GOST 23337-2014 Noise. Methods for measuring noise in a residential area and in the premises of residential and public buildings with AmendmentGOST 23337-2014 Noise. Methods for measuring noise in a residential area and in the premises of residential and public buildings with the Amendment

SanPiN Changes in local vibration rationing

  1. As in the case of general vibration, SanPiN
    establishes hygienic standards for local vibration
    not for full acceleration, but for individual components (X, Y, Z)
    . At the same time, the designation of the directions for measuring local vibration is brought into line with GOST 31192.1 (the X and Y directions are reversed).
  2. There is no normalization of vibration velocity
    local vibration. The rates are set for acceleration only. This is a very correct decision, since the norms for vibration velocity have not actually been applied for a long time due to the lack of approved metrological requirements and measurement methods.
  3. There is no rationing of local vibration in octave frequency bands
    . The only normalized indicator is the corrected acceleration per shift.
  4. SanPiN explicitly defines type of frequency correction for local vibration (Wh according to GOST 31192.1)
    . The document does not contain any mention of the weighting method SN 2.2.4/ and the canceled GOST 12.1.012-90. Therefore, the measurement of the corrected acceleration should now be performed either by the direct method using corrective filters according to GOST ISO 8041, or using 1/3-octave spectral analysis according to Appendix A GOST 31192.1.
  5. The ban on work at levels that are 12 dB higher than the remote control has been specified. It was not clear from the old norms for which measurement time interval this rule was established. SanPiN clarifies that it refers to the current rms corrected accelerations averaged over an interval of 1 s. This, in fact, means the introduction additional normalized indicator - the maximum current RMS corrected acceleration
  6. When reducing the duration of the working shift, the remote control does not change

This definition removes the long-standing problem of incorrect binding of the general infrasound level to the characteristic of the LIN sound level meter (the latter, by the way, has long been absent from the standards for sound level meters), which has migrated from document to document for decades.

2. SanPiN
does not apply classification
infrasound by the nature of the spectrum (broadband, tone
) and by time characteristics (permanent, non-permanent
). This is a positive moment, since in the previous norms (SN 2.2.4 / these classifications, although present, were not actually used.

3. SanPiN contains hygienic standards not only for workplaces in the premises and on the territory, but also in vehicles
. This is a very important plus of the new document, since earlier infrasound standards for road, rail and air transport were scattered over a huge number of sanitary rules. Note that the established transport standard for infrasound (110 dB for the general level) means the actual mitigation of the rationing of this factor for rail transport.

4. SanPiN introduces new normalized indicator - the maximum current total level of infrasound
on characteristic S (should not exceed 120 dB).

We plan to develop and certify a methodology for measuring this indicator.

5. With a reduced working day (less than 40 hours per week), the remote control is applied without change

Means and methods of noise protection

with noise in production is carried out
complex and includes measures of technological,
therapeutic and prophylactic nature.

means and methods of protection against noise is given
in GOST 12.1.029-80 SSBT "Means and methods
noise protection. Classification, SNiP
"Noise protection", which provide for
noise protection as follows
construction-acoustic methods:

a) sound proof
enclosing structures, sealing
porches of windows, doors, gates, etc.,
soundproof cabins
for staff; sheltering noise sources
in casings;

b) installation
indoors on the way of distribution
noise absorbing structures and

c) application
mufflers of aerodynamic noise in
internal combustion engines and
compressors; sound-absorbing linings
in the air ducts of the ventilation

d) creation
noise protection zones in various places
finding people, using
screens and green spaces.

noise is achieved by using
under the floor elastic pads without rigid
their connections with supporting structures
buildings, installation of equipment for
shock absorbers or specially insulated
foundations. Widely used means
sound absorption - mineral wool,
felt boards, perforated cardboard,
wood fiber boards, fiberglass,
as well as active and reactive

noise are absorption, reactive
(reflex) and combined. V

noise attenuation occurs in the pores
sound absorbing material. Principle
operation of reactive silencers is based
on the effect of sound reflection as a result
the formation of a "wave plug" in the elements
muffler. in combined mufflers
both absorption and reflection occur.

is an
one of the most efficient and
common reduction methods
industrial noise on the way
distribution. With soundproofing
devices to easily reduce the noise level
at 30 ... 40 dB. Effective soundproofing
materials are metals, concrete,
wood, dense plastics, etc.

noise reduction in the room on the internal
surfaces are sound-absorbing
materials, as well as placed indoors
piece sound absorbers.

noise protection equipment
in cases where the means of collective
protection and other means do not provide
noise reduction to acceptable levels.

reduce the level of perceived
sound by 0 ... 45 dB, and the most
significant noise dampening is observed
in the high frequency region, which
most dangerous to humans.

personal noise protection
subdivided into anti-noise
ear plugs
outside; earplugs,
blocking the external auditory meatus
or adjacent to it; antinoise
helmets and helmets; anti-noise suits.
Earplugs are made from
hard, elastic and fibrous
materials. They are single and
multiple use. Antinoise
helmets cover the entire head, they apply
at very high noise levels
paired with headphones, and
anti-noise suits.

What will be the violation of the rules

If you think that nothing will happen to you for violating permissible sanitary norms and rules, then you are mistaken.

It doesn’t matter whether the violation was committed during the day or at night, because the punishment will follow in any case. Noisy neighbors will first be warned, and then they may be punished in the form of an administrative fine

Its average figure for an individual will be 1000 rubles. For officials, the amount is 3,000 rubles, but for legal entities it can reach up to 40,000 rubles. And this is not small money.

Initially, you record violations and collect your evidence base.After all, if you have two calls to the police, you can safely go to court and start a process with your neighbors. But this is considered an extreme case.

In addition, it is important to record the noise level in your home during the day and at night. And for this you will not do without the help of a special service that can do this with the help of tools and devices.

But where is the guarantee that they will have time to arrive on time?

How to deal with noisy renovations

Another topical issue is the fight against noise from renovations in residential premises.

After all, it is important to know the algorithm of actions so that the fight is effective and legal.

Therefore, you need to take the following steps:

  • Record or fix any violation with the help of special organizations;
  • Immediately check all the documents of the developers and their permission to carry out such repairs. After all, often you will not find them, and this will help you put pressure on them;
  • Collect all evidence and seek help from other witnesses of the offense;
  • Do not forget to file complaints with the relevant authorities;
  • Call the police to fix the violation. After all, after two such violations, you will already have grounds to go to court to start proceedings.

Who can help

There are several solid options that may be the solution for you.

To begin with, you can call the police, who will arrive, but even for the first time they have the right to make only a remark. This will be followed by a statement to the prosecutor's office, which is also obliged to clarify this issue with your noisy neighbors. And only then can you try to go to court. But this option immediately brings the resolution of all neighborly relations and big conflicts between you.

And if he does not fix the problem, then the matter may even go as far as the removal of such indecent tenants and the sale of their apartment. But the money after the sale of such real estate can be distributed among the affected neighbors as moral damages.

Maximum permissible levels of contact ultrasound for workers

Geometric mean
octave band frequencies, kHz

vibration velocity values, m/s

vibration velocity, dB










31,5 




Table 3

acceptable levels of airborne ultrasound
in the workplace

Geometric mean
octave band frequencies, kHz

sound pressure, dB











Appendix 13


Regulations on
organization of day care activities

in medical and preventive

by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation on December 9, 1999 No.

1. General Provisions

1.1. Day hospital
is a structural unit
medical institution,
including outpatient clinics,
hospitals, medical clinics,
research and educational
institutions and is intended for
preventive, diagnostic,
medical and rehabilitation measures
patients who do not require round-the-clock
medical supervision, using
modern medical technologies in
in accordance with standards and protocols
management of patients.

1.2. In his
day hospital activities
medical institution
guided by the law
Russian Federation, regulatory
legal acts of the Ministry of Health of Russia,
health authorities
subjects of the Russian Federation and
by this Regulation.

1.3. Bed capacity
and the profile of the day hospital are determined
head of medical and preventive
the institution in which it was created,
in agreement with the respective
health authority,
taking into account the existing infrastructure
health care and morbidity

In accordance with
profile, day beds
are a structural part of the bed
department fund (chamber).

Station power
determined by the number of 24-hour beds
and day stay.

Accounting for day care beds
stay in hospitals and
the movement of patients is carried out in
in the prescribed manner.

1.4. Day hospital
may be a clinical base
medical education and
research institutions.

1.5. Order
referrals and day hospitalizations
hospital, conditions for discharge or transfer
to a medical institution
are approved by the head
medical institution.

1.6. Working mode
day hospital is determined
head of medical and preventive
institutions, taking into account the volume of ongoing
medical events are usually
in 2 shifts.

1.7. Medical and
medical assistance to the population
day hospital conditions
within the framework of the territorial program
state guarantees
citizens of the Russian Federation free
medical care, as well as
voluntary medical insurance
or paid medical services in
in accordance with applicable law
Russian Federation.

1.8. Question about
providing nutrition to patients in the daytime
hospital is decided by the authorities
health care of the subjects of the Russian
Federation independently.

1.9. In the daytime
the hospital is being installed
accounting and reporting medical documentation.

1.10. Control of
day hospital activities
carried out by the head
medical institution
and (or) deputy medical officer
and clinical expert commission
medical institution.

1.11. Organization and
liquidation of the day hospital
carried out by decision of the head
medical institution
in agreement with the respective
health management authority.

SanPiN Accounting for measurement uncertainty

Clause 1.5 SanPiN
states: "Estimation of the actual levels of production physical factors should be carried out taking into account the uncertainty of measurements."

This is a very serious change that will certainly raise a lot of questions.

First, where does this uncertainty come from?
In the note to SanPiN, we find a reference to GOST R 54500.1-2011 / Guide ISO / IEC 98-1: 2009 “Uncertainty of measurement. An Introduction to the Guide to Measurement Uncertainty". This is a basic standard that gives only general definitions.. The current guidelines for the hygienic assessment of physical factors, with rare exceptions, also do not say anything about measurement accuracy indicators. The operational documentation of physical factors measuring instruments, in theory, should contain a direct measurement technique and, as consequences, indicators of accuracy. However, in practice, this is not always (to put it mildly) the case. Recently adopted standards (for example, GOST R ISO 9612 and GOST 12.1.003) often only confuse the situation.

Therefore, today the task of the earliest possible development of guidelines and certified measurement methods for the sphere of hygienic assessment of physical factors is coming to the fore.

Second question
how to account for uncertainty?
In the same note to SanPiN, we see a reference to GOST R ISO 10576-1-2006 "Guidelines for assessing compliance with established requirements." According to this standard, the decision on compliance (non-compliance) with the requirements is made depending on whether the entire uncertainty interval is in the zone of acceptable (unacceptable) values. However, uncertainty can be estimated for different values ​​of confidence probability. What confidence probability to use for hygienic assessment
The closer this indicator is to one, the wider the uncertainty interval, the more likely it is to get an inconclusive result (we will not talk much about this obvious headache for sanitary specialists here).

This problem can only be resolved by additional documents of Rospotrebnadzor, for example, guidelines or recommendations.

And finally, the third question: should this requirement be applied to all normalized parameters?
After all, a number of values, for example, the THC index, the coefficient of natural light (KEO), the indicator of discomfort UGR, are traditionally considered as some kind of calculated indicators for which measurement methods have never been developed.

This issue can be resolved by approving the list of measurements and mandatory metrological requirements for measurements used for the purposes of sanitary and epidemiological surveillance and production control.

When choosing measuring instruments, pay attention to the fact that their operational documentation contains a real measurement procedure indicating accuracy indicators.
Whenever possible, find and implement certified measurement methods for the instruments you operate

To be continued: in the near future we will continue the article with materials about changes in

  • noise regulation
  • normalization of general and local vibration
  • regulation of infrasound and ultrasound.

Maximum permissible sound levels and equivalent sound levels at workplaces for work activities of different categories of severity and intensity, dBa

Table 1

tension of the labor process

severity of the labor process

exercise stress

exercise stress

labor 1 degree

labor 2nd degree

labor 3rd degree







mild degree






medium degree






labor 1 degree



labor 2nd degree



Category of severity and tension
labor process is established
according to Guideline R 2.2.755-99 “Occupational health.
Hygienic evaluation criteria and
classification of working conditions according to
indicators of harmfulness and danger
working environment factors,
severity and intensity of labor

table 2

51 Urban noise and measures to prevent and reduce it. The contribution of domestic hygienists to the development of the issue.

physical point of view, sound is
mechanical wave vibrations of elastic
solids of the corresponding frequency and
intensity. sound vibrations,
originated in a solid body, propagate
and in the surrounding air and
can be perceived by the ear

is a collection of unwanted
hygienic point of view of sounds
different intensity and height,
randomly changing in time
and causing the population unpleasant
subjective feelings.


sources located in the dwelling -
intra-house (engineering, technological
and household equipment - elevators,
waste chutes, water supply, sewerage)

springs located outside the home

micro-district (quarterly) - sources,
associated with human life
within the district
(games on children's and sports grounds,
transformer substations, work
for cleaning the territory, vehicles)

non-microdistrict - industrial and
energy companies, various
modes of transport (road, air,
water, rail).

noise reduction

Architectural planning

functional zoning of the territory

residential area planning
- use of shielding effect
residential and public buildings located
close to the source
noise. However, the interior layout
buildings should provide orientation
sleeping and other premises of the residential area
apartments on the silent side, and in
side of the highway should be
oriented rooms in which
a person stays for a short time
time - kitchens, bathrooms, stairwells;

creation of conditions for continuous
traffic by organizing
traffic without traffic lights (transport
interchanges at different levels, underground
pedestrian crossings, street markings
one way traffic)

creation of bypass roads for transit

landscaping of the residential area.


modernization of vehicles
(reduction of engine noise, chassis
parts, etc.);

use of engineering screens -
highway or railroad
cut roads, creation of screen walls
from various wall structures;

reduction of noise penetration through
window openings of residential and public
buildings (use of soundproofing
materials - sealing gaskets made of
sponge rubber in window porches,
installation of triple-pane windows).

Administrative and organizational

state supervision of technical
condition of vehicles
(monitoring compliance with the terms of the technical
maintenance, mandatory regular

road condition monitoring.

domestic scientists:

Ts. Andreeva-Galanina made a huge contribution
contribution to the prevention of harmful
actions on the organism of production
noise. She studied functional
disorders of the nervous and cardiovascular
systems and dynamics of hearing loss
noise sensitivity
on the workers. Based
industrial and hygienic,
experimental and clinical
research by her for the first time given a complete
description of the clinic developing under
exposure to general disease noise
organism (the so-called noise disease),
the earliest manifestations of
are disorders of vascular tone
and senior researcher

regulation of artificial
habitat (microclimate) developed
M. S. Goromosov, and later his
pupils ; in the field of hygiene
noise factor normalization large
the works of I. L. Karagodina are of great importance.


