PhoneStar panels have passed a number of required technical tests and laboratory tests. The characteristics and properties of the material are confirmed by the relevant documentation:
- Certificate GOST R ROSS RU АВ87.H00683 issued by the Russian Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology confirms the compliance of the material with TU 5767-001-68058407-2010.
- Declaration No. D-RU.PB37.V.00615 confirmed the compliance of Fonstar with the fire safety requirements enshrined in Federal Law No. 123-FZ of July 22, 2008.
- Test report No. 021-12 dated 05/11/2012 confirmed the compliance of the acoustic characteristics of the panel with the requirements of SNiP 23-03-2003 "Protection against noise".
What customers say about PhoneStar panels
Many customers consider PhoneStar systems to be a worthy alternative to drywall due to their increased weight and special material structure that does not have rigid bonds.
Experienced builders claim that PhoneStar panels are subject to additional plasterboard cladding for ease of finishing and improving the functional properties of the surface. In rooms with an ultra-high noise level, the soundproofing properties of the material can be enhanced by a combination of PhoneStar panels and mineral wool.
Practice shows that soundproofing "Fonstar" gives a tangible effect in apartments located in panel houses, it protects well from vibration and household noise.
Before installing PhoneStar panels indoors, it is necessary to carefully examine the dwelling for noise sources and bridges, close up all cracks and holes. This approach will leave up to 85% of all extraneous sounds outside the home.
Design Description
The PhoneStar system is a soundproofing material that is produced in the form of multilayer sheets. In a strong cellulose frame, several layers with different surface shapes alternate. Between them there is a mineral filler with a specially selected granulometric composition, capable of delaying sound waves of different nature and intensity.
Thanks to a carefully designed structure, the sheet material converts sound wave energy into thermal and kinetic energy. The smallest particles of mineral filler under the action of sound vibrations begin to move, thereby scattering and absorbing noise waves.
Soundproofing "Fonstar" is able to perform several important functions at once:
- protect against impact noise;
- neutralize airborne noise;
- absorb external sounds;
- act as an alternative to the "floating" floor and cement screed.
Soundproofing "Fonstar" can be used to equip a variety of noise protection systems in combination with other sheet materials.
Advantages and disadvantages
PhoneStar soundproof panels offer the following benefits:
- Availability. Competent pricing policy makes them affordable for most of the population.
- Ease of installation. The material can be easily cut with improvised tools - it does not dust and does not crumble. Arrangement of soundproofing is three times faster than using traditional systems with soft or drywall material.
- Profitability. During installation, there is practically no waste left, since the sheets can be cut into fragments of the desired size and configuration. It is allowed to install by the brickwork method with the creation of a level structure.
- Versatility. Fonstar panels can be used for soundproofing wall and ceiling surfaces, finishing office and interior partitions.
- High soundproofing. High-quality cellulose and fine-grained stone are natural noise insulators and provide the necessary level of silence.
- Environmental friendliness. PhoneStar systems are made on the basis of natural materials, do not harm human health and create a healthy microclimate of the internal space.During subsequent disposal, the panels do not pollute the environment.
PhoneStar soundproofing also has some disadvantages:
- Flammability. The low fire safety class does not allow the use of the material in rooms with a high level of ignition threat.
- High water absorption. Cellulose can absorb moisture, changing the color of the panel and reducing the performance of the system.
- Susceptibility to point loads. It is recommended to additionally protect the panels with putty or fiberglass to increase the strength of the structure.
- Large sheet area. It will be difficult to install the panels alone.
It is necessary to take into account the shortcomings of the material even before the start of construction and repair work, in order to calculate with high accuracy the likely risks and the feasibility of using the system.