Plasterboard ceiling options in the hallway

The role of the hallway is often underestimated, while the mood and well-being of the household depends on its interior. It's nice to come home after a tiring day if the hall welcomes you with the freshness of the walls, ceiling, floor and the soft glow of the backlight. You can transform your home beyond recognition, starting with the hallway in a spacious luxury apartment or in a small apartment, in which it is especially important to properly organize the space. Plasterboard ceilings in the hallway enjoy a special advantage, as they have a perfectly flat surface and a variety of finishes.

Plasterboard ceilings in the hallway: choose a design

The popularity of drywall in the decoration of residential premises is due to its high performance, ease of installation, light weight, environmental friendliness, hypoallergenicity. The plasterboard ceiling in the hallway provides an excellent aesthetic appearance, sound and heat insulation of the room. Depending on the footage, you can design single- and multi-level structures, cut out shapes, organize open and hidden lighting.

Ceiling design depends on:

  • the size of the hallway;
  • materials and color design of walls and floors;
  • the general style of the apartment;
  • fantasies and wishes of the inhabitants.

One of the design options for a two-level plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling design in a small hallway

Small apartments significantly limit their owners in terms of choosing an interior design, but if you wish, you can achieve amazing results.

It is undesirable to expand a tiny square entrance hall or a narrow cramped corridor by moving walls, since such actions require coordination with the BTI, but even with a positive decision, they will not bring a noticeable result. It is better to solve this problem by visually increasing the space that can be achieved with the ceiling structure and color scheme. Lots of options drywall ceiling design in a small hallway with a photo can be found on the Internet or on the pages of glossy magazines dedicated to the repair and decoration of interiors.

Thoughtful ceiling design in a small hallway

Single-level plasterboard ceiling in a small hallway

Among the most common interior design options for a small hallway is a single-level plasterboard ceiling, which can be decorated with a ceiling plinth and decorative elements made of expanded polystyrene. Spotlights built into the design contribute to a visual increase in the height of the room. It is better not to use pendant chandeliers and lamps, replacing them with flat ceiling lamps with frosted shades or a light panel. Holes for lighting fixtures should be made before the installation of the ceiling.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Do-it-yourself installation of a plasterboard ceiling box

After the installation is completed, the surface of a single-level structure should be puttied, primed and proceed with further design. Any methods of finishing drywall are available:

  • dyeing with water-based and acrylic water-based dyes;
  • gluing with non-woven or glass wallpaper;
  • finishing with decorative plaster.

Important! Do not neglect the putty and primer of drywall, since any paint and plaster will lie unevenly, and spots will appear on the ceiling that cannot be masked by anything. An unprimed surface covered with wallpaper will cause many problems in the form of deformation and the appearance of bubbles, and the next repair will require the replacement of the entire structure.

Simple single-level ceiling with a flat light for a small room

Two-level ceiling in a small room

Contrary to popular belief, small hallway design significantly wins when installing a two-level ceiling structure made of plasterboard.

  • A narrow rectangular, square, oval or figured second level gives a special sophistication to the interior, and the LED strip located between the levels visually expands the space.
  • Geometric figures recessed into the second level or patterns with built-in spotlights look no less advantageous.
  • A visual increase in space is facilitated by pasting the first level of the ceiling with light wallpaper with a glossy surface and the matte finish of the second by two or three tones darker.
  • White color goes well with cream, beige with light brown, pale pink with lilac.
  • Contrasting combinations of light green with beige, sand with turquoise, pearl gray with aquamarine look great.

Two-level design with lighting in a small hallway and a narrow corridor

When choosing colors for decorating a ceiling structure, one should not forget about the color palette of walls, floors, and hallway furniture. All elements should be in harmony with each other in color and style. To succumb to the temptation of a fashionable bright multi-color composition is risky, because unusual color combinations quickly go out of fashion, but even more quickly get bored and turn into a source of constant irritation.

Multi-level plasterboard ceilings in a spacious hallway

Suspended plasterboard ceilings in a spacious hallway are distinguished by a variety of design solutions. Extremely popular are multi-level compositions using curly elements, different types of lighting fixtures, including hidden lighting. The design of two- or three-level structures depends on the compatibility of the decorative elements of the composition with each other and on the overall style of the apartment.

  • Clear straight and broken lines, geometric shapes with sharp corners, cool contrasting colors in the ceiling design are suitable for the hallway in techno and retro styles of the 60s of the XX century.
  • Smooth lines, patterns, flowers of the figured ceiling fit perfectly into the design, decorated in classic, ethnic, Provencal, Mediterranean and other styles.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Wallpapering on drywall: is it possible to do without putty?

Multi-tiered design in a spacious hall

  • Rounded shapes and wavy figures of the second and third levels can be used for conditional zoning of the hall - marking the entrances to rooms and functional rooms, highlighting the areas of the dressing room, wardrobe, cabinets, benches for shoes, mirrors.

Among the advantages of multi-level compositions is the possibility of combining cut-in decorative elements with suspended structures, which gives a special flavor to the interior. Making a hall in a large high apartment with your own hands is quite difficult, so it’s worth looking at how the plasterboard ceilings in the hallway are finished, presented in the photo of apartment repair and decoration sites.


