High-tech bathroom design


A high-tech fireplace usually does not contain a chimney, but runs on electricity, an alcohol burner, and other types of fuel:

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Stylish fireplace option

  • the wall mounted fireplace can be mounted on the wall like one of the flat plasma TVs. Using small catalytic converters, the wall-mounted fireplace has the ability to burn odors, stale air in the room, effectively return warm and neutral air back to the air space;
  • The high-tech electric fireplace does not need to be fueled and ash-removed by traditional fireplaces, adding a high-tech touch to its design. Such models also often resemble a wall-mounted plasma panel or an overall picture with a flame flickering behind a glass display. It can be controlled by remote control;

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

The style consists of straight lines and geometric shapes.

The live flame effect is the highlight of these fireplaces.

  • mobile electric cast iron stoves are closer to industrial design, but they also fit perfectly into high-tech. Cast iron stoves are a true work of art that can bring you both aesthetics and warmth, often handcrafted. Instead of using an electric fan, this portable electric fireplace delivers heat from above, providing a quiet and gentle heat source;
  • Modern gas fireplaces are also equipped with the latest catalytic technology, which not only cleans up emissions before leaving the stove, but also helps remove odors in the home and neutralize airborne particles such as dust mites, creating a cleaner and healthier home environment. Since no energy will be wasted on the chimney, all the heat generated will be used to warm the room, reducing operating costs;

The plasma panel often resembles a beautiful picture.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Such models also often resemble a wall-mounted plasma panel or an overall flame painting.

  • A tabletop fireplace may come into your life when you start to think that fireplaces can't be portable. The fireplace on the table is rather a smaller copy of it, which resembles a candle flame. Although this miniature will not be a complete replacement for the traditional one, it will definitely wow your partner at a romantic dinner. Powered by liquid paraffin oil.
  • A fireplace with a chimney can be just as interesting for your high-tech design as its “no chimney” counterparts. The chimney is smoothly integrated into the design to serve not only as a heating device, but also as a holder for glass shelves.

This style is made up of straight lines and geometric shapes, so choose a fireplace that is rectangular, square, or round.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Use cool shades

Since this style is rather concise, the fireplace should also be kept simple.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Style is the embodiment of the latest achievements in the field of modern technologies

Choose an unusual color for it to make it an eye-catcher with a vengeance.

Hi-tech in the interior

Styles in design

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  • Style is the embodiment of the latest achievements in the field of modern technologies.
  • With its help, it is easy to get the maximum functionality from the interior.
  • The use of interesting materials and lighting on multiple levels makes the space interesting and multifaceted.


  • The use of cold shades and textures has the effect of a “cold” and “calculated” space, and the straightness and clarity of lines, if not calculated correctly, can easily turn a living space into an office.
  • The design is not designed for small children and has many hard and potentially dangerous surfaces (glass).
  • This is the least cozy design of all the variety of existing ones, and is able to push thoughts of loneliness. Therefore, it will not suit overly impressionable natures and people prone to depression.

Design for small apartments

When decorating a studio apartment, it can be helpful to follow high-tech design principles, as this style gives a small space the illusion of being much larger. You will find yourself in a small room that will not be cramped.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Option to combine kitchen and living room

For a studio apartment

Hi-tech is suitable for small spaces. Clean, cool colors and the absence of additional furniture will help create the illusion of more space in the room.

The interior of the studio is characterized by freedom of space.

Don't be afraid to use this style in small apartments. An abundance of glass objects and light colors can make even the smallest studio apartment feel more spacious.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Option for a studio apartment

For children's rooms

High-tech style is a very practical design choice not only for spacious rooms, but also for smaller ones. It involves a combination of basic furniture with light color schemes.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Small, stylized nursery

for bathroom

A high-tech bathroom is unable to combine comfort and romance in Provence, Country or Modern style. But at the same time, it will contain all the functional components needed in the bathroom. All ordinary daily activities should be made easier and more natural.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Option for a small bathroom in this style

For kitchen

A breakfast bar would be ideal in a small high-tech kitchen, as well as a compact glass or pull-out table that can be adjusted whether it needs to seat 6 people or 2. Chairs can be made from:

  • bent plywood;
  • tree;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • transparent polycarbonate.

The main criteria for choosing furniture for a small high-tech kitchen are minimal design, versatility and elegance.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Space saving option for a small kitchen

High-tech interior design can help visually expand a room, with bold, solid colors and no unnecessary furniture.

Interior items

High-tech interior design usually does not require additional decorative elements, since a large amount of light, as a rule, is refracted by chrome and glossy surfaces and reflected in mirrors.

However, if you intend to add a sense of individuality to the interior, you need to use the right decorative elements.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Try to use as few decor items as possible

The walls may be decorated with large photographic portraits in metal frames. Black and white photographs would be appropriate. Interesting metal figurines as well as decorative glass items will also match the design.

The use of hi-tech elements in the bathroom

The bathroom has long been transformed from a purely technical space into a place for relaxation. We spend more and more time here, which means that everything here should attract the eye, and not cause disgust. In addition, it is worth remembering that each element must carry a certain load, so there is no place for decorative elements and decorations. And now let's talk about how a hi-tech bathroom is designed.

High-tech bathroom designPlumbing fixtures for high-tech bathroom design

Technics.The presence of modern functional appliances and plumbing fixtures is an important point, because remember that the main feature of the style is the use of innovative technologies. Such a bathroom is inferior in terms of comfort and coziness to other classical design trends, meanwhile, even in a small space you can realize all the functional moments. Plumbing should have strict forms, it is desirable to use hanging devices that take up little space and are functional at the same time. Instead of a chic bathtub, it is better to install the most functional shower cabin, which has strict forms. Remember, we talked about the cosmic component of the hi-tech style, so you can implement this idea in sinks, faucets and other fittings - these devices must be unusual and non-standard, even it will take a lot of time to search for them.

High-tech bathroom designWall decoration in high-tech bathroom interior design

Walls. The materials used for wall decoration should be done in restrained colors, and the best solution is to use plain ceramic tiles (no patterns or patterns). Well suited for solving this issue and plastic panels that imitate tiles. Preferred colors for wall decoration are white, black, gray, metallic, and contrast is also allowed in this case. As for the pipes of communications, then, as we have already said, they are not covered with drywall and plastic. Perfectly combined with the decoration of the walls of the mirror.

Floors. Like walls, floors in a high-tech bathroom interior should be kept in a strict manner - no frills and play of color. Materials must be durable and take into account the presence of harmful factors in the form of high temperatures, steam and water. Also remember about safety, so avoid the use of glossy surfaces. Since we are talking about high technology, we strongly recommend using self-leveling floors without a pattern.

When decorating the ceiling, you should pay special attention to lighting fixtures. The ceiling decoration itself can be done using plastic panels, glossy stretch ceilings with built-in spotlights are also ideal.

Chrome-plated elements and mirrors will emphasize the sophistication of the design, and the room will become visually higher.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design color schemes

High-tech bathroom and toilet design ideas

High-tech bathroom design should be well thought out. For decoration and furnishings, only those design solutions are used that, firstly, will fully comply with the chosen style, and secondly, will allow you to create a functional, practical and aesthetic interior.


Color palette

High-tech design is often called sterile, because light shades are chosen for decorating rooms, which are practically not diluted with other tones and accents.

The most popular primary colors for high-tech bathroom decoration are white, pearl, light gray, milky.

However, if you do not use accents at all, then the high-tech bathroom will look more like an office or a room in a hospital. So that users do not have such associations, they feel comfortable and enjoy being in the room, they use dark accents: gray, blue or black tones.

In some cases, not dark, but bright, even flashy shades are chosen as accents: red, bright green. They perfectly complement the interior and look great on a perfect white background and emphasize the futuristic design of a high-tech bathroom.

Finishing materials for the bathroom

Before you start finishing surfaces in a high-tech bathroom, you need to consider the interior layout of the room.Quite often, the owners of a separate bathroom make a joint one, since the dismantling of the partition allows you to expand the interior space, but these works require prior approval.

When the layout is approved, you can proceed to the choice of cladding for the room. Most often, standard ceramic tiles are used to decorate the walls, with the only difference being that the owner needs to carefully choose their colors. To decorate the room, you can use plain light, for example, white tiles, or a black and white combination.

In the design of a high-tech bathroom, stretch ceilings will look great, which should be as smooth, seamless and in the right color as possible. Usually, either the same color as for the walls is chosen for finishing the ceiling, or an even lighter shade, if possible. The most popular colors: milky, snow-white, light beige, pearl, etc.

High-tech bathroom design

It is strongly recommended to choose moisture-resistant canvases for the ceiling with a glossy surface. Such coatings will be able to withstand the adverse operating conditions of the room and will visually expand the free space.

Ceramic tiles are also used to finish the floor. If the walls are decorated with light tiles, then the floor can be laid out in dark gray or black cladding. This combination always looks very advantageous.

You can familiarize yourself with the basic principles of surface design with the help of a photo of a bathroom in high-tech design.

Hi-tech bath

The beauty and ease of use of any bathroom is largely determined by the installed plumbing. For your room, you need to choose a beautiful high-tech bath of any suitable shape. For this style, experiments with shapes and colors are acceptable. You can choose between round or oval, corner or square.

It is highly desirable that the bathtub has chrome or mirror elements, for example: metal handles, which will perfectly complement the image of the room and act as a wonderful decor element.

Thinking through the design of a high-tech bathroom, one should not forget about functionality. All installed plumbing in the room should be as convenient and modern as possible, it should fully cope with all the functions assigned to it.

Appreciate the beauty of modern plumbing in a high-tech bathroom design photo, and you definitely won’t want to buy other equipment.

High-tech bathroom furniture

Furniture in the room must be functional, practical and simple. It is best to install only the most necessary furniture in the room - a rack, shelves or a chest of drawers, without which the comfortable operation of the room will be impossible. By color, the situation is chosen in accordance with the surface finish. For example, for a room with light walls, you can choose both light furniture - somewhat darker than the walls, and dark furniture that matches the color of the floor more.

You can preview a photo of a high-tech bathroom, and only after that proceed to the choice of cladding, plumbing and furniture. This approach will allow you to carefully, in detail think through the whole situation and make the room as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Variety of styles

Any owner of an apartment or a country house dreams that the bathroom reflects the mood, preferences and psychological characteristics of its owner. There are a huge number of different interiors with which you can express your state: Greek, Turkish, English and others. Each design has its own features that make it individual.

The overall design style of the room will reflect the lifestyle of the owner of the home, his color preferences. Each person has their own priorities in the color palette: someone likes bright orange shades, others like muted dark tones.

High-tech bathroom design

In most cases, bathrooms are decorated in modern, high-tech, classic or ethnic style. However, there are examples of decoration in Spanish, Italian, tropical or even antique styles.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

You can often find rooms decorated in the style of traditional classics. Such an interior is characterized by solidity and naturalness. In the classics, the use of plastic panels, LED lighting equipment and stretch ceiling coverings is not allowed. The design should reflect naturalness and grandeur. Decorating a room in this style is considered expensive, and only wealthy people can afford it.

Bathrooms in ethnic style are also in demand. The name of the interior comes from the word "ethnos", which is translated as a nationality, a community of people that has its own characteristic qualities. The ethnic interior combines rooms furnished in oriental, African, Japanese and Scandinavian styles.

Such designs are characterized by various figurines, cabinets, ornaments and finishing materials that are relevant in ethnic countries. The color scheme can be calm, restrained or fill the room with the lush colors of the African savannah.

The English interior is aristocratic and austere. The walls of the bathroom can be finished with moisture-resistant striped wallpaper, with the help of which the clarity of the borders is indicated. Actual use of tiles with different classic images. Plumbing fixtures should have rounded shapes, the bathtub should be placed on decorative legs. It is not allowed to use the classic interior in rooms with showers.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

The Scandinavian theme is distinguished by restraint. You can use gray, white or bluish colors, in which there are bright inserts. Only geometric shapes without a floral motif are allowed.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Colonial design combines objects that are completely incongruous at first glance, reflecting the philosophy of Eastern countries, paired with European-class luxury. A calm and restrained atmosphere is reflected in the color scheme of the interior. Usually, pastel colors on the walls are used for arranging the bathroom, paired with darker colors on furniture. Designers recommend choosing olive, terracotta, gold shades.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Chalet is a simple style that welcomes natural shades. There is no sophistication in such an interior. All plumbing should consist of simple and standard models. You can use retro or antique items.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Some users are attracted to steampunk. Such an interior has nothing to do with everyday life, so not every person runs the risk of equipping a bathroom in this style. Rooms decorated in this variation will suit individuals who love risk and inconsistency. Even the faucets in the design act as a work of art. They have the look of vintage products that give the room the effect of antiquity. With a network of decorative pipes and levers, you can complement the interior with the right atmosphere.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Fusion is a young and daring solution to an eclectic trend. In this style there is a mixture of shades, textures and original shades. This design would be appropriate only for large rooms. In the design, you should use the contrast that is valued in fusion.

Contemporary style is the latest trend in bathroom design. The rooms, decorated in a similar design, are distinguished by beauty and originality. Clean and smooth lines, as well as modern shades, are welcome. Every object that is present in the room should have a straight and simple silhouette.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Regardless of the style of the bathroom, rustic or Venetian, it should be in harmony with the internal state of its owner and emphasize his life principles.

Expressive style features

This style is impossible to confuse with any other, as it is dominated by monochrome color palettes intertwined with each other. Neon light is used to combine objects that, it would seem, cannot be combined at first glance.

The main elements of the style design can be the following materials

  • Glass;
  • Plastic;
  • Granite;
  • Ceramics;
  • Concrete;
  • Metal;
  • Chrome parts;
  • Natural stone or its exact imitation;
  • In very rare cases, wooden inserts.

In this style, you do not need to add any decorative elements. Any item that, even at first glance, will fit perfectly and give an entourage, will be essentially superfluous. Furniture for this style is also selected in a certain plan. It should have exceptionally strict shades and be of regular geometric shapes. Everything should be arranged so that it is as convenient as possible, but at the same time the free space remains useful.

Do not forget that the bathroom cannot do without plumbing, so its choice must be approached with great responsibility. Metal pipes are chrome-plated and in no case are hidden under drywall or plastic. They will act as the main decor. Faucets are not needed with long goosenecks. Often, models are chosen in which the faucet simply sticks out of the wall, and above it there are two, barely noticeable regulators that can mix cold and hot streams of water.

Distinctive style features

Another colloquial name for high-tech style is the term "smart home". It means not only the presence of high technology, but also a functional device. Together, they should be used in such a way that all ordinary daily activities become easier and more natural.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Style implies high technology

This house is indeed smart in many ways and offers a high level of comfort. This includes automated heating, cooling, security, and even room scenting systems.

Smart homes can also have voice control via mobile communications and are designed to optimize our lives in such a way that we live economically and conserve the environment.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

Smart home system

Characteristic color palette

The color palette characteristic of high-tech includes mainly gray and white, as well as all their nuances. Sometimes contrasting tones are used, which differ significantly from the main background.

Multifunctional furniture

High-tech interior ideas recommend us mostly multifunctional furniture. It will work best with a modern design.

High-tech bathroom designHigh-tech bathroom design

The color palette includes mainly gray and white.

Layered Lighting

Layered, rich, dramatic lighting is another typical feature of high-tech interiors. It is located on the walls and ceilings. Lighting plays an important role in open plan zoning.

Most suitable are pendant lights in combination with small pendant halogen lamps, possibly at different heights. The main requirement is the simplicity of the forms. A good idea is a suspended ceiling chandelier with halogen lamps at different heights - they would add coziness and charm to the interior design. A stylish aquarium with exotic fish is the perfect decoration to give the overall interior configuration an aesthetic high-tech look.

High-tech bathroom design

Use multifunctional furniture

High-tech style functionality

The high-tech style appeared as a result of the development of the design of industrial premises, in which all elements have their own functional purpose. Among the features of this style are the following:

High-tech bathroom design

  • the presence of minimalist accents;
  • lack of unnecessary decor;
  • harmonious combination of geometric shapes;
  • harmonious design of a large or small space.

This style uses complex structuring of space. Here, emphasis can be placed on pipes, fittings and ducts, while in other styles, these details are carefully hidden.

Due attention is paid to functionality. Even simple towel holders can play several important roles.

And, as for the backlight, then with its help the space can be divided into several zones.

High-tech looks good in bathroom design, because this style gives the room functionality. At the same time, it is very aesthetic, and also allows you to make the space more free and bright.

This style allows you to use the space with benefit - each item used in the bathroom not only complements the overall composition, but also allows you to use it for one purpose or another. With respect to industrial and technical motives, you will be able to create an original and fresh atmosphere. A bathroom in this style has a clean aesthetic material, in addition, only high technology is used here.

High-tech bathroom design

When choosing furniture and plumbing, you should pay attention to the materials from which they are made. In the high-tech style, plastic, glass, metal, natural stone and concrete are used as materials. The bathroom should have a minimum number of details.

Also, it should not be symmetrical. There are mainly shapes or lines, as well as right angles. As a finish, you can use open masonry. The tile can be used as one-color, and two-color. Solid colors used in the bathroom are silver, metallic, black.

The bathroom space should have a minimum number of details. Also, it should not be symmetrical. There are mainly shapes or lines, as well as right angles. As a finish, you can use open masonry. The tile can be used as one-color, and two-color. Solid colors used in the bathroom are silver, metallic, black.

Modern high-tech bathroom interiors are based on a combination of space and light, as well as pattern and color. Accessories and trinkets can complement this style. The interior can be supplemented with mirrors, both framed and unframed. They make the space look larger and create coziness.

Do not forget about the light and fittings. Fixtures should be made of plastic or metal. They may have simple shapes and lines. They give the composition rigidity.


