Examples of complex exercises combining aerobic and anaerobic loads
- Kickboxing.
- 20-30 minute workout alternating light jog and sprint.
When exercising on machines or with free weights (dumbbells, barbells), the general rule is this: Aerobic exercise - perform more repetitions with less weight and reduce the rest between sets. Signs indicating aerobic training will be an acceleration of the heart rate (up to 90% of the maximum) and sweating. You can calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. For example, if you are 30, then your maximum heart rate will be 190 (220-30). Accordingly, your heart rate during aerobic exercise should not rise above 170
In addition to the increase in heart rate, pay attention to the increase in breathing. If your breathing is not quickening, then you are not training hard enough.
And if you can’t speak, then you should reduce the intensity of the workout. Anaerobic exercise - increase the weight, reduce the number of repetitions and do not forget to rest in between sets.
Difference Between Aerobic and Anaerobic Process
Aerobic process refers to the process of cellular respiration occurring in the presence of oxygen while anaerobic process refers to the process of cellular respiration occurring in the absence of free oxygen. Thus, this is the main difference between aerobic and anaerobic processes.
Type of organisms
Also, another important difference between aerobic and anaerobic process is that aerobic process mainly occurs in higher organisms whereas anaerobic process mainly occurs in lower organisms including bacteria, yeast and parasites.
Also, another difference between aerobic and anaerobic processes is that the aerobic process takes place in the cytoplasm and inside the mitochondria while the anaerobic process takes place in the cytoplasm.
The three steps of an aerobic process are glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain, while the two main types of anaerobic process are ethanol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation.
Chemical reaction
Also, the chemical reaction of an aerobic process is C6HOUR12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + 36ATP, while the chemical reaction of ethanol fermentation is C6HOUR12O6 → 2C2HOUR5OH + 2CO2 + 2ATP and the chemical reaction of lactic acid fermentation is C6HOUR12O6 → 2C3HOUR6O3 + 2ATP.
Molecular oxygen
It is important to note that the aerobic process requires molecular oxygen within the cell, while the anaerobic process does not require molecular oxygen.
Substrate oxidation
In addition, while the aerobic process is responsible for the complete oxidation of the substrate, the anaerobic process is responsible for the incomplete oxidation of the substrate. Hence, this is another difference between aerobic and anaerobic process.
NAD+ rebirth
In addition, NAD+ regeneration occurs in the electron transport chain of the aerobic process, while NAD+ regeneration occurs in the partial oxidation of pyruvate as a result of the anaerobic process.
ATP production during NAD+ rebirth
Also, another difference between aerobic and anaerobic processes is that NAD+ regeneration of the aerobic process produces ATP, while NAD+ regeneration of the anaerobic process does not produce ATP.
ATP produced
The aerobic process produces 36 ATP molecules per glucose molecule, while the anaerobic process produces only 2 ATP per glucose molecule. This is also the difference between aerobic and anaerobic process.
Water production
Also, water production is another difference between aerobic and anaerobic process. That is; the aerobic process produces six water molecules per glucose molecule, while the anaerobic process does not produce water molecules because it does not use molecular oxygen in the electron transport chain.
An aerobic process is a type of cellular process that requires the presence of molecular oxygen within the cell. Aerobic respiration is the main type of aerobic process that breaks bonds in a glucose molecule to form ATP using released energy. During aerobic respiration, 32 ATP molecules are produced per molecule of glucose. By comparison, an anaerobic process is a type of cellular process that occurs in the absence of molecular oxygen. It produces fewer ATP molecules due to the incomplete oxidation of glucose. Therefore, the main difference between an aerobic and anaerobic process is the use of an oxygen molecule for the process and efficiency.
1. Scoville, Heather. "What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic processes?"ThoughtCo, ThoughtCo, January 2, 2019,
The impact of anaerobic strength training on the body.
Anaerobic exercise promotes muscle growth, strengthening and strengthening. But this growth is possible only with sufficient nutrition. Otherwise, the muscles you are working on will grow at the expense of other muscles that are least used in the exercises. Girls should not be afraid to pump up big muscles - this is simply impossible due to low testosterone levels. During strength (anaerobic) training, fewer calories are consumed than during cardio (aerobic) training. But the muscles themselves consume more calories. The more muscle mass, the more calories are burned during the day - when you sit, lie down, watch TV and even sleep. Plus, the increased fat-burning metabolism lasts up to 36 hours after your workout! Thus, anaerobic training is very effective for weight loss. Muscles weigh more than fat. That is, the volume of the body decreases even when the weight does not fall. When losing weight, the result is usually measured in kilograms. But, you must admit, hardly anyone will weigh you - it is much more important how many centimeters your waist will decrease :) Only anaerobic exercises can “sculpt” an ideal figure. Neither diet nor aerobics will help here. Anaerobic exercises are extremely beneficial for health ...
- Increase bone density - bones will always remain strong.
- Strengthen the cardiovascular system.
- Prevent diabetes mellitus and help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
- Reduce the risk of cancer.
- Extend life.
- Improve mood, help fight depression.
- Improve the quality of sleep and improve well-being in case you do not get enough sleep.
- Helps cleanse the body of toxins.
- Helps cleanse the skin.
Combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise loads
Incorporating anaerobic exercise into aerobic training | Incorporating Aerobic Exercise into Anaerobic Training |
Increasing the possibility of body shaping, increasing strength endurance, enhancing the general health effect | Additional increase in endurance due to the aerobic component, improvement of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, acceleration of weight loss due to fat burning during training |
The maximum positive effect from a combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads can be obtained with the proper preparation of a training program. However, I would like to warn the reader against the common practice when, after 30-40 minutes of aerobic exercise, a set of strength exercises is performed for 15-20 minutes.With this combination of loads, exercises are performed on tired muscles, which is not only ineffective, but also leads to overtraining.
Running anaerobic and aerobic workouts on separate days is a great way to reach your fitness goals. But it is also necessary to avoid overtraining, that is, not to load the muscles involved in aerobic training with strength exercises for 24 hours before and after it.
For the most effective weight loss, it is best to combine aerobic and anaerobic exercise as follows:
Interval training Interval training is the alternation of periods of high-intensity physical work with short periods of light (recovery) exercise. That is, anaerobic and aerobic exercises alternate with each other (for example, you run 20 seconds as hard as you can at a heart rate of 75-85% of the maximum value, and then 60-80 seconds at a relaxed pace). During one workout, you need to go through 5-12 such cycles of alternating intensive work and recovery. The duration of each cycle depends on the intensity of the load and the physical training of the student.
Calorie burning occurs both during interval training and after it due to the inclusion of an anaerobic component (though not as much and less long than after a standard anaerobic workout).
An additional plus of interval training is a significant time saving.
Interval training should be done no more than two to three times a week, rest between interval training should be at least two days. The number of other workouts must be reduced or eliminated altogether. After a few weeks of intense interval training, you need to switch to regular training.
Interval training involves very intense physical activity and is not suitable for beginners (at least a year of sports experience is desirable). It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting interval training. -
The division of the lesson into two parts: anaerobic exercises are done in the first part, aerobic exercises are done in the second. Anaerobic strength exercises of the first part are aimed at increasing muscle mass and maximizing the consumption of stored glycogen. Aerobic exercises of the second part are aimed at burning fat. The advantage of the method is that glycogen stores were used up during anaerobic exercise, so work in aerobic mode can almost immediately begin with the burning of fat reserves.
The duration of aerobic exercise depends on the duration of anaerobic training. In some cases, 5-10 minutes will be enough.
A small disadvantage of this method is a slight decrease in the effectiveness of strength training for muscle growth and strength.
not worth weight lossmuscles
An anaerobic workout that ends with 10 minutes of aerobic exercise is a great way to increase muscle mass along with aerobic endurance. Such training comprehensively strengthens physical and mental health, and especially the cardiovascular system.
Whichever of these methods you choose, do not forget to warm up before training - this will help prepare the body for the load and avoid injury. Flexibility exercises at the end of the session will help to quickly utilize lactic acid and prevent a decrease in muscle elasticity.
What is aerobic and anaerobic training
There are three systems of energy supply for all types of human activity.
Almost all of the changes that occur in the body through exercise are related to the demands placed on these energy-producing systems in the human body.
Moreover, the effectiveness of a particular training regimen can be judged by its ability to provide an adequate stimulus for change within these three energy systems.
Typically, this is an activity that lasts more than 90 seconds and is characterized by low or moderate power or intensity.
Examples of aerobic activity include running on a treadmill for 20 minutes, swimming a mile, and watching TV.
During anaerobic training, energy is produced without the participation of oxygen. An activity in which most of the energy is obtained anaerobically is called anaerobic.
This is usually an activity that lasts less than two minutes and is characterized by moderate to high intensity of power and intensity. There are two fundamentally different ways of generating energy during anaerobic training: lactic acid and phosphagenic.
Examples of anaerobic exercise are running 100 meters, squats, pull-ups.
Here, our main goal is to look at how aerobic and anaerobic training affect physical performance variables such as strength, power, speed, and endurance. We are also of the opinion that complex physical training and optimal health condition necessitate training of each of the physiological systems on a regular basis.
It is worth noting that all three energy systems are involved in any activity, although one of them dominates. The interaction of these systems can be complex, but even a simple comparison of aerobic and anaerobic performance can be beneficial.
However, it has been observed that as a result of excessive aerobic exercise, athletes lose muscle mass, strength, speed and power. It's not uncommon for a marathon runner to have a vertical jump of only a couple of inches and a bench press far below average for most athletes. Aerobic training also reduces anaerobic capacity.
This is not entirely suitable for athletes or individuals interested in complex physical training and maintaining an optimal level of health.
Anaerobic activity also improves cardiovascular function and reduces body fat. Anaerobic activity is a unique tool for a significant increase in power, speed, strength and muscle mass. Anaerobic training allows us to apply maximum effort in a short period of time.
Perhaps most noteworthy is the fact that anaerobic training does not reduce aerobic performance! In fact, properly designed anaerobic training can be used to develop a high degree of aerobic fitness without the loss of muscle mass that comes with excessive aerobic exercise!
Basketball, football, gymnastics, boxing, athletics in disciplines up to 1.6 km, swimming within 370 meters, volleyball, wrestling, weightlifting, etc. - all these are sports in which the bulk of the training time is spent in an anaerobic state.
Long and very long distance running, skiing, swimming over 1400 m are activities that require aerobic training of such a volume that leads to results that are unacceptable for athletes and individuals interested in complex physical fitness and optimal health.
Aerobic and aerobic exercise
Biochemical purification technology
Aerobic purification is carried out in natural conditions and in artificial structures.
Natural conditions: irrigation and filtration fields, biological ponds.
Irrigation fields are agricultural land designed to treat wastewater and grow plants at the same time.Plants are not grown on filtration fields. Usually these are reserve areas such as ponds for receiving wastewater. In irrigation fields, wastewater treatment is based on the influence of soil microflora, air, sun and plant life. Salts in drains should be less than 4-6 g/l. Wastewater is supplied to the irrigation fields in the summer after 5 days.
Biological ponds are artificial reservoirs with a depth of 0.5-1 m, well warmed by the sun and inhabited by aquatic organisms. They can be flow-through (serial or cascade) and non-flow. The residence time of water in ponds with natural aeration is from 7 to 60 days, with artificial aeration - 1-3 days. In the last steps of the cascading ponds, fish are bred, which makes it possible to avoid the formation of duckweed. In stagnant ponds, wastewater is supplied after it has settled and diluted. The duration of cleaning is 20-30 days.
The advantages of biological ponds are the low cost of construction and operation. Disadvantages: seasonal work, large area, low oxidizing power, difficult to clean.