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Principles for the selection of products for sealing

35. Display glass insertArmed with the above information about the variety of seals, you can safely go to a retail outlet and make a purchase, without forgetting to first measure the dimensions of the slots and determine the most suitable profile section.

Taking the product you like in your hands, the first thing you need to pay attention to is the information provided on the packaging. No matter how competent the sales assistant is, it is better to make sure, for example, what material a particular seal is made of and, in the version with a self-adhesive product, whether it is expired by a date limiting suitability.
Then you need to mock the insulation a little - try it by touch, squeeze it, stretch it - the main thing is to evaluate the product for elasticity and softness, and if the sealant has these qualities, after manipulation it returns to its original form, which means that the product is of high quality - you can take

If, in an everyday situation, the seller grumbles and swears, does not allow testing, this may be a hint at the poor quality of the goods.
If the choice is made and he fell on the seal without an adhesive surface, you need to take care of yourself, with which to attach the product to its proper place. In this case, you need to additionally purchase high-quality glue, for example, silicone sealant.

Some representatives

Today on the market you can find several types of heaters for plastic windows. To determine which one is better, you should evaluate their properties:

  • Rubber. Seals from this substance are among the most common. The black color of the material indicates that soot was used here, which gives strength to the product. Light rubber products are characterized by lower technical properties. The service life of such products can reach 10 years. It should be understood that this depends on the specific manufacturer and technology for obtaining the material.
  • Silicone. Seals from this substance feel great at temperatures from -40 to +100 degrees without losing their technical features. Also, the material does not age as quickly as similar products and is not subject to destruction under the influence of many aggressive substances. They are used very rarely, as they are very expensive.
  • EPDM. Thermopolymers are resistant to compression, which allows them to retain their original shape. The service life of such substances can reach 20 years. Such heaters are one of the most common and in demand on the market.

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How do you know if a window seal is worn out?

The minimum service life of sealing rubber is 5 years. And with proper care, it lasts for 10 years. If problems appeared earlier, it is better to pre-adjust and tighten the fittings. Only if this does not help, you need to start replacing the rubber bands on the plastic windows. There are several main signs of wear:

  • In the cold season, condensation appears on the profile around the opening doors.
  • There are visible defects on the rubber band: dents and cracking of the surface layer. She became stiff and lost her elasticity.
  • There are signs of depressurization. The room quickly gets cold, and with a strong wind it blows from the porch.
  • In frost, ice forms on the windowsill or the frame itself.
  • The level of sound insulation has decreased. You clearly hear the sounds of passing cars and the conversations of people on the street. In strong winds, there is an increased rumble and even a whistle.
  • Due to the increased humidity, foci of fungus or mold appear near the weakened porches.

If it is not possible to call the wizard to carry out diagnostics and repairs, the first thing you can do with your own hands is to lubricate and switch the adjusting pins to the “Winter” position.If nothing changes, move on to replacing the rubber itself.

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Price table for seals for wooden windows

We have a large selection of different types of seals in a wide range of colors: white, ivory, mahogany, brown, light oak, gray, black.

The cost is indicated per linear meter of the sealant, taking into account the departure of the master and all installation work.

If you did not find a similar seal in the table, do not be discouraged, call +7 (499) 755-87-29, the measuring engineer will definitely select the original or an analogue of the seal.

If a wooden window has been in operation for many decades and a draft blows through its cracks, cold penetrates in the winter, and the roar of a motor is heard from the street, then it is necessary to look for a way out. Today, this problem is solved very simply - by installing a sealant along the contour of the window structure.

Performing sealing work

The sealant has been purchased - you can proceed to install it on the window structure. If the product has a self-adhesive surface, installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  • the working surface is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, degreased and dried;
  • places on the frame or sash for gluing the seal are determined;
  • the insulation, if necessary, is divided, and then cut into pieces of the desired length;
  • the product, after the protective layer has been removed from it without stretching, is attached to a certain place along the perimeter with a slight pressure;
  • after 2 hours the window can be operated.

A seal without a self-adhesive surface is installed according to the same principle, with the only difference being that you yourself have to deal with the method of fastening. You can fix the insulation with a choice of silicone sealant, rubber glue or using a stapler.

35. Display glass insertAnother method of fastening the seal is called grooved, and it is performed according to Swedish technology.

  • The sashes are removed from the window frame, and a channel of the required dimensions is cut out along their contour at an angle of 45º towards the flashing.
  • At the location of the loops, a bypass is made, while up to 15 mm is left from each edge.
  • Chips and sawdust are removed from the groove made.
  • The tubular insulation is installed with a fold into the channel, after which it is pressed in with a roller, moreover, with back and forth movements to avoid product tension.
  • The sashes are returned back, the operability of the window is checked.

The insulation has been installed - now it will not blow from the wooden window, it will be warm in winter, and the noise of vehicles passing nearby will not be heard.

Types of seals for wooden windows

Before purchasing a sealant and engaging in its installation, first of all, it is necessary to study the range of these gasket products, and recently it has been quite rich and varied. The consumer needs to know that heaters differ in material, profile and installation method.

Depending on the installation method, seals are divided into:

  • insulation with adhesive mounting surface;
  • insulation, which are attached with glue;
  • heaters mounted through the groove.

35. Display glass insertThe density of pressing the sash to the frame largely depends on the cross-sectional size and configuration of the sealing product. A profile that is too thin to measure will not provide the necessary pressing between the structural elements, and too thick will prevent the window from closing. The configuration of the seal for wooden windows also affects the performance of the structure, therefore, for each specific case, one of the following profiles is selected, which is similar to Latin letters:

  • D - section for large gaps (size not more than 11 mm);
  • P - section for medium gaps (size in the range from 3 to 7 mm);
  • E, V - section for small gaps (size not more than 3 mm);
  • C, I - section for small gaps (size not more than 1 mm).

Of great importance for the quality of the seal is the material of manufacture, the characteristics of which determine the tightness of the sash to the frame and the service life of the product itself.

  • Foam rubber seals are mainly used to prevent heat loss in rooms. Since this material strongly absorbs moisture and is fragile, the period of effective operation does not exceed 12 months. The given heaters are produced with a thickness of 10 mm to several cm, with or without an adhesive surface.
  • Polyethylene seals have an identical purpose, in addition, they are moisture resistant, restore their shape well, serve for a relatively long time, and can be produced self-adhesive.
  • Polyvinyl chloride seals, the basis of which is plastic, do not stand out in anything special - they soften greatly in warm weather, and become brittle on frosty days.
  • Rubber heaters are the most demanded and popular today. They are heat-resistant and durable, elastic and flexible, made in different colors and sections.

Why do you need a sealant for wooden windows

Window systems made of wood, although they are of high quality and environmentally friendly, are unstable in terms of operation. Under the influence of temperature changes, high humidity, ultraviolet rays and other aggressive environmental factors, they dry out, crack or swell from moisture. All these processes lead to the fact that gaps are formed between the sash and the frame, through which cold, dust and street noise penetrate into the room.

Thanks to the sealant for wooden windows, you can hide the emerging gaps and reliably protect the home from blowing. The sealing layers are an elastic profile made of elastic materials (silicone, PVC, rubber, polyethylene), which has a complex section in the form of the letters P, C, D, E, V. Its main purpose is to press the sash tightly against the frame structure and eliminate drafts behind tightly closing windows.

The use of a sealant for wooden windows gives homeowners many significant advantages:

  • creating an ideal microclimate in the room;
  • reduced heating costs;
  • providing high sound insulation of the house;
  • reducing the level of humidity and dampness in the rooms;
  • extending the life of a wooden window by eliminating condensate and reducing wear on the sashes.

A well-made seal for wooden windows will become an insurmountable barrier to weather and precipitation, as well as provide more comfortable use of double-glazed windows and their better opening / closing without squeaking or popping.

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3 way Self-adhesive foam tape convenient and reliable insulation of a wooden window

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You can buy such a heater in any store, it is easy to work with it, although the whole process takes a lot of time.

35. Display glass insert

The procedure for laying an elastic, elastic material - foam tape, for insulation and insulation:

  • we measure along the perimeter the joints between the window sashes and the window frame;
  • we take into account the width of the gaps, and buy a foam tape a little thicker than necessary when measuring;
  • we clean the attachment points from dust and dirt and degrease the surface with alcohol or acetone;
  • remove the protective base and stick the insulation on the pre-planned area.

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For better tightness, it is necessary to pass self-adhesive paper on top, which is better to remove in the spring, and the foam rubber can be left and used for several seasons.

Replacing the seal on plastic, aluminum windows and doors

window seal - this is a sealing rubber that is placed in a groove around the entire perimeter of the window sash and frame. Due to the sealant, a tight abutment of the sash to the window frame is created, thereby protecting the room from cold, moisture and noise.

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If your windows are no longer new and they have ceased to perform the main task - to keep the heat in the house, and they also began to let in dust and noise, then the problem may be in the worn seal of the porch. Our experts will select the right type of seal and replace it. You can buy a retail gasket from 1 meter in our office and replace it yourself

It is not enough just to replace the rubber band with a new one; it is important to adjust the windows for it after installing the new sealant. Therefore, after installing a new sealant, the craftsmen will adjust the windows for the new sealant, and also lubricate the fittings

Below are the prices for the replacement of the sealant per linear meter of the sealant. The price includes labor + material. On a single-leaf window, an average of 8 meters of sealant is spent (sealant on the sash and frame).

Service Price, rub.) Units
1. Replacing the seal in plastic windows 130 p.m.
2. Replacing the seal with a German Schlegel Q-Lon seal in plastic windows 250 220 (until October 1) p.m.
3. Replacing seals in aluminum windows 190 p.m.
4. Replacing seals in wooden windows 200 p.m.
5. Replacing the seal with a German seal Shlegel Q-Lon in wooden windows 270 p.m.
Departure of the master in St. Petersburg is 500 rubles.

Call us at +7(812) 642-99-10; +7(967) 343-57-00 and we will quickly come to your aid.

Why you should order a seal replacement from us:

  • We work strictly according to the price list that each master has with him
  • We have craftsmen who are engaged in the repair of windows, and not their installation
  • we provide a guarantee for the work, as well as documents for the work performed
  • masters arrive at the exact time you specified
  • quality materials, as well as low prices for services

Other types of products

Window insulation can also be obtained from such substances:

  • PVC. The materials differ in a relatively simple manufacturing algorithm and low price, which led to their fairly wide distribution. Among the disadvantages are poor elasticity and thermal stability, as well as loss of plasticity after exposure to low temperatures.
  • thermoplastic rubber. The material is perfectly springy, which gives it unique properties. This substance also lends itself very well to thermal welding. The disadvantages include a decrease in elasticity at low temperatures. Modern modifications of TPE V and PP / EPDM seals are already distinguished by their high-quality indicators of heat resistance and the ability to retain their shape.

When choosing a sealant for plastic windows, first of all, you need to operate on what tasks it should solve and only then make a final decision.

8 way Insulation and modernization of a wooden window

An effective way to insulate a window is its partial reconstruction and modernization. This method will keep the heat in the room and limit the passage of cold air through the window perimeter. In this case, the sashes will open freely, and the external design of the window will not be disturbed in any way. The task of this method is not only to insulate, but also to reduce the penetration of noise and sounds into the room through the window.

Hard work takes time and patience. We remove the window from the hinges and lay it on the table or on the floor. Along the entire perimeter, it is necessary to remove the glazing beads, if necessary, we replace it. We take out the glass from the frame, carefully clean the grooves on the frame for its installation, then fill the joints with sealant. We install it in its original place, and for a greater effect we pass with silicone around its entire perimeter. We put glazing beads and nail with carnations.

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If you have already completed the difficult work of dismantling the frame, then make a small repair: remove the old varnish and paint and apply a new paint and varnish coating, replace the fittings, install new locking devices.

It must be remembered that work with polyurethane foam can only be carried out at positive temperatures not lower than + 5 °.


There are many domestic manufacturers involved in the production of seals.These are the big companies:

  • Tekoplast;
  • Aviora;
  • Lada-Imid;
  • Kim Tec;
  • Bison;
  • Cyclone;
  • Ultima.

There are also little-known enterprises:

  • MZEP;
  • VZRTI.

When buying expensive materials, you should carefully study the packaging, because it contains basic information about the purpose and technical data.

Properly and efficiently installed heaters prevent the penetration of cold air and harmful gases from the street into the room, create a feeling of comfort and serve as good heat insulators.

In conclusion, you can watch a video that gives useful practical tips:


