How to make a shower in the bath with your own hands

What you need to decide to make a do-it-yourself shower in the bath

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the shower in the bath, you should decide on the following important questions:

  1. Appointment of the soul.
  2. The location of the shower in the bath.
  3. Cold water source.
  4. Sewerage outlet.
  5. Choice of type of shower cabin or shower tray.
  6. Water heating method.
  7. Materials for the installation of water supply and laying sewer pipes.
  8. Interior decoration of the washing room in the bath.

First, we will make some assumption and take into account that the issues on the source of cold water supply, the sewerage system and the type of pipes have already been resolved. And if not, then you can read about it in the following thematic articles:

Now we will dwell only on those problems that directly affect the process of arranging a shower in the bath with your own hands.

Purpose of the soul

It may seem strange to pose the question of why a shower in a bath is needed. However, we must also take into account the fact that the bath exists not only in order to wash, but also for the benefit of one's health, it is correct to undergo all bath procedures. including water. Dousing with cold water and a contrast shower are no less useful than visiting the steam room itself, and complement each other.

In order to fully enjoy the water procedures, you can install a hydromassage shower module, a dousing device in the form of a wooden tub or a shower cabin with all hydromassage devices in the washing room of the bath.

And, if someone finds it too expensive, you can choose a more economical way - make a shower tray with your own hands and install an ordinary shower faucet there.

The location of the shower in the bath

The best place for a shower in a bath is a room adjacent to the steam room. What it will be called, a dressing room or a washing room, does not matter. The main condition is that it is convenient to immediately take a shower or pour cold water on the exit from the steam room.

How to make a shower in the bath with your own hands From a technical point of view, the location of the shower room should be optimal in relation to the internal water supply and sewerage systems in the bath, that is, they should be as compact as possible and have the shortest length of pipelines. For example, if there is a toilet in the bath, then the shower or tray should be located near the adjacent wall separating these rooms.

Of course, a lot depends on the layout of the bath and its design. If the shower room is moved to an unreasonably remote place from the main water points, this will lead not only to additional work on the laying of pipelines, but also to the complication of their maintenance.

Choosing the type of shower cabin or shower tray

The solution to this issue depends on what material the main structures of the bath are built from - the floor and walls. In addition, personal preferences and desires for finishing the bath in accordance with their views on the design of the bath cannot be discounted.

How to make a shower in the bath with your own hands If there is a concrete floor in the washing room, then the possibilities for arranging a shower room are practically unlimited. You can easily install a shower cabin you like or make a do-it-yourself pallet of any configuration, most optimally fitting it into the composition of the washing room. Therefore, at the stage of designing a bath, it would be better if you provide a concrete floor in the shower room. This will relieve those problems that arise when there is a wooden floor.

If the floor has a wooden floor, then only the installation of purchased pallets or shower cabins is possible, although you can also find recommendations on how to make a pallet on such a floor on the Internet. But it must be taken into account that the concrete base of the pallet on a wooden floor will not have a sufficiently rigid support and may crack over time, turning the entire shower tray into disrepair.


