Varieties of drainage
Consider what drainage is: these are various structures and pipes that allow you to lower the level of water, both groundwater and groundwater.
Often, perforated drainage tubes with holes in the walls are laid lower than the water level is located - ground ground-pressure. Pipes can be either asbestos-cement or ceramic, pottery and plastic or polymer - PVC and polyethylene. The diameter of the pipes can vary from 5 to 20 cm and even more. To prevent clogging of the walls and holes of the drainage pipes with soil particles, special shells are installed, which are made of filter materials.
There are two main types of drainage - a surface drainage system (open) and a deep drainage system (closed). Let's dwell on them in more detail:
plots are assembled from modular channels. This type of drainage is used to drain flood, melt and rain water from platforms and paths, the surface of the site, roofs of buildings and open terraces. This water is discharged into the storm sewer and outside the site. Open drainage of the site can be performed:
- using point drainage or point elements;
- organization of a linear drainage system or drainage line.
- Another type of drainage deep
- this is a system of channels and pipes through which water is discharged into a special well or collector, outside the site.
Pro tip:
The surface type of drainage is arranged to prevent the occurrence of waterlogging zones around buildings, therefore it is preferable to develop it in combination with deep drainage.
Surface drainage and drainage
Local collection of both rain and melt water is why point-type drainage is needed, and a drainage line is useful for collecting atmospheric precipitation from a large area. The best way is to combine these two systems. Let's dwell on them in more detail:
Drainage line
. A linear drainage system is a system of deepened channels (drainage trays, gutters, gutters) and sand traps for them. A container that retains sand and small debris applied by water flows is called a sand trap. It protects storm sewer pipes and drainage systems from blockage. That is why it needs to be cleaned as it fills up. On the sand traps, as well as on the gutters, install removable gratings made of steel or cast iron.
Point drainage
. The use of point elements installed under gutter systems designed to drain water from the roof into doorways - this is precisely what is meant by the local collection of water - rain and melt. Point drainage is complemented by linear drainage systems (gutters, sand traps) for the possibility of draining water from entrance areas, balconies and terrace surfaces.
deep drainage
Closed drainage or deep drainage is a system of channels (drains) located underground, lowering the level of groundwater and serving to drain water from the territory and from structures outside the site.
It is necessary when the site is located in a lowland, it is swampy or in other waterlogged places. In the case of the assumption of the operation of the basement, it is also necessary to install a drainage device in the area, which in this case is a wall drainage. According to experts, drainage is almost always necessary for central Russia. Be sure to check the depth of groundwater, even if the water does not squelch underfoot. After all, their close presence leads to decay and oppression of the root system of both shrubs and trees.
With a high location of a site with sandy soil that drains well, and the location of the groundwater level is lower than 1.5 m, deep drainage can be abandoned.
Deep drainage according to its design is divided into:
- combined;
- horizontal;
- vertical.
Horizontal drainage has been described above, so consider the features of other types:
- Vertical drainage - these are drainage shafts that are arranged in a special way, equipped with pumping stations and buried in the territory of the site. Such a site drainage system is a rather complex engineering structure. That is why vertical drainage is practically not found in suburban areas.
- Deep combined drainage combines vertical and horizontal systems. In some cases, it is he who can maintain the necessary water balance in difficult relief and climatic conditions. However, combined drainage, like vertical drainage, is structurally quite complex, has a high cost, and therefore is quite rare.
Presentation on theme: Drainage - Types of Drains, Indications for Drainage, Drainage
Drainage can be done with rubber, PVC and other tubes of various diameters (drainages), rubber or gauze strips that are inserted into the wound, abscess cavity, joint, pleura, abdominal cavity, etc. Drainages must provide adequate outflow of contents, have chemical and biological inertness. Pus, tissue decay products, and with them microorganisms are discharged through one or more drains and evacuated into special containers or into a bandage. The drainage can be connected by a tube to a vessel containing a solution of an antiseptic drug. In addition, solutions of antiseptic drugs, antibiotics can be injected through the drainage into a wound or purulent cavity.
Capillary drainage - made of fibrous materials (hygroscopic gauze, silk or catgut threads, etc.), which have capillary action. Drainage T-shaped - tubular consisting of two knees arranged in the form of the letter T; it is used in operations on the biliary tract (a short transverse knee is inserted into the lumen of the common bile duct, and a long knee is brought into the surgical wound). Drainage Y-shaped - tubular consisting of three knees arranged in the form of the letter Y; it is used in operations on the biliary tract (two short upper knees are inserted into the lumen of the bile duct, and a long lower knee is brought into the surgical wound). The drainage is lamellar in the form of a strip of thin rubber introduced into the wound to prevent sticking of its edges and preserve the possibility of outflow of the discharge. The drainage is cigar-shaped tubular with a narrow gauze tampon introduced into it, which can be easily changed.
Drainage siphon tubular connected to the downstream receiver and suction discharged according to the law of communicating vessels; usually equipped with a glass insert for visual inspection. Spasokukotsky drainage is a type of cigarette drainage in which a finger of a rubber glove with a cut end is used as a tube. Tubular valve drainage equipped with a valve at the outer end that prevents air from being sucked into the drained cavity (usually the pleural cavity).
Drainage aspiration drainage, carried out by creating a vacuum in the receiver included in the drainage system. Drainage is internal drainage, in which an outflow of accumulated fluid is created into a hollow organ or into fatty tissue. Drainage is external drainage in which fluid is brought to the surface of the body. Ventricular drainage drainage of the ventricles of the brain in order to divert excess cerebrospinal fluid in occlusive hydrocephalus, carried out through a catheter into a special receiver that provides the ability to regulate intraventricular pressure
Bulau drainage is a method of removing fluid and air from the pleural cavity using tubular drainage, introduced by puncturing the chest wall with a trocar and acting on the principle of communicating vessels.Drainage postural drainage by giving the patient a position in which the fluid flows out under the influence of gravity. Spinal drainage drainage of the subarachnoid space through a catheter inserted into it in the lumbar region; used to remove cerebrospinal fluid with open hydrocephalus, liquorrhea, meningitis, as well as for the administration of drugs. Drainage insuring drainage of an operating wound, designed to detect postoperative bleeding, leakage of bile, intestinal contents, etc., to remove leaking urine, as well as to prevent the occurrence of postoperative hematoma.
Indications for drainage: 1. Removal from the wound or from the cavity of exudate, blood, excrement: bile, pancreatic juice, urine, lymph, etc. 2. Fight against infection. In an adequately drained cavity, there are unfavorable conditions for the continuation or progression of infection. Drainage allows you to wash the infected cavity and introduce antibacterial medicinal substances into it. 3. A). The preventive and diagnostic function of drainage provides early detection of complications such as bleeding, anastomosis failure of the gastrointestinal tract or biliary tract. B). Preventive and therapeutic: if the anastomosis fails, the contents of the hollow organ will not spread in the abdominal cavity, but will flow out through the drainage, which will save the patient from serious complications. 4Planned formation of an external fistula of a parenchymal organ.
Consequences of excess moisture in the soil
- Waterlogging of soils - with insufficiently rapid absorption of precipitation, puddles and flooding form on the surface of the soil, which spoil the appearance of the site and present discomfort for its use. The root systems of fruit and vegetable crops, plants, flowers, lawn grass, shrubs and trees can rot, up to their death.
- Washing out of soil layers - as a result of excess moisture, can lead to landslide and failure processes that form pits and cracks in the soil.
- Soil heaving is a process that becomes apparent when the soil freezes during the cold season, and leads to deformation swelling of the soil and destruction of buried structures - basements, pools, ponds, as well as cracks in the foundation of the house.
- Flooding of foundations - even in the absence of heaving processes, flooding of foundations can lead to their destruction, cracks, mold and dampness, dangerous to human health.
Additional drainage systems
Shallow drainage is a system of ditches arranged by drainage excavators. Ceramic and pottery pipes wrapped in synthetic fabric are laid in them. The depth of the trench is from 1.5 to 3.0 m, and the width is 0.6 m.
Radiation drainage can be used for:
establishing water supply from underground sources;
elimination of leakage of contaminants from the sump or storage tank;
interception of leakage of oil products;
protection against flooding of structures or territories.
In addition to the types of drainage described, in construction there is also mole
. At the same time, the system of drains with unreinforced walls is evenly distributed over an area with a slope of about 0.04. The service life of the structure ranges from 3 to 5 years. It helps to collect and drain excess water. The system is laid by special drainage mole machines. In this case, the drains are discharged into open or closed collectors.
In the process of planning the construction of a country house, you should definitely remember that there are types of drainage necessary to collect and drain water from the site.Everyone hopes that the house will warm with warmth for many years, but at one point, excess moisture, which is often facilitated by autumn bad weather or spring floods, can nullify all efforts. Damage will be done not only to the house itself in the form of destruction of the foundation, flooding of the basement, the appearance of fungus and rot, but excess moisture can also cause freezing and rotting of trees and bushes, disease of plantings.
That is why, in order to get rid of such a misfortune, it is necessary to equip immediately, when building a house. This will later, in case of bad weather or floods, not create a new landscape of the backyard plot, spending money on its arrangement and drainage.
What is the opinion of experts
He carried out the construction of a private house on a suburban area. The first time I met with the problems of a high level of groundwater, since the site was in a lowland, near the river. I decided to organize a plastic drainage system and it turned out that the choice was right.
I do building design. I know firsthand that groundwater can bring quite a lot of problems. At the same time, it is possible to correctly select the drainage system only after the completion of soil studies. If you neglect such a recommendation, there is a possibility that water will accumulate in the basement, dampness will appear in the building. All this will eventually cause a loss of foundation strength and many other problems.
a) Active drainage
. Active drainage produces continuous aspiration and is mainly used in subcutaneous tissue and muscle wounds. The bottle attached to the drain tube in a closed system has an aspiration bellows that maintains negative pressure and expands when the pressure in the system equalizes.
The plastic active drainage material is rigid and should not be used near vulnerable tissue. Active is usually left in place for 48 hours.
b) Drainage fixation
. Each drain must be fixed to the skin to prevent it from being accidentally displaced and to prevent it from constantly sliding in and out.
Therefore, it is important that the fixation suture does not have a long bridge between the skin and the drainage.
v) Abdominal drains
. Abdominal drains are placed either as indicators or to evacuate fluid, providing early warning of any complication (postoperative bleeding, anastomotic failure, infection) or draining blood and wound discharge.
These drains operate on overflow, and some types are designed to support fluid transport by capillary action.
Nowadays, very flexible plastic materials such as silicone, latex and polyurethane are commonly used. Rigid materials such as rubber carry a significant risk of erosion even after a relatively short time.
Common types of drains include tubular side-hole drains (a), Penrose drains with or without gauze tape inserted (b), easy-flow drains (c), easy-flow leaf drains (d) and Jackson-Pratt drains (e) and its various modifications.
G) Semi-open drainage
. Semi-open drain systems have a connection between an inserted drain tube and an external collection system. The advantage of such systems is the possibility of their quick replacement, and the disadvantage is the possibility of contamination.
e) closed drains
. Closed drain systems eliminate any risk of contamination due to accidental disconnection. The disadvantage of such a drainage system is the need to introduce it from the outside.
e) Areas of drainage in the abdomen
. In the position of the patient lying on his back, fluid accumulates in the deepest places of the abdominal cavity (a).These are, first of all, the Douglas pouch, both subdiaphragmatic spaces, the subhepatic space, the right and left lateral canals. Another cavity in which fluid can accumulate is the stuffing bag (b).
g). The pleural drainage is equipped with a valve that allows secretions, blood or air to exit the pleural cavity without air entering it from the outside. Unlike other drains, the walls of the pleural drain must be thick enough not to collapse under significant pressure differences. The drain should be securely fixed to the chest wall.
There should always be a clamp next to the installed pleural drain for urgent clamping of the drain in case of accidental detachment. For active evacuation, an aspirating device is connected to the pleural drainage, which creates a pressure of 15-20 cm aq. pillar.
The opening pressure of a pleural drain is determined by the distance between the fluid level in the drainage bottle and the hole in the tube below the fluid level.
Features of the organization of wall drainage
Before carrying out construction work on the construction of sites for various purposes, as a rule, a study of the characteristics of the soil is carried out. The ongoing research allows us to determine, as well as the type of soil, which determines the susceptibility of the base to moisture. If after the study it was found that the base is represented by clay and loamy soil, wall drainage should be created. Its features include the following points:
- The surface part of the system is located around the entire perimeter of the building. At the same time, it can be placed at different distances from the wall, which may be associated with a certain width of the foundation and the locations of the wells. The system under consideration has manholes, which significantly increase the efficiency of drainage.
- When carrying out construction work on a site with various types of soil, wall and ring drainage is being created. Only in such a case it is possible to significantly reduce the likelihood of erosion of the soil under the foundation.
Wall drainage is used to collect and drain water that comes close to the foundation of the building and thereby prevents basement flooding.
Recently, a lot of different modern materials have appeared that significantly increase the efficiency of drainage systems. They are able to filter out large and small particles, thereby eliminating the possibility of clogging the system. That is why many experts recommend using modern polymers when creating drainage.
Surface drainage classification
The most effective is the combination of deep drainage with surface. There are several principles regarding surface drainage, these are pinpoint
and linear
. The point system contributes to the local collection of melt and rainwater. Such devices should be installed:
under drains;
under existing irrigation taps;
in various doorways;
in other places of local accumulation of water.
Such a catchment can complement the linear drainage system in places where rapid drainage is needed (terraces, paths, platforms, entrances). For its construction, drains, storm water inlets, storm dampers and ladders are used.
Linear drainage is one of the most common types of dehumidification. It consists, as a rule, of a system of sand traps that trap not only sand, but also small debris carried out by the flow of water, and channels (trays or drains). From above they are covered with removable gratings, which perform both decorative and protective functions. They keep leaves and debris out of the system and help keep vehicles and pedestrians safe.Channels are made of plastic, polypropylene and concrete.
Separation by design features
The following types of systems are distinguished according to their design features: horizontal
and vertical
. Horizontal drainage consists of a system of gallery or tubular drains, flumes and ditches. With a tubular type, the pipes are combined with layers of filter cake. The layers help prevent clogging of the pipes with a variety of small debris that rises with the waters. Control over the system allows for manholes.
In the gallery type, special holes are made in pipes with a large cross section that allow water to be received. Such drainage is also equipped with sprinkles. Ditches are mainly used in relief areas, where the groundwater level can be maintained at a depth of 1.5 m. If there is sufficiently stable soil, the ditches are special trenches with slopes; in unstable soil, structures made of precast concrete are used.
In vertical drainage, the system of deep drains is combined with a common collector. Through it, with the help of a pumping unit, water is drained. Vertical pipelines, respectively, divert water to a depth. It is worth noting that the drainage should not cross the aquifer supply to prevent deterioration of the sanitary standards of drinking water.
local drainage systems
In addition to the above systems designed to drain water from buildings and plots, attention should also be paid to local drainage. In some cases, they are more suitable for use
We single out the main types of local drainage systems:
At the same time, recommendations should be taken into account that relate to the creation of a system, taking into account the need to prevent the removal of soil from under an already erected structure. The work is carried out by creating small trenches, in which the drainage system is formed, after which they are immediately filled up. All work consists in the phased creation of one trench, its falling asleep and creating the next.
What is a drainage system, what types of drainage exist
Drainage systems are a reasonable solution to the problem of the negative impact of ground and storm water. is an engineering solution that diverts and collects groundwater and filtered water that has accumulated underground, or under or next to any buildings.
If the site has waterlogged soil, for the normal construction and cultivation of plants, it is necessary to create a complex of hydraulic structures that will help drain excess water. This complex is a drainage system. Thanks to its work, excessive accumulation of surface water is prevented, and the process of waterlogging of the soil is also eliminated. To analyze the need for drainage, hydrological factors must be taken into account.
Drainages are divided by types into surface drainage, deep and vertical.
drainage system
- this is a widely branched system of drainage pipes, which are interconnected and located along or around the building they protect from moisture, or laid over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe drained area. Water that flows down the ground enters the drainage system and enters the pipe. The pipe in its walls has a large number of holes, the diameter of which is 1.5-5 mm. Holes are made in almost the entire area of the drainage pipe, at a small distance from each other. As a rule, backfilling of drainage is carried out for this purpose, crushed gravel and sand are used.
The water that was collected by the drainage pipes enters the water intake or into a special water intake well, which is also part of the drainage system.If a drainage well is used, then it must be dug at the lowest point of the drainage, the features of the site relief can be taken into account, but with a slight difference in elevation, the drainage well can be placed at any point in the site. Excess soil water (top water) can harm not only garden plants, but also the foundation of the house, as well as paved paths and blind areas. A large amount of water can accumulate in the foundation area of the building. Freezing in winter, accumulated water can damage the foundation or deform the paths. Any type of drainage resists such processes. A well-installed drainage system does not allow groundwater to rise to a high level to the base of the house.
Quality made drainage
along with and together with waterproofing, the ventilation system protects each basement of the building from damage that is associated with the formation of mold, permafrost and high humidity and flooding. A properly made drainage system prevents basements and basements from flooding. It is also impossible to neglect the drainage system on the site, since high humidity contributes to the disruption of soil aeration and can lead to waterlogging. Many plants can dry out due to high humidity.
Before starting the development of the site, you should select the desired type of drainage and take care of creating a drainage system in advance.
Surface drainage.
Surface drainage is the simplest type of drainage. The surface drainage system collects water from the drain and the site. By collecting and diverting water that falls in the form of precipitation, it reduces waterlogging. Making this type of system is the easiest. This does not require large-scale earthworks. Surface drainage is also called storm drainage, and involves the creation of point and linear drainage systems. Point drainage is necessary for local collection of water. This may be the collection of water flowing from the roof, or water from the irrigation taps. Linear drainage is designed to collect water over a large area.
vertical drainage.
A vertical drainage system is a type of drainage consisting of several wells, usually placed near a building. The water collected by them is discharged from the territory of the site with the help of special pumps.
It is not so difficult to equip a drainage system, but difficulties arise in its design. Drawing up a project requires special engineering knowledge and skills. Therefore, it is not worth designing a drainage system on your own. It is better to entrust the work to experienced professionals. For the proper conduct of events, special hydraulic equipment is required. This applies to all types of drainage.
Underground drainage
There are several types of systems that help protect underground buildings and basements from waterlogging.
Internal drainage allows you to get rid of the penetration of moisture into various underground structures in cases where it is not possible to open the foundation sinuses, based on the operating conditions of the facilities, and when their opening will entail significant financial costs related to the restoration of communications, engineering systems and landscape. At the same time, drainage devices can be installed not only on floors, but also on wall structures. Water is discharged into traditional water intakes:
storm drains;
collectors of drainage systems;
cuvettes, etc.
An additional type of drainage used in construction is reservoir
. At the base of the structure, the drainage system is laid directly on the aquifer. It is hydraulically connected to a tubular drain, which is located outside the foundation at a distance of about 0.7 m. The reservoir system helps to avoid both groundwater flooding and excessive soil moisture from capillary moisture.It is widely used in the construction of underground structures, which are built on soils with low permeability.
When draining a garden plot, a complex of pipes and structures can significantly lower the level of groundwater
Particular attention is paid to the correct installation of the system. When constructing an open drainage, it is worth remembering that it must be above the level of an existing common ditch.
It allows you to effectively divert water both during rain and when snow melts.
Closed or backfill drainage is a system of pipes covered with rubble. Most often, it is constructed in the form of a Christmas tree, where unnecessary moisture enters the main pipe from the outlets.