How to soundproof a basement from the inside
We all have an idea of what a basement is. To protect the room from noise during pump operation, it is necessary to make a frame with sound insulation and sew up everything with drywall sheets. Thanks to such protection, you can not only isolate sound, but also give neatness to the basement.
The basement, like any room, has doors that should also be insulated. If earlier wooden doors were made, today metal structures are mainly used for this.
It is quite difficult to isolate metal, but it is extremely important to do the work, since the comfort of people living in the house depends on this.
Once the doors and walls are secure, the flooring can begin. The floor, as a rule, is transmitted mainly by vibration, and it is not always possible to cope with it. As an option, you can try to cover everything with thick rubber. This option is possible, but the cost of the material is too high. If you plan to do everything thoroughly, then the most suitable option is to make a liquid floor.
We make a soundproof box for the pump with our own hands
To make your own box for the pump, you must first remove its exact dimensions. It is necessary to take into account not only the actual dimensions of the unit, but also to make a small tolerance on the thickness of the insulating material. For the body itself, it is best to use wooden materials. Wood absorbs sound well and is easy to process. You can use plywood, chipboard or MDF panels, it all depends on the material possibilities and personal preferences.
The box must be assembled so that a door is obtained for periodic checking of the device. It is clear that if there is a door, then it needs seals through which any noise cannot pass. Today, in the construction market, you can choose the most suitable sealing materials in terms of thickness, structure and cost.
You can connect the box with the insulating layer using a construction stapler, which will help save time and effort
It is also important to use high-quality fittings in the work, because the life of the protective box depends on this. All elements of fasteners and curtains should work correctly and easily so that you do not have to redo everything soon
From the inside, the box is protected by fibrous sound insulation, and from the outside, the box can be sewn up with sound-absorbing gypsum boards. The weight of the entire structure will increase, but the complex sound insulation will also become noticeable. Another small tip for the manufacture of the box, the legs or rack on which the box will be installed must be provided with rubber liners, which can prevent vibration sounds.
Separate room in the house
The best solution for the pumping station would be to use a separate room where noise will not be heard. Of course, it will not be difficult to make such a design, but it will have to be heated, which entails certain costs. Given the current cost of energy resources, it should be understood that this option is absolutely not suitable, since it takes more money to heat the room.
Of course, if possible, you can install the station in the utility room. This option is possible when a well or well is located in close proximity to the house. A good solution for a station would be a basement that is below ground level.
Firstly, the noise will be absorbed by the ground, without transmitting it to the house, and secondly, a certain temperature always remains at a certain depth and the water cannot freeze.If you allocate a pantry for the pumping station, then in this case the room will have to be carefully soundproofed.
Causes of noise and solutions
One option for installing a compressor station is a basement. Considering that the premises are located underground, it is safe to say that the water in the pipeline will not freeze, and, therefore, it will be possible to use water all year round. During the operation of the mechanism, the sound of the electric motor and the sound of water will be heard. In addition, if the installed station has an expansion tank, then the period of operation of the device can be quite long.
Also, do not forget about vibration noise, which will also be clearly audible in other rooms. By performing high-quality sound insulation, taking into account the parameters of the device itself, you can achieve the best result and reduce noise to an acceptable 20 decibels.
When the sound source is the heating system
Often an unpleasant hum occurs in the case of poor-quality design or installation of hydraulic systems, as well as illegal changes in the standardized designs of existing pipelines in the house. There are cases when, after unauthorized redevelopment and replacement of the heating system in the apartment, installation of underfloor heating or new plumbing, there is a lot of noise throughout the house. Often the reason is that after the repair, pipes of a larger diameter were installed than required by the project standards. In this case, vibration occurs, which leads to the formation of noise.
Noise can also appear due to the replacement of old pumping systems with new ones. This is because the technical characteristics of the installed equipment do not match the characteristics of the hydraulic system operating in the house. In addition, a slight hum may also appear because the hydraulic system damper is not tightly closed, due to which there is additional resistance and an increase in the speed of water movement through the pipes.
Abnormal movement of water through pipes (faster or slower), as well as the wrong diameter of recently installed pipes, very often cause a powerful hum, which can only be eliminated by installing a new pipeline. That is why before any repair work related to the replacement of plumbing and pumping equipment, it is necessary to consult with specialists.
Use of common areas in the house
The house has many rooms that can be used for the location of pumping equipment. The only thing that will have to be done is to install good sound insulation. Depending on the parameters of the room and taking into account the materials of construction, you can choose the ideal option for soundproofing materials.
If the room allocated for the station has enough space, then it will be good to make frame sound insulation using fibrous materials. The thing is that mineral or basalt wool is able to retain and absorb noise as efficiently as possible. So that vibration is not transmitted along the walls of the structure, you can make a floating floor and in this situation the noise level will be minimal.
How to prevent pump noise
If the unit is located in the basement, it is important that it has good sound insulation. Although the equipment is installed on monolithic mounts, if a vibration isolation pad is used, then structure-borne noise can be significantly reduced.
Structural hum is transmitted over hard surfaces.
If there is vibration from the mechanism, then it is necessarily transmitted through the foundation and walls. Of course, this problem can be solved if you initially take care of the vibration-insulating lining. You can take any rubber element with a thickness of 20 millimeters and make a gasket out of it. It is worth noting that after this the noise level will decrease significantly.
When the room for compressor equipment occupies a space meter by meter, then the installation of fibrous sound insulation will be the best solution. Firstly, the structure of the fibers completely protects against the penetration of airborne noise, that is, even if the engine is running, it is not so easy to detect.
How to make the pump run quieter
Restoring silence in the house on your own is not recommended, because you can do the opposite. If there is noise in the basement coming from pumping equipment or pipelines, immediately contact the management company or private specialists who will help you solve the problem.
Measures that can be taken:
- Installation of the motor speed controller for pumping equipment. It should be noted here that installing a regulator will really help only if the pumping system has a certain power reserve, or operation at maximum speed is required at certain hours (for example, in the morning and evening).
- Installation of high-quality sound insulation in the room where pumping equipment operates. Very often, even in modern houses, technical rooms with large equipment are not sufficiently isolated from noise, as a result of which residents feel its impact.
- In cases where the pumping unit is mounted directly on the foundation and it is not possible to move it to another place, the foundation must be vibration-isolated.
- You can install anti-vibration elements on pipes for water supply and heating. It is the vibration of pipes that often becomes the strongest source of noise.
- Specialists also often solve the problem with the help of vibration isolation of the supporting structures of pipelines, which are attached to the enclosing supports of the house. Suspension supports must be articulated. It is also recommended to lay rubber gaskets under the pipeline.
Noise from a basement pump can be caused by a variety of factors. Therefore, immediately after its appearance, it is necessary to find out the cause. Do not think that the noise will pass - if the equipment is faulty or installed incorrectly, then sound vibrations will only increase over the years.
If the pump is installed in your private house, then you can independently find out the cause of the noise. It probably has to do with poor quality. In this case, you must contact the company whose employees installed the equipment.
Determining the source of unpleasant sounds and its prompt elimination is the main plan of action for any conscious person. You should not endure the constant noise from the pump if it prevents you from living comfortably in the apartment and relaxing.
Chief editor of the site, civil engineer. He graduated from SibSTRIN in 1994, since then he has worked for more than 14 years in construction companies, after which he started his own business. Owner of a construction company.
Pump problems causing hum
Noise in pumps can occur for a variety of reasons. This may be improper installation of equipment or failure of some elements. The main sources of noise in pumps are considered to be the engine air cooling system and rolling bearings. These potential noise sources are inextricably linked to pump motor power and speed. Here it is worth mentioning the international ISO standards, according to which the noise emitted by pumping equipment is limited depending on the two factors above.
Pumping equipment located in the basement.
Interestingly, an increase in acoustic pressure, for example, by 6 dB, according to real human sensations, will be equal to a twofold increase in noise. The sound that a pumping system makes is closely related to the speed, so noise reduction is only possible if it is reduced.At the same time, in the case of a decrease in the speed, the performance of pumping equipment will also drop noticeably. This is a very difficult moment, which only professionals should understand.
It can also highlight other reasons why noise from the pump may occur:
- bearing damage;
- not fixed body of the device;
- cavitation with vibration and harsh noises;
- vibration that is transmitted to pipes and building structures.