Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country houseThe well-known Russian company "Innovative Ecological Equipment" is a true expert in the design and production of modern treatment facilities under the GRINLOS brand. The company applies innovative technologies in the development and creation of its products. The company's specialists use modern equipment, improve production technology and help to find ideal engineering solutions that in most cases exceed the customer's expectations. A great advantage of the company is the ability to sell any product in interest-free installments on the most favorable terms.

The main principles of the company is the ideal quality of products at an affordable cost of any model. The concern for the environment is also an important priority for the manufacturer. Therefore, septic tanks and the Greenlos treatment plant occupy a stable leading position in the modern market.

Brand product overview

The main advantages and priority in choosing the manufacturer's products is ease of installation and operation. Therefore, each model of a septic tank meets its technical properties and can easily solve problems of any level of complexity.
Based on the manufacturer's recommendations and the parameters of each model, it is possible to select a treatment plant, taking into account the individual characteristics of the site, the purpose of operation and various types of soil.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

Greenlos Aqua 5

One of the sought-after and popular septic tanks is the Aqua 5 gravity discharge model. A distinctive feature of the structure is the possibility of its installation and operation for cottages and houses, with accommodation for up to 5 people. With a housing height of 200 mm, the units can be installed in areas with any soil. The gravity type of water discharge involves the transportation of wastewater through sewer pipes and runoff into drainage, a ravine, any open ground.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

The main characteristics of this model, experts identified:

  • High strength and reliability of the structure itself. The cylindrical body of AQUA 5 is made of high-strength and reliable polypropylene, which gives the equipment maximum strength and resistance to any external influences.
  • With a station volume of 1.5 m3, the depth of the incoming pipe is 60 cm.
  • Low operational features allowed the manufacturer to minimize the cost of maintaining the treatment plant.

Greenlos Aero 5

The AERO range belongs to the aeration system category. Such a system makes it possible to achieve almost 99% of wastewater treatment. This solution is equally effective both for domestic use and for installation at manufacturing enterprises. The versatility of this model does not limit the scope of equipment for drains.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

In the pluses of technical characteristics, it is necessary to highlight:

  • With an equipment volume of 1.5 m3, the volume of wastewater treatment is 1 m3 per day.
  • The depth of the inlet pipe is 60 cm.
  • With gravity discharge of water, salvo discharge is 300 liters.
  • This model is an ideal solution for living in a house or in a country house for up to 5 people. The unit is designed for the simultaneous use of two toilets and taps, a shower, a washing machine.
  • The body height is 2 m and can be mounted on sites with any bud (sand, wedges). The high level of groundwater is also not a reason for abandoning this model.

Greenlos Caisson 3

A separate niche of popularity in the products of the Greenlos brand was won by Caissons. Technically, the model is a special container that is immersed in the ground.The main task of the equipment is to protect the well and pipes from freezing and prevent sewage or flood water from entering the well.

The durable polymer material from which the caisson is made resists corrosive deposits and is resistant to any external influences. Equipment installation is acceptable for any regions of the country, regardless of climatic conditions. One of the important advantages of the manufacturer is the ability to order according to individual parameters.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

The advantages of the model are:

  • The unique welding technology made it possible to achieve one hundred percent tightness of the container.
  • For maximum strength, the manufacturer presented the model in a cylindrical shape.
  • Eyelets are provided in each model to speed up the workflow.
  • The bottom of the caisson itself is equipped with special lugs, which gives the container stability. The loading skirt does not allow the model to change the level of inclination of the installed equipment, regardless of various external factors. Additional reliability is added by metal-plastic stiffeners.
  • The insulated hatch and wide mouth simplify the need for inspection and maintenance of the system.
    For more efficient operation of the treatment plant system, it is possible to install additional pumping equipment inside the caisson. The technology of using and installing caissons not only allows you to optimize the operation of the system, but also increase the service life.

Greenlos Accumulator 4

One of the economical and most productive solution to the issue of disposal of domestic wastewater is the septic tank Accumulator 4. The category of non-volatile septic tanks, specially designed by the manufacturer, for their operation in houses with non-permanent residence.

It can be garden or summer cottages, seasonal houses.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

Greenlos Drive 4 models are characterized by the following technical characteristics:

  • Gravity type discharge of treated water.
  • With a model volume of 1.4 m3, the depth of insertion and connection of the sewer pipe is 60 cm.
  • Volley water collection assumes 320 liters, and the daily productivity is 0.8 m3.
  • The maximum number of conditional users is four people.
  • The body height is 1 m 80 cm. This is the ideal solution for installation in any soil, regardless of the groundwater level.


An important task of the company Innovative Ecological Equipment is the production of a product that solves any domestic problems of the buyer. Therefore, the Greenlos cellar deserved special popularity in the manufacturer's products. This is a monolithic structure, which is made of modern and high-strength polypropylene. A feature of this product is that there is no need for additional assembly. It is delivered to the buyer ready-made. Installation and installation of the cellar is permissible under any soil conditions.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house

Important factors for each cellar model are:

  • Installed supply and exhaust ventilation system.
  • Polyurethane foam walls and cellar hatch are additionally insulated.
  • For safe and convenient access to the vault, a special anti-slip ladder is installed.
  • Lighting is installed inside the cellar, which makes it possible to stay indoors as comfortable as possible.
  • Stable cellar bottom and installed reinforced stiffeners.

The company offers several types of designs. Therefore, each buyer has the opportunity to choose cellars, relying on:

  1. Purposes of use.
  2. The dimensions of the structure itself and the expected amount of storage.
  3. Possibilities of the occupied area, taking into account the allotted land.

The installation of cellars is carried out with the help of a crane, on a pre-prepared territory. Given that the roll is an unacceptable condition for the operation of such a storage, the installation of the cellar is carried out on a specially installed slab.Mounting is carried out strictly according to the level. All installation, connection and commissioning of the storage does not take much time.

How is the treatment plant installed?

Regardless of the chosen model, experts adhere to clear rules when installing treatment facilities. They include:

  1. Analysis of the site where the installation of a local cleaning system is planned. Experts analyze the composition of the soil, study the presence and height of soil water. An important preparatory point is to determine the most appropriate location for installing equipment. At this stage of solving an engineering problem, specialists help the buyer to choose the most suitable equipment for installation.
  2. A trench is being prepared for the inlet and outlet pipeline. This takes into account the depth recommended by the manufacturer for connecting pipes to the septic tank. An additional distance (20-25 cm) for the drainage system is taken into account. When working with loose soils, the craftsmen additionally prepare the formwork, which prevents the roll of the autonomous station.
  3. With the help of special equipment, VOC is immersed in a prepared pit.
  4. Experts check the level. In the process of control and research, special construction equipment and tools are used.
  5. The pipeline is inserted into the body part.

At each stage, control of engineering work is carried out. Installation and commissioning are carried out taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer, the specifics of the installation of each model of the Greenlos brand septic tank.

How to choose a local cleaning system?

It is important to note that the company constantly analyzes the market and improves production, bringing its products to an ideal state, from a technical and consumer point of view. The company's products are designed for a wide consumer audience, including not only individuals. Many small and large enterprises and organizations for which the installation of systems solves a number of production problems, prefer to invest in quality and convenience. At the same time, not only issues of practicality and optimization of production are solved, but also environmental issues.

Therefore, when choosing autonomous stations, experts recommend considering:

  1. The purpose of the purchase of local facilities. A variety of models allows you to choose equipment for permanent use and for seasonal use.
  2. Number of intended users and production capabilities of products.
  3. The need for additional equipment. When buying septic tanks with gravity water drainage, it is possible to retrofit and connect a pump. You can choose a model in which a forced drain system is immediately provided.
  4. Individual features of the soil of the area where the installation of the station is planned. Experts analyze the rockiness and looseness of the soil, provides for additional drainage or frame bases for installation.
  5. The dimensions of the site itself, the remoteness of the autonomous station, the supply of sewer and sewer pipes.

Taking into account the technical parameters and features of each equipment, specialists develop an installation plan, providing for the characteristic nuances.

Benefits of Greenlos products

The company has been a stable leader in the domestic market for more than 15 years, offering effective solutions, constructive methods and practical options.

Important advantages of autonomous treatment facilities are:

  1. Wastewater treatment is carried out by 99%. At the same time, purified water can be used for domestic needs. Use is made after loading water into specially installed containers.
  2. Operational terms are determined by the manufacturer at least 50 years. Such a guarantee is due to the use of high-strength and reliable material in the production.
  3. Ease of installation.All work is carried out sequentially and does not take much time. Installation and commissioning of the system is carried out within one day.
  4. Low operating costs. It is enough to make a visual inspection of the system once a year in order to operate it in domestic needs.
  5. Quality assurance. All equipment that is manufactured under production conditions is certified, safety and quality examination has been carried out.
  6. A wide range of local treatment facilities allows you to choose the most suitable device that meets the requirements of the buyer.

Modern communications for a comfortable life in a country house


