How to make a bas-relief on the wall

What the owners do not come up with, trying to decorate their home in an interesting and original way. One of the most unusual and impressive solutions that will surely delight your guests is a wall bas-relief. If you are ready to try your hand at creating a three-dimensional decoration that will help make the interior truly unique and exclusive, we invite you to learn how to make a bas-relief on the wall with your own hands.

Wall bas-reliefs

General information

Contrary to popular belief, creation of a bas-relief on the wall does not involve the use of overhead elements: it is done by hand directly on the wall surface.

The easiest way to create a three-dimensional composition on the wall in an apartment is to use stencils. This option is perfect for beginners who are taking their first steps in this direction.

Advice. Without sufficient experience, you should not choose complex three-dimensional drawings with a multi-level relief. Even simple images of flowers, fruits, contours of birds and animals will look great on the wall in the apartment.

The creation of more complex bas-reliefs on the wall is done without the use of matrices. The work uses sketches created with the help of photos or which are a reflection of your own ideas.

Stunning volumetric compositions on the wall, made of plaster

It is most convenient for beginners to work with gypsum or putty based on it.

Tools to help you get the job done

It is impossible to work in this original technique without special tools. You will need:

  • a sketch of the drawing to be reproduced on the surface of the wall;
  • masking tape;
  • pencils, markers;
  • scissors, skins, nets, a grinding block, cutters for woodworking;
  • foam roller;
  • color or paint for mortar, if it is intended to create a colored bas-relief;
  • palette knives - special blades made of plastic or metal;
  • paint brush;
  • stencils, if the work will be carried out using them.

To create your own masterpieces, special tools will come in handy

Features of creating a sketch and organizing lighting

Even if in practice the easiest way to create bas-reliefs using stencils is used, first you need to create a thumbnail of the image in real size, for which you can use various photos. So it will be possible to check whether it is suitable in size for a particular room, combined with other decorative elements, and, if necessary, supplement the drawing with some details in order to eliminate voids on the wall.

HELPFUL INFORMATION:  How to plaster a brick wall

You can achieve a special effect if the three-dimensional composition is supplemented with artificial lighting.

Lamps on the wall to illuminate the bas-relief

Advice. It is better to install lamps for lighting on the wall in advance. Otherwise, the finished bas-relief can be covered with dust or damaged during the installation of lighting fixtures.

Preparatory work

First, prepare the surface:

  • A decorative three-dimensional composition is created on a pre-aligned and plastered wall. To improve the adhesion of the materials used, the wall must be primed at least 2 times.
  • The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall where the pattern will be created must be treated with acrylic primer based on quartz sand. This will allow you to get a rough surface, the materials will adhere better.

To start working on creating a bas-relief, you need to transfer the image from the sketch to the wall. This can be done using a carbon paper, which must be fixed on the wall, and fixed on top with masking tape.

The easiest way to create a three-dimensional image is stencil work

Important nuances

In the process of work, the following tips will definitely come in handy:

  • It is advisable to start work from distant plans, because they have a small relief. More protruding is usually the foreground.
  • In the most protruding places, if you plan to create very voluminous images, it makes sense to use self-tapping screws for the purpose of reinforcement.
  • Convex areas can be obtained using foam or cardboard blanks. They will hold on tighter if you pre-treat them with a primer. After fixing on the wall, the used gypsum or putty solution is applied to such blanks.
  • If it is supposed to create rather voluminous drawings using stencils, you need to use large-thick matrices. They must be removed carefully. But even if the picture is damaged, it can be easily corrected.
  • You can increase the strength of large parts with a plaster or regular bandage.

To create some elements, it is convenient to use a pastry syringe

Making a wall with a bas-relief with your own hands

Prepare the material to be used in the work in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. For example, gypsum putty is mixed with water in a ratio of 2 to 1. Next, the putty must be left to dry for three minutes. After re-mixing the material, a ready-to-use solution will be obtained.

  • The first thin layer should be applied to the wall with a palette knife. When working with a bas-relief, it is important to maintain the contours of the pattern, and for better adhesion, it is necessary to carefully press the putty to the surface.
  • The application of the next layer can be performed only after the previous one has completely dried. Drying time should be at least a day. This is true for all layers.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Do I need to prime the walls after puttying before sticking wallpaper

Applying the working solution to the wall

  • A sanding bar will help to bring the relief into one plane and better show the contours, which should be processed gradually all layers. To do this, you need to stretch the putty mesh on the tool and perform sanding. You can refine the edges of the picture using a cutter.

Important! In the process of sanding the image, be sure to use personal protective equipment - a dust mask.

  • You can remove excess putty by using a small piece of mesh.
  • After processing, a deep penetration primer is applied to each layer in order to strengthen the putty and remove dust. It should dry for at least an hour.
  • Convex parts can be formed by hand, then fixed to the wall and leveled.
  • The following layers are applied in order to increase the volume of the areas located in the foreground.

Wall bas-relief in the interior

The final stage

The following steps will help bring the bas-relief on the wall to its final form.

  • You can finish the drawing after the putty dries, you can use a carving knife.
  • After creating the desired relief on the wall, you should take a zero skin and use it to smooth the finished elements.
  • The application of the last layer is best done with a finely dispersed putty.
  • After the completion of the main work, fine lines are created and the seams are filled.

Image enhancement

  • The finished bas-relief is treated with deep penetration impregnation.

Advice. In the process of drying, so that the drawing does not crack, it must be periodically lubricated with a damp brush.

  • You can make the bas-relief colored using the color for acrylic paints added to the solution. You can paint the finished product with paints.

Having decorated the wall with a voluminous decorative composition, you can transform even the most ordinary and boring room. Let the photos of the stunningly beautiful bas-reliefs that we have selected for you inspire you to create your future masterpiece.


