Why does the echo appear in the apartment
To understand the reason for the appearance of an echo, you need to know what sound is, how it spreads. From the school bench, we know that everything we hear is sound waves (air vibration) and is transmitted by reflection from the source to the receiver.
You can imagine a hockey rink instead of an empty room, the stick will be the source of the sound, and the puck will replace the sound itself. Let's throw the puck into the side at a right angle - it will begin to rush between opposite sides until it loses speed. So is sound - with parallel walls, it is reflected from one to the other until the sound vibrations are weakened and the sound goes out.
Echoes are most often heard in large empty rooms with high ceilings. In fact, we hear the echo all the time. Yes, even in small spaces. After all, sound is always reflected from an obstacle and returns to us.
Another thing is that the sound reflected from a short distance and having made a short return path, we perceive as a sound source. Our ear perceives both waves as one single wave.
If the distance that the sound needs to overcome before the obstacle and return is significant, then we hear the reflected wave as an echo.
How to get rid of the echo in the apartment?
You have probably noticed that in the same room, after repairing an apartment or changing the interior, we suddenly begin to hear the repetition of sounds. We conclude that therefore we have violated some necessary conditions for the calm transmission of sound waves.
Let's remember how our puck rushes between the sides of the hockey rink. The stronger the throw, the longer the reflection from the sides will continue. It is easy to guess that for a one-time reflection, the throw must be very weak. And if you go back to the room - it turns out that you will have to talk only in a whisper. But it's unrealistic, it won't work.
And if you pay attention not to the puck, but to the sides. Let's try to replace them with a soft material and the puck, hitting such a side, will bounce off at a much lower speed.
And at the opposite side and completely stop. What is the conclusion now? That's right - first of all, the sound-reflecting planes in the room should not have a bare hard surface. In addition, resonating objects, such as a light hollow partition, should not be placed in the path of propagation of sound waves. Under the influence of sound, she will pretend to be a drum.
It cannot be discounted that the sound in the apartment is reflected not only from the walls, but also from the floor, ceiling, and furniture. And in order to completely drown out the voice of this famous nymph, each of them will have to be checked for the correct reflection of sound, the ability to resonate.
In a new apartment without finishing, the walls, like the ceilings with floors, are smooth concrete planes. A very hard material will not dampen the sound, but will cast it back to the opposite surface. That is why, in an empty apartment, we hear reflected sounds well.
To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to cover the walls with a soft sound-suppressing finishing material. They can be non-woven or vinyl wallpaper (they have a soft embossed surface). You can use the old, but no longer fashionable way - hang a fleecy carpet on the wall.
Tip: if you want the effect of carpets to be maximum, remember - the longer the pile, the stronger the ability to dampen sounds.
There is a more modern way - an art gallery on the wall. It is only necessary to take into account that the paintings must be painted on canvas. It is this material that dampens the sound wave well.
The most optimal material for flooring is wood - it dampens sounds very well.It is possible to use a regular floorboard, if the budget allows - cover the entire floor with parquet. Beautiful and echo defeated.
Also, do not forget about carpets - even small areas covered with them will make a significant contribution to the fight against echo.
a considerable effect is obtained with the correct arrangement of furniture. Do not arrange it in such a way that long sound-reflecting surfaces are formed, located in parallel;
remember that upholstered furniture, like carpets, has a strong sound-absorbing ability;
as mentioned above, do not use thin hollow partitions when redeveloping an apartment. Their design must contain at least two layers of drywall sheets, be sure to fill the voids with mineral wool;
like any thin-walled empty structure, a cheap window sill can start to resonate. If these are installed, place flower pots on them, the resonance will disappear.
Who needs stress echocardiography?
If the doctor suspects coronary heart disease, an ECG check is indicated to confirm or exclude this diagnosis. Also, such a study will determine how the narrowing of the coronary arteries affects the quality of life of the patient, and what kind of exercise tolerance a person has. The test is indicated to determine the effectiveness of drug treatment. If after a while it is found that the treatment is ineffective, then it is changed. After the cycle, exercise echocardiography may be ordered again. Also, such a study is prescribed to determine the risk of complications during operations on the lungs, heart, pulmonary artery or aorta.
If a person has an acute myocardial infarction (up to a month), heart or kidney failure, breathing problems, thromboembolism in the vessels, then exercise echocardiography is contraindicated.
The normal ECHO KG with exercise can be considered situations when the patient has all the walls of the left ventricle evenly set in motion during exercise, the ejection fraction increases, the CSR decreases, and there is an increase in wall thickening. If the ejection fraction decreases to 35%, the right ventricle increases in size, new zones with poor wall mobility appear, then this is a clear deviation from the norm.
Stress echocardiography
The word "stress" in the name of the procedure means that the study will be carried out with the creation of an artificial load on the heart muscle. This will allow you to assess the pathologies that appear only under stress. After all, not all people at rest feel pain or interruptions in the work of the heart. Some complain about it only during physical exertion. In addition, not all devices are able to detect pathology in a calm state.
Stress ECHO CG is performed as follows: the patient is first subjected to a conventional ultrasound of the heart, after which sensors are applied that allow you to constantly record changes in the picture during exercise. To create a load, treadmills or a bicycle ergometer are usually used - the pedals of this simulator can be twisted even while lying down. The load during the study is increased, the pulse rate and blood pressure are measured. Of course, they preliminarily calculate what indicators for a person can be considered maximum: when conducting a stress ECHO CG, it is unacceptable to exceed them.
general description
Sound echo
- reflected sound. An echo is noticed if one also hears a direct sound from a source, when at one point in space one can hear sound several times from one source, which came along a direct path and is reflected (possibly several times) from surrounding objects. Since a sound wave loses energy when reflected, a sound wave from a stronger sound source can be reflected from surfaces (for example, houses or walls facing each other) many times, passing through one point, which will cause a multiple echo (such an echo can be observed from thunder ).
The echo is due to the fact that waves can be reflected by solid surfaces, this is due to the dynamic pattern of rarefaction and air compaction near the reflecting surface. If the sound source is located near such a surface, turned to it at a right angle or at an angle close to a right one, the sound, reflected from such a surface, as a wave is reflected from the coast, returns to the source. Thanks to the echo, the speaker can, along with other sounds, hear his own speech, as if delayed for a while. If the sound source is at a sufficient distance from the reflective surface, and there are no additional sound sources besides the sound source, then the echo becomes the most distinct. An echo becomes audible if the interval between the direct and reflected sound wave is 50-60 ms, which corresponds to 15-20 meters that the sound wave travels from the source and back, under normal conditions.
Practical use
Since sound waves in air have a constant propagation speed (about 340 meters per second), the time it takes for the sound to return can serve as a source of data on the removal of an object. To determine the distance to an object in meters, you need to detect the time in seconds before the return of the echo, divide it by two (the sound travels the distance to the object and back) and multiply by 340 - we get the approximate distance in meters. Echolocation is based on this principle, used mainly for
determining the position of an object using the return delay time of the reflected wave.
Echo is a significant hindrance to audio recording. Therefore, the walls of the rooms in which the recording of songs, radio reports, as well as the recitation of the texts of television reports are usually equipped with sound-damping screens made of soft or ribbed materials that absorb sound. The principle of their operation is that a sound wave, falling on such a surface, is not reflected back, it decays inside due to viscous friction of the gas. This is especially facilitated by porous surfaces made in the form of pyramids, since even reflected waves are re-radiated deep into the cavity between the pyramids and are additionally attenuated with each subsequent reflection.
During pregnancy
Note that echocardiography is performed at any age. Even if the fetus is in the uterus, this method of research can check the baby's heart. ECHO KG during pregnancy is a harmless, completely painless procedure for the fetus. It allows you to identify heart defects, which often become the causes of early childhood deaths. In addition, the procedure makes it possible to assess the flow of blood inside the heart and adjacent vessels, the structure of organs and, in case of deviation from the norm, take the necessary measures.
The study must be carried out by pregnant women who:
- There are relatives in the family with heart disease.
- Previous pregnancy terminated.
- There is diabetes mellitus.
- There are high titers of antibodies to rubella.
- I had rubella during my pregnancy.
Also, ECHO KG of the fetus is performed if the pregnant woman took antiepileptic drugs or antibiotics in the first or second trimester. An echocardiogram is usually done at the 18th-22nd week of pregnancy, and it is indicated for a born child at any age in the presence of the above complaints.
Who is this procedure for?
First of all, it is prescribed to people who complain of pain or discomfort in the heart area. Also, a cardiologist or therapist, having heard a heart murmur in a patient, can prescribe an examination using this method. A systematic examination is carried out to determine the effectiveness of the treatment, and if there are no results, then the method of treatment is changed, other drugs are prescribed, and after taking them, the heart and blood vessels are again examined using echocardiography.
The procedure is also shown:
- Patients who suffer from high blood pressure.
- People who have complaints of pain in the left side of the chest or behind it.
- Patients with a family history of heart disease. The examination can be carried out for the purpose of prevention or if there are suspicions of a change in the valvular apparatus.
- With fainting.
- With swelling or shortness of breath.
- With frequent dizziness.
- After myocardial infarction.
- With angina.
- Patients with suspected aneurysm. ECHO KG in this case is performed in order to distinguish a pseudoaneurysm of the heart from a true aneurysm.
- If cardiomyopathy is suspected.
It is especially important to undergo an ECHO CG after a myocardial infarction, since it is necessary to understand exactly how the heart will contract after the loss of certain muscle cells. In addition, depending on the localization, a heart attack can be complicated by mitral insufficiency, effusion into the pericardial cavity, and ruptures of the interventricular septum.
All this can be seen with timely ECHO KG.
Of course, it is necessary to make an ECHO KG even for those people who do not have complaints about the work of the heart and pain in its area, if at the same time they intensively exhaust themselves physically, carry heavy loads. Even emotional stress greatly affects the work of the heart. As for children, an ECHO KG is performed for the child according to the same indications.
This is especially important when diagnosing heart defects, changing its structure, and this occurs quite often with the growth of a child.
Preparing for an ultrasound of the heart without load
Usually, no preparation is needed to perform an ultrasound examination. This procedure is indicated for everyone: adults, children, even pregnant women (it is even possible to conduct an ECHO KG of the fetus if necessary) and lactating. It is allowed to carry out the procedure before meals or a short time after. Even heart failure or bleeding disorders are not contraindications.
However, there is a nuance that should be taken into account for people with tachyarrhythmias and unstable (high) pressure. Before the study, the attending cardiologist should consult and determine whether there is a need to reduce the pulse or pressure, if these indicators are above normal. Often this is required for the correct interpretation of the results of the study.
There are different ways to study the heart:
- One-dimensional or M-method. When it is carried out, the doctor on the monitor screen sees a record from different heart systems in the form of a graph. This method allows you to accurately determine the size of the heart, the contraction of the ventricles.
- 2D or B-method, in which a familiar image is displayed on the screen in shades of white and gray. The picture moves, on it you can observe the contraction of the heart muscle and the closing of the valves, as well as their mobility. In this case, it is possible to measure the thickness of the heart walls and determine the contractility of the ventricles. It is possible to see blood clots, aneurysms or tumors, if any.
- Doppler echocardiography. It is carried out with the help of Doppler ultrasound of the heart. Previously, a special apparatus was used to carry out this method. Doppler analysis makes it possible to assess the speed and direction of blood in the chambers of the heart, as well as in the vessels that come from it.
When diagnosing heart defects, each of the methods is important, in particular, Doppler echocardiography is a more effective method for detecting pathologies. Blood should flow in one direction, and if it first goes in one direction, and then returns in waves, then this allows you to diagnose the insufficiency of one of the valves.
Also, the doctor can measure the speed of blood flow, and based on this, calculate the diameter of the opening of the vessel through which it flows. Similar ultrasound diagnostics also evaluates the degree of narrowing of the openings of the vessels, the volume of blood returning back.
In addition to the standard methods described above, there are also non-standard ones, when the study is carried out through the esophagus. An ECG with physical activity is also possible. These studies can only be carried out in specialized centers and only by experienced specialists. Now that you already know what it is - ECHO KG, these methods can be considered separately.
The doctor must understand the results of the study. A person without the appropriate education will not be able to understand the data. It can only be noted that the study protocol consists of an assessment of:
- Myocardial contractility.
- Degrees of wall hypertrophy.
- The size of the cavities of the heart.
- Degrees of reverse flow through valves.
- Blood flow through large vessels.
- Conditions and characteristics of valves.
The results obtained should be evaluated by a cardiologist. At the same time, the attending physician analyzes the data not only on the basis of comparison with normal numbers, but also on the basis of symptoms and other data. That is, it is impossible to make a diagnosis only on the basis of the results of ECHO ultrasound, since such a diagnosis may well be erroneous. And if any parameter does not fit into the norm, then it is necessary to determine the reason why it deviates from it.
Echocardiography through the esophagus
This method is shown in the following cases:
- If there is a suspicion of bacterial damage to the heart valves.
- During a routine examination in the presence of an artificial valve (especially if the aortic valve). Also, the procedure is carried out with prosthetic valves.
- With the transfer of a stroke, circulatory disorders of the brain, especially with a constant form of atrial fibrillation. This will exclude or confirm the embolic nature of these diseases.
- Before cardioversion (this is a special impulse stimulation that allows you to normalize the heart rhythm in certain types of arrhythmias).
- If there is a suspicion of an atrial septal defect.
- When you need to study the work of the heart, its general condition, and the patient has rib ossification or other pathology of the chest wall, due to which ultrasonic waves do not reach the heart.
In certain cases, an echogram through the esophagus is prohibited:
- If there are tumors, diverticula or spasms of the esophagus.
- In the presence of dilated veins of the esophagus.
- If the cervical vertebrae are unstable.
- If the patient has severe osteochondrosis in the cervical region.
- There is a pronounced gag reflex.
- There is bleeding from the esophagus, intestines.
- If the esophagus is affected by radiation therapy.
If at least one condition from the last list is met, then ECHO KG through the esophagus is prohibited.
Where can I do an ECHO KG and how much does it cost
Echocardiography is a simple and accessible diagnostic method for everyone. It can be done at a public or private medical center. The procedure can be carried out free of charge or for a fee, but in any case, it must be carried out under the direction of a doctor.
Specific methods can only be carried out in a highly specialized center and only by experienced medical staff with appropriate qualifications. Such doctors should be able to help the patient if he suddenly becomes ill during the procedure. Of course, the prices for services in such institutions will differ.
The cost of a standard ECHO KG in a private hospital can be 1200-4000 rubles. The cost of a study conducted through the esophagus is higher - about 2000-6000 rubles. This is due to the need to attract additional equipment for the study.
To summarize, the average price for a service is 3,000 rubles, although even in Moscow, in some medical institutions, the price can be less than 2,000 rubles. In some hospitals, this can cost as much as 8,000 rubles.
Now you know where to do an ECHO KG and understand what this type of study is.It is a safe and painless procedure that does not require any preparation and can be performed at any age. Of course, preparation will be required if a study is carried out through the esophagus, but most often it is not prescribed. With the help of this procedure, doctors are able to establish complex diagnoses and prescribe appropriate treatment in time. So in modern medicine, echocardiography cannot be overestimated.
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