Advantages and disadvantages
All of the above wallpaper options have high
soundproofing characteristics, however, in addition to this, there are also other
- Ecological purity. Everything
The products are made of high quality materials, which do not bear
harm to the human body and health. As for the cork cloth,
it is made from natural ingredients. - Ability to use in
rooms with high humidity. If we talk about cork and velor
models, they are not considered universal coatings, especially with wet
air, but taffeta and vinyl products can be used absolutely
in every room from the bathroom to the bedroom. - variety of patterns and
patterns. If cork products do not have a colorful design, then the rest
options can be selected according to various preferences and parameters. How
as a rule, cork canvases are a rational solution for decorating
office, study or library. - High strength.
Vinyl canvases can boast of the increased strength of the material.
Other types of products are less durable, which means that they will often have to be
glue and glue. The lifespan of a vinyl sheet
is at least ten years, which is an order of magnitude higher than the rest
rolls. - Ease of sticking.
Almost all types of wallpaper can be handled without unnecessary difficulties.
The only material that can bring inconvenience is cork.
For pasting such canvases, it is better to invite a specialist. After all, technology
and the materials themselves differ from the traditional ones used in conventional
wallpapering. - Price. If
consider the price line, then vinyl is considered the cheapest
products on non-woven and paper basis. The rest is enough
expensive, so if the budget has it, then you can take it, and if
no, you can glue vinyl as an alternative.
Assortment of wallpapers in the modern construction market
allows you to choose exactly what is best for you and your
wallet. Soundproof wallpaper will help create optimal indoor
conditions, even without major sound insulation.
Installation technologies for modern soundproofing materials vary depending on the material chosen.
With the help of dowel-nails
Such a system is used in materials such as Phonestar GW. The panels are fastened with special dowel-nails, which are inserted into the allotted holes in the panels. You need to drill holes in the wall in advance to connect it and the panels.
Installation should start from left to right and bottom to top. Before mounting the end panel, its extreme edges are cut off. The starting bar is installed close to the wall.
Applying plaster
Self-installation of acoustic plaster can cause many problems, as certain skills are needed. Beacons are pre-installed, which allow you to make a flat surface.
The process of applying plaster consists of three stages. At the first, a thick mixture is sprayed as a base. The second stage involves filling the voids. The third is needed to consolidate the result.
Adhesive base
Such materials are applied by SOFTBOARD on a specially prepared adhesive base. Liquid nails intended for this can be used as glue. Liquid nails are applied along the edges and in a couple of places in the center. The surface of the base is preliminarily leveled with plaster.
The process of installing soundproofing material under the wallpaper should not cause great difficulties, especially if you have certain skills. In order to get an excellent result at the end of the repair, you must fully comply with the installation technology:
- Wall surface preparation. First you need to prepare the work surface where the material will be glued. To do this, you need to eliminate the shortcomings in the form of large cracks. This is done with the help of plaster, which is applied with a spatula, the surface is pre-primed. The old material should not remain on the wall.
- Strip cutting. Soundproof wall underlay is sold in rolls over 10 meters long. Before gluing, it must be divided into strips with a length equal to the height of the room. If possible, this should be done with a small margin, especially in the absence of practical skills, so that there is room for maneuver.
- Applying glue. Depending on the material used, the adhesive is applied to various surfaces when using a non-woven substrate, the adhesive is applied exclusively to the walls, polyurethane material requires additional application to the substrate itself.
- Bonding strips. After applying the glue, you can proceed to gluing the strips. This must be done carefully so that neat joints are obtained. They should not stick out and bristle. Additionally, paper tape can be applied to the joints to obtain a better result.
- Drying. After completing the work, you need to let the glue dry. Within 72 hours it is forbidden to perform any manipulations with the substrate. Only after the expiration of the term can you proceed to the fine finish.
Modern soundproofing materials make a person's life much more comfortable, saving him from extraneous noise, because they can cause significant harm to his health. However, the installation of the material has its drawbacks, but they are offset by a large number of positive aspects. Deciding whether to use it or not is up to the individual.
In the video you will see the process of sound and noise insulation of walls, as well as tell you what materials are needed and their cost.
The life of modern cities is becoming more and more intense. The noise does not subside day or night. The rhythm of people's lives is also changing, and at the hour when many are preparing to rest, some are only entering the active stage of wakefulness. All this creates an additional noise load, which must be reduced in order to ensure comfort and peace for yourself and your loved ones. Modern sound-absorbing wallpapers can help with this.
Wall soundproofing features
Installation of sound insulation under the wallpaper will not be difficult if you delve into some subtleties. There is a difference between sound absorption and sound insulation. Absorption occurs if the noise comes from outside, and isolation - the sounds of the apartment, the houses do not go beyond the walls. Soundproofing features:
- comfort - external sounds do not reach the residents of the apartment;
- there is sound insulation, which has a surface that does not require a finish coat;
- it is possible to turn on loud music or talk until late in the evening;
- have not only soundproofing properties, but also create thermal insulation.
Despite a number of features, there are disadvantages. Installation of some materials requires free space. The second drawback is a significant price, but it is justified by the above properties.
If the apartment or house is small in size, there are sound-absorbing wallpapers on the construction market, as well as lining under the coating.
Advantages and disadvantages
Now you know general information about each type of sound-absorbing wallpaper, but let's summarize by describing their main advantages and disadvantages.
Features of tufting
- high soundproofing performance;
- good thermal insulation qualities;
- external attractiveness of the material;
- do not require special care;
- they do not contain substances hazardous to human health;
- do not deteriorate after contact with moisture;
- easy to glue;
- good resistance to ultraviolet exposure;
- with their help, you can hide minor flaws in the wall;
- have high strength.
How is the soundproofing of the walls under the wallpaper
- due to artificial origin, they are accumulators of electrostatic charges, and also collect dust on themselves;
- in people suffering from chronic asthma, seizures may occur due to dust accumulated in the villi;
- frequent wet cleaning is necessary;
- poorly resist mechanical stress;
- their price is quite high.
Features of artificial velor
Benefits of wall covering:
- is an accumulator of electrostatics;
- the surface gets dirty quickly, so it needs frequent cleaning;
- short service life (less than 5 years);
- poor resistance to moisture;
- serious vulnerability of the decorative layer to mechanical stress.
Mineral slabs - soundproofing materials for walls under wallpaper
Features of cork wallpaper
- are made of natural material, which is harmless to humans and environmentally friendly;
- shows good soundproofing qualities;
- due to the absence of harmful impurities, they can be used even in medical institutions;
- well tolerate moisture;
- can withstand mechanical stress during operation;
- have good adhesion;
- due to their versatility, they can be used to decorate any room in style;
- do not attract dust, which makes them easy to clean. You can even use wet wipes to clean up dirt.
Elastic insulating cork wallpaper
- the cost of such wallpaper is much higher than the cost of competitors;
- in order for them to be glued to the wall, it is necessary to first make its surface perfectly flat, because. as a result of the fine structure, any defects will be clearly visible. The problem can be solved by using cork boards, which are much thicker;
- long and complicated installation process. The instructions require serious attention during gluing, so everything must be done very carefully so as not to spoil the appearance.
At the same time, unnecessary noise from the street or from neighbors will not enter your room, so nothing will interfere with your rest. With sufficiently serious noise loads, as an alternative, you can use a roll coating or cork slabs, which will further enhance the soundproofing performance.
What material is the thinnest
With the use of thin soundproofing materials, there is
opportunity to achieve good results
There is a huge amount on the market today
selection of materials that can be selected according to characteristics and preferences.
If you choose the thinnest sound insulation, then you should pay attention to the foam
products that, despite their thin base, give a high degree of
efficiency. Among the previously described materials, this criterion is ideal
fits Tecsound, which is only 3.7 millimeters thick
If use
canvas in combination with other bases, that is, the ability to completely eliminate
sounds in the house.
Benefits of soundproofing walls
The process of installing sound insulation in your own apartment will not take much time and effort. To begin with, you should be aware of some important points, including the difference between sound insulation and sound absorption. In the first case, the noise does not penetrate from nearby apartments, while in the second, the sounds from your room will no longer reach the ears of your neighbors.
Soundproofing under wallpaper can please residents with the following positive qualities and advantages:
- Increasing the level of comfort - conversations of neighbors, loud music and all other extraneous noises will be eliminated.
- Some finishing materials have a wonderful appearance and decorative properties, which allows them to be used as a topcoat without the need to glue vinyl wallpaper.
- It becomes possible to make noise yourself, within reason, without causing inconvenience to people in adjacent rooms.
- Modern materials please not only with noise protection, but also with excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
The only serious drawback is that the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe living space is reduced. This moment is especially important for owners of small apartments, where every centimeter plays a big role. In this case, it is recommended to choose frameless finishes, as well as use thin membranes and sound-absorbing wallpapers.
Soundproofing materials
There are several types, divided by performing certain functions.
Soundproofing - reflection of incoming noise. The sound insulation of a wall is determined by its thickness. The thicker the structure, the better the sound insulation. Noise isolation index 52-60 dB. Additional soundproofing materials include drywall.
Noise absorption - the absorption of noise by the material used, which has a structure of fibers, with the addition of crumbs, looks like cells. Noise reduction coefficient 0-1. The average value is 0.4.
Soundproof materials include films, membranes. They are thin and at the same time have a good ratio. The mineral membrane has a thickness of 0.25-0.37 cm. It is aragonite - "Teksound", barite - vinyl.
Polyethylene has a thickness of 0.5 cm. It is mounted under the wallpaper. As well as lead foil having a thickness of 0.7 cm.
The most applicable materials are divided into types.
ZIPS soundproofing panel used indoors under wallpaper to achieve silence in the apartment. This is a sandwich panel consisting of mineral wool and drywall. Depending on the type, the thickness of the panel varies from 40-130 mm. Drywall is used with a thickness of 12.5 mm. Installation is carried out using a vibration-proof gasket. The connection between them is made using a thorn-groove. The noise insulation index increases by 9-18 dB (depending on the thickness of the ZIPS).
Vibroacoustic sealant
High vibration isolation of joints in the mounted structure (made of plasterboard), as well as reduction of structural noise. The seams of the created structure under the wallpaper are filled with sealant. When using it is necessary to protect the eyes and skin from contact. After drying, it is not dangerous, non-toxic.
Material is made from coniferous trees. It does not allow noise to penetrate from the outside, while it has thermal insulation properties. It is used both under wallpaper and putty. Environmentally friendly material. Easy to install. Its disadvantage is the high cost.
Noise reduction up to 27 dB.
Soundproof wallpaper
The lining for the wallpaper is made of polyethylene foam covered with paper. This is a roll material of a sound-absorbing type. It has the property of a heater, as well as such features:
- safety for health - the material is created from elements harmless to human health;
- prevents the spread of mold, does not rot;
- installation of roll material does not reduce useful square meters;
- service life of 50 years.
There is another advantage - leveling the walls before wallpapering.
Disadvantages - high cost. And also if the room is damp, the accumulated condensate will be collected by water droplets on the wallpaper.
The substrate for the wallpaper is made of cork, non-woven.
Soundproof membrane
Roll material of mineral composition. Installation is carried out on glue to various surfaces. Noise reduction is up to 22 dB. The membrane has a number of features:
- does not tear;
- harmless to health;
- service life up to 20 years;
- at a temperature of -20 0C does not burst.
Soundproof putty
The soundproofing mixture contains granules that reflect sounds.It is applied in a thin layer to reduce noise coming from the room, as well as improve acoustics.
For the best effect, the mixture is applied in a layer of 20 mm.
Minus the mixture - does not suppress strong sounds. Sometimes putty is applied in 2 layers.
This is a roll material created on a bitumen basis. It is thin with good noise-absorbing properties. Mounted on glue for drywall and putty. It has the following properties:
- impact noise removal up to 27 dB;
- has waterproofing properties;
- flexible;
- harmless to health.
Minus - high cost.
Cork materials are divided into groups with their own functions.
- Pressed sheet created from crumbs. Does not rot. Has a service life of 40 years. Does not spread mold. Sheet thickness 2-4 mm. Can be produced in rolls. Impact noise reduction index 12 dB.
- Substrate. Created by mixing granules of cork and synthetic rubber. Reduces impact noise. Used as a substrate for various finishing materials. Waterproofing is required for the installation of the substrate.
- Basis - kraft paper, bituminous impregnation, cork crumb. Waterproofing during installation is not required. But, with strong moisture, the crumbs peel off from the base and begin to rot.
Cork sound insulators have positive properties and some disadvantages - they cannot stand high moisture, and they are also expensive.
This is a seven-layer material created from cardboard sheets and a mixture of quartz sand. The panel has a thickness of 1.3 cm. The noise absorption index is 38 dB. Mount the panels with glue.
There is also soundproofing in rolls. This is foamed polyethylene foam and bitumen. It is a waterproofing agent. Elastic, durable.
Pros and cons of various sound-absorbing wallpapers
Now that the main types of sound-absorbing wallpaper have been introduced, it will be useful to clearly indicate advantages and disadvantages of each type.
tufted wallpaper
- Good sound insulation
- Additional thermal insulation
- Beautiful appearance, which is provided by a large variety of designer colors and finishes of such wallpapers
- Lightness and ease of care
- Safety for humans - non-toxic, biologically inert, do not contain hazardous compounds
- Moisture resistant, well tolerate contact with water, dry quickly
- Simple and easy to install
- Do not fade, not exposed to UV rays
- Hides small imperfections of the base surface well
- Have high tensile strength
- Build up an electrostatic charge, attract dust
- Dust accumulates between the villi and can provoke an asthma attack in chronic patients with this disease.
- Requires frequent maintenance to remove accumulated dust
- Poorly tolerate mechanical stress
- Have a relatively high cost
Tufted wallpapers are a good solution for residential premises, public visiting enterprises. They not only isolate the premises from excessive noise, but also insulate well, so it makes sense to use them on cold external walls, soundproof and at the same time insulate the joints.
Faux velor wallpaper
- Attractive appearance
- Average degree of sound insulation
- Wallpaper does not fade in the sun and near a central heating radiator
- Average price category, velor wallpapers are cheaper than tufted or cork
- Quick and easy application
- Possibility of care with a soft brush vacuum cleaner
- Just like tufting, they accumulate electrostatics, due to the artificial origin. The consequence is the rapid contamination of the coating.
- Relatively little durability. Service life rarely exceeds 5 years.
- Cannot tolerate moisture and water
- Practically, they do not resist mechanical stress, the decorative layer is very vulnerable
Faux velor wallpaper is most suitable for a single person's apartment, without pets, or for decorating a quiet office with few employees. Then this type of coating will be able to reduce the level of external noise, and not be subjected to serious operational loads, for which it is simply not intended.
Cork wallpaper
- Natural, natural material, environmentally friendly and safe
- Provide a high level of sound insulation
- Provides natural ventilation
- Absolutely safe for humans, can be used in children's, medical institutions, and also suitable for people with health problems.
- Moisture resistant
- Possess durability and resistance to operational loads
- They have good adhesion to almost any surface.
- They are highly combinatory and can be integrated into almost any interior style.
- They are easy to care for with a simple soft brush, as cork wallpapers do not accumulate static and do not attract dust. If contamination has occurred, it can be removed with a damp cloth and a non-aggressive care product.
- High price
- Cork wallpapers require a flat surface, because due to their thin structure, unevenness on the wall will be clearly visible. Cork slabs are not so capricious, their thickness allows you to effectively hide minor flaws in the finish of the base wall.
- Cork wallpaper must be glued as carefully as possible, since negligence or inaccuracy will be clearly visible on a flat wall. Therefore, if there is no self-confidence, it is better to invite specially trained masters.
Cork wallpaper is a universal means for soundproofing rooms for any purpose. They are suitable for the outer wall of a panel house, and for interior walls. They will save you from the sounds of a city street or from too noisy neighbors. In the event that the noise level is very high, cork wallpaper can be replaced with cork tiles or rolled covering. Then the soundproofing result will be even more impressive.
Pasting process
The substrate is very easy to use, so you won’t have to work hard with it during work. You only need to do the following:
- Completely clear the wall of wallpaper or other material.
- Large cracks and gaps are leveled by plastering over.
- The wall must be leveled so that there are no large differences from irregularities on it. If such a need arises, then the wall should be re-primed.
- The wall must be clean and dry.
- The backing roll is cut into webs of the length required for gluing. It is worth remembering that for non-woven fabric they buy a special glue for non-woven wallpaper, which is applied only to the wall. For polyethylene foam and cork, it is necessary to lubricate the substrate and wall with glue. Having smeared glue, we wait from 3 to 5 minutes so that it dries slightly. This will make it easier to place sheets of material in the right place on the wall.
- The strips of the substrate must be glued joint to joint, and then the seams are strengthened with paper tape.
It is better to wait a few days until the substrate under the wallpaper is completely dry. To ensure that the pasting of the room does not suffer from the poor quality of the work performed, it is not recommended to carry out work at high temperatures. The ideal temperature is +10, so repairs should be done either in spring or autumn. There should be no drafts in the room where they plan to carry out work with the substrate under the wallpaper.
Life in a large city is accompanied by a constant noise coming from behind the windows, while it does not subside day or night. There are also changes in the rhythm of people's lives - when some are already getting ready for bed, others are just starting to work. One of the solutions to this problem is the purchase of modern wallpaper with a sound absorption function.
In the photo - soundproof wallpaper for the living room
When buying such material, it is worth remembering that it will only help to slightly reduce the noise entering the room from the outside world. If you are faced with the task of achieving complete soundproofing of the room, here you can’t get off with wallpaper alone. It will also be necessary to process the ceiling and floor, as well as take care of good windows, which will also reduce noise effects.
However, we are not talking about that now. Let's try to deal with the main types of sound-absorbing wallpaper, which are most often divided according to the material from which they were made.
Soundproofing walls under wallpaper - a way to get a healthy sleep
Types, properties and characteristics of soundproof wallpaper
Structurally noise-absorbing wallpaper for walls - a three-layer material. The first and third layers are more dense than conventional canvases. The middle one is made of a porous material, which plays the role of a barrier to sound penetration.
The thickness of the coating also has its function in reducing the noise intensity. In addition to three-layer, there are also two-layer soundproof wallpapers.
Wallpaper with a noise-absorbing effect is available in several variations:
- Tufted (carpet),
- Velor,
- Cork.
Tufted wallpaper
This is a two-layer material consisting of a fabric base and a decorative pile part made of synthetic fibers. The density of the material allows it to recreate an ordinary carpet.
It is thanks to the excellent density that the insulation of the room occurs. To achieve the best effect, it is necessary to trim all the walls in the room with tufted wallpaper.
Along with the noise-absorbing effect, carpet wallpaper can well insulate the space, which is important for "cold" walls. The peculiarity of the wallpaper is vapor permeability, which does not allow them to cause the reproduction of the fungus. Wet tufted wallpaper dries very quickly.
Caring for them is quite simple. Cleaning can be done with a vacuum cleaner or with a damp cloth using carpet cleaners. Working with wall covering should also not cause any difficulties.
The main thing is to avoid getting excess adhesive on the front surface. In addition, the material will help hide minor flaws in the foundation.
The disadvantages of the coating are carpet soundproof wallpapers, the average price of which is 2500 rubles. per roll, do not have antistatic properties, which requires frequent cleaning.
Sound-absorbing synthetic velor wallpaper
Visually imitate velvet fabric. They consist of two layers: the main one is made of thick paper, and the decorative one is made of polyvinyl chloride fibers. Of course, the noise-absorbing characteristics are low compared even with a layer of drywall. But as a fight against noisy neighbors, the coating is quite suitable.
Synthetic fibers can be supplemented with natural fibers such as jute or sisal. The combination of piles of different lengths allows you to create good acoustics in the room.
Velor soundproof wallpapers for walls have the widest variety of patterns, shades, textures and shapes. They are easy to work with.
There are also disadvantages - low strength combined with poor moisture and wear resistance. Therefore, it is better not to use them for finishing kitchens, dining rooms, corridors, bathrooms and other wet areas.
Also the price is quite high. from 4000 to 15000 r. per roll. As a noise-absorbing wallpaper, this type of wallpaper is not very effective, but you can’t refuse them in decorativeness and beauty.
Cork wallpaper with noise-absorbing effect
The best way to reduce noise. They include two layers: the main one is made of compacted paper or non-woven fabric, and the decorative one is in the form of veneer from cork oak bark.
In addition, cork can also be presented in the form of plates made without a paper base.The function of the base is performed by compressed cork chips, that is, the coating consists of two layers of cork.
The main advantage is the ability to absorb the intensity of incoming and outgoing noise by more than 70%. Indeed, noise-absorbing cork wallpaper is an excellent heat and sound insulating barrier with an unusually attractive natural decorative surface.
Impeccable sound insulation is achieved due to air-filled dense cells that prevent the penetration of sound waves. The natural composition allows the use for decoration of any premises.
The natural adhesive (resin) emitted by the wallpaper has a disinfecting effect. Vapor permeability is the key to a continuous process of natural ventilation. This creates a pleasant microclimate and minimizes the risk of mold from the frequent condensation.
Soundproof cork wallpaper, the average price of which is 1000 rubles. per m2, have several disadvantages. The main one is the need for thorough preparatory work with the base in order to bring it to an ideal state.
The gluing process is not simple and can cause some difficulties during independent work.
Among the common advantages of all of the above types, light resistance can be distinguished. Noise-absorbing wallpapers for walls are not exposed to sunlight, do not fade and do not lose their original performance characteristics.
Also, all soundproof wallpapers are environmentally friendly. Harmful chemicals are not used for their production, and the process of gluing and operation is not accompanied by the release of toxic compounds, which makes their scope unlimited.
Durability is another benefit. Tufted wallpapers are able to please the owners with aesthetics and practicality for 5-10 years, velor wallpapers - 5-7 years, and cork sound-absorbing wallpapers - 8-15 years.
Soundproof wallpaper not only isolates the room from external noise, but also can decorate any room with its original and sophisticated look. By adding specialized insulation materials, you can provide all residents with a comfortable and cozy atmosphere.
Many people think that if the question arose of finishing and decorating the wall during repairs, it is enough just to choose the wallpaper you like. However, in addition to this, noise insulation, thermal insulation, as well as the condition of the surfaces are important conditions. Therefore, special soundproof wallpapers have been created to improve the living conditions in the house (prevent the negative effects of external irritants), which will simply become indispensable helpers in repairs.
There are certain wall coverings (wallpaper substrate) that have been developed taking into account all the wishes of experienced craftsmen and ordinary consumers. Such a soundproofing surface is polyethylene (foamed), which is covered on both sides with special paper. In addition to the paper surface, the substrate can be cork or non-woven.
In addition, this material is well suited for any type of wallpaper. That is, such material will allow you to quickly and efficiently decorate the walls.
Key Benefits
- It is characterized by its high strength, you can not worry that it will tear easily.
- Thanks to the use of environmentally friendly materials for the production, it is perfect for any home.
- Such a special surface does not absorb moisture, but rather helps to prevent condensation.
- Noise isolation of these wallpapers helps to achieve comfort and a calm environment.
Such a rolled surface is an excellent material on which the selected wallpaper is pasted. Moreover, manufacturers of such substrates have achieved excellent production results. This surface does not lose its properties for many years, which allows several times to paste over the walls with wallpaper.
A wallpaper backing for decades will prevent the appearance of fungus on the walls, prevent condensation and provide excellent sound insulation. And besides this, it is ideal for leveling uneven surfaces.
The main producers today are
. The material consists of polyethylene foam and has a white paper coating. Due to mechanical production, Ecoheat has a more uniform and denser structure. -
. This cross-linked polyethylene foam is very popular today. -
Polyph (trocellen)
. Thermal insulation is the most indisputable advantage of these wall coverings. These materials stand out for their high quality as well as ease of use.
Types of substrates
The interior decoration of the rooms depends on the type of selected substrate. It is chosen based on the following factors:
- The number of people in the apartment or house.
- Housing location.
- The influence of temperature, nature and weather conditions.
- The level of humidity and dampness.
There are several types of wallpaper substrates, which are most often used for interior decoration:
- Foamed polyethylene, which is characterized by a porous structure, lightness, low thermal conductivity. This type of substrate is used to create heat in the apartment. This material allows you to create sound insulation, retains its qualities at temperatures from +60 to +90. You can glue foamed polyethylene on concrete walls, reducing the cost of insulation. This mat is sold in rolls.
- Cork backing is made of natural material, therefore it is safe, environmentally friendly, has an excellent level of sound insulation and adhesion. It is recommended to use for rooms with thin walls, if the "effect" of street noise is constantly present in the house. This will protect an apartment or a private house from the barking of dogs, the voices of neighbors, the signals of cars, the sounds of repairs from neighboring apartments. Cork is an excellent thermal insulation material, but it is afraid of moisture and water. Therefore, for regions or for apartments with a humid climate, this type of substrate is not recommended.
- Non-woven substrate - made from modified cellulose, which allows the material to remain resistant to steam. Thanks to this, the normal process of airing and ventilation of the walls, drawing moisture out of the living quarters takes place. Interlining is elastic, which allows it to be used on walls with irregularities.
- Drywall is a hard type of substrate for wallpaper, it is used less often than other materials, because it is afraid of dampness and moisture. When using drywall, you must leave a gap between the wall and the material.