Paint and painting brushes: their types and sizes

Many people are unaware that paint brushes and repair brushes are simply amazing in their abundance and functionality. Usually only one tool is used in all situations, but is this correct? So, let's take a closer look at what types of brushes are.

various brushes

Types of brushes

  • Flywheels (KM) are huge fluffy brushes made of natural fibers and with the addition of synthetics (nylon), have a round shape. Their diameter is 60-65 mm, and the length of the hairs reaches 180 mm. Usually used for painting large surfaces, washing or for whitewashing. They are highly resistant to various solvents and other aggressive substances, tolerate high temperature extremes and are not afraid of hot water. When interacting with the work surface, they bend a little, but then immediately straighten out.

fly brush

  • Maclovitsa brushes (KMA) are an improved type of brushes that I use for applying glue or casein paint to various surfaces. They are based on natural horsehair (50%) and artificial bristles (nylon 50%), which allows you to evenly apply a layer of coating on a specific surface. There are two types of such brushes: round and rectangular. Their diameter is 120-170 mm, and the length of the hairs is 100 mm.


  • Handbrake brushes (KR) are small round brushes used for painting wooden windows or pipes. Their diameter is from 26 to 54 mm. They consist of pure bristles and horsehair, have a round shape. The center of this tool is empty, which allows it to accumulate paint material. It is not recommended to use with adhesives and lime substances, as the hairs are held on an adhesive basis. Usually this tool is simply called a round paint brush.


  • Filenochnye (FKF) - these are small brushes with a fairly comfortable handle and coarse white bristles. They are used on small surfaces to outline lines and color hard-to-reach places. The diameter of the brush is 6-18 mm.
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panel brush

  • Radiator - a wonderful device for applying paint to hard-to-reach places: seams or bends. The name itself suggests that they are ideal for battery staining (radiators).

radiator brush

  • Flat paint brush (KF) - a flat wide brush from 25 to 100 mm with a comfortable handle. It is made of bristles and badger hair. Ideal for removing streaks that may have come from other brushes.

flute brush

  • A synthetic flat brush (SF), or a flat brush with artificial bristles, is a synthetic brush. It has a special property: its fibers, unlike natural fibers, retain their original (smooth) shape during use. It is great for paints diluted with water. Such a tool ideally holds the composition not only on the outer part of the nylon fibers, but also in their inner base.

synthetic brush flat

  • Trimming brush (SHT) is a hard and very hard brush, which consists of ridge or semi-ridge bristles. They are used to finish freshly applied paint. It very effectively eliminates all the bumps caused by other devices.

trimming brush

Note: Spindle bristle brushes are cone shaped, which allows them to pick up more paint material and apply it evenly to the surface.

Bristle varieties

types of bristles

Bristles made from natural fibers are ideal for painting work, hold the composition well, applying it in an even layer. It feels slightly rough to the touch, which allows it to absorb more paint. This is what distinguishes it from artificial (nylon) hairs.

Synthetic bristles are made of polymers and have a small thickness.Different types of modern polymers allow you to achieve the desired stiffness. Nylon polyester bristles are perfect for water-based paints, their hairs do not absorb the paint material, nylon repels moisture and retains its original structure. In addition, nylon is better suited for painting timber without leaving lint on it.

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Mixed bristles are usually considered to be those that consist of natural and synthetic fibers (usually nylon). This approach improves the elasticity and wear resistance of the paint brush.

Proper brush care: tips

brush care

If you care about your tools and want them to serve you as long as possible, then you must follow certain rules for their storage and use. New or old paint brushes should be washed with hot water and a little soap to help remove dust and broken fibers from the bristles. After that, the bristles are squeezed out and dried.

Before the actual start of painting work, it is necessary to soak the bristles so that they absorb moisture into themselves, softening and increasing in volume. In this simple way, you can achieve a smoother and more uniform paint application.

Before starting painting work, the tool must be developed so that it takes the correct shape. To do this, take a little paint mixture and the brush itself, as a test surface, you must use any rough coating (brick, plaster, concrete). Thus, the hairs will acquire the correct shape for further work. It is better to clean the working surface of everything superfluous.

It is very important to use the tool correctly. For example, a round brush on the work surface should be gradually scrolled in your hand so that its hairs are erased evenly. It does not need to be pressed hard.

There are times when a person is simply physically unable to work out the entire surface. Naturally, he needs rest. At this time, the brush can be left in the paint or immersed in a special solution. If glue, lime, oil and casein solutions are used, then we soak the tool in water. With kerosene, turpentine or drying oils, it is recommended to use special solvents.

Very important: Do not immerse the brush completely, but only to a depth where the bristles lightly touch the bottom, otherwise the hairs will bend or break, it is best to hang them on a wire or other device.

How to wash brushes?To do this, take kerosene, and then use soap and water. Such simple procedures should be continued until the water stops staining, remaining clean. At the final stage, we hang them up and dry them. The cleaning process is complete.

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How important is brush shape?

different brush shapes

Most people are used to saving their resources by using old tools from time immemorial, but this is completely wrong. You only think that you are saving, but you are not. For example, you can paint one surface all day long with a small brush with round bristles. It is much more profitable to purchase a large flat brush, which will paint an impressive surface in one stroke.

A round small brush is more suitable for a small work surface. This tool allows you to cover special places, such as round pipes. For hard-to-reach places, it is recommended to use the so-called corner brushes. It is important to remember that, first of all, you save time.

How to choose the right painting tool?

Before buying a tool, the question arises, how to make the right choice? In fact, there is simply no multifunctional one; different brushes are used for each situation.Builders prefer to use natural materials rather than polymers, but natural fibers are not always better than nylon. For example, synthetic brushes are bought for mixtures with a water base, their nylon hairs tend to repel moisture. A round brush is suitable for small areas, while flat brushes are suitable for walls and other flat surfaces.


