Types and modifications
Children and adults
A small child in an adult seat is uncomfortable - he will simply fall into a hole that is too large. Therefore, manufacturers produce special models for children. They are worn on top of the standard seat.
Overhead children's options may differ in cheerful colors and original shape. For example, they are sometimes performed in the form of cartoon or fairy tale characters, provided with bright pictures. A convenient ledge is often made in front so that the baby holds on and does not fall.
An example is the overhead model "Baby Care JBD-Rim", made in the form of a pretty duck. The material is high-quality plastic, and the edges, beak and legs of the duckling are made of soft rubber. Price - 610 rubles.
Baby toilet seat
soft and hard
- The very first copies were made of wood or plywood - however, they are still present, mainly in public restrooms. Such seats are hard and not too comfortable - you won’t sit for a long time.
- Then plastic appeared - most Chinese inexpensive models are made from varieties of this material. It is, of course, more comfortable than a solid wooden surface, but also hard. Especially unfortunate if the plastic is brittle. Then he will not last long in the finished product. It is worth remembering that plastic plastic is different. For example, polypropylene is very reliable and resistant to stress.
- Duroplast is one of the most modern toilet seat materials. This substance (by the way, also a type of plastic) is made from synthetic resins with the addition of cotton or wool fibers. The material is very dense and durable. Such a cover will not break off or crack, even if it is used in public places. In addition, the composition of the material (similar to ceramics rather than plastic) often contains antibacterial substances. Eminent brands produce most of their products from Duroplast.
- Soft toilet seats can be made of fabric (which is convenient, but not very practical). Budget options: a wooden frame, a layer of foam rubber and an oilcloth top. Such products do not serve for too long, and they are inconvenient to care for. They also produce semi-rigid models - made of plastic or metal with a rubberized top coating.
Modern toilet seat made of Duroplast
With additional options
Modern products are distinguished by convenient functions. Which, however, significantly increase their cost.
The following video review will tell you more about lift-up toilet seats:
Universal product
Such a toilet seat as a universal one is also called a family one, as it is suitable for both large and small ones. In addition, unlike the consignment note, it holds securely, does not crawl or slip.
An example is the snow-white model "Semya" from the famous European brand "Wirquin". Material - strong polypropylene, a guarantee - two years. Sometimes the design suggests the option that the small upper seat is then removed (when the child grows up and does not need it).
You will learn about where to buy adult and children's toilet seat models in the next section.
Universal toilet seat
How to choose a toilet seat
Since toilet bowls manufactured by different companies can have many configurations (both in shape and bowl size), cut-out top covers also have the appropriate dimensions. And if they are non-standard, then these products should be taken immediately complete with plumbing.
When choosing a specific seat model, it is worth starting from three parameters:
- the distance from one hole to another, intended for its fastening;
- distance from the mounting axis to the edge of the cover on the inside;
- distance from the mounting axle to the very end of the seat.
But toilet seat sizes aren't everything. You should also try to match the shape - after all, the bowl can be oval, elongated, rounded, rectangular. It is ugly and uncomfortable if the seat hangs too much over it or does not cover some part of it. However, most manufacturers still maintain a certain standard - they create rounded products with more or less the same dimensions.
But if the toilet is purchased special (designer), it is most difficult to find a cover for it
In this case, we pay priority attention to the distance between the holes for fastening. For the rest, we focus on the form
By the way, you can circle the toilet on paper, and then go to choose with this piece of paper.
And one more thing: as with the purchase of other goods, here you should not chase the cheapest options. After all, this is, as a rule, "China", and the lowest quality, made of fragile plastic. Such a seat will quickly crack, so you have to buy a new one. Therefore, it is better to take a model of a European or well-known domestic brand. The latter, by the way, will cost less.
When purchasing a cover, pay attention to the quality of its fasteners. Plastic is cheaper but can break
It is better if these are metal loops. And at the bottom there must certainly be shock absorbers - for example, made of rubber. Then the seat will not knock loudly and annoyingly. And it will last longer, like the toilet itself.
Having chosen a toilet seat, you should also take care to install it. The following video will help you with this:
Expert answers
Raptor SD:
Nothing, buy a new one.
better buy a new one
It would be better, of course, to buy a new one, but I can advise Poxipol cold welding.
epoxy is more reliable and more reliable: it served as glued for about thirty years on the street. And it’s not for nothing that boats, cars and planes are glued to her.
Situations are different. Epoxy - DIFFERENT.
It's easier to buy a new one and forget about the problem.
Are they in short supply? Why not buy a new one
Synthetic adhesive designed for gluing faience and ceramics: BF-2, EDP, MC-1, EPO, Mekol, Rapid, Ago, Mars, Elastostil-2, Supercement, Unicum ”, “Moment”, “Grokim”.
Dear! Buy yourself a new one! But if you really feel like it) ) glue on the construction Moment waterproof or universal, and then coat with sealant from the side of the water.
Pasha PKX:
Epoxy would be better. I don’t know about faience, but I successfully glued the windshield washer tank in the car like this: 1) I applied automotive putty with fiberglass to the gap. 2) I covered it with a bandage impregnated with epoxy (but a fabric with fiberglass is better; then you can skip the first point. 3) I smeared this entire structure with the remaining epoxy so that nothing passes between the bandage and the tank.
Heinrich Mont:
Glue, plus the time spent, plus the dismantling of rusted fasteners, plus hand cuts with sharp edges of earthenware, plus nerves, will cost more than a new tank. In addition, a darned condom looks more aesthetically pleasing than a glued tank.
SHOULD YOUR THOUGHTS! Is this why you graduated from KhNTU (KhII; former Odessa Technological University; Kherson National Technical University)?
Konstantin Medkov:
Better than the second - colorless.
Anatoly Korneichuk:
I usually glue toilet bowls only with materials that are homogeneous with the cistern, I used a technique taken from the experience of craftsmen gluing ancient porcelain for household purposes - Chinese services created earlier than the 17th century, Russian porcelain of the 18th, 19th centuries, road repairs in the Vologda region of the 20th-early 21st century.
In the Past Thinker:
Ilya Kalyagin:
Buy a new one and don't worry...
A A:
There is a great secret
Sargis Aksonyan:
You were not there, you were resting. Lid also decided to take a break and retired. Her work is not to be envied!
Grandfather Au:
material fatigue...
lion achkasov:
buy a new one
Vitalik Kanev:
Take the old one.(wash) go to the plumbing store. And according to the size you choose, they are sold separately.
You have too much time to think about the toilet Buy a new one and forget
Zenk Types:
Today the toilet lid - tomorrow the refrigerator animal! Definitely need to figure it out.
Alexey Okolotenko:
Buy a new vodyanoy m /products/prinadllezhnosti_dlya_bachkov_unitazov_umyvalnikov_rakovin/sidenie_k_kompaktam_primo_dyuroplast_kolo and don't bother with any astral phenomena...
hope dmitrieva:
Well, cracked and cracked, God with this cover. In this case, I recommend to go to santehnika-online /unitazy/ and buy a new one at an affordable price. I wish you only good luck!!!
The nature of duroplasts and basic properties
The main property of Duroplast, which distinguishes it from other types of plastic, is the ability to maintain a stable shape when exposed to heat. So, duroplast - what is it? It is not easy to give a simple answer to this question. In fact, the material can be described as a resin that is cured in special forms. Among the main varieties can be distinguished:
- phenolic resins;
- unsaturated polyester resins;
- polyurethane;
- urea-formaldehyde resins;
- melamine compounds.
The chemical basis of the material can be defined as a synthetic substance based on macromolecules, which is obtained by polycondensation from various starting components. Phenol and formaldehyde can be mentioned as sources. These elements undergo a certain processing, where they are combined under the influence of high temperature pressure.
Additionally, auxiliary chemical materials, known as "hardeners", are used, which give the final product certain properties and appearance. Depending on the intended use, Duroplast can be given different hardness, which increases its wear resistance.
Obtaining various types of products based on this type of plastic is based on the additional introduction of various components. Duroplast contains stone flour, crushed textile materials, as well as wood components. One of the most well-known types of end products can be called foams.
All possible types of the final material can be characterized by the following features:
- On a mechanical basis - hard, moderately hard and elastic materials are distinguished.
- Resistance to external influences. Here we can distinguish not only resistance to chemical attack, but also resistance to plant or animal pests.
- Resistance to air exchange or other types of exchange. This quality is successfully used to perform heat-insulating and sound-proofing tasks.
- The structure of the material. Depending on the porosity of the material, finished products can act as load-bearing elements.
It can be noted that the named category of foam plastics is easily machined - sawing, surface treatment with a planer or file to obtain hard chips. Also, during processing, the material can be foamed or glued. But temperature effects, for example, heating followed by welding, are not available.