Installation of push-fittings for metal-plastic pipes and their properties

Push fit construction

Push fittings are a system consisting of four elements: housing, sealing and inner spring-loaded rings, outer casing.

The first element of the fitting is frame - made from polyphenylsulfone. This is a modern, high-strength and technological material. Today, polyphenylsulfone is a direct competitor of metal in terms of strength characteristics. In addition to strength, this material is resistant to significant temperature changes and shocks.

O-rings made of rubber that can withstand high temperatures and allows you to completely seal the connection. EPDM rubber is also resistant to wear, so the life of the pipeline connected with push fittings is increased.

Inside the fitting is spring ring, which is also made from polyphenylsulfone. With its help, the pipe can be fixed in the correct position. This ring completely covers the pipe both from the outside and from the inside, but does not damage it.

Outside, the pipe is fixed with outer casing. It is also made from polyvinyl sulfone. A feature of the casing is that there are several holes on its base that allow you to check whether the pipeline is fully inserted into the fitting.

In a word, the design of the push fitting is such that it allows not only to make a reliable connection of pipes, but also to do it almost professionally.


Installation of push-fittings for metal-plastic pipes and their properties

Benefits of Push Fit quick pipe installation systems for heating and water supply:

  • this connection locking system allows installation without special soldering, welding, crimping, sliding or pressing tools. There is no need for energy sources for them;
  • in addition to saving on the cost of an expensive installation tool, high qualifications and professionalism of installers are not required. Skill and dexterity are acquired literally in the first minutes of work;
  • for installation, it is necessary to have only scissors for cutting pipes and a coliberator;
  • significantly increases the speed of installation work on laying pipes for cold and hot water supply, heating.

Fast assembly fittings (push fittings) are made from materials such as:

  • PPSU (polyvinyl sulfone or polyphenylene sulfone). This plastic/material has high impact strength, deformation heat resistance, chemical resistance. Thermal expansion coefficient - 5.5 mm/mm/° C PROCESS INFO !!!!! ;
  • PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride). This is a fluoroplastic (fluorine-containing polymer) - is a polymer of vinylidene fluoride. It has good mechanical strength and wear resistance, hardness, chemical resistance and UV resistance, low flammability;
  • Brass. Traditional material for plumbing fittings;
  • PB (polybutylene or polybutene). This material, a thermoplastic polymer of butylene (butene), is a member of the polyolefin family. It has excellent long-term high temperature strength (temperature resistance), high crack resistance, good chemical resistance. Polybutene is a valuable material for the production of pressure pipes for heating, hot and cold water supply.

Push-fit piping systems (push fittings) and their corresponding pipes on the Russian market are offered by brands such as TECE (Germany), Henco (Belgium), Elsen (Spain), Metzerplas (Israel), Giacomini (Italy), BLANSOL ( Spain), COMISA (Italy) and some others.

Comparison of the main parameters of connection systems with push fittings:

System name Diameter Fitting material Thread material
TECElogo 16, 20, 25,32, 40, 50, 63 PPSU (polyvinyl sulfone) brass, bronze, stainless steel
HENCO Vision 16, 20, 26 PVDF (polyvinylidene fluoride) brass
ELSEN Push 16, 20, 25, 26, 32 PPSU (polyvinyl sulfone) brass
Metzerplas SP-EF 16, 20, 25, 32 Brass brass

Push-fit systems in everyday life have other names, for example - push-in-fitting or quick fit, as well as push fit connectors or quick pipe connections.

Push Fitting – modern technology of quick pipe connections.

The design of the connecting elements

With all the variety in appearance and configuration, the push fitting has a common design with other products:

  • the presence of an outer casing (with its help, fixation (fixation) occurs);
  • all connecting elements are located in a housing that tolerates external physical influences well;
  • have o-rings, made of especially durable rubber (it is not susceptible to high and low temperatures);
  • equipped with a spring-loaded inner ring, with the help of which a reliable, absolutely tight, fixation of the pipe takes place (the ring, having entered the pipe, covers it from the outside).

Positive aspects of application

Push fittings should be used specifically for metal-plastic pipes when laying plumbing and heating systems for the following reasons:

  1. Very easy installation. Any person who does not have special experience will cope with the task of installing the pipeline with his own hands without any special tools.
  2. Time spent on work. Basically, it goes to cutting the pipe to a certain length, and the connection of individual elements of the pipeline occurs in a matter of seconds.
  3. Reliable connection. The entire system assembled using this technology will be absolutely hermetic and over time the appearance of leaks is completely excluded.
  4. Convenient installation. Since push fittings by this method do not require special tools or fixtures, installation can be carried out even in places with limited access and in close proximity to the wall.

  5. Long-term operation without the need for repair. The phrase - set and forget - is completely suitable for a push fitting.
  6. With sudden temperature changes (freezing followed by thawing), the quality of the connection does not change.
  7. Ability to withstand high temperatures - 95ºC (for PPSU products) and 150ºC can withstand PVDF products.
  8. When changes are made to the piping system, the old connectors are easily dismantled and can be reused.
  9. The absence of harmful components in the structure of the material allows it to be used in pipelines with drinking water.

Functional varieties

There are different types of connectors that are designed for specific use in piping:

  • angle (elbow, branch), required to change the direction of the pipe by 45-120ºC. It is installed when the pipeline turns in the corners of the room or when bypassing existing obstacles;
  • fitting - a device that allows you to directly connect an automatic dishwasher or washing machine to the pipeline through a flexible (soft) hose;
  • tee - added to the main line for diversion towards a separate branch of the pipeline;
  • cross - allows you to make wiring on two sides at once;

Installation of push-fittings for metal-plastic pipes and their properties

Types of push fittings (straight and branch)

  • coupling (straight) - the simplest connector, which fastens two pipes with the same diameter and passing along the same line;
  • adapter - necessary in case of connecting pipes of different diameters;
  • plug - used to seal the free end of the pipe.

Phased pipeline laying

To install water supply systems from metal-plastic pipes using push fittings, the following sequence of actions should be followed:

Installation of push-fittings for metal-plastic pipes and their properties

Push fitting installation

  1. Cut the pipes according to the dimensions of the passable sections.The work is best done with special scissors, but if there are none, a regular hacksaw for metal will do.
  2. Calibrate (chamfer the ends and make sure there is a perfectly round hole).
  3. Put the desired connecting element on the first pipe. The correctness of its position is determined by the control holes in the fitting body.
  4. Insert the second piece into the free end of the fitting and fix it securely.

push fittings push fit yes or no

Installation of push-fittings for metal-plastic pipes and their properties≡ 30 January 2017 Category: Interesting to know

We all often have to install various water systems in the construction work of a summer house, a house outside the city, or even with a cap. renovation in living area. How can this process be simplified?

The answer is simple: Use push fit connectors that stand out for their strength, tightness of the connection and speed of installation. Plus, they do not ask for expensive tools: only special scissors (for pipes) and a calibrator are enough.

Features of installation work

Installation explanationsIt should be noted that the developed push connectors are suitable for both metal-plastic pipes and ordinary plastic pipes, which greatly expands the possibilities of their use.

Apart from the fact that these parts can withstand sufficiently high pressure and temperatures up to 95 degrees Celsius. So, they can be successfully used not only for supplying drinking water, but also for heating systems.


Thanks to these new generation connectors, the installation process itself is changing. Now there is no need to use many additional tools, including a press to secure the components: everything can be done with your own hands. This saves a lot of time and effort, so it will take very little time to lay the system.

Very interesting: according to the estimates of professionals, if we compare the installation process, where push fit connectors are used, and ordinary crimp connectors, then in the first option up to 80% of the time is saved. So in a day you can carry out a heating system and a water meter unit, and start finishing work.

A few cons

But, despite its own advantages, it is necessary to take into account several disadvantages. The first is that the material of the connectors and their design itself are not designed for extremely high temperatures.

First, the material of the connectors and their design itself are not designed for extremely high temperatures.

But we all remember very well that centralized heating in the city is not distinguished by stability and quality, which is why the temperatures there exceed the mark of 100 degrees (not to mention water hammer and increasing pressure).

So in residential areas it is not recommended to use them for heating systems, but in privatized houses, where you personally control everything and everything, it is easy.

The second drawback is the cost. Such connectors are much more expensive than standard ones. See for yourself:

  1. A pipe-pipe fitting will cost about 260 - 460 rubles, depending on the diameter.
  2. A corner with a clutch will go much more expensive - 270 - 585 rubles.
  3. Tee 90 degrees - from 390 to 670 rubles.
  4. Mounting kits that are needed to create water outlets (water taps will be mounted on them) cost about 1,300 rubles.
  5. Plugs - 190 - 430 rubles.

Note: Prices are at the time of writing (spring 2015).

Of course, these are average prices, as they can vary, both up and down. It depends, as always, on the place where you decide to purchase push fit connectors, and on the brand.


Here it must be emphasized that the system, arranged with the help of such connectors, is compact, so it is great for buildings with thin partitions (especially if you need to work on them themselves). It is also perfect for today's underfloor heating.

Another thing is also very important: the material from which the parts are made belongs to today's and is often used in NASA and medicine. So it's actually durable and environmentally friendly.

The latter, by the way, must be taken into account, since the general ecological situation on earth is no longer encouraging - you need to worry about your health in different ways.

Well, let's keep convenience in mind: to use such connectors, there is no need to call professionals or buy expensive tools. After all, everything can be done by hand. So in this option, the cost of push fit connectors will not be a serious obstacle.

How to install using push fittings

Once again, we note that it is quite simple to mount engineering communications using these connecting elements. Getting to work prepare the necessary tools. You will need scissors with which you can cut pipes made of plastic or metal-plastic. If special scissors are not available, then you can use a hacksaw for metal.

In the latter case, you may encounter the fact that the cut made with a hacksaw has jagged edges. To fix this problem, the hacksaw must be processed using coarse sandpaper.

You will also need a calibrator. With it, the pipes return to their original shape. This is necessary, since in the process of cutting the pipe may change its cross section somewhat and become not round, but oval.

When all the tools are ready, you can begin to work. First you need to cut the pipe to the required length. Then calibrate it by doing the work manually or using electrical equipment. In the latter case, it is worth choosing a speed not exceeding five hundred revolutions per minute.

We note right away that the round shape when using push fittings is of particular importance. If the pipe is oval or takes on a different shape, the O-ring may be damaged when the connector is installed.

After calibration, the fitting must be put on the pipe all the way to the stop and make sure to what depth the fitting is put on. For this, special holes are used.

Today, metal-plastic pipes have almost completely replaced metal products. This is quite easy to explain, since metal-plastic pipes are easy to install and can be used for a long time. And if you use push fittings during the installation process, then the work will be done more efficiently, and the connections will be more reliable.

Push fitting for metal-plastic pipes

Installation of push-fittings for metal-plastic pipes and their properties

Push fitting is a new pipe connection technology designed for use in the installation of heating and water supply systems. Push fitting technology is based on the idea of ​​simplifying the installation process and trying to get rid of the use of additional special equipment.

The developers tried to make installation extremely simple: to connect, it is enough to combine the parts and press them until they click. Hence the name of the development of Push Fit, which means "effort" and "fittings".

Do-it-yourself installation of push fittings

Despite the fact that the idea of ​​pushfitting is based on the desire to get away from the usual installation equipment, complete with Push Fit, you will have to additionally purchase pipe scissors and a calibrator.

A strong connection can only be obtained with the correct preparatory work.

First, with the help of special scissors, the edge of the pipe to be mounted is cut. This is done to eliminate possible irregularities on the cut surface. Then the pipe is calibrated, a chamfer is made at an angle of 45 degrees. After that, the prepared pipe is inserted into the push fitting. The connection is ready after a click is heard.


It is easy to check the strength of the connection. It is enough to pull both parts in different directions.

At first glance, the connection is strong enough, but how reliable it is can only be learned from practical operating experience.

It should be noted that the pipe, clamped in the fitting with a relatively small force, rotates, which suggests an unreliable connection.

Experienced plumbers who are responsible for the quality of their work will never use such a swivel joint for flush mounting and for laying it in a concrete screed.

Where and how are push fittings used?

Despite some distrust of professional masters in pushfitting, this technology will certainly find application in do-it-yourself plumbing work. Of course, this is not about large-scale work and the installation of heating or water supply systems, but about minor repairs, replacing a tap or a failed heating device.

It is better to use a push fitting in private heating systems with a low level of pressure. In apartment buildings, it is better to use the more familiar, time-tested methods of connecting pipes.

But even with minor repairs, push fitting connections must remain under constant control.

Given this, the push fitting can be attributed to a kind of "ambulance" for heating and water supply systems, with which you can easily and easily troubleshoot the system without having any special equipment or installation experience.

How does Push Fitting work?

The push fitting consists of a sufficiently strong body, for the manufacture of which various materials can be used, ranging from the usual brass to modern polymeric materials with unique properties (heat resistance, mechanical strength, etc.).

It is clear that the material used for the manufacture of reinforcement largely determines the cost of the finished product. It should be noted that push fittings cannot be called cheap equipment, rather, on the contrary, their cost may determine the feasibility of further use of this installation technology.

So, for example, a push square costs, depending on the diameter, from 360 to 690 rubles, a coupling from 370 to 870 rubles, and a tee from 600 to 900 rubles. For comparison, a conventional good quality polypropylene coupling costs from 6 to 100 rubles.


There is a sealing ring on the body fitting that protects against possible leaks. The main part of a pushfitting is a coupling and a spring-loaded ring that captures the pipe and holds it.

The reliability of the connection depends on the quality of the grip and on the reliability of the same spring-loaded ring. Manufacturers of new fittings assure that it can be reused, but practical experience suggests that with repeated use, the spring will certainly weaken and it is better not to count on a high-quality and durable grip.

Summing up

Alas, today a push fitting can only be considered as an ambulance if it is necessary to carry out a quick repair without the participation of specialists in the field of plumbing.

Push fitting properties

Fittings of this type are a compact system consisting of plastic joints. They are designed to effortlessly carry out the installation of metal-plastic pipes.

In the process of installation using push fittings, you will not need special tools, as well as knowledge and skills that only professionals possess.

Push Fit allows you to cope with the most difficult cases that arise during the installation process. This becomes possible due to the fact that this fitting

  • easy to install;
  • have a smooth profile;
  • have a low weight.

Thanks to them, uncomfortable corners and narrowed spaces, on which pipelines are located in modern apartments, cease to be an obstacle during installation.


