Sealing a septic tank from concrete rings

Caisson from concrete rings for a well

Sealing a septic tank from concrete rings

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Specifications Caisson from concrete rings
pros Might be cheaper
Minuses Impossible to make waterproofing Does not fulfill its function

One of the most popular alternatives to the traditional metal caisson for a well is a caisson made of concrete rings. It is believed that this is more profitable, because the price of a concrete caisson is lower, due to the ability to use the materials used in the construction of the house, as well as the available labor force. It is also generally accepted that a caisson made of concrete rings is eternal because it does not rot, unlike a steel one.

Here we will see how reliable a concrete caisson is, what are its features, pros and cons, how to make it and how to waterproof it. This will help you decide which is better for a caisson or rings for a well.

Do-it-yourself caisson from concrete rings

Let's take a closer look at how to make a caisson from concrete rings, it's not that difficult. In fact, this is a kind of imitation of a caisson, where instead of a solid container, reinforced concrete rings are used, stacked on top of each other, the bottom is concreted and waterproofing is done. Everything is simple.

The diameter of the concrete ring is 1 meter, and to make it convenient for workers to walk around it, they need another 1 meter around the ring. In total, the diameter of the pit for a concrete caisson is 3 meters, the depth is at least 2 meters.

Further, the bottom is concreted, the rings are placed on top of each other, the joints are covered and waterproofed.

Waterproofing of the caisson from concrete rings

Usually, Hydrostop, Hydroseal, mastic or similar things are used for waterproofing. They are coated with rings, pasted over with waterproofing and everything looks very tight.

But in the end, water comes through the bottom ... If you can somehow smear the rings on the outside, then you won’t miss the bottom from the outside, it remains only from the inside, but water will push through any coating.

The entry point of the casing pipe into the caisson will be the most vulnerable point, because it is impossible to make a 100% tight entry of a metal pipe into concrete.

Metal and concrete do not interact well, there will still be a microcrack and water will ooze from there (a photo of a typical caisson from the rings is nearby), but this is half the battle.

In addition to the input of the casing pipe, there are points for the output of pipes from the caisson to the house and other consumers. Each such point is all weak points, water will penetrate from there.

Our practice, as well as the experience of other companies, shows that it is impossible to make 100% waterproofing of the caisson from concrete rings in any way and anywhere, no matter what anyone says.

Of course, everyone thinks that they will have a unique case, they know exactly who and how best to do the sealing.

If your caisson floods, then it’s gone, you can pump out the water, smear everything again, but the result will be the same - you still have to redo everything to a metal caisson. It is impossible to repair a concrete caisson, you will throw money away.

Concrete caisson. Pros and cons

  • The main disadvantage of a concrete caisson is its waterproofing, or rather, the impossibility of its implementation. It will not work to reliably protect the joints and pipe entry points, under any circumstances, as described above. Sooner or later, the perch will begin to ooze and fill this caisson. Then the water level will rise above the cut of the casing pipe, and it will flow into the pipe itself. An unsuspecting summer resident will continue to use water and think that it is pure artesian, but it will be water from septic tanks, toilets and other places. There is also a high probability of bringing infection into the well, like E. coli. And even when the groundwater level drops, the water in your caisson from the rings will continue to stand.
  • If your groundwater level is low, and they do not threaten the caisson, then do not forget about precipitation, they definitely will not bypass your caisson of concrete rings.

All other things, like insulation, do not make sense, the concrete caisson has never fulfilled its function and will not fulfill it.

A caisson of concrete rings is a waste of time and money.

Absolutely the same can be said about the brick caisson.

Pay special attention to sealing the seams between the rings

Concrete compacted in the factory almost does not let water through, we can only talk about capillary penetration if the products are of high quality. Practice shows that in wells assembled from standard concrete rings, leaks occur mainly due to leaky joints.

It is important even at the installation stage to ensure that the seams between the rings are filled with mortar. It is kneaded on the basis of Portland cement and seeded sand in a ratio of 1: 3

The result will be much better if Penetron Admix is ​​added to the mixture, it will give the solution waterproofing properties.

Sealing a septic tank from concrete ringsCareful sealing of seams is an indispensable condition for high-quality waterproofing


