Drainage systems
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Unfortunately, when starting the construction of a house, not everyone thinks about such an important issue as drainage. The presence of a drainage system not only prolongs the life of the house, but also improves the quality of care for various plants and green spaces on the site.
Properly installed and maintained drainage will ensure dryness and acceptable humidity in the cellar or basement for many years to come, as well as reduce the risk of mold and mildew.
Site drainage system.
What is a drainage system: device and purpose
In short, the drainage system is a real engineering center, each part of which diverts sedimentary, ground, melt and other waters to a safe distance for home operation.
To carry out this "mission", special trays, containers and wells are used.
The effluents themselves are then discharged, already cleaned, into a centralized sewerage system or used in households. purposes.
The main elements of drainage include:
- Collectors of excess water;
- Drainage wells and tanks;
- Garbage bins;
- Perforated pipes;
- Channels.
The greatest danger to the operation of the house, excess water is the fact that they begin to destroy the foundation, and also increase the level of humidity in areas such as the cellar or basement.
Installation of a drainage system on the site. Thanks to this scheme, communications can be done by hand.
First, excess water completely saturates the surrounding soil, then moisture begins to penetrate deep into the base of the house, damaging the foundation along the way. After the water has got into the foundation, it begins to literally destroy it from the inside.
This happens for one simple reason: when water freezes, it expands.
Therefore, when the ambient temperature drops in the building, cracks appear, which in the future can lead to both the distortion of the entire building and its complete destruction.
Not to mention the fact that excess water has an extremely negative effect on the condition and fertility of plants growing in the garden and vegetable garden.
Foundation drainage is a necessary component of the construction of structures on soils with a large percentage of groundwater.
Therefore, the presence of excess water in the soil is not only puddles in the area after the rain. This issue should be taken very seriously.
Whether it is necessary to build drainage is easy to determine by how quickly puddles disappear after rain. If the puddles go away for a long time, then this is an alarm signal that there is a large amount of clay or groundwater in the ground. In this scenario, the construction of drainage is a must.
Types of drainage systems
For each individual site, a special, unique drainage system should be built, which is selected taking into account such features as: the abundance of groundwater, the amount of precipitation, relief features, the percentage of clay in the soil, and so on.
Depending on the principle of the device, drainage is:
- Deep - with its help get rid of excess groundwater, the level of which is constantly high, or it rises sharply after precipitation or snow melt;
- Surface (sometimes open and closed) drainage, with its help, water is collected from the surface of a site paved with a material that prevents it from leaving naturally. Helps to get rid of excess water from the site. This system also includes point and line drainage.
Types of drainage systems according to the device method
To create a system for removing excess moisture, you can use the services of specialists, as well as do all the work yourself. You just need to choose the right drainage, and there are several types of it. They differ in the complexity of arrangement, appearance and other parameters.
One of the most common classifications of drainage is based on how complex it is. In accordance with this parameter, 3 types of drainage systems are distinguished.
Drainage of an open type or surface is one or more ravines. The depth of each is about 0.7 m, and the width is 0.5 m. This option is the easiest to arrange, but outwardly it is unattractive.
- Backfill or deep looks much better. For this species, a trench is also first dug. A geofabric is laid in it, and then a draining backfill is poured in, which will accumulate and remove excess moisture. For these purposes, broken bricks, crushed stone, expanded clay, etc. are used. The drainage layer is wrapped with geotextile and covered with soil. But such a system has one significant drawback: it can be cleaned only after opening.
- The most complex, but at the same time the most perfect system for draining water from the site is closed drainage. In the center of the backfill there is a drain, which is a perforated pipe. Water is collected in the pipeline and discharged by gravity into the drainage well.
It is the third method of water diversion in recent years that has already become traditional when creating a drainage system.
The device of wall drainage of the foundation around the house
Before proceeding with the installation of a near-house drainage system, it is necessary to determine its type, which depends on several parameters:
- types of soil;
- whether the building has a basement or basement;
- the origin of the water to be removed.
The wall underground option is used in the presence of a basement, high groundwater level and loamy and clayey soils. If it is necessary to protect the base of the house only from precipitation, then a surface system will suffice.
To protect a house located on sandy or sandy loamy watered soils and without a basement, ring (trench) drainage is used.
Having decided on the type of drainage, you can begin to draw up a diagram, design a system and plan all work. This stage allows you to reduce all possible shortcomings, which are then expensive to fix.
For the plan, you need to determine the lowest point in the area for installing a drainage well, which will be connected to the common ring of the system by a pipe.
It is better to draw a diagram on graph paper or in a special program. The drawing should show:
- the house, as well as the buildings adjacent to it;
- trees and shrubs;
- places where drains pass, depending on the type of drainage chosen;
- revision and drainage wells.
Inspection tanks are installed at the pipe bend, for example, in the corners of the house, or every 30 m for a straight pipe section.
The plan should also record the depth of pipe laying. This indicator depends not only on the bottom slab of the foundation and the height of the floor, but also on the level of soil freezing. Pipes must run deeper than the zero winter ground temperature point
It is important to write the diameter of the drains, which affects the width of the trench, and the required slope
Design is best left to the experts. But the purchase of the necessary material and the installation of the drainage system on the basis of a competent plan can be done independently.
Site drainage
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Drainage geotextile easily passes water, while retaining even the smallest particles of soil, sand and silt, which can clog the drainage system and disrupt its normal functioning. It also protects the drainage system from destruction by plant roots.
Drainage pumps are equipped with a vertical type float switch, which allows their use in narrow wells and hard-to-reach places. It is possible to install drainage pumps both for permanent operation and to transfer them from place to place.
Drainage pumps are the most effective way to competently activate the removal of groundwater from the land
In order to choose the most suitable pump for your application, pay attention to the technical specifications, including: power, maximum possible immersion level of the device and operating temperature range
Drainage tunnels were designed to create an underground drainage field and serve to drain ground, melt, sewage, and storm water. Drainage blocks are designed to drain water from industrial sites, stadiums, shopping centers.
Excess moisture caused by a high level of groundwater can cause not only the death of plants, but also a fairly rapid destruction of the foundation of the building.
To prevent such a development of events, drainage of the site will help, the task of which is the timely removal of excess moisture from the territory of land ownership.
The drainage system is a structure consisting of different elements, with the help of which soil moisture is controlled.
Surface drainage of the site for draining the soil
Owners of country houses are often faced with a situation where, after heavy rainfall, the surrounding area is flooded. In this case, surface drainage at the site will allow you to get rid of water, which clay soil practically does not pass through.
To equip such a system, perforated pipes equipped with a geofabric filter are used. Water through them can be discharged both into a drainage ditch and into a special filtration well. If there is a well, water masses can be easily pumped out of it using a drainage pump.
Deep drainage of the site to protect the strip foundation
If the house is located in an area with a high level of groundwater, then drainage of the foundation on the site is necessary. This is done so that the water expanding during freezing does not compress the tape, which can lead to destruction of the foundation part of the building.
Such a drainage system is arranged as follows:
- drainage pipes are placed along the perimeter at a depth of at least 20 cm below the foundation itself, after which the trench is covered with rubble. Geotextile is laid on top, on top of which a layer of sand is poured;
- water masses are discharged into the sewer. However, if conditions do not allow it to be equipped, then the installation of the site drainage provides for the installation of a special water intake well;
- the filtration well must be equipped with an electrical outlet, since at any time it may be necessary to connect a drainage pump;
- manholes are mounted at the corners of the foundation, allowing the maintenance of the system, in particular its regular cleaning.
The foundation drainage system on the site provides for complete waterproofing to protect against flooding of the basement and basement. In large industrial, sports or commercial areas, as a rule, drainage blocks and tunnels are used.
When is site drainage necessary?
The choice of materials used to create drainage for draining the site primarily depends on how much water passes through the soil. It is almost impossible to do without a high-quality drainage system in such conditions as:
- reduced filtration properties of the soil, due to which storm and melt waters constantly accumulate on the surface of the earth;
- a high level of groundwater, during the freezing of which a heaving process occurs, which leads to the rapid destruction of the foundation.
On clay soils, deep drainage is most often installed, covering all the buildings on the territory.
The site of the company "SDS" presents all the necessary products for the drainage of the site, which you can choose both on your own and in consultation with our specialists. You can purchase all the necessary elements to create an effective and durable drainage system from us.In addition, our professionals carry out installation work on the drainage of the site in the shortest possible time.
How much does drainage cost
If you decide to completely drain the site yourself, then here is the cost that you will have to pay only for the tools and all the material:
- A meter of a drainage pipe with a diameter of 11 cm can cost from 60 to 180 rubles.
- A square meter of geotextile will cost you approximately 20-40 rubles.
- Granite crushed stone fraction 20/40 mm costs from 1200 to 2000 rubles per m3.
- The average price per cubic meter of river sand is about 600-700 rubles.
In this case, a linear meter of drainage will cost a maximum of 2000 rubles. But that doesn't include shipping costs. Still need to add the price of wells. A ready-made manhole made of plastic with a minimum diameter can cost 2000-2500 rubles apiece, and a drainage well can cost more than 10 thousand rubles. Cheaper to make them from a pipe.
If you hire specialists, then the price of the drainage system will be the sum of the cost for design services (about 10,000 rubles) and the work itself. Many firms make a project for free if you order work from them.
Specializing companies set a price for laying a pipe at least 2,500 rubles per meter, for installing a viewing well - 5-7 thousand, and a drainage one - 35-40 thousand rubles. But many of them give a guarantee on their work for 2-3 years.
But if you are confident in your abilities or have at least some experience, then you can only order a project, and do the rest yourself. Or, in general, carry out all drainage work on our own, including drawing up a diagram.
The main thing is to decide on the type of drainage in accordance with the characteristics of the building, the climate of the region and the site. It is better to use deep drainage, and if necessary, supplement it with a storm system.
Do not save on pipes and underestimate the manhole, which allows you to clean the system. With proper organization of drainage, you can not only protect the house from moisture, but also use all atmospheric and groundwater for household needs.
Not to drain
The installation of a drainage system is an expensive undertaking. If it is possible to get by with other measures, it is worth doing it. Other measures include the following:
- Storm sewer device.
- A blind area device (for heaving soils, an insulated blind area is desirable).
In areas with a slope, the device of the upland ditch is a moat of sufficient depth, which is located on a slope higher than the house. From this ditch, water is diverted below the site, into the sewer, discharged into a ravine, river, lake, etc.
- Foundation waterproofing. To eliminate capillary suction of moisture, several layers of waterproofing material are laid on top of the finished foundation, to eliminate problems with damp walls in the basement, external waterproofing of the foundation is made (dig out to the full depth and treated with waterproofing materials). For greater reliability from the inside, the walls of the basement and / or basement floor should be treated with penetrating waterproofing of the Penetron type.
If after all these activities the situation does not suit you, it makes sense to make a drainage system.
How to make indoor drainage around the house with your own hands
Such a device for protecting the house from water can be done independently even after the construction of the building is completed. First of all, you need to prepare working tools and all the necessary materials:
- shovels of two types (bayonet and shovel);
- spirit level for checking the slope;
- manual type rammer;
- a device for removing excess soil from the site (stretcher or wheelbarrow);
- roulette;
- geotextile;
- backfill for the moisture-collecting layer (granite crushed stone is best suited);
- sand;
- inspection and drainage wells;
- drainage pump;
- drains and fittings for their connection with each other and with wells.
Pipes must be perforated.You can purchase ready-made drains, or make them yourself from an existing orange sewer pipe. Flexible products are not recommended. The diameter of the pipeline can be 70-150 mm.
The material is preferably plastic with high strength and wall resistance to stress. Moreover, the deeper the drains go, the higher this figure should be. You can take asbestos and ceramic products.
Some prefabricated drainage pipes are surrounded by an additional filter material, such as coconut fiber.
A plastic inspection and drainage well is bought ready-made or made independently from a thick-walled plastic pipe of large diameter. They will need to buy hatches.
After acquiring everything you need, they begin to measure, allowing you to mark the place where the drains and other elements of the drainage system will pass. The site is cleared of debris and the excavation and installation work begins. Let's look at how to properly lay the drainage pipe around the house:
They dig trenches of the required depth, and in the right places pits for wells. Their width must be at least 20 cm larger than the diameter of the pipeline. During excavation, it is necessary to control the observance of the slope with the help of a spirit level.
Prepare trenches and pits for wells. To do this, sand is poured to the bottom and carefully rammed. Don't forget to check slope compliance. The sand cushion should be 0.10 - 0.15 cm high. With a high groundwater level for plastic wells, in order to avoid their ascent, it is recommended to make a concrete base 10 cm thick, to which the container is attached during installation.
Geotextiles are laid in the ditch in such a way that the edges of the material extend beyond the upper boundaries of the trench.
Laying at the bottom of the drainage pipe. Drains are connected to each other. In this case, sockets or special fittings can be used. Pipes are inserted into the inlets of the wells, using rubber sealing rings.
A twenty-centimeter layer of crushed stone or other material is poured onto the drains. Don't forget the slope.
Close drains surrounded by rubble, geotextiles.
Drainage trenches are covered with a layer of sand, 10-20 cm thick
It is carefully rammed, and backfilled with soil from above. If the region is characterized by a large amount of precipitation, then storm system trays are installed above the drains on the sand.
Wells are backfilled and covered with manholes.
The drainage system is ready.
Video on how to make a drainage system around the house with your own hands:
A few words about the plastic drainage well
In its simplest form, it can be a container for collecting water. At the junction with the inlet pipeline, a valve must be installed to prevent the reverse flow of water. It is good if the container has a large diameter, for example, 80-100 cm.
From the drainage well, you can lay a non-perforated outlet pipeline to a ravine, filtration well or reservoir. Drainage from the collector can be done by gravity or by a drainage pump. Water from the well can be used for technical needs and irrigation.
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Owners of private houses and land often face the problem of excess water after snowmelt, rainstorms or high groundwater, which leads to basement flooding and even premature destruction and wear of the building foundation.
Any modern city cannot do without a sewerage system. The drainage system will help to cope with this problem.This is an engineering system, thanks to which storm and groundwater are discharged directly outside the site or into the sewer.
Water drainage has become an obligatory part of creating a convenient urban infrastructure in any modern city.
The system includes point and linear drainage channels. The structure is a self-flowing system. Drainage can be done in two ways: open and closed. The choice of drainage system depends on the climate, type of soil, etc.
An important component of drainage is the level of groundwater
Modern drainage systems have reached a new level and the industry offers a number of new lightweight and durable environmentally friendly materials. Thanks to modern fastening methods, it ensures simple and easy assembly.
Drainage system for storm water
The facade, foundations, house adjoining suffer from various kinds of precipitation. Stormwater drainage includes:
- roof drains;
- point rainwater inlets;
- storm sewer;
- drainage system.
With the help of gutters and pipes, water is removed from the roof, which enters the storm water inlets, which direct the water through pipes or trays to the storm sewer. You can also remove water from the building using drainage wells and storage tanks that will drain water deep into the soil. This method is not suitable if the groundwater level is high.
Vertum offers a wide range of products and materials for site drainage systems. You can buy a turnkey drainage system from us, that is, a complete complex.
We offer to buy in our online store the most diverse range of drainage systems that are made from various materials, be it plastic, concrete, cast iron, geotextiles and more. The price of drainage systems will pleasantly surprise you, and for large wholesale buyers we reduce prices.
Our experts will help you with the choice of a necessary complete set of a drainage system for your house or a site. We also carry out installation and installation of the drainage system.
Call for more details or email us and we'll call you back!
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wall drainage
This protection applies if the house has a basement and ground floor.
Moreover, it is worth carrying out until the moment when backfilling around the foundation of the house is carried out. Such a measure will avoid additional financial costs for earthmoving work.
The wall system consists of revision and collector tanks, as well as drains. The latter are laid around the building at a depth of at least 0.3-0.5 m from the floor level, but not deeper than the lower edge of the foundation
The slope in this case is also important to observe
For reliability, it is recommended to create a moisture-proof half-meter screen around the foundation from the most compacted clay, or the base of the house is covered with geotextiles.
In some cases, to remove only atmospheric moisture, it is sufficient to use only an open type of wall drainage, which is a collection of trays located in a ring near the house.
From above, the gutters are closed with gratings.