Law on silence in the Tver region of 2020

From How Much And Until How Much You Can Make Noise In An Apartment According To The Law Of The Russian Federation 2019 In Tver

In addition, playing musical instruments, screaming, whistling, singing and launching pyrotechnics are banned. The question is this.

I live in the Tver region in the village on Saturday, I cleaned the snow at 8:30 in the morning with a snow blower (it has a gasoline engine that, accordingly, produces a noise of about 90 decibels), then listened to the neighbors that it was noisy early.

I would like to find out if I violated their rights. In accordance with the Law on Silence, it is not allowed to commit acts that violate silence from 23:00 to 07:00, and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and non-working holidays from 23:00 to 09:00 hours in the territory of the settlements of the Tver region (including common areas in residential buildings, residential premises, residential buildings, territories adjacent to them), including the use of audio, television, video and other sound amplifying equipment, as well as in the production repair, construction, loading and unloading and other works, accompanied by noise, preventing the rest of citizens.

Time frame for repair work in an apartment building in the Tver region?

Silence must be observed at the time specified in the law, the rest of the time, you can make repairs Quote: LAW OF THE TVER REGION dated March 26, 2014 N 8-zo On the violation of silence Adopted by the Legislative Assembly of the Tver Region on March 19, 2014 Article 1 1.

In the period from 23:00 to 07:00, and on weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and non-working holidays - from 23:00 to 10:00 in the territory of the settlements of the Tver region (including common areas in residential buildings, residential premises), it is not allowed to commit actions accompanied by noise, breaking the silence and preventing the rest of citizens.

2. Actions accompanied by noise that disturbs silence and impedes the rest of citizens include: 1) the use of audio, television, video and other sound-reproducing, sound-amplifying equipment (equipment), including those installed on vehicles, objects of trade, resulting in violation of silence and preventing the rest of citizens; 2) playing musical instruments, screaming, whistling, singing, which caused a violation of silence and prevented the rest of citizens; 3) use of pyrotechnic means; 4) production of repair, construction, unloading and loading operations.

3. The provisions of this article do not apply to: actions aimed at preventing offenses, preventing accidents and eliminating their consequences, natural disasters, other emergencies, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring the personal and public safety of citizens, the functioning of life support facilities for the population in accordance with federal law; carrying out works aimed at cleaning the territory of settlements; celebration of the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1; the use of pyrotechnics during events dedicated to holidays, days of military glory of Russia, anniversaries of Russia established by federal law, as well as during events dedicated to regional and municipal holidays, anniversaries established, respectively, by regulatory legal acts of the Tver region and local authorities ; performing divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies within the framework of the canonical requirements of the respective confessions; actions related to the holding of mass cultural and sports events organized or agreed upon by state authorities or local governments; actions for which the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes liability

Is it possible to carry out repair work in the apartment on profitable days

The provisions of this article do not apply to: actions aimed at preventing offenses, preventing accidents and eliminating their consequences, natural disasters, other emergencies, carrying out urgent work related to ensuring the personal and public safety of citizens, the functioning of life support facilities for the population in accordance with federal law ; carrying out works aimed at cleaning the territory of settlements; celebration of the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1; the use of pyrotechnics during events dedicated to holidays, days of military glory of Russia, anniversaries of Russia established by federal law, as well as during events dedicated to regional and municipal holidays, anniversaries established, respectively, by regulatory legal acts of the Tver region and local authorities ; performing divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies within the framework of the canonical requirements of the respective confessions; actions related to the holding of mass cultural and sports events organized or agreed upon by state authorities or local governments; actions for the commission of which the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation establishes liability.

Law of the Tver region of March 26, 2014 N 8-ZO "On the violation of silence"

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April 5, 2014 Overview of the document The Tver region adopted a law on the violation of silence. The adopted law defines the period of time from 23:00 to 07:00 when in the territory of the settlements of the Tver region (including common areas in residential buildings, residential premises) it is not allowed to perform actions accompanied by noise, disturbing the silence and preventing the rest of citizens.

On weekends (Saturday and Sunday) and non-working holidays, this time period is set from 23:00 to 10:00. The law also defines actions that can be classified as noise that disturbs silence and impedes the rest of citizens: - the use of audio, television, video and other sound-reproducing, sound-amplifying equipment (equipment), including those installed on vehicles, trade objects ; - playing musical instruments, shouting, whistling, singing; - the use of pyrotechnics; — production of repair, construction, unloading and loading works. In addition, the law defines a number of cases to which the established restrictions do not apply.

This is work aimed at cleaning the territory of settlements and celebrating the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1; the performance of divine services, other religious rites and ceremonies within the framework of the canonical requirements of the respective confessions, as well as actions related to the holding of mass cultural and sports events organized or agreed upon by state authorities or local governments, as well as a number of other cases.

The law enters into force ten days after the day of its official publication. To view the current text of the document and obtain complete information about the entry into force, changes and application of the document, use the search in the Internet version of the GARANT system: Get full access to the GARANT system for free for 3 days!

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Silence law passed in Tver region

And the noise from construction work is usually prohibited from 20-21 pm.

Either they just forgot to turn it on, or they just didn't explain it.

The text of the law is not yet available. Otherwise, the deputies probably never had children. 0 0 duducka 20-03-2014 | 20:40:54 Laws are written and not implemented. The law on the ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages after 21.00 does not work, but shops work and flourish, taxes do not go to the city, kickbacks go into the pockets of officials. The law on the ban on gaming clubs does not work, but the clubs work 24 hours a day , taxes are not paid to the city . Who needs laws that are stupid?

1 0 Rainman 21-03-2014 | 11:14:40 Non-working populist document. 1 0 23-06-2014 | 11:57:30 Out of service?

Well, depending on where. In the village, where that 500, that 1000r - a lot of money - very much a worker! Less drunk will barrage at night.

Silence law from January 1, 2019 in an apartment building

However, the law does not apply to:

  1. state and city holidays.
  2. carrying out emergency and rescue operations;
  3. events planned by officials;

In other cases, it is forbidden to exceed the volume of residents of apartment buildings, owners of cars or retail outlets. The people's representatives of Novosibirsk regulated the day and night periods of silence.

You can not make noise from 13:00 to 14:00, from 22:00 to 7:00 (on weekdays) and from 22:00 to 9:00 (on weekends and holidays). For construction work, the allowed time frames were determined:

  1. from 9:00 to 20:00 on weekends.
  2. from 7:00 to 20:00 on weekdays;

According to the latest amendments, in Novosibirsk, the cries of animals and the chirping of birds are considered a violation of silence. Residents who are faced with the fact that neighbors exceed the permissible volume level for the first time should try to solve the problem peacefully.

If the conversation with troublemakers did not lead to anything, you need to contact the police.


