How to choose and install coarse water filters in front of the meter

The water that ends up in our taps, filter systems, expensive plumbing equipment, as a rule, undergoes multi-stage preliminary purification, but due to the deterioration of plumbing systems, it contains a lot of mechanical impurities (sand, rust, oxidation products, etc.). That is why the first step in the purification of tap water used by your family should be a coarse water filter in front of the meter.

Device for coarse purification of tap water, installed in front of the meter

Important! Water consumption meters do not contain independent protection and filter elements, they easily fail and have strict installation regulations. Therefore, filters installed in front of the water meter are an indispensable element of the plumbing system.

The coarse water filter performs a barrier function, primary purification of the flow from large particles and is selected based on the following parameters:

  • throughput, cross-sectional diameter and type of pipe connection;
  • allowable pressure and temperature;
  • degree of filtration and the amount of solid impurities.

The installation of meters must be accompanied by the installation of coarse cleaning devices

The main types of coarse cleaning devices

A coarse filter is a mechanical device, represented today by several types:

  1. Mesh filter.
  2. Cartridge.

The mesh filter is the most used coarse water treatment device in front of the meter in apartments. This device consists of two nozzles, one of which acts as a sump and contains a mesh with small cells 20–500 microns in size, which serves as a filtration tool. Such devices can be straight (for installation on horizontal sections of water pipes) or oblique (for vertical installation).

Oblique and straight mesh elements

Mesh filter devices, in turn, are divided into several subspecies according to the method of maintenance:

  • Without flushing (also called "mud collectors"). This type of product needs manual cleaning.
  • Backflushed. A type of filter system with automatic cleaning (reverse flow of water), which does not need to be dismantled.

cartridge filter is a container for special replaceable cartridges, in which the liquid purification process takes place. Such devices are capable of retaining particles ranging in size from 0.5 to 30 microns and are used in systems with a lower water flow. A system of this type requires a mandatory periodic change of filtration cassettes.

If the quality of the water entering the apartment is too low, sometimes it is necessary to install both types of coarse cleaning devices - at the initial stage, install a strainer, and then a cartridge filter, thus increasing the service life of devices and equipment, while reducing the frequency of filtering systems maintenance.

Cartridge and mesh devices

Installation and maintenance of the coarse filter

You can install and clean the filtration devices yourself, since there are no instructions and regulations on their mandatory sealing.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to choose and install a water filter under the sink

It should not be forgotten that there is free access and sufficient space required to install and maintain filtration systems and meters.

The installation process of the filter device is divided into several stages:

  • First you need to assemble a structure consisting of a shut-off valve for supplying water to the apartment, the filter itself, a meter and a check valve. In this case, it is important to monitor the tightness of the connection of all elements.

The sequence of connecting the cleaning device and the meter to the water supply

  • Then a section is cut out in the pipes, equal in length to the above-mentioned composite element, and a thread is cut for its attachment.
  • Next, the filter / meter system is screwed into the pipe using an adjustable wrench and must be checked for correct assembly and tightness by supplying water to the resulting system.

Important! When installing the filter, it is imperative to make sure that the direction of the water coincides with the indicators of its movement on the device body and the sump is directed downwards.

Pay attention to the arrow indicating the direction of the water flow

If the installation of a filtration system is a process that requires special knowledge and skills, then even an inexperienced owner will be able to figure out how to clean the filter on their own, and the water pressure from the taps will serve as an indicator of the need to clean the device.

How to clean the mesh filter (straight or oblique version):

In order to clean the filter device, you will need:

  • containers for draining waste and washing parts;
  • wrench;
  • rust remover;
  • plumbing FUM tape.

Cleaning the device is carried out as follows:

  • The access of water to the system is blocked.
  • Using an adjustable wrench, the cover of the filtration device is removed (do not forget to put a container for draining waste beforehand).

Removing the cover to clean the device

  • The mesh is removed from the device, which must be washed and cleaned. A regular toothbrush will help you with this. If the filter mesh is found to be damaged, it will need to be replaced.
  • The clean (new) mesh returns to its place, the thread is sealed with FUM tape. It is also worth replacing the gasket under the filter cover.
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Installing a new grid

  • Using a wrench, the device is assembled in the reverse order.
  • The water supply is restored and the operability of the system is checked.

How to clean the cartridge (cartridge) filter:

To clean such a device, you will need the following kit:

  • containers for washing the cartridge and draining waste;
  • replacement cassette (if necessary);
  • special key.

Procedure for cartridge filter:

  • the water supply to the apartment is blocked;
  • using a wrench, the clamp nut is unscrewed and the filter flask is removed (after substituting a container to drain water from the system);
  • the cassette removed from the device is washed, if necessary, the cartridge is changed;
  • the device is assembled in the reverse order and twisted with a key;
  • the water supply is restored and the operation of the system is checked.


