Passive methods of water pipe insulation
It is necessary to take measures so that the water in the underground pipe does not freeze in a private house at the stage of building construction (laying communications). For this, passive, that is, without the use of energy sources, methods of protecting the pipeline are used. These include:
- arrangement of a trench for an external highway below the freezing depth by 15 ... 20%;
- backfilling the trench and backfilling the pipe with crushed stone, expanded clay or other material that provides a quick runoff of water that has leaked from the surface;
- the use of thick-walled pipelines of large diameter, the creation of a slope towards the well or well;
- organization of a heat-insulating layer around the pipeline and its connection points with intra-house communications;
- docking the main line with the water supply and / or sewerage inside the house with easily removable elements - this will allow you to quickly check the pipeline for ice plugs and eliminate them.
Materials for thermal insulation of water and sewer pipes
Basic requirements for heat-insulating materials for passive protection of pipes:
- minimum heat transfer coefficient;
- maximum resistance to moisture penetration into the insulator;
- resistance to the action of the environment, chemical and physical (pressure, impacts);
- durability;
- for pipelines with hot water - the ability to work at high pipe temperatures without loss of operational properties.
Such requirements are met by insulating boxes made of foam, polyurethane foam, basalt wool with or without an external protective layer. As a protective (and additional heat-insulating) layer, metal foil and a polymer coating are used. Glass wool and mineral wool are also applicable, however, the production of these materials in the form of a roll or mats requires the mandatory use of additional winding on the outside of roofing material, polyethylene, fiberglass. In more detail, the comparative characteristics of insulating materials for outdoor work are discussed in a feature article.
Heat-insulating paint (coating) is considered an innovation in the construction market. It is applied with a spray gun, the thickness of the layer is regulated by the operating conditions. This material is especially convenient in hard-to-reach areas and for restoring damaged fragments of thermal insulation.
In the case when thermal insulation is performed after a long period of operation (the pipes in the country house are frozen, it was decided to insulate them), the material variant is used that allows the conditions for laying the pipeline. So, for pipes laid directly in the ground, it is necessary to deepen and expand the trench in the area so that a layer of insulation can be laid. For the fragments entering the house, straight and curved boxes made of insulating materials are used.
In the absence of corner elements or inconsistency of their diameter with the required one, the sectional cutting method is used so that the fragments tightly cover the pipe at the bend.
Tip 3 Melt the ice, don't heat the pipe
And what if the water in the plastic pipe froze? Here the above methods will be useless or even dangerous for the integrity of the pipeline. Therefore, it is worth going in a more accurate way, which, by the way, is quite applicable to iron products. Before describing it, I will immediately note its main advantages:
- Absolute safety in relation to the pipes and the health of the person performing the defrosting process;
- High efficiency and visual results. The procedure can take a lot of time, but in the end, success is still guaranteed to you;
- Minimum financial costs. You may have to buy something, but you definitely won’t need any expensive equipment;
- Ease of execution.You do not need to have any special skills and abilities, it will be enough to accurately follow the instructions I have given below.
An example of a suitable hydraulic level
Steel wire with a diameter of 2 to 4 mm. Calculate the length depending on how far the frozen place is from the point at which you penetrate the pipeline;
The simplest plastic bucket
- We take one of the ends of the hydraulic level and attach the edge of the wire to it so that the tube protrudes 10 mm. You can simply wrap plastic with steel, you can fix it with adhesive tape, the main thing is that the connection is strong and sharp fragments do not stick out of it that can damage the pipeline from the inside;
- We connect the other end of the measuring device to the outlet of Esmarch's mug;
- Now the edge that we begin to gently push into the pipeline with the wire;
Implementation scheme of the described procedure
In 60 minutes, this method can free up to 100 cm of the pipeline and, as I noted above, without any significant risks.
There is also a way to destroy ice by introducing a bare wire into the pipe, but if you are an electrician, then you yourself will guess how it works, and if not, then it will be too dangerous for you, which means it’s better not to focus on it at all
How to thaw a frozen water pipe 4 effective ways
When the outside temperature drops below normal, and you notice that the plumbing is frozen, do not rush to buy new pipes. There are proven ways to help you deal with this problem.
Using hot water
If you find or are 100% sure that the section of your water supply is frozen in an “open” place where you can use boiling water to heat the pipe, then use boiling water. Before that, take a rag and wrap the pipe around. It will take all the water and increase the time of interaction of boiling water with the pipe. Pour hot water until the ice is completely melted. To speed up the process, you can turn on the faucet.
Use a building hair dryer
With the help of hot air from a building hair dryer, the ice can be easily melted. The owners of such hair dryers recommend hanging a plastic film over the heating pipe. So heat loss will decrease significantly, which will allow the hair dryer to work most efficiently. You can also use a hair dryer along with a steam generator.
To do this, use a welding machine. To warm the pipe in this way, you need to connect one wire (plus) to one end of the pipe, and the second (minus) to the second end. In just a couple of minutes, the ice will melt. The principle of operation of this method is similar to a boiler. The advantage of using electric current is that only water is heated. The transformer wires remain cold. This will prevent the plastic pipe from melting with the water. The disadvantage of the method is that a transformer is needed.
Find specialists
You can not suffer on your own, but simply call professionals. They will have special means for warming ice. For example, a hydrodynamic installation. She washes not only water pipes, but also sewer pipes. The installation supplies hot water under powerful pressure, from which the ice gradually melts. With high pressure, the ice in the pipe disappears very quickly.
Which way to choose is up to you. Consider your ability and ability to thaw pipes yourself without incident. And if you doubt that you can do everything right, it is better to call a specialist.
The main question is how not to defrost a container of water
One of the popular old-fashioned methods of how not to defrost a container of water is the use of logs. To do this, logs should be lowered into the container. Today, instead of such logs, ordinary plastic bottles are already used. They are covered with sand, closed with a cork and left in a container of water for the whole winter.
There is another method how not to defrost a container of water.To do this, you need to dig a hole of 2 cubic meters. Next, we cover it in two layers with polyethylene. It must be thick and durable. We lower the container with water into the pit and bury it. It is allowed to leave a couple of centimeters of the container on the surface.
Today, these two methods are the most common among summer residents.
Why does water freeze in a well in winter?
The only solution to the problem of freezing of the water intake source is the thermal insulation of the shaft, the cover, the underground part of the pipeline and the premises where the equipment is located. But, before starting work, it is necessary to find out why the water in the well freezes.
In severe frost, it is impossible to quickly get rid of the ice shell
Main reasons:
- Shallow water depth. If the water is above the freezing level of the soil, then it is likely that when the air temperature is below -5 - -7 ° C, the source will become unusable.
- Lack of insulation of the walls of the mine. Concrete, reinforced concrete are heat-conducting materials. In frost, such walls cool quickly, and the water freezes.
- Open cap. A wooden house protects water well from the cold, but if it is not possible to equip a full-fledged house, you can get by with a home-made insulating cover.
Natural wood has excellent thermal protection properties: in such a well, water does not freeze
Incorrect laying of pipes in the ground, shallow trench depth. Even if the outlet pipeline is installed below the freezing level of the ground, insulation must be used.
In a metal pipe without insulation, water will freeze
Lack of thermal protection at the places where the pipe is inserted into the mine or into the house above the ground, the position of the slope is too high relative to the water surface.
There are cases when the thickness of the water supply is only 20 mm, its length is about 50 meters, but the depth of the passage is about 80 cm (this is very small), and in places where excavation is not recommended (on the roadway, for example). Utilities in such situations recommend waiting for a thaw - but this is not an option.
To defrost a plastic pipe in this case, you can use a homemade device. To assemble it, you need a plug for an outlet, a two-core copper wire, a compressor and a hose for pumping water. For our example, let's take a wire with a cross section of 2.5-3 mm, an 8 mm car fuel hose and a car compressor or pump.
On a small section of the wire, the outer insulation is removed, the cores are separated. First, one of the cores is stripped of insulation, and the remaining insulated piece of wire is carefully, trying not to damage the sheath, bent in the opposite direction along the wire. Now, almost at the bend, the wire is screwed with 3-5 tight turns of bare wire. Departing from this place 2-3 mm, the same manipulations are performed with the second vein. Make sure that the ends of the two strands do not touch each other.
On the other side of the wire, a plug and a “bulbulator” are attached. Such a unit supplies electric current directly to the water, as a result of which a reaction occurs with the release of a large amount of heat. In this case, it is also ideal that only water is heated, while the wires remain cold, which does not threaten accidental burns of polyethylene pipes.
So, we push the wire into the water supply, making sure that it does not bend, before contact with ice. Next, turn on the device for a couple of minutes and wait until the ice begins to melt. After that, you need to turn off the device and try to move the wire further away. Similarly, we first defrost one meter of water supply.
Now it's time to remove the melt water from the pipe using a compressor to reduce the volume of heated water and avoid re-freezing of the pipe. If you have special equipment, a faucet can be welded onto the pipe, which can be closed as soon as water flows through the pipe.This will avoid flooding the place of work with the cork and not pulling the wire out of the pipe.
We use steam
And a few more alternatives that use steam. It should be noted that they are used infrequently only because installations that produce steam are not cheap pleasure.
steam generator
- Use of a steam generator. His hose is inserted into the pipeline, where steam is pumped.
- Using an autoclave. This is an installation that works on the basis of boiling water. The process itself is exactly the same as in the case of the steam generator. That is, a hose connected to an autoclave is inserted into the water pipe, through which steam from boiling water enters the route.
- The use of a hydrodynamic machine. This is a professional equipment, which is based on the process of heating water and supplying it under pressure inside the water line.
All three options are very effective. If the water inlet to the house or the entire route is frozen, then with their help it is possible to warm the pipes in a few minutes.
So, the answer to the question was given, the water in the house froze - what to do? In the proposed technologies, there are very simple methods that do not require large expenditures, there are quite serious options based on the use of special equipment. If the problem is not very big, then you can get by with small funds. If everything is very difficult, then it is better to call specialists. They will not only solve the problem of defrosting, but also help prevent future troubles.
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The water in the pipes freezes from the inside at temperatures below -7 degrees Celsius. When water freezes, it expands according to the laws of physics. This is the main cause of burst pipes in the winter season. Therefore, it is necessary to identify in advance places in the house where the temperature can potentially drop below -7 degrees and prevent freezing. After all, this temperature can easily freeze the water in the pipe in your house. When making a well or a well, you need to think over the water supply system for your home in advance.
If, nevertheless, the pipe is frozen and damaged, then you will have to change it. These are extra expenses from your wallet. If the tuba is simply frozen and there is no damage, then you can try to warm it up. Therefore, it is worth taking care of problem areas on the street under the ground where your pipes pass.
You should check the basement of your house. If it is too cold in it in winter, then you should think about additional heating of the basement. Next, you should insulate all doors and windows so that cold air does not spread through your home. These rules will help to avoid lowering the temperature in the house, and, accordingly, the freezing of pipes.
In many homes, water supply is carried out through plastic pipes. If you find that your pipe is frozen in winter, then you should warm it up well.
In order to do this, you will need to take:
- hardened steel wire with a diameter of 3 mm;
- long hydraulic level;
- enema;
- 100 liters of boiling water;
- metal bucket;
- wire cutters;
- two-core copper wire;
- a regular plug for an outlet;
- pump;
- irrigation hose;
- a pipe with a tap at the end;
- 100 liter barrel;
- boiler.
First of all, make the wire straight. Prepare the hydraulic level. Wrap one end of the wire into a loop. Connect the loop to the hydraulic level tube with electrical tape. The level head should protrude 1 centimeter. Take the electrical tape and connect the wire with the level for the entire length. Attach the remaining end of the hydro level to the enema. Now put the wire with the tube into the plastic pipe where your water has frozen. Move it until you feel that you have rested on the ice. Now inject boiling water with an enema and push the wire into the tube. Place a bucket at the end of the pipeline so that cold water flows.
Next, remove the insulation from the copper wire. Make a few turns of bare wire at the end. Make the coils so that they are close to each other.Cut off the excess with pliers. Strip the second part of the wire and wind it in the same way as described above. In the end, you will have a device called a "burbulator".
Now again push the wire into the frozen pipe until you feel the ice. Plug the burbulator into a power outlet and run the wire along the pipe. Pump out the water gradually with the compressor. This will help you warm the water in the plastic pipe.
Hot water pouring
Here it is worth noting right away that you will not be able to simply pour hot water into the pipe - you will have to work hard. A flexible hose or thin tube is required to supply hot liquid to the place of the ice plug. For example, if a plug formed on a straight section of a pipe with a diameter of 25-30 mm, you can use a thin metal-plastic tube with a cross section of 16 mm.
Having straightened a thin tube, it is gradually pushed into the water supply until it reaches the ice plug. Next, the hot water supply starts. Melt water will pour out through the gap between the water supply and the working tube. To save money, this water can be reheated and fed to the cork to thaw it.
As the ice thaws, the metal-plastic tube is gradually pushed inward until the cork is completely pierced. It is worth noting that on winding sections of the water supply, you can only use a rigid hose instead of a pipe.
Applying electricity
Another option that answers the question of how to heat water in a private house. For this, electricity is used. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the use of electric current is always a dangerous business. Therefore, it is not recommended to use this option for defrosting the water supply. But, as an alternative, you need to know it.
For this, a conventional two-wire wire is used, the cores of which must be disconnected and stripped for a length of 20 cm, that is, freed from insulation. The bare wire is twisted to a size of 8-10 cm.
Now the prepared two-wire wire is pushed into the pipeline to the ice plug. After that, it is connected to a 220 volt supply network. The water inside the pipe begins to boil and defrost the ice. In fact, the forked wire acts as a heating element. As it thaws, it will need to be moved inward.
Heating cable against ice
The easiest and most affordable method of warming up a frozen metal water pipe is to use it. They are sold in stores and are inexpensive, so they are available to everyone.
Assembling the heating cable is very easy - there is an instruction for this. But it is worth remembering some nuances in using a heating cable:
- you do not need to turn on this device all the time - it is enough to use it only at night and when forecasting severe frosts;
- be sure to ensure that the heating cable does not completely “leave” to the pipes - leave a small fragment for control;
- the heating cable is able to heat pipes up to 40 degrees;
- this device can be used to defrost water pipes and prevent further freezing of both plastic and metal pipes.
: it is advisable to use the heating drops immediately during the installation of the pipeline. The main thing is to choose the right type of cable based on your goals (the cable can be simple or with a self-regulating system).
How to warm up plastic pipes
Traditional methods used to eliminate ice blockages in a metal pipeline are not suitable for plastic pipes. You can not kindle a fire next to the pipe, use a welding machine, and also try to insert a metal rod into the pipe (you will either not achieve a result at all, or damage the pipeline). Only 2 methods are considered effective, which we will describe below.
Defrosting plastic pipes with a building hair dryer
If the water supply is installed from plastic pipes, then in no case should they be heated with an open fire - it is better to use a building hair dryer. In this case, you should not count on a quick result, because. plastic is a very poor conductor of heat.
If such a tool is not available, then you will have to resort to the old-fashioned method: a frozen pipe is wrapped in rags and boiling water is poured on them. It is necessary to achieve continuous spilling / warming up of the frozen section of the pipe for 20-30 minutes.
Please note: before you start heating plastic pipes, you need to open the tap - even slightly thawed water under pressure will find a way out
Pouring hot water into pipes
If the plastic plumbing is frozen, pouring hot water inside is considered the most effective way to solve the problem. It is necessary to find the junction of two pipe sections closest to the freezing point, unwind them and insert a hollow tube into the ice accumulation area (a gas or oxygen hose will do). Hot water must be supplied through it - it will act directly on the ice and quickly defrost it.
The ice has thawed a little, but there is still no water coming from the tap? So, you need to move on - move the tube or try to direct a stream of boiling water into the middle of the ice plug.
After the water comes out of the tap, you can assemble the system back. If the freezing area is located at the entrance to the house or garage, then you can insert a tube with boiling water into the section of the water supply, which is located in the room.
You can also use Esmarch's mug to defrost water pipes. You will need a hydraulic level, a steel wire with a diameter of 2-4 mm (we wrap the tube of the hydraulic level with it) and a medical device used for cleansing enemas (Esmarch's mug). The pipe defrosting scheme is shown below:
It will take a lot of time for the water supply to completely unfreeze: in an hour of work, you will release approximately 0.8 - 1.0 m of pipe from ice.
How to measure battery temperature correctly
When the issue with the coolant is clarified, you can think about how to measure the temperature of the battery in the apartment. This is easy to do in the following ways:
- Use a regular household thermometer. It must be attached to the battery and wait for the moment when it heats up. To account for the error, it is better to add 1-2 degrees to the obtained data.
- Use an alcohol thermometer by attaching it to the radiator with adhesive tape, and then insulating it with an insulating material, such as foam rubber. The information obtained by this method is indicative in dynamics. The device can be left for a long period to constantly monitor the situation.
- Use an infrared thermometer. In practice, they are distinguished by a small error, moreover, they do not require direct contact with the heater. And the result is given instantly.
- Use an electrical measuring device with a thermal ramp and a sensor. The sensor is installed on the battery, and the device, when the “measure temperature” function is selected, shows its value.
How to find out the temperature of the coolant in the batteries
When there are doubts about the quality of the heating services provided, and the inhabitants of the apartment simply begin to freeze, measures should be taken to establish the cause. To do this, measure the temperature:
- air in the room;
- pipes;
- batteries;
- coolant - water in the heating system.
The data obtained will help to understand whether the room is really unreasonably cold or whether it is just a subjective feeling.
It must be taken into account that independent measurements of heating indicators are not direct evidence of a violation of the norms. However, they can serve as the basis for filing a complaint and inviting representatives of the service organization for control measurements.
We determine the temperature of the water in the central system
It should be noted that it is not so easy to reliably measure the temperature of the coolant in the central heating system. The most accurate indicator is only the air temperature in the room. However, you can do the following:
- Open the tap, if it is installed on the radiator in the apartment.
- Substitute a container under it, after placing a thermometer there.
- Collect water.
- Wait for the final reading of the thermometer.
This indicator must comply with the described standards, but upward deviation from them is also allowed. Maximum temperature deviation - up to 4 °C.
In addition, if air is detected in the heating system of the apartment, you should contact the service organization.
We determine the indicators of hot water
There is another way to establish the truth, related to the fact that the temperature of the heating batteries in the apartment and the indicators of hot water supply are directly dependent. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the degree of water like this:
- Open hot faucet.
- Wait 3 minutes for the water to heat up to the maximum value.
- Take a container and substitute it under the stream without closing the tap.
- Immerse the thermometer in the center of the container.
- Wait for final instrument readings.
If the device shows a number from 60 to 75 ° C, everything is normal with the coolant. If the temperature data is lower, it is possible that the water in the heating system is not heated enough.
Temperature norms of the heating system in an apartment building
The heating scheme in apartment buildings is built in conjunction with a centralized system to which pipes are connected. Through them, the coolant is sent to an apartment building, where its further supply is regulated by inlet valves. After that, the water leaves through the risers and eventually enters the batteries and radiators of each apartment.
The processes described, as well as everything related to the rules for providing the population with communal resources, are reflected in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter - Decree No. 354). Requirements for the quality of heating are fixed in section VI of Appendix No. 1 to the rules of Decree No. 354.
In addition, detailed rules for the provision of heating services are prescribed in the Order of Rosstandart dated June 11, 2014 No. 544-st “GOST R 51617-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Public Utilities. General requirements” (hereinafter referred to as GOST R 51617-2014) and “GOST 30494-2011. Interstate standard. Buildings residential and public. Indoor microclimate parameters”, approved by order of Rosstandart dated July 12, 2012 No. 191-st (hereinafter referred to as GOST 30494-2011).
These acts establish the parameters of the coolant of the heating system of an apartment building. Thus, the temperature of the heat carrier (water) when supplied to the system is equal to the temperature of the water when it leaves the heating boiler. As a rule, the coolant should be brought to a temperature of 130-150 ° C, but this figure also depends on the temperature outside in the region.
Typically, the water leaving the boiler should be 115 °C.
However, the standard temperature in the heating system can be within 95 ° C or 105 ° C (for different systems).
Further, to create comfortable conditions in the room, the proper condition of the parameters of the riser, which conducts water from the heating unit to the apartment, is ensured. They differ depending on the summer and winter seasons.
Of course, in practice, the temperature of the coolant in the riser depends on the operation of the CHP and on heat losses on the way to the house. However, the temperature of the riser in winter should be in the range of 70-90 ° C.
How to defrost a plastic pipe indoors
When we say that plastic pipes are frozen indoors, this means that they have free access.For example, they can be located in the attic or in the basement, that is, in places where there is no heating.
In this case, the defrosting process can be performed in several ways:
With hot water. The frozen area is wrapped with a cloth and poured with hot water. The operating time depends on the length of the ice plug. The thawed pipe must be covered with insulation to prevent it from refreezing.
- With the help of a building hot air gun. A jet of warm air is directed from the hair dryer to the surface of the pipe. Despite the high efficiency of this method, such work is considered dangerous. If the air is too hot, the PVC may simply melt. Therefore, the temperature of the hair dryer must be set to a minimum.
- Using electrical heating. The metal-plastic pipe is wrapped with an electric heating wire, which is connected to the mains. The wire is wound in turns. If there is a small frozen area, defrosting occurs quickly enough. Heating plastic water pipes takes up to 3 hours.
Tip 2 Use an artificial temperature rise against the ice
Do-it-yourself heating of the pipeline from freezing by raising its temperature is possible only if it is made of metal. You will only damage the plastic construction. And taking into account the fact that the frozen liquid tends to expand, it is desirable to react quickly, until the pipes burst.
Whichever way you choose from the methods listed below, you should follow some general rules in order to avoid the unpleasant consequences of your activities:
Open the faucet before starting work
so that the melted water has somewhere to move; -
Do not heat the frozen area from the middle
. After all, again, there will be no way out, and it is not known where this will lead; -
Heat the water supply system from the tap to the riser, and the sewer, on the contrary, from the riser to the tap
. This will also provide a controlled outflow of melt water; -
First of all, investigate the place of freezing, evaluate it and select the best method of warming up
Boiling water
This elementary and incredibly cheap method is suitable even for plastic products, since the least resistant to high temperatures polypropylene pipes can withstand heating up to 90-100 degrees Celsius. But it has two important drawbacks:
- Possibility of application only to open sections of the pipeline. If crystallization has occurred, for example, underground, then you simply will not get there with a kettle;
- Low efficiency. Frankly speaking, there is little benefit from pouring boiling water over pipes. Unless we are talking about a very small ice plug in a thin product.
Blowtorch or industrial hair dryer
The action plan here is simple:
Turn on the device;
We methodically drive an outgoing stream of hot air or flame over the frozen area, observing all the above precautions.
Efficiency in this case, of course, increases significantly in comparison with the method described above, but access is still limited to only visible gaps in the highway.
If you once bothered to install a heating cable, then to remove ice from the pipeline using electricity, you just need to turn on the appropriate toggle switch. But if you have not done this, then you need to get a welding machine somewhere and make the pipe itself a heating element. After all, everyone remembers that the metal heats up when an electric current passes through it?
The instruction for unfreezing an object in this case will be more complicated:
- We connect the terminals to the edges of the proposed ice plug. It is noteworthy that here it is enough to have only some points of the pipeline open, and not the entire freezing zone, which greatly expands the possibilities of the described method;
- We set the power on the regulator to the minimum;
- We click the power on toggle switch and let the device work for thirty seconds;
- Then we turn it off for a minute so that the equipment “rests”. Burning it is a simple matter, but very costly;
- We repeat the procedure several times. If there is no overheating of the pipe in the process, then you can increase the power;
- After the thawed water begins to drip from the tap, we warm up several more times, after which we turn off the device completely. It is not necessary to completely melt the ice, it is enough to make a gap in it so that the rest is completed by the water flow;
- The tap should not be closed for some more time in order to clean the pipeline from the remnants of icing as best as possible.
How to act if the rules are violated
If it is found that the batteries in the apartment are cold, you should find out if this is a problem exclusively for this room or if all residents of the house have encountered it. A collective appeal always attracts more attention than an individual one.
In case of unsatisfactory quality of heating, which does not comply with SNiP, a complaint can be filed:
- to a service organization: a homeowners association, a management company, a housing construction cooperative;
- resource supply company;
- emergency dispatch service;
- housing inspection. It usually has a special hotline for such requests.
Organizations will take the complaint over the phone and then register it. After that, specialists will establish and eliminate the cause of the lack of heating, fixing the violation.
Later, on the basis of the act of inspection of heating networks, a recalculation for the period of lack of heat takes place.
If the above organizations do not take any measures to restore heating, you should file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office.