Expanded clay as sound insulation: advantages, disadvantages, characteristics

Laying technology

When installing wooden floors and floors, Vibrosil-K is cut into strips, which are then laid under the logs, under the floor beams in the places of their support on the walls. The width of the strip on each side should be 10 mm more than the width of the log.

When laying ZIPS soundproof panels, as additional insulation, Vibrosil-K is cut into strips, which are then laid in places where they rest on the floor (two layers) and in places where the panels come into contact with side walls (one layer).

To create good sound insulation, the floor is separated from the walls, for which a gap of 15-25 mm wide is left between the screed laid on the soundproof layer or soundproof tape strips and the walls, which is filled with soundproofing material. The gap between the coating and the walls in wood floors should be 10-15 mm, and in polymer coatings - 4-5 mm. Elastic pads are installed under the skirting boards, which are attached to the wall if the skirting board is attached to the floor, and to the floor if the skirting board is attached to the wall.

Heat-insulating boards and mats are laid dry or glued in such a way as to ensure a tight fit to the base, as well as a tight joint between the longitudinal and transverse edges of adjacent boards and mats, leaving minimal gaps between them. At the same time, the rigidity of the heat-insulating layer must be ensured (it must be strong, the slabs must not sway when walking) and the evenness of the surface of the laid slabs and mats. To obtain a sound insulation thickness of, for example, 15-20 mm (in a compressed state), mineral wool mats, mineral and fiberglass boards on a synthetic bond are laid with a thickness of 40-50 mm, and mineral wool mats on a synthetic bond and synthetic quilted mats are laid with a thickness of 30- 40 mm.

When installing floors on a ground base, it often becomes necessary to protect the floor from freezing and swelling. To do this, a frost-protective layer is made on the ground from heat-insulating materials with high strength, slight water absorption and not subject to decay. Such materials include FOAMGLAS boards (Belgium); PENOPLEX (Russia); STIRODUR (Germany); EXPOL (Russia); "Rockwool Floor-to-ground Slab" (Denmark), etc.

Thermal insulation of lightweight concrete mixes is arranged in the same way as the underlying concrete layer.

For the preparation of lightweight concrete mixes, expanded perlite sand and crushed stone, expanded vermiculite, KSV-sand, polytherm, as well as well-known expanded clay can be used as aggregates. These materials are also used as backfill insulation. The selection of the compositions of "warm" mixtures, the calculation of the amount of materials for the batching of a concrete mixer is carried out by a construction laboratory. In some cases, you can use the manufacturer's recommendations.

Heat and sound insulation from bulk materials is arranged on a flat surface. The use of backfills made of dusty materials is prohibited. Strips up to 60 mm thick are laid on the lighthouse rails in a continuous layer. At the same time, it is necessary to determine in advance the compaction coefficient of loose insulation so that its thickness after leveling and compaction corresponds to the design one.

When backfilling on wooden and reinforced concrete floors, a vapor barrier layer of glassine or polyethylene film is laid on the base between the lags in such a way as to cover the top layer of the backfill.

Expanded clay cost

The difference in the price of expanded clay for the floor is directly proportional to the fraction - the smaller the more expensive

Fraction, mm Bag volume (in liters) Number of bags in 1 m 3 (in pcs.) Price per bag (in rubles) Price for 1m 3 (in rubles)
20-40 60 16 90.6 1450
20-40 50 20 72.5 1450
20-40 25 40 40.0 1600
10-20 60 16 90.6 1450
10-20 50 20 72.5 1450
10-20 25 40 40.0 1600
5-10 40 25 95.0 2375
0-5 40 25 100.0 2500
0-5 50 20 145.0 2900

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that expanded clay is a universal insulation for any room, due to its environmental qualities. It is great for different parts of the building.

Composite material retains heat inside the house and does not allow it to heat up during high summer temperatures. We can say about him that the material is time-tested, and it can be safely used for its intended purpose.

Material characteristics

The expanded clay production technology consists in firing the formed granules from pre-prepared clay. It is subjected to drying and cleaning, and then grinding. Insulation is produced only from such high-quality raw materials.

All this procedure takes place at an optimal temperature, which exceeds 1100 degrees.

The entire manufacturing process is carried out in a rotary kiln, into which raw billets enter, and finished granules of insulation come out. They have a melted, durable and sealed shell that is resistant to external factors.

Expanded clay properties

Expanded clay is made on the basis of natural materials, therefore it is an environmentally friendly product. Its strength and durability are many times higher than the quality of synthetic insulation.

It is not subject to rotting processes, the influence of temperature changes, calmly endures severe frosts and heat, and expanded clay is moisture resistant.

Expanded clay as sound insulation: advantages, disadvantages, characteristicsHaving such properties, it may well be considered a universal material suitable for insulating floors, walls and attics.

Expanded clay granules vary in size from 3 to 45 mm.

Due to the naturalness of the material and production technology, it is fire resistant and under no circumstances emits harmful fumes.

The composite has undeniable useful qualities that are especially important for residential premises:

  • thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • acid resistance and chemical inertness.

In addition, it should be noted that with the high quality of this composite material, it has a very affordable price.

Varieties of material

Expanded clay as sound insulation: advantages, disadvantages, characteristicsExpanded clay is divided into three varieties or fractions: sand, gravel and crushed stone.

Each of them is good for a certain warming process and has a certain size.

  • Crushed stone is a small stones, ranging in size from 5 to 45 mm, with sharp corners.
  • Expanded clay sand, obtained by crushing larger parts, has a value of 0 to 5 mm.
  • But the most popular and frequently used fraction is gravel, which is used for insulation in the form of a dry backfill or by adding it to a cement-sand mortar to create slabs.

Attics are often insulated with gravel, as it is light in weight, unlike sand and gravel. It is also good for warming floors, especially private ones. Surprisingly, but the fact is that mice never start in layers from it.

Bulk density

The quality of the insulation is determined by the grade of the source material and compliance with the technology. The brand of bulk density depends on them:

  • M 250 - bulk density 250 kg per m 3;
  • M 300 - from 250 to 300 kg per m 3;
  • M 350 - from 300 to 350 kg per m 3;
  • M 450 - from 350 to 450 kg per m 3;
  • next come brands from M 500 to M 1000, the weight of each of them per m 3 increases by 100 kg.

The bulk density grade is set by GOST-9757-90.

GESN 11-01-009-02

Solid heat and sound insulation device made of wood-fiber boards

Name unit of measurement
Solid heat and sound insulation device made of wood-fiber boards 100 m2 of insulated surface
Scope of work
01. Marking, cutting and laying of plates in one dry layer.



The price lists the direct costs of the work for the period March 2014 for the city of Moscow, which are calculated on the basis of standards 2014 with additions 1 by applying indexes to the prices of the resources used. Indices applied to federal prices 2000.
The following indexes and hourly rates from the "Union of Estimators" were used:
Index to the cost of materials: 7,485
Index to the cost of cars: 11,643
Used hourly rates:
In parentheses are the wages per month at a given hourly rate.
Hourly rate of the 1st category: 130.23 rubles. at one o'clock (22 920) rub. per month.
Hourly rate 2 categories: 141.21 rubles. at one o'clock (24 853) rub. per month.
Hourly rate 3 categories: 154.46 rubles. at one o'clock (27 185) rub. per month.
Hourly rate 4 categories: 174.34 rubles. at one o'clock (30 684) rub. per month.
Hourly rate of the 5th category: 200.84 rubles. at one o'clock (35 348) rub. per month.
Hourly rate of the 6th category: 233.96 rubles. at one o'clock (41 177) rub. per month.

By clicking on this link, you can see this standard calculated in 2000 prices.
The basis for the use of the composition and consumption of materials, machines and labor costs are GESN-2001


Name Unit Change Labor costs
1 Labor costs of construction workers Category 2 man-hour 8,06
2 Labor costs of machinists (for reference, included in the cost of EM) man-hour 0,16
Total labor costs of workers man-hour 8,06
Wages of workers = 8.06 x 141.21 Rub. 1 138,15
Salary of machinists = 127.79 (for calculating invoices and profits) Rub. 127,79

How much does it cost to renovate an apartment. The cost of repairing an apartment per hour.


Cipher Name Unit Change Consumption St-st unit Rub. TotalRUB.
 1  030954 Lifts with a carrying capacity of up to 500 kg, single mast, lifting height 45 m mash.-h 0,16 363,96  58,23
 2  400001 Cars onboard, carrying capacity up to 5 tons mash.-h 0,76 1014,92  771,34
Total Rub.  829,57


Cipher Name Unit Change Consumption St-st unit Rub. TotalRUB.
 1  101-0687 Dry method fibreboards, group A, hard grades TS-400, 10 mm thick 1000 m2 0,103 137125,2  14 123,90
Total Rub.  14 123,90



You can see this standard calculated in 2000 prices. by following this link

The price was compiled according to the standards of GESN-2001 edition 2014 with additions 1 in prices March 2014.To determine the intermediate and final values ​​of the price, the DefSmeta program was used


