Water purification, iron removal and softening systems 375 29 657-19-00 Salt tank for water purification system Is it so simple

What is a pitcher filter capable of?

Let's start with the simplest filters. It is this type of filter that can be called the simplest and most inexpensive. Pitcher-type filters have a fairly simple design. It consists of one large container, into which another small one is inserted, and filter elements are installed between them. Depending on which filter element is installed on your pitcher filter, various water problems can be dealt with. For water in which there are a lot of hardness salts, it is necessary to choose special filter elements. The filter works thanks to gravity, which forces water from one vessel to flow into another. Thus, the water passes through a special cartridge, which makes it cleaner. It is worth noting that it is necessary to replace the replaceable cassettes in such filters at least once a month.

Of course, once a month is not the limit, and you can replace cartridges much more often. It depends on how much water you pass through the filter. Typically, the resource of such cartridges is limited and ranges from 250 to 350 liters. The cost of replacement cartridges is not very high, however, it is worth noting that their cost varies depending on the type of pollution they eliminate. When choosing such a filter, you should take into account the fact that you will have to wait for some time until the water is cleaned. In addition, the capacity of such filters is limited to a maximum volume of 5 liters. We conclude that this filter is only suitable for preparing drinking water. However, this filter is not able to purify the required volume of water for cooking or other needs.

Is a faucet attachment worth it?

The faucet nozzle is another option for a budget filter. Yes, the nozzle has small dimensions, this is its main advantage. The essence of the filter is to pass water through itself and clean it with a filter element. The resource of the filter element of such a filter is enough for about 3 months of use, however, this indicator is still purely individual, since everyone has their own water needs.

In order to get purified water, you need to put the filter on the faucet and wait until the purified liquid flows through it. However, it should be noted that the filtration rate of such a filter is relatively low. In addition, you will constantly have to put it on the tap before starting the filtration. There are filter options in which a special switch is provided, it allows you to use both untreated tap water and purified water without removing the filter with a tap. However, such filters have a weak point - these switches constantly fail after prolonged use.

This option filters, replaceable cartridges are not very expensive for it, therefore they are suitable for almost any budget. Moreover, small dimensions allow it to be transported with you, or simply stored in a box in the kitchen.

Are stationary filters convenient?

A stationary filter is a more expensive filter option for dealing with water hardness salts. This type of filter costs a little more than the previous options. Also, the degree of filtration of this filter is higher than the degree of filtration of the filters given earlier.

This filter is a small installation that is placed on a table and connected to a water tap through a flexible hose. This filter has a small container in which all the water is collected. And only after the filter has accumulated enough water in this container, you can enjoy the taste of the purified liquid.Of course, the resources of such filters will already be greater than those of jug-type filters or filters that are put on a tap, however, the cost of filter elements will also be higher. Again, it is worth noting that the cost of filters depends on their purpose.

The main disadvantage of such filters is their size. Of course, to some they will seem small, but still in a small kitchen such a filter can bring inconvenience. Since it will constantly need to be put on the table to start filtering. It is also inconvenient that the tap will be occupied by the filter during the filtration. Some manufacturers try to compensate for the shortcomings of the filter by supplying an additional mount with the filter. This mount allows you to fix the filter on the wall and save space in the kitchen. However, not all manufacturers are so prudent, so this needs to be clarified when choosing a data filter.

Calculation of the reagent salt tank

The size of the reagent tank for potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is always standard - 25 liters, but the size of the salt tank is selected according to the volume of the resin. The larger the softener, the more they take the salt tank.

For columns 0844-1354, a salt tank with a volume of 70 liters is usually taken. However, a 100 liter brine tank can also be used for smaller softeners, in which case the salt supply will be larger.

For the regeneration of various ion exchange resins, it recommends 70 to 150 grams of salt per liter of resin per regeneration. Read the instructions for your resin - there is a recommended reagent consumption.

It is known that salt dissolves in water in the proportion of 300 g of salt per 1 liter of water until a saturated saline solution is obtained. 350 g of salt per liter dissolves in distilled water, but we are engaged in water softening, which means that our water is far from distilled! It already contains quite a lot of things and is not such a cool solvent as distilled water. Saturated water stops dissolving salt. It is very convenient for resin regeneration. We pour the right amount of water into the salt tank and despite the fact that the tank is full of salt, the right amount of solution is prepared, and the undissolved salt remains for subsequent regenerations.

Thus we consider:

  1. The amount of salt for regeneration (kg) = the amount of resin (liters) x 120 gr (for cation exchangers)
  2. Amount of water in the brine tank (l) = amount of regeneration salt (g) / 300 (g)

Water purification, iron removal and softening systems 375 29 657-19-00 Salt tank for water purification system Is it so simple

Recently, the quality of drinking water has deteriorated significantly. Today it is no longer safe to drink tap water. Despite all the measures taken at the water treatment plant, the water still remains undrinkable. Moreover, if water chlorination brings a certain result, then all other cleaning methods are simply not effective, since water goes to our house or apartment through old, dirty pipes. In addition, water treatment plants do not take measures to eliminate problems such as, for example, excess salt in the water. Although this problem is quite common. That is why salt water filters are so popular today.

Water supersaturated with hardness salt has a specific unpleasant taste and is harmful to health. Such water is dangerous to eat, as it can cause irreparable harm to kidney health. You can determine that your water is supersaturated with hardness salts by the absence or presence of scale in the kettle. If there is scale, there are hardness salts in the water. Of course, you can not rely only on this sign, you need to do a complete analysis of the water. Since your water may have other problem areas that need to be addressed as well. Otherwise, water treatment will be inefficient and money will be wasted.

How does a reverse osmosis system work and what is its feature

A reverse osmosis system is exactly the type of filter that can ensure proper water quality in almost any conditions. Initially, this filtering method was used by the US military. First of all, it was necessary in order to obtain fresh water from sea water. Therefore, it is possible to purify water not only from hardness salts, but also from salts in particular.

A little about how a reverse osmosis system works. Reverse osmosis is a technology invented by nature. The fact is that, according to a similar principle, the membrane of a living cell passes water into itself. That is, the rocks of that membrane are so thin that only an atom of water and some gases can pass through them. Other impurities that are in the water cannot overcome such a barrier. All filtered material is drained through the drainage system into the sewer. Thus, at the output we get absolutely pure water.

Despite the amazing results of water purification, this system has opponents. Some people believe that the water selected in this way is not useful for humans. They argue their point of view by the fact that passing through reverse osmosis water is deprived of all the mineral substances that were in it before filtration. Thus, this water cannot be called beneficial to humans, and even more, such water, in their opinion, can harm health. However, it is rather difficult to say whether this is really so, since on the one hand these people are right. These people are right that no minerals remain in the water. However, they are wrong when they say that it harms a person. After all, as you know, a person takes most of the mineral substances not from water, but from food.

Water mineralizer:

However, for those who still believe in this theory, reverse osmosis filter manufacturers have come up with a device that can solve this problem. This device is called a water mineralizer. It is installed on the filter additionally as another filtration stage. After water purification, it enters the mineralizer and from there we already get a liquid saturated with the necessary amount of healthy minerals. Thus, the issue of the lack of minerals is completely resolved, and there are undoubtedly health benefits of such water, but there is no harm.

How to purify water for domestic use

The problem of the presence of an excessive amount of hardness salts in the water interferes not only with a person, but also with household appliances. In particular, hardness salts are deposited on the walls of heating devices as scale, which interferes with their operation or completely disables them. In order to protect household appliances from unforeseen breakdowns, you can use special household filters. Magnetic filters for the home are best suited for this business. In addition, you can select other filter options. The only question is their cost and effectiveness.

There are also special filters, which in their appearance resemble cylinders. Such filters are called balloon-type filters and are also suitable for purifying water, which can then be used for domestic purposes. Such a filter will help you remove mechanical impurities from the water, as well as get rid of hardness salts, which will undoubtedly help your household appliances.

Salt tank device

All reagent tanks are arranged approximately the same. The salt tank is very simple:

Water purification, iron removal and softening systems 375 29 657-19-00 Salt tank for water purification system Is it so simpleA salt tank is a container of any shape and size, inside of which there is a false bottom, on which salt is placed.

False bottom perforated and water easily penetrates through it. This allows you to dissolve all the salt completely without residue.

Cups act as a support and additionally help to dissolve salt residues.

The mechanism of the salt tank is located in a plastic shaft that separates the mechanism from the salt tablets.

The mechanism is a two-way valve that shuts off the salt pipeline both when the liquid level drops to the lower mark (2 cm above the bottom), and shuts off the salt pipeline for water supply when the float rises (cut-off at the upper level).

Salt tanks are completely made of plastic, which makes them resistant to aggressive brine, thanks to which salt tanks have a very long service life - 10 years or more.


