important indicator is the type of burner used.
Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to its characteristics:
- A replacement burner costs a little more than a built-in burner, but it allows you to use not only diesel fuel, but also natural gas for heating.
- The burner is equipped with a heating system. allows significant savings in fuel consumption.
Tip: it is recommended to purchase a noise-absorbing casing for the heating system, which will reduce the noise level during the operation of the boiler.
An important parameter is the power of the boiler. It is determined from the consumption of 1 kW for every 10 squares of the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. If the purpose of installing the boiler is not only heating, but also the supply of hot water, then it is better to choose a boiler with a little more power.
- This publication is devoted to the choice of a reliable sawdust boiler.
- In this material, we talk in detail about induction heating boilers.
- Read about the organization of a single-pipe heating system here.
Tip: in order for the boiler to cope with all its functional duties, its power should be slightly greater than required to heat the selected room.
The main question of interest to every buyer is the fuel consumption of the selected model. It is not at all difficult to find out this parameter; fuel consumption in kilograms per hour is equal to a tenth of the power of the burner used. Depending on this indicator, you can choose a boiler. maintenance that you can afford.
The material from which the firebox is made affects the durability of the device. A steel boiler will be more economical, but will last no more than 15 years.In turn, a cast-iron product consumes more fuel, but has a service life of at least 50 years.
Remember: the best option would be to purchase a universal boiler that can run not only on diesel fuel, but also on liquefied gas, kerosene, fuel oil. This will allow not to stop the heating process in case of running out of fuel.
So we talked about what diesel heating boilers are. Fuel consumption, consumer reviews, as well as some of the technical specifications discussed in this article will help you make the right choice. In any case, you should take care in advance about where you will take fuel for the boiler. If there are machine-building plants nearby, where oil is used as a lubricant, and a large amount of mining is simply poured out, then it is possible to agree on very favorable terms for both parties.
Most models have a fairly high efficiency, about 95%. This suggests that almost all of the combustible fuel will go into heat in the house. But diesel boilers also have their drawbacks. The main one is that the quality of fuel is not always high. When fuel is supplied to the burner, the filter quickly becomes clogged, and it has to be changed.
Unlike natural gas, a diesel or oil leak is not fatal, which is no doubt very important. But here the joints can leak, so you need to constantly watch them and, if necessary, tighten the nut
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