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Noise from neighbors and equipment

It is necessary to distinguish between the noise produced by the behavior of neighbors in an apartment building and the noise produced by equipment that can be located both in the residential building itself (elevator noise, noise from air conditioners, ventilation systems, refrigeration equipment of shops located in the basement and 1st floor of the house), and outside it (the noise of equipment located in nearby residential buildings, buildings and structures).

About some aspects of solving the problem of noisy behavior of neighbors, methods of dealing with them, responsibility for noise at night, and so on. see the publication “Neighbours are noisy. What to do? Silence law. Arbitrage practice"

Side effects of soundproofing an apartment

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The side effects of carrying out a set of works to reduce noise in an apartment building include the following.

  1. Thermal insulation. Since all materials used to absorb or dissipate noise have a porous base containing air, which is a poor conductor of cold, installing soundproofing walls will not only isolate sound, but also the cold penetrating into the room from walls and ceilings.
  2. acoustic effect. If you correctly soundproof the entire area of ​​​​the room, you can achieve a good acoustic effect. Indoors, it will be possible to install a high-quality acoustic system, listening to which in a non-isolated room will not create the desired effect, since some of the sound frequencies will be absorbed by surfaces, and some will mix with extraneous noise.
  3. Evaporation and ingress of particles of materials into the air. This is a negative effect that can occur with poor-quality work done or with the use of low-quality materials.

When choosing a manufacturer or supplier, it will also not be superfluous to inquire about the company's products and reputation, read consumer reviews, and, in case of purchase, require a certificate certifying product quality.

Nimble and noisy neighbors

Skin vector people love to be on the move. Competitive and ambitious. Their innate desire is to mine and preserve. Such people strive to climb the career ladder. They want to be more successful than others and earn more money. They spend a lot of time working. Therefore, they are not heard. But you can hear their children. After all, during the day they can freely run, jump, turn on speakers loudly, playing computer games.

However, if your neighbors are young owners of the skin vector, guests cannot be avoided. It will be the same energetic and cheerful guys - friends in the sports club or classmates. They will not sit quietly at the table.

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By changing the situation in the apartment, they satisfy their desire for novelty for a while, if there are no other possibilities.

To achieve mutual understanding with a neighbor, it is important to talk to him through his value systems. For example, when explaining your position to a neighbor with an anal vector, you can mention children who cannot sleep because of the noise.

About grandparents who need silence. It is important to tell the truth though.

The fact is that in a person with an anal vector, speech and thinking are straightforward. Such a person does not accept evasions, he himself prefers to tell the truth and expects the same from others. He has an excellent memory. He remembers both the good and the bad. When he finds out that he was told a lie, he will either stop trusting his neighbor or harbor a grudge. And offended, he is able to play dirty tricks in revenge.

But a person with a skin vector has completely different values. You can negotiate with him, given his desire to extract, the ability to save money and the ability to limit himself in order to achieve a result.Based on this, a conversation with him should be built on the principle of “benefit-benefit” or “freedom and restrictions”. For example, recall the law or come to an agreement on the time when it stops making noise. And make it convenient for both you and him.

Which houses are the noisiestNewsAltai newsNews of Barnaul

The procedure for soundproofing

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When performing work to limit or get rid of noise in an apartment building, in order to obtain the maximum effect, it is advisable to professionally perform measurements and calculations. For such work, it is best to involve specialists from the acoustic laboratory, who can determine the location, nature and intensity of the source of extraneous noise.

Also, experts will perform calculations that will show how many decibels should be done to reduce the noise in the room in order to achieve maximum comfort. If necessary, they will draw up a project that will allow you to complete the necessary scope of work without spending money on unnecessary or ineffective measures.

When carrying out work in an apartment building to protect an apartment from noisy neighbors from above, it should be remembered that there is a restriction both on the types of work and on the list of structures that can be worked with.

If a person who wants to soundproof a ceiling or walls violates the requirements of regulatory documents or the rules of the Housing Code, then penalties may be incurred for such work.

If, having a project or calculations with sketches in hand, the owner of an apartment or house decides to involve professional craftsmen or a contractor in the work, then he will only have to wait for the work to be completed and evaluate the result.

In the event that he decides to do the work himself, then in addition to having the necessary experience and skills, he will also have to perform all the work consistently, otherwise all the efforts and money spent may be wasted.

In most cases, in apartment buildings walls and the ceiling has joints that should be puttied, and the surfaces carefully leveled. All work surfaces must be dried before starting work, all work can only be carried out at a positive temperature, preferably not lower than 25 degrees Celsius.

Before installing panels or guide rails, walls should be covered with a special vapor-permeable film that will ensure air circulation and prevent moisture from entering the structure.

The presence of such a film in the prefabricated structure (when using guide rails and drywall) is necessary, since without it condensate can penetrate inside, which subsequently provokes the appearance of fungus.

When carrying out installation work, you should follow the instructions and recommendations of the manufacturer of materials. At all stages of work, the room must be ventilated to ensure smooth drying of the installed structures and materials, preventing their shrinkage and deformation.

How sound travels in space

Category: Physics

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Sound travels through sound waves. These waves pass not only through gases and liquids, but also through solids. The action of any waves is mainly in the transfer of energy. In the case of sound, transport takes the form of minute movements at the molecular level.

In gases and liquids, a sound wave shifts molecules in the direction of its movement, that is, in the direction of the wavelength. In solids, sound vibrations of molecules can also occur in the direction perpendicular to the wave.

Sound waves propagate from their sources in all directions, as shown in the figure to the right, which shows a metal bell periodically colliding with its tongue. These mechanical collisions cause the bell to vibrate. The energy of vibrations is imparted to the molecules of the surrounding air, and they are pushed away from the bell.As a result, pressure increases in the air layer adjacent to the bell, which then spreads in waves in all directions from the source.

The speed of sound is independent of volume or tone. All sounds from the radio in the room, whether loud or soft, high or low, reach the listener at the same time.

The speed of sound depends on the type of medium in which it propagates and on its temperature. In gases, sound waves travel slowly because their rarefied molecular structure does little to oppose compression. In liquids, the speed of sound increases, and in solids it becomes even faster, as shown in the diagram below in meters per second (m/s).

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wave path

Sound waves propagate in air in a manner similar to that shown in the diagrams to the right. Wave fronts move from the source at a certain distance from each other, determined by the frequency of the bell's oscillations. The frequency of a sound wave is determined by counting the number of wavefronts that pass through a given point per unit time.

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The sound wave front moves away from the vibrating bell.

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In uniformly heated air, sound travels at a constant speed.

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The second front follows the first at a distance equal to the wavelength.

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The sound intensity is maximum near the source.

Sound sounding of the depths

A beam of sonar beams, consisting of sound waves, easily passes through ocean water. The principle of operation of sonar is based on the fact that sound waves bounce off the ocean floor; this device is usually used to determine the features of the underwater relief.

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Elastic solids

Sound propagates in a wooden plate. The molecules of most solids are bound into an elastic spatial lattice, which is poorly compressed and at the same time accelerates the passage of sound waves.


