DIY wall primer: an affordable way to prepare the composition

How to make a primer for walls with your own hands? The process is not laborious and will take you a little time, allowing you to save on the purchase of a finished composition.

container with primer and roller

The priming stage is the most important process of repair and finishing works. Any surface before pasting wallpaper or applying paint requires priming to ensure the best adhesion and adhesion of the finishing material to the walls. In addition, it prevents the development of mold and pathogens, reduces the consumption of glue or paint and does not interfere with the formation of an optimal indoor climate. But it is not necessary to spend money on expensive primers. You can make a primer with your own hands, significantly saving on the purchase of repair materials.

What does the primer of the walls give before the final finish?

  • This is a reliable base, well amenable to subsequent wallpapering or painting. Paper, vinyl or non-woven fabrics lie on the primer more evenly and stronger, which makes the finish of the highest quality.
  • Primer prevents the plastered surface from crumbling and eliminates the risk of cracks.
  • Modern compositions, made according to all technological standards, protect the surface from the development of pathogens and mold.
  • Wallpaper lasts longer, and the consumption of glue or paint when painting walls is significantly reduced.

It is clear that it is simply necessary to use a primer material as an intermediate layer. But we will tell you how to make it yourself. At the same time, the home-made composition will not differ at all in its properties and characteristics from the purchased primer. And you can completely replace one with another.

How to make a primer with your own hands?

The recipe for the composition for concrete and plastered walls, for do-it-yourself preparation:

  • Seven liters of water is brought to a boil, after which one 65% laundry soap is rubbed there.

Laundry soap 65%

  • Immediately add one hundred grams of copper sulfate and five hundred grams of wood glue to the mixture.
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blue vitriol

Joiner's glue

  • The composition is cooked at a slow boil for thirty minutes. At this time, you should constantly stir it in order to avoid the formation of lumps.
  • The hot solution is filtered through gauze, after which it can be left to cool.

Another recipe for preparing the primer yourself, this is already a deep penetration composition, is done as follows:

  • One liter of PVA glue is diluted with water. The amount of water is eight liters.
  • In the finished mixture, you need to add a little cement.
  • The solution is thoroughly mixed and filtered through gauze.

Such a primer does not have antiseptic properties, but it provides excellent adhesion of wall surfaces with finishing materials, is affordable and is easy to manufacture. In addition, its final cost will be much lower than the cost of the factory primer, which allows you to replace one product with another.

Another adhesive property can be prepared with your own hands and used to treat walls. To prepare it you will need:

  • Thirty grams of drying oil;

drying oil in bottles

  • Two kilograms of chalk;

pieces of chalk

  • Two hundred and fifty grams of potassium alum;

aluminum-potassium alum in packages

  • Two hundred grams of paint glue of a dry variety;
  • Two hundred grams of laundry soap.

In one container, alum is poured with a liter of boiling water, in another, the glue is diluted with water. The container with the adhesive composition is put on fire, soap, drying oil and diluted alum are added there. At the end of preparation, chalk must be introduced into the solution and mixed thoroughly. The primer may be too thick to fix it, it is enough to dilute it with water.Such a mixture is easy to prepare with your own hands and is great for very smooth walls that require good adhesion to finishing materials.

Tip: Homemade solutions should be used within the first twenty-four hours. Otherwise, most of them lose their properties!

How to prepare the walls for applying a primer?

Walls before treatment with a primer should be carefully prepare. So, the old finish should not remain on the surfaces - it is better to remove wallpaper, paint and plaster. You should carefully inspect the walls for protruding nails or screws, remove skirting boards, etc. If necessary, you can plastering or putty surfaces. At the same time, individual areas subjected to additional processing should first be treated with a primer, and only then applied to all other surfaces. In some cases, it is necessary to prime not once, but twice, but with the obligatory keeping of time for the first layer to dry. You can proceed to the final stage of finishing - painting or wallpapering after the last primer layer is completely dry.

Tip: pay enough attention to preparing the walls for further finishing. Only absolutely smooth and neat surfaces will allow you to speak with confidence about high-quality repairs.

Subject to the technology, a self-made primer will turn out to be no worse than a factory counterpart. However, it will allow you to save money, make the surface of the walls ready for finishing and achieve a completely high-quality result.

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