1. Alferova, A.A.
Closed water management systems of industrial enterprises, complexes and
districts. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1987.-352 p.
2. Alekseev, L. S.
Water quality control. — M.: INFRA-M, 2004. — 159 p.
3. Babenkov, E. N.
Purification of water by coagulants. — M.: Nauka, 1977. — 137 p.
4. Bespamyatnov, G.P.
Maximum allowable concentrations of chemicals in the environment. - L .:
Chemistry, 1987. - 375 p.
5. Bearded, I.T.
Methodological guide to the analysis of natural and waste waters. - People:
South Ural book. Ed., 1973. - 178 p.
6. Vronsky, V. A.
Ecology: Dictionary-reference book. - Ed. 2nd. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2002. - 576s.
7. Golubovskaya, E. K. Biological
fundamentals of water purification. - M: Higher School, 1978.-268 p.
8. Gromov, B.V. Development issues
non-waste industries. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1985. — 256 p.
9. Duganova, G.V. Security
the natural environment. - Kiev: Higher School, 1990. - 165 p.
10. Evilovich, A.Z.
Utilization of sewage sludge. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1989.-158 p.
11. Zhukov, A.I. Cleaning methods
industrial waste water. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1988. — 206 p.
12. Zhukov, A.I. Cleaning methods
industrial waste water. — M.: Chemistry, 1996. — 345 p.
13. Zhukova, A. I.
Sewerage. - Ed. 4th. — M.: 1969. — 179 p.
14. Zamarin, E. A.
Hydraulic structures. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1965. — 289 p.
15. Ivchatov, A. L. Chemistry
water and microbiology. — M.: INFRA-M, 2006.-218 p.
16. Karpinsky, A. A.
New achievements in the technology of sewage sludge digestion. — M.: Stroyizdat,
1959. - 215 p.
17. Kafarov, V.V.
Principles of creating non-waste chemical production. — M.: Chemistry, 1994. — 276
18. Klepikov, A. I.
Purification of industrial sewage. - People: Chelyabinsk City Printing House No. 1,
1975.-8 p.
19. Klyachko, V. A. Cleaning
natural waters. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1971. — 176 p.
20. Lurie, Yu. Yu.
Chemical analysis of industrial wastewater. - Ed. 3rd. M.: Chemistry, 1966. - 168
21. Maksimovsky, N. S.
Sewage treatment. — M.: Stroyizdat, 1961. — 193 p.
22. Nebel, B. Science of
environment vol. 1, M.: Mir, 1993. - 258 p.
23. Petrov, K.M. General
ecology: Interaction of society and nature: Textbook for universities. - 2nd
ed., erased. - St. Petersburg: Chemistry, 1998. - 352 p.
24. Reznikov, A. A.
Methods of analysis of natural waters. - Ed. 2nd. M.: Gosgeoltekhizdat, 1963. - 149 p.
25. Rodzevich, N. N.
Geoecology and nature management. — M.: Bustard, 2003.-256 p.
26. SanPiN
Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters. - M .: Ministry of Health, 2001.
27. Sokolova, V.N. Security
industrial wastewater and sludge disposal. - M .: Stroyizdat, 1992. - 259
28. Smirnov, D. N.
Waste water treatment in metal processing processes. - M .: Metallurgy, 1989. - 204
29. Turovsky, I.S.
Treatment of sewage sludge, Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1984. - 163 p.
30. Removal of metals from
Wastewater. Edited by J. K. Kushni. - M .: Metallurgy, 1987. - 147 p.
31. Yushmanova, O.A.
Integrated use and protection of water resources. — M.: Agropromizdat, 1985.
— 328 p.
Prevention of dangerous pollution of conditionally pure waters
Conditionally clean at chemical enterprises is considered to be wastewater that has not come into contact with chemical products. Blowdown waters of circulating cycles and storm drains make up the bulk of conditionally clean effluents. As a rule, conditionally clean effluents are discharged into public water bodies, bypassing treatment.
When operating chemical plants, due attention is not always paid to monitoring the tightness and condition of equipment. Therefore, in a number of cases, during operation, a leak occurs, and combustible gases, as well as explosive vapors or liquids, enter the water circulation system and the sewerage of conditionally pure wastewater. and explosions in sewerage and water circulation systems.
The ingress of combustible gases, flammable liquids and combustible liquids with conditionally clean water into the sewers has repeatedly led to accidents and explosions in the sewers and water circulation systems.
So, in the production of epichlorohydrin, as a result of depressurization of the condenser, epichlorohydrin got into the cooling water, which was drained into the sewer. This led to the formation of an explosive mixture of epichlorohydrin vapors with air in the sewer well, which exploded from an electric welding spark carried out near the well. During the explosion, a sewer well was destroyed, and the manhole cover was thrown a distance of 10 m.
Corrosion of tubes is one of the main reasons for the depressurization of heat exchangers and the ingress of explosive products into the sewers of conditionally clean effluents.
Foreign literature describes an accident caused by the destruction of the aluminum tubes of the heat exchanger.
The heat exchanger (fig. X1-3) worked for many years without failure. The steam supply line was connected to both the heat exchanger 2 and the sodium hydroxide tank 8, the level of alkali in which was higher than the nozzle for supplying steam to the heat exchanger. With such a connection of the steam pipeline, leaks through valve 4 led to the ingress of alkali into the annular space of the heat exchanger, since valve 6 was in an inaccessible place and did not close when the steam pipeline was turned off. Under the influence of alkali, the aluminum tube failed, and alkali began to constantly enter the cooling water.
After the accident, changes were made to the piping scheme (Fig. X1-3, b), which made it possible to exclude the possibility of alkali entering the heat exchanger. The valves on the steam line were installed in an easily accessible location, eliminating the possibility of maintenance errors. To drain the condensate or the caustic soda solution flowing out when the valve was not tightly closed, a condensate drain was provided into the pipeline located with a slope. Additionally, atmospheric valves 10 were installed to prevent the creation of a vacuum and the suction of alkali into the steam line from the collector. A non-return valve was installed on the steam line leading to the collector, preventing the release of alkali from the collector.
Numerous other cases of leakage of equipment operating under excess pressure exceeding water pressure are also known, which led to the ingress of combustible and explosive products into the water cycle system. At the same time, combustible gases dissolved in water were desorbed, and flammable liquids evaporated and ignited in cooling towers, pumping station rooms and in other places where recycled water was used.
Violation of the tightness of heat exchangers can lead to emergency situations in networks and sewerage facilities, as well as to contamination of conditionally clean effluents with toxic substances, which causes great damage to public water bodies. The depressurization of heat exchangers designed to cool water vapor condensate returned to boiler plants and added to boiler feed water is also a great danger. Contamination of feed water leads to failure of boilers and accidents.
Pictures for this chapter:
X1-3. Heat exchanger piping scheme before the accident (a) and after the accident (b) |
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