Antimagnetic seals for water meters

Scope of application

Anti-magnetic stickers serve as a primary or additional protective device. The following tapes are used for sealing:

  • metering devices;
  • special equipment;
  • metal, plastic and wooden boxes;
  • cabinets and safes;
  • packages with documents, etc.

This is not a complete list of objects to which antimagnetic tape is applied. The sticker has special notches, a sensitive indicator and other means of protection. They will help to identify an unauthorized intrusion attempt not only in the case of metering devices, but also in other objects that are subject to sealing.

All about sealing water meters

Antimagnetic seals for water metersTo start the operation of the device, you will need an appropriate conclusion, which indicates the correctness of the installation work, which is confirmed by the conclusion of the inspection work report and the presence of sealing. It is necessary to prevent changes in the readings of the device, and it is also necessary to carry out recalculation data for the used water.

In many high-rise buildings, meters have already been installed. But there are also cases when it is necessary to re-fill. You don't need to be self-employed. Because at the time of registration and installation of the seal, it will be necessary to show documents confirming that the device was installed by an organization licensed to perform these works.

The water meter is subject to re-sealing at the end of the expiration date, breakage, stoppage of the ball valve, in case of damage, replacement of the pipeline or any elements of the system, as a result of emergency situations, when replacing living space.

Who has the right to install a seal on the counter?

Antimagnetic seals for water metersTo recalculate the water fee, you will need to install a meter, register and put a seal. Without this, the consumption fee will be calculated according to the tariff plan. Those organizations that have a license to issue documentation, namely the act of sealing, can install a seal on the meter. Before sealing, the specialist checks the correctness of the installed water meters and their integrity. The same specialist issues the documentation necessary for registration actions to the owner.

Important in this work is the right company. The organization that installs the meter is responsible for the correct execution of the work.

Filling times. Paid or free?

The terms of the work performed are indicated in those passports. As a rule, a specialist should come within three to five days. In this case, the owner must have a technical passport and an act of establishing a seal in his hands. The consumption by the counter begins to accrue from the moment of signing the contract, drawn up in 2 copies. One of the copies is given to the landlord. A copy of the registration certificate for the meter is given to the inspector.

Antimagnetic seals for water metersAccording to paragraph five of article twenty of the Federal Law "On Water Supply and Sanitation" dated January 1, two thousand and thirteen, the installation of seals on water devices is free of charge. Collection of fees can occur in cases of failure of the meter, the fault of which is the user, when re-sealing, when buying housing on the secondary market, etc.
Each organization provides its own cost for this service. On average, the price of the service is from five hundred to two thousand rubles.

There is a judicial practice related to the appeal of these payments and their acceptance as illegal. If you want to return the cost of the money spent on sealing, you will need to apply to the local judicial authority. Also, complaints about service organizations are accepted by Rospotrebnadzor.

At what distance does the magnet begin to act on the anti-magnetic sticker

If such a protective sticker is acted upon even for a short time by a magnet, the dot changes its structure, spreading over the entire area. In this case, all anti-magnets are numbered individually, they cannot be removed from the device case, as this leads to its destruction and the appearance of the corresponding inscription.

Such elements are installed in accordance with the main sample of the already existing act of sealing the meter by a representative of the energy supervision in the presence of the homeowner. At the same time, it must be explained to the consumer that if the protection is triggered on the individual electricity consumption control device, additional charges for utilities will be made in accordance with the current government decree.

Therefore, the only way to stop the theft process at the moment is to install anti-magnetic seals on water meters. Any application of a magnet, small or large, is immediately noticeable.

But these seals do not react to the small internal magnets in the water meter, as they have too little magnetic field to seriously affect anything. Electric meters and the fight against theft Many people try to influence electricity meters with the help of a magnet. Although this is more difficult to do than with accounting mechanisms for water and gas.

Antimagnetic seal - how to deal with it? Many are interested in how far the theft protection works? You should not try, because even if you bring the magnet from the opposite side of the seal, there will be a spill of liquid in the control capsule with a change in the geometry of the pattern. Employees of the housing office, having discovered such an impact on the meter, will issue an invoice for the use of water according to the norms.

Such an account is much more than payment according to indications.

Video how antimagnetic seals work


Reader reviews

Indeed, with the use of these seals, not everything is so simple. I myself got into a situation “from the other side”, i.e. from the violator's side, when the power engineers tried to set us up. The store, located in a residential building, has a separate switchboard. Two citizens in overalls, introducing themselves as electricians, asked to see the counters (like, write down the readings). The sellers showed them where this control room is located. They went there for 2 minutes, got out, said thanks and retreated. The next day, real inspectors from the company came, went into the control room and said: “Why is your magnetic seal damaged?” The sellers call me and the director, we arrived, we see - a really dark filling. We ask the sellers - did the inspectors themselves enter the control room? Our girlfriend says no, they immediately took me and went in together. And then she said about yesterday's pseudo-inspectors. Then it became clear that they have such a business - first some come to spoil the seals, and the next day - real inspectors - draw up acts. With an allowable load under the contract of 10 kW, we were expected to receive an additional charge for the year of almost 200 krub. That is why I started to study this topic.

So, the manufacturer does provide a certificate for this seal, but this is a safety certificate, and it is not directly related to the physical properties of the seal. That is, we are talking about the safety of the material for humans. At the same time, the documentation, of course, indicates at what parameters this seal begins to darken (magnetic fields over 40 mT, or higher, depending on the type of seal). But legally, the issue with a direct connection between a working seal and unauthorized interference with the operation of a meter is not so unambiguous. Fortunately for us (Contractors), the courts usually do not bother with these issues. The reasoning is as follows: the seal worked, which means that there was a magnetic field, which means that the consumer's dishonesty has been proven.And already with what parameters this field was and whether it could really affect the operation of the meter - this is no longer so important.

Antimagnetic seals

I explain. At the end of May, I sued Mosenergosbyt (MES), they demanded 450 tr from me under acts of unaccounted for energy consumption (2016) + 160 tr fines. remark on acts: lack of seals on the test box. My arguments: the act of entering the metering station from 2010: there is no mention of installing seals on the test box, seals were not hung out. Their arguments: 1. if I knew there weren't enough seals, I should have told them IMMEDIATELY. Those. inform them not about the failure of the applied seal, but about the absence of a seal in the place where it should have been. KICK-ASS 2. the seal was hung out in 2003, and they provided copies of the acts from 2003, where the seal is actually indicated.

We demanded to provide the original act of 2003. THEY presented, proudly so at the court: “here, the originals of the acts!”. we open it and see: on top of the act (details, name and blah blah blah) is a black and white copier. the content of the act (where there are seal numbers) is filled in BLUE COLOR on a color printer (it can be seen even just with glasses). our signature is a black and white photocopy. We immediately announce the examination of the original, they declare that they do not have the authority to give the original for examination.

The result of the court: we have to pay them 600tr. Getting ready to appeal.

so that, if the failure of the seal by the supplier is a headache for the consumer, then the peeling seal is also a problem for the consumer.

Varieties of antimagnetic seals

Three types are considered the most popular:

  • Antimagnetic seal on the electric meter, which has a special adhesive composition and at the same time can change its color;
  • A seal on a water meter that looks like a small rectangular strip;
  • The seal IMP 27 63 is considered the most popular seal among utilities to ensure control over energy consumption.

Many companies try to apply all security measures that help prevent fraud from negligent consumers. Sometimes, the owners of real estate themselves turn to specialists with a request to replace equipment and install new seals.

If the fact of hacking is discovered, then a fine is issued without fail. Its minimum amount is 1000 rubles, the maximum is 5000 rubles.

The antimagnetic seal is essentially a sticker. A liquid capsule is built into this seal sticker, which reacts to a neodymium magnet. When you bring a magnet to it, the liquid spreads throughout the capsule, letting the verification services know that you wanted to use the magnet or are already using it. Each such seal-sticker has its own serial number. It is not possible to remove such a seal. When you try to remove the seal, it will change color without fail. There is also an inscription about the opening.

How a filling looks and works

An anti-magnetic seal (sticker or indicator seal) is an adhesive-based tape, from the front which contains a sealed capsule with a magnetically sensitive filler. Under the influence of a magnetic field, an indicator is triggered - the color or shape of the capsule changes.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

Anti-magnetic seal: 1 - indicator, 2 - information, 3 - tear-off coupon with serial number, 4 - anti-tear, 5 - logo, 6 - serial number

In total, 5 types of indicator seals are produced:

  1. Anti-vandal No. 1 has a capsule with a magnetically sensitive suspension. When the reaction exceeds 100 mT, the particles greatly increase in size and fill the entire capsule. The color is permanent.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

  1. Anti-vandal number 2 - the principle of operation is similar, but instead of a round capsule, a rectangular indicator.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

  1. Antimagnetic No. 3 consists of 3 sectors - dark in the middle and light at the edges. When exposed to a magnetic field with an induction of more than 100 mT, all sectors are darkened.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

  1. Antimagnetic No. 4 - has 5 sectors of green and black, which, when interfered, all merge into black. The greater the induction power, the richer the color of the sticker.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

  1. Indicator No. 5 - a capsule is applied to the sticker, which instantly changes the formula even with a short-term exposure to a magnetic field. The sticker also has a tear-off protection “OPEN OPENED”.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

Depending on the varieties, the result of exposure to a magnetic field can be as follows:

  • filler particles increase in size, and the capsule bursts, coloring the indicator in a contrasting color;
  • initially transparent or colored capsule becomes monophonic;
  • an inscription about the opening appears when you try to delete, etc.

Any change in the initial state of the anti-magnetic seal on the water meter indicates intentional or unintentional interference in the operation of the PU by installing a magnet. The module is triggered when exposed to a field of 100 mT or more, at a distance of no more than 5 cm.

All stickers are produced in separate batches, where each has an individual number. Before installing a new seal on the water meter, the controller opens the ticket and pastes it into the check log. In the future, not only the state of the sticker itself is checked - a change in color, the appearance of inscriptions or traces of separation, but also the number is checked.

Antimagnetic seal on the electricity meter

With such an impressive scale of theft, an innovation was developed in the form of an anti-magnetic seal, and later a sticker attached to the body of the meter.

  • The principle of operation of the water meter
  • The emergence of antimagnetic seals
  • Schemes of influence on magnetic protection
  • The use of dummies
  • Anti-magnetic tapes
  • Penalty for interfering with the indicator

The principle of operation of the water meter Household water meters consist of two chambers: one is wet, the second is dry. The prices for utilities have recently increased significantly. Paying according to the average rates charged per registered tenant is expensive. In addition, the state obliged all consumers of water resources to install water meters for accounting. Every year the cost of a cubic meter of water increases. Services for providing the population with energy resources do not sit still and they have developed more sophisticated protection. What do the markings, numbers and text mean An antimagnetic seal is nothing more than a sticker based on a special sealing tape and equipped with a hermetic capsule containing a magnetically sensitive suspension. The microscopic particles contained in the suspension are sensitive to magnetic fields exceeding 100 mT. By changing their original state and spreading inside the capsule, they notify the effect of the magnet on the power consumption control device. The indicator seal is mounted by gluing on the body of the control meter. In the normal state, the indicator element has a uniform consistency, shaped like a black dot with a cross section of up to 2 mm.

How does the magnetic tape on the meter protect

Today, companies that manufacture meters are increasingly improving such products in order to provide them with maximum protection against hacking or the possibility of changing the original readings.

But still, many craftsmen are trying to get around the most complex protection mechanisms that are used by manufacturers. To this end, completely new systems have been invented that do not allow the use of magnets to stop the counter.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

Magnetic tape protects the meter from various kinds of interventions

The anti-magnetic seal-sticker is used to protect devices:

After the introduction of these protections, there was a lot of discussion among homeowners about whether it was possible to somehow bypass this mechanism. After all, if you damage the protection, then this will entail liability for illegal opening of the meter.

Consequences of involuntary breaking of the antimagnetic seal

Most often, in such cases, management companies are sympathetic. But it should be noted that if this happens, certain steps should be taken. It is mandatory to notify the Criminal Code without waiting for verification. This can be done by phone, via the Internet on the official website or in person by submitting a written application. In this case, the replacement of the self-adhesive plate will be carried out at the expense of the management company. But it must be remembered that if an association of homeowners is organized, then the contract may contain a clause according to which payment is made at the expense of the owner.

You should not think that you can periodically tear off the strips, apply a magnet, and then contact the Criminal Code with an application for a replacement. After 2-3 attempts, it will become clear that such cases are not involuntary. At the same time, no one has canceled common house metering devices, the overspending of which will have to be paid.

Rings and antimagnets on the electric meter

As protection on anti-magnets, rings with a five-stage protection are used, which are made of a ferromagnetic alloy. It has the ability to weakly transmit a magnetic field.

Thanks to the third layer, the magnetic field is reflected, and the fourth layer is a specially wound copper wire on the previous one. The fifth layer is an insulating coating.

Ring diameter:

  • Internal - 15 mm;
  • Outer - 30 mm.

Also on sale are rings that are larger and may have a slightly different material. In this case, the magnet will be inserted inside the ring.

The installation of such additional means further protects against possible violation of the film on the seal. Even if you bring a powerful magnet to the counter, such an impact will not have any effect on the capsule. This principle allows you to install a magnet, while the anti-magnetic capsule from the counter will not be damaged.

Useful video on the topic

The need to use and the principle of operation of a magnetically sensitive seal:

Companies providing utility services are interested in installing an anti-magnetic seal. Water suppliers were able to reduce theft and identify unscrupulous consumers.

Responsible users with the introduction of indicator sticks do not risk anything. The main thing is to understand the mechanism of action of the seal and the conditions for its operation.

Tariffs for utilities are constantly rising, absorbing a significant part of earnings. This forces us to look for ways to save money. Among them there are legal ones: the purchase of energy-saving equipment, turning off the light, the purchase of "smart" devices with an automatic de-energization function.

Installing a seal on a water meter

By itself, attaching an antimagnetic sticker is not difficult. More questions from consumers of water resources arise regarding the need and legality of the introduction of such a device.

The legality of the actions of public utilities

Mass installation of antimagnets began in 2011. There were active disputes among the population - supporters of the stickers put forward their arguments, opponents - they spoke about the illegality of the manipulations of public utilities. Lawyers and legislative authorities undertook to resolve the dilemma, declaring the actions of representatives of the housing and communal services lawful.

Utilities are guided by the following regulatory documents:

  1. Decree No. 354 / 06.05.2011, Where it is said that utilities have the right to mount anti-magnetic seals at their own discretion.
  2. Law No. 416-FZ / 07.12.2011 The document allows water suppliers to supply hot and cold water supply circuits to seal meters with any seals that will prevent illegal consumption.

The specified legislative acts speak about the legitimacy of the installation of antimagnetic indicators.However, the homeowner has the right to prevent a service representative from entering his territory.

However, not all so simple. If access to the water meter is denied, public utilities have the right to go to court with a claim for the impossibility of checking the metering device. Referring to the documents indicated above, the court will oblige the owner of the house, apartment to open access for the controllers of the resource supplying organization to the meter.

In addition, in case of repeated refusal to check the measuring device, public utilities have the right to determine the volume of water consumed on a general basis - by the calculation method based on the number of residents.

Rules and procedure for sticking a sticker

Only an employee of the management company - utility provider should install the seal.

In this case, the representative of the water utility is obliged to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Draw up an act and submit it for signature to the owner of the property. The document specifies the type / condition of the sticker, the obligations of the owner.
  2. Explain to the consumer the action of the indicator - the rules that the user must follow in order to avoid triggering the indicator.
  3. Notify of the consequences of the violation.

High-quality installation requires careful degreasing of the meter surface. This will prevent the possibility of removing the seal for a while.

It is not advisable to install a magnetic seal at temperatures below +5 °C - cool air reduces the adhesion index and increases the activation time of the adhesive layer.

Work order:

  1. Examine the sticker. The control drawing, the flask with the indicator element must be free of defects.
  2. Degrease the surface under the filling. The optimal solution is isopropyl alcohol, which is neutral to most types of plastic. When working with other solvents, you must first test their effect on the body of the device.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes. Wait until the surface of the case is completely dry.
  4. Remove backing. Separate the protective backing of the seal by pulling on the notch.
  5. Install a seal. Without touching the adhesive composition, fix the sticker.

Finally, smooth the surface of the sticker by gently pressing down on the filling with your finger. The adhesive of the sticker has an increasing adhesive ability.

Upon completion of the work, an appropriate mark is made in the Sealing Certificate, the performer and the owner of the apartment sign.

How to pay less for water without breaking

There are also legal ways to reduce water bills that few people think about. The main one is, of course, the rejection of the pleasure of soaking in the bathroom, limiting yourself to taking a shower. You can also save on washing dishes by opening the tap much weaker. Things should not be washed in the machine too often. It is better to wait until there is enough laundry for a full load.

Antimagnetic seals for water meters

Such seals can also be anti-magnetic

Another effective and uncomplicated way is not to press the button of the flush tank “all the way”, not to wait until the water has completely poured out of it. Sometimes half, or even a quarter, is enough. Alternatively, you can lower the water level in the tank.

Observing such simple rules, the user will immediately notice a decrease in consumption, and quite a significant one.

What threatens the removal or violation of the tape

The seal may work due to deliberate actions, inaccurate work of repair or utility services, accidental actions. Violation of the tape threatens to impose a fine. The amount of the fine depends on the circumstances of the event. Sometimes it can be completely avoided.

  • Damage to the indicator threatens an individual with a fine of 300-500 rubles.
  • A legal entity will pay 20-40 thousand rubles.

If the service provider proves that the owner purposefully tried to circumvent the magnetic seal on the electricity meter, the fine may increase to 200 thousand rubles.


