Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Types of grouting materials

On the shelves of building materials stores today you can find two types of grouting materials: cement-based and epoxy-based. The first type includes dry formulations that are mixed with water before use, and ready-to-use grouts. The difference between them is only in price - the latter are more expensive.

Features of cement grouts:

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Cement grout is used to fill joints up to 5 mm.

  • cement-based products are suitable for filling narrow joints up to 5 mm;
  • to wipe wide seams, it is necessary to choose a special cement fugue, which includes sand, which prevents cracking of the material;
  • easy to use, easy to prepare and clean from the surface of the tile;
  • have good indicators of resistance to abrasion;
  • wide range of colors;
  • cement grouts are susceptible to the negative effects of moisture and require coating with antibacterial and antifungal substances, especially in the bathroom;
  • well suited for home use.

Epoxy grouts are made from epoxy resin. They have excellent resistance to moisture, abrasion, impact and other mechanical stress, which determines their high price. Because of this, their use is justified in shopping centers, industrial facilities, swimming pools, saunas, showers, fountains.

Features of epoxy grouts:

  • have a viscous consistency;
  • hardens quickly;
  • require some experience for high-quality grouting;
  • minimum packages - 5 kg;
  • it is not always possible to choose the desired color due to the limited color palette;
  • ideal for rooms with high humidity;
  • do not require additional coverage;
  • long service life - up to 50 years.

Manufacturer's choice

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Scheme of correct grouting on tiles after installation work.

To date, many manufacturers are engaged in the production of grout mixtures. The most widely represented brands are Ceresit and Atlas. The advantages of Ceresit grouts are a wide range of products with different chemical composition, which allows you to choose the most optimal type of fugue with the appropriate properties.

Ceresit grout features:

  • excellent adhesion to the base material and tiles;
  • does not change the color of the tile along the edges;
  • many color options;
  • grouts of the CE series are able to withstand the aggressive effects of chemicals;
  • have an antifungal effect;
  • most materials are frost-resistant and can be used for indoor and outdoor use;
  • a special line of products with increased hydrophobicity for wet rooms or outdoor use has been developed.

Atlas grout is quite popular with consumers. The products of this company are of excellent quality and meet all technical requirements.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Remove grout between tiles with a sharp knife.

Atlas grout features:

  • ease of use;
  • completely fills the seams of any width;
  • good adhesion to the edges of the tiles even when deformed;
  • all fugues include a special Myko Bariera additive that provides water-repellent, antifungal and antibacterial properties;
  • can be used as a grout for tiles in dry and damp areas;
  • seams do not crack;
  • The palette contains many shades.

How to get the right grout color when tinting grout

Self-tinting grout allows you to create your own original shade.

To do this, a dye is added to a dry mixture of white or gray. The intensity of the tone is regulated by the amount of dye added to the grout.To obtain a pale shade, about 3 grams of dye per 1 kg of dry mixture is enough. For a rich bright color, you can add 30 grams of color to 1 kilogram of dry grout.

Carrying out repairs in your home, of course, it is better to transfer the implementation of all complex tasks into the hands of professionals. But there are also such procedures with which it is quite possible to cope with one's own hands. This will allow you to save money and assert yourself as a true jack of all trades.

And one of these procedures is the operation of puttying the joints between wall or floor tiles. Today we will talk about how to choose the color of grout for tiles.

Purpose of using the material

Of course, one cannot proceed to a direct consideration of suitable options without understanding the main purpose of using grout.

As you know, tiles are used for renovations in the kitchen and bathroom. This material not only has an attractive appearance, in some cases with an application for luxury, but also has very practical properties:

  • wear resistance;
  • Protection against fungus;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • Strength;
  • Durability.

But, despite such qualities, the tile has vulnerabilities - the joints of the plate to the floor or wall. These small gaps are capable of accumulating moisture, passing debris and microbes under the plates, which inevitably leads to material deterioration, its complete shedding or bringing it into an ownerless appearance.

Therefore, the question arises of how to choose the right color for grout for tiles. After all, the properties of this material are obvious - it clogs the seams between the plates, reliably protecting the product from moisture, mold and mildew.

The best choice for white tiles

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

A very popular trend is the use of materials for finishing kitchen splashbacks and bathrooms in white. But when it comes to choosing a putty, there is a problem, because the grout of the same color does not look good against the background of a snow-white slab.

Therefore, in this situation, it is better to make a choice in favor of the following scales:

  • Silver gray;
  • vanilla;
  • Jasmine;
  • yellow;
  • Mint;
  • Jade.

What color grout to choose for beige tiles?

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

If we talk about the niche of beige products, then they are perhaps most often used for fixing in kitchens. And due to the fact that interesting ornaments and drawings appear on the tile, this has long been the standard of choice for most people.

When the tile is already fixed on the walls or on the floor, and it comes to choosing a putty, you need to pay attention to the colors of the patterns directly on the product. Grout can be chosen in the same tone with their shades

In addition, the following options are ideal for beige tones:

  • Caramel;
  • Apricot;
  • Hazelnut;
  • Ocher;
  • Brown;
  • Beige (a tone lighter or darker);
  • White.

What color grout to choose for brown tiles?

Brown shades for tiles in modern interiors of houses and apartments are also often used, but their scope extends not only to the bathroom and kitchen. The tile of this shade fits perfectly into the interior of hallways, guest rooms.

The priority factor in choosing a grout for such a color shade is the selection of a not too catchy option. After all, for the kitchen, choosing a color to match the furniture is an excellent option, for a bathroom, deciding to take a putty in the color of the ornament depicted on the tile is an original decision, but for other rooms you need to think more rationally.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Here the grout should be used exclusively for its main practical purpose. Therefore, colors should be selected from the following list:

  • Sienna;
  • Brown;
  • Light and dark brown;
  • Black;
  • Graphite;
  • Anthracite;
  • Cocoa.

By choosing the perfect grout color, you can not only protect the walls and floors of your home, but also give them an even more refined and perfect look.

Resin grouts

There is also a resin-based fugue. It is divided into fugue based on epoxy and furan resins. Epoxy tile grouts are used in those rooms where there is constant contact of the tile surface not only with water, but also with various household chemicals.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Cement compositions cannot cope with what epoxy can handle, because the epoxy fugue is a two-component one and combines, among other things, the cement base.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

In appearance, it is practically indistinguishable from cement grout. Also, moisture that gets on the surface simply rolls off, while it is absorbed in the cement fugue.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

In addition to rooms with high humidity with the use of household chemicals, this type of fugue is used for grouting absolutely all types of tiles, as well as tiles made of natural stone. Sometimes used for grouting over underfloor heating, but this is more likely due to aesthetic parameters.

The advantages of such a fugue can be called:

  • Very long service life.
  • Does not fade when exposed to UV rays.
  • The temperature maintained by such a composition ranges from -20 to +90 degrees, which makes it very resistant to different climates.
  • Resistant to household chemicals and mild acids and alkalis.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

The main disadvantage is the price of such a fugue, as well as the complexity and some problems during dismantling.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

In the case of cement fugue, it depends on how the composition itself is diluted. Also, when performing work, special tools and chemistry are used, which also indicates the need for the ability to work with such a grout.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Grout rating

How to choose a grout for tiles in the bathroom so that the gaps are not very noticeable and combined with the tiles? Pay attention to the following details:

  • read the composition on the package;
  • manufacturer reviews;
  • the shelf life of the mixture.

The best grout for bathroom tiles is one that matches the color of ceramics and matches the overall interior of the room. Rating of the best grout for tiles in the bathroom from the following manufacturers:

A word of advice: before making a decision when buying a fugue, try to make a test. Apply a little, let it dry and the real color will show. The reason is that after drying, the fugue becomes lighter than the declared shade.

Grout for every taste

Which grout for joints on tiles is better depends on each specific case. When choosing, focus on the following indicators:

if you want to focus on the ceramics itself, then choose a grout in a darker direction;
light colors will create the effect of a single space;
small tiled elements look great with grouted seams in a contrasting color;
white, as always universal.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Regardless of which grout to grout the tiles in the bathroom, it performs the same purpose - it protects against moisture and mold penetration. As a good example, evaluate how a light tile with a dark grout looks in the photo.

It is important that the color of the grout mix not only combines with ceramics, but also emphasizes its advantages. It is necessary to choose the color of the grout for the tile so that the following characteristics are met:

  • with perfect tiling, you can safely buy a contrasting fugue. This technique looks good if the bathroom is laid out in two color shades;
  • gray grout blends wonderfully with red and black ceramics;
  • if the tile is creamy, try a gold-plated grout;
  • for the mosaic version, only a contrasting fugue is suitable;
  • if the bathroom is lined with three different shades, then use the beige option;
  • an interesting option is a selection of a fugue to match the tone of the bathroom fittings.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

After finishing the bathroom, you will have a wonderful opportunity to use your imagination. Seal the seams with a fugue of an unusual color. Imagine, experiment.You can try a combination of colors or play exclusively on contrasting options.

Important: when choosing a grouting material, you should be aware that its color can visually reduce or increase the space of the room. The shade of the grout also affects the perception of bathroom lighting.

In the case of an illiterately chosen color of the grout, the bathroom will look dull and uninteresting. Even unusual accessories will not save.

If the bathroom has a small area, then choose a lighter fugue (this also applies to the tile itself). Large spaces, on the contrary, are best made more compact by choosing darker colors.

When laying mosaic panels, a transparent or colorless grout mixture is suitable.

To the pure red tile material, take a pink mortar to grout the seams.

Do not mix white tiles with the same color of the fugue - they will simply get lost. For multi-color ceramics, buy the lightest or darkest tones.

Mosaic tile

It happens that happy owners of apartments and cottages, having finished facing work, are dissatisfied with the result. The reason is not entirely clear, the tile is not cheap, it is in harmony with the style of the interior, it is well laid. Nevertheless, there is no expected effect, a certain disharmony is felt, the cladding looks like a class lower than it really is. It is likely that the reason is the wrong selection of the color of the fugue (grout).


Sealing of interpanel seams

Seams are one of the most vulnerable places of panel houses. The substance with which they were filled during construction is destroyed over time

Seam waterproofing: technical specifications

Seam waterproofing must be resistant to hydrostatic pressure, to aggressive media, have air permeability and good adhesion.

Tile grout. Stages of work + Video.

The grout must be carefully selected by color. The color palette of grouts is usually large;

Mosaic grouting. Work technique

Before you start grouting the mosaic, you need to thoroughly clean the surface of the tile from dust and dirt.

Tile grout Ceresit

In addition to the main function of filling the joints between tiles, stone or other finishing materials, the Ceresit grout from a German manufacturer is also capable of ennobling their appearance. With the right choice of material color, the seams are very beautiful and even. And choosing the right grout color is not difficult, because the palette includes 31 basic tones and a large number of additional shades. This allows the mixtures to be used for any cladding, mosaic or pattern. It is recommended to use compounds from the same batch in order to avoid differences in shades after the grouting of the tiles is completed. The price of Ceresit mixtures is quite democratic - an average of 60-70 rubles per 1 kg.

The advantage of grouting this brand is that the edges of the tile are not painted during operation, the remnants of the mixture are easily washed off the work surface, and the antifungal additives present in the composition prevent the development of mold. Ceresit grout can be used for joints of any width - from 2 to 15 mm, without forming cracks and scratches in them.

What to look for when choosing a grout

The main criterion is the performance characteristics of the material and the purpose of the room where the finishing will be carried out, but there are other equally important parameters. In general, you need to decide on the following values:

  1. Depth and width of joints between tiles;
  2. The purpose of the room where the finishing will be done (this includes the level of humidity, temperature, contact with water and chemicals);
  3. Appointment for indoor or outdoor work;
  4. Color scheme and decorative inclusions (sparkles);
  5. Additional characteristics (substances against fungi and mold, dry or ready mix).

On what basis to take the grout mixture

Grouts can be made from cement, silicone and epoxy. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's briefly consider each option.

Cement-based grout.

An improvement on the previously widely used simple grout for grouting tile joints. Modern grouts contain various additives that significantly increase their characteristics (plasticity, antifungal additives).

The main advantages of high-quality cement mixtures are that they are easy to use (easier to wash off tiles, penetrate well into the joints between tiles, easier to renew grout joints) and relatively cheap grouts on other bases.

Another thing is that cement grouts, as a rule, are afraid of constant contact with water (it will absorb water and begin to crumble), absorb fats, may lose color over time and are afraid of contact with chemicals. Therefore, when used in the bathroom or especially on the backsplash of the kitchen, it is recommended to use special impregnations for grouts (eliminate the main disadvantages of cement grouts). It still turns out cheaper than using expensive, but almost eternal epoxy grout.

Epoxy grout

The leader among grout mixtures for grouting joints. Virtually devoid of the disadvantages that other products have, for example, cement-based.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorEpoxy grout matched to the tone of the mosaic with the addition of sparkles.

Among the advantages can be identified:

  1. is not afraid of moisture, therefore it is used in swimming pools, saunas and other places with constant contact with water;
  2. does not fade (can be used for exterior decoration);
  3. resistant to strong chemicals and does not absorb grease and dirt;
  4. mold does not appear;
  5. durable;
  6. high decorative qualities in the presence of sparkles;
  7. there is no need for treatment with special impregnations and periodic renewal, as with cement grout.

Main disadvantages:

  1. High price
  2. The complexity of the work: if you do not remove the grout from the tile during the time and let it seize, then it will be practically impossible to remove it later (especially from the structural tile), it is also viscous and difficult to seal the seams if there is no experience.

Silicone, polyurethane or acrylic grouts (sealants)

There is an opinion that sealants can be used to seal tile joints, but professionals still do not recommend doing this. Yes, they do not require special preliminary preparation and are convenient in that they are applied using special syringes, but the original purpose of sealants is that they fill the joints between tiles and, for example, a sink or bath. Over time, the sealant turns yellow and from moisture, fungus and mold form on it. If you still decide to use a sealant for sealing joints, for example, at the joints of walls, then it is better to take polyurethane and not transparent (tile glue and debris will be visible).

A summary of the above is presented in the table.

Based on these characteristics, you can already decide which tile grout is best for your purposes.

What is the grout for?

So that the selection of the optimal grout color for filling tile joints does not turn out to be a blind decision, you need to figure out what the grout is for in general. Some aspects regarding the functional purpose of the grout will help you determine the direction of further searches and select the appropriate material.

The main functions of grout for joints:

  • Protection against penetration of moisture and pollution. Mastic forms a barrier against water and prevents the destruction of the adhesive solution. Also, it does not allow moisture to be absorbed into the wall, which reduces the risk of mold and mildew.
  • Defect masking. Chips and uneven joints can be masked with mastic, matched to the tone of the tile.
  • Decorative.Creates a perfect picture and a sense of completeness when finishing any surface.
  • Giving expressiveness to the interior. With the help of contrast, you can highlight the geometry of the picture and make the design of the room more saturated and deep.
  • Linking together various design details. Allows you to combine pieces of furniture and decor of different colors with wall and floor cladding, even when using contrasting tiles.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Matching tile grout creates a sense of completeness in the design of the room

Depending on what functions you need to perform, you can choose the most suitable option for you.

For the same tile, the filling may be different. It all comes down to personal preference and design intent. For example, in the question of which grout to choose for a standard white tile, there may be more than a dozen different solutions.


Grout for joints is used when carrying out finishing work using tiles. The surface after facing, as a rule, is left alone for 24 hours so that the glue is completely dry, and after a day the seams are filled with grout.

Grout mixtures are available in two types:

  • Dry - usually these are the simplest cement-based compositions with the addition of mineral components. To work, they dissolve with water or liquid latex in the proportions indicated on the package.
  • Liquid - mixtures obtained from resins. They can be already ready for use, or they can be brought to the desired condition with special hardeners.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

The main performance characteristics of grouts of all types include:

Water resistance. The composition is water-repellent, it forms a solid substance, excluding deep penetration and retention of moisture.

  • Wide palette of shades. The range of leading manufacturers of grouts includes many colors from white to black (blue, green, red, pink, blue and others).
  • Plastic. During operation, the mixture does not spread, and the treated seams remain even.
  • Color stability. The grout is resistant to sunlight, over time it does not fade and does not change its shade, while maintaining the brightness and saturation of colors.
  • Smooth surface. The mixture forms a solid and even surface without bumps and other irregularities. This improves the quality of the coating and the overall aesthetic appearance of the room.
  • Resistant to temperature fluctuations. Grout does not change its properties under the influence of high and low temperatures, it can be used in unheated rooms.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Cement grouts

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

cement-based grouts

Cement grouts are strong enough and well protected from moisture.

Additional materials are usually added to the composition of such grouts:

  1. plasticizers;
  2. Latex;
  3. Quartz sand.

These additives improve the quality of the material, making it more durable or elastic.

You should not buy a mixture with the addition of quartz sand, as it leaves marks on the surface of the tile, which are especially noticeable on a glossy surface. Sand grout is suitable for large outdoor joints. It is better to choose mixtures with the addition of plasticizers and latex, thanks to these substances, the grout becomes more plastic, uniform, strong and moisture resistant.

Almost all types of cement grouts are sold dry, so you will have to dilute them yourself, they are all diluted with water.

One of the main disadvantages of this type of grout is that the cement sets quickly, which is why it is not always possible to carefully distribute the mixture evenly throughout the entire joint.

Which one to choose

Clearly understanding what is the peculiarity of each type of grout, you can easily determine which composition is suitable for a particular type of work.

If we are dealing with relatively dry walls of the hallway or bathroom, then the simplest cement grout is quite enough.In rooms with high humidity, preference should be given to more hygroscopic mixtures; here it is worth choosing a polyurethane or latex grout.

If the surface is constantly in contact with water (rooms in pools and showers), you should purchase a composition that prevents the formation of mold and fungus. These include epoxy grout, you can also use polyurethane.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

The choice of mixture is largely influenced by the features of using the coating itself.

The same compositions will be optimal for unheated premises or for facade work. If you purchase other types of grout, then due to temperature fluctuations and the corresponding thermal expansion and contraction, the grout will simply crack.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

The width of the seam is another factor influencing the choice of mixture:

  • narrow gaps of 1-3 mm are best sealed with plastic mixtures without mineral components;
  • seams up to 6 mm thick are preferably treated with fugues with fine sand;
  • if the track has a width of 1-2 cm, then the composition should be very plastic, here it is recommended to purchase a plasticized cement mixture with a coarse-grained filler.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

It is worth paying attention to the features of the tile itself, since the grout not only fills the gaps between the tiles, but also glues the ends of the tile:

  • Tiles with a glossy surface require polyurethane and latex mixtures. It is possible to use a cement composition of small grain size, grouting with abrasives is strictly prohibited here.
  • Glass tiles or mosaics require epoxy grout.
  • Decorative epoxy grout interacts well with cement-sand fugues. Liquid formulations are not recommended here. This will cause an overrun of the grout, which will later be quite difficult to clean out.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Furan mixture is optimal for facade works and finishing of external walls. Finding it in stores is quite problematic, so if you could not buy this composition, then try cement with the addition of a latex mixture and a fungicide, it will extend the life of the coating.

If you are choosing a grout for floor tiles, opt for a cement-sand or epoxy grout. By the way, if you are finishing a fireplace or stove, feel free to purchase the same grout mixtures. But the heated floor requires a polyurethane composition.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by colorGrout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

Qualitative characteristics of the material

Thanks to moisture resistance, tile is considered one of the most popular finishing materials for bathrooms. But the seams between the tiles require serious treatment, as they are vulnerable points on the surface of the floor or walls. Using a special grout that is designed for joints, you can successfully solve the problem of creating a unique tile finish in a wet room.

Before choosing a composition for finishing joints between tiles, one should take into account such characteristics of this material as:

  • strength;
  • moisture resistance;
  • water absorption level;
  • shrinkage after setting;
  • adhesion to the base.

When choosing a grout, care must be taken not to get a fake composition from the seller. For a purchase, you should go only to a trusted store, and not trust the first counters that come across offering low-quality tile grout.

The functions performed by the grout are as follows:

  1. Protective. Helps to prevent filling of joints with mold and various types of pollution.
  2. Aesthetic. Helps improve the look of tiles in the bathroom.

Experts do not recommend saving money when buying this material, since it is decisive when decorating the interior of a room with high humidity. If the walls or floor in the bathroom are covered with expensive tiles, then the fugue should be one of those that cost more, otherwise it will fade and become covered with mold in six months.

Choice of tile grout color

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color

tile grouts of conventional mixtures

Using a suitable composition, you can not only perform reliable insulation of the seams of the cladding, but also give the interior of the room a finished look. At the same time, colored grout can become a full-fledged part of the decor.

For example, if you match it to the color of the tile, you can get the effect of a monolithic coating at the output. Or vice versa: choosing a grout that has a contrasting color and no less bright than a tile, you can create an original decor that perfectly complements the interior of the room.

To save time when purchasing materials, tiles and grout should be purchased at the same time. If the tile has already been purchased, you must have a sample of it with you in the store for comparison and selection of a mixture of a suitable shade that seals the seams.

However, it happens that the owner still does not know which grout to choose for the tile. For this, there are general recommendations, which can be found below:

  1. Light grout visually combines individual tiles into a single pattern, while dark grout divides it into beautiful details.
  2. If the tiled lining has several colors and a rather complex ornament, the grout should be selected based on the dimensions of the room. In small rooms, its color should match the lightest tile, this will visually enlarge the room. In spacious rooms, you can use tiled grout of the darkest color.
  3. For plain tiles, it is recommended to choose the grout based on the colors of the interior elements. In addition, its color should be successfully combined with the flooring. Usually the grout contrasts against its background.
  4. If the tile is laid in the form of a multi-colored mosaic, then it is not recommended to make its seams too contrasting and bright. In this case, it is better to use calm shades: beige, light gray and the like.
  5. It is not recommended to grout the seams of floor ceramic tiles with light mixtures, since the lining after a certain time may become inexpressive, and its grout may seem dirty.
  6. Many dry mixes change color when cooked, such as Atlas tile grout. This should be taken into account.

huge amount

In stores, grout colors are presented on cardboard and fans in the form of glued samples. In addition, there are special layout books. You can pull out colored sticks from them and apply them to the tile, choosing the shade of the grout mixture.

If you need any special tile grout, then you should pay attention to epoxy mixtures with additives that create certain effects. True, in this case you will have to pay more

The simplest is the mother-of-pearl effect. It is achieved by adding a bag of pearlescent powder to the grout. After preparing and working out such a mixture, the seams of the tile will shine better and cast mother-of-pearl in the light. The cost of such an additive is 1300-1700 rubles. for one sachet containing 75-150 g of powder. It is enough for 3-5 kg ​​of grout.

In addition to mother-of-pearl, there are additives from silver or gold chips. In tile joints, they shimmer with bright sparks when the cladding is illuminated. The cost of a package with a golden additive is about 2500 rubles. They are produced under the brands Litokol and Mapei.

If the "gold" is not enough, you can purchase special additives for the neutral grout. They give the seams a uniform color without overflows of bronze, platinum, gold or silver.

For those who love special effects, they produce grouts that glow in the dark. For example, the photoluminescent composition of Night Vision Litokol can accumulate light during the day, and at night it can be given in the form of a blue glow for several hours. Such a pleasure costs 9,500 rubles for 400 g of a packaged supplement.

Grout Color Tips

Even the most expensive and beautiful tile will look terrible if the color of the grout is not chosen correctly.

Tips from designers will tell you how to choose a grout for a tile by color:

How to choose a color? It is necessary to select the color of the grout material, taking into account which room is being renovated. For the kitchen and bathroom, you should choose a grout that will be resistant to moisture.
When choosing a color, it should be borne in mind that when it dries, the material brightens by one or two tones. For this reason, you need to choose a mixture slightly darker than desired.
If during the repair the task is to give integrity to the pattern or design of the tile, then you need to choose building materials of the same tone. If the drawing has several tones, then you can use either white or select a tone for each element of the drawing. For example, white tiles with colored grout sometimes look very good.
How to choose grout for tiles by color? It is recommended to buy tiles and grout together, for this you can take a piece of tile and compare colors visually.
Before using the grout in a conspicuous place, it is recommended to test it on a hidden area, for example, at the very bottom, in the area that will be behind the furniture.
For a plain room, you should choose calmer tones that are close to the chosen color of the design, as the contrast between the grout and the overall design will be too noticeable.
If it is difficult to choose the color of the grout, then white should be used, as it is universal

But at the same time, you will need to pay due attention to the choice of a shade of white. But for grouting the floor, it is not recommended to take this color, it is better to take gray.
You can highlight the tiles using darker tones of the material or a grout of a different color.
Choose a bright mixture only if there are other bright elements in the design.
If multi-colored tiles were used during the repair, then the grouting material must be selected to match the color of the lightest element of the pattern.

When choosing the shade of the material to fill the space between the tiles, it is important to follow the advice of professionals listed above, this will help to avoid additional costs and disappointment from the result.

Choice of grout

Even the most beautiful tile will not look good if the color of the filler for the seam is not chosen correctly. Usually they try to choose a mixture that is as close as possible in tone to the tile, but only a few know that you can use contrasting colors very effectively, you just need to figure out what color to choose a grout, and how to combine it with a certain type of tile. It is worth following these recommendations:

  1. Tiles in the kitchen or bathroom in the form of a panel are rubbed only with a mixture to match. It must be remembered that the fugue becomes lighter when it dries, so it is best to choose a solution that is one or two shades darker than the tile.
  2. Tiles and grout of almost the same tone will give the room integrity and unity. But it can make the design decision boring and monotonous.
  3. A light fugue looks very impressive with dark tiles, but only when it is in perfect condition. If the tile is frayed or cracked, then the contrast will only emphasize the flaws.

Grout for tiles how to choose the color of the variety and the rules for choosing grout for tiles by color Light fugue goes well with dark tiles

Contrast works especially well with mosaics, but it's easy to go wrong with a hue, so it's easiest to use a neutral gray blend.
For originality, you can make the tone of the fugue the same as the accessories.
It is better to choose grout together with tiles - you can take a piece of tile to the store and show it to a consultant. Buy where they can offer a wide range of shades.
If possible, you can try to spread the mixture on the tile and wait until it dries. This will make it easier to decide on the color.
For a monophonic room or a room designed in the same scale, it is better not to choose a contrast filler for the seam. In extreme cases, you can pick up the tone of the furniture, if you want to pay attention to it.

The process of grouting tiles

If the room is lined with both light and dark tiles, then the filler should be light in a small room (to visually increase the space) and dark in a large room (to reduce the space). Shades of light and dark should match the color scheme of the tile.
If it is difficult to choose a shade of grout, then all shades of white will help out here.
But for the floor, the white tone is impractical, so it is best to choose a mixture of gray, blue or brown, as they say, "to match the color of the dirt."

Video on how to grout tiles:

In choosing the color scheme of a tiled room, compliance with the overall design concept, as well as individual preferences in the design of the room, is of great importance. In any case, we must strive to ensure that the overall range of the room contributes to good health.


