Do-it-yourself pvc pipe welding

Installation of PVC pipes

Installation and connection of plastic pipes is much easier than metal pipeline products and takes a minimum of time. PVC pipes can be soldered using a PVC pipe soldering iron. This method does not require preliminary, special preparatory work.

Device for welding products

The welding machine for PVC pipes is designed for joining products with each other. It has a heating element in which special sleeves of the required diameter are installed. Thanks to the built-in indicator of the device, control over the heating temperature is carried out. The iron for PVC pipes is powered by an industrial AC mains.

Do-it-yourself pvc pipe welding

Welding machine (iron) for PVC pipes

Warming heat is transferred to the pipes from pre-heated sleeves. They provide melting of the outer surface of the pipe to implement the effect of molecular diffusion of the surfaces to be joined. The sleeves are coated with a special material (Teflon), thanks to which the molten pipe material does not stick to them. Work with the device is carried out only in special gloves to prevent burns.

Before the PVC material hardens after soldering, it is necessary to clean the surfaces from reflow residues with a rag or a wooden spatula. After the joint has cooled down, it will be problematic to perform this operation without damaging the pipe surface.

The connection of products can be carried out using one of the following welding technologies:

  • Coupling, when the ends of the pipes for connection are included in an additional coupling.
  • Socket, when one end of the pipe has a special extension for the end of another product to enter it.
  • Butt. This method is used to connect pipeline products with a diameter of more than 63.0 mm. Butt welding is considered the most effective and reliable. This docking method is also the most durable.

It is also worth noting the method of adhesive bonding or cold welding of PVC pipes.

Do-it-yourself pvc pipe welding

Butt brazing equipment for large diameter pipes

Connection of PVC products using socket technology

Let us consider in more detail how PVC pipes are soldered using socket technology. For this method, when mounting products up to 40.0 mm in diameter, it is sufficient to use a manual special apparatus for welding products. If large diameter products are to be connected, it is necessary to use stationary equipment for PVC pipes, which ensures their accurate preliminary alignment.

To solder pipes, you must:

  1. Install the welder securely on a horizontal surface. Ensure complete immobility of the device.
  2. The ends of the pipes to be connected must be cut with a sharp knife or special scissors strictly at a right angle.
  3. Switch on the device and wait for some time necessary for the nozzles to heat up to a high temperature (about 260ºС).

It should be remembered that at a lower heating temperature, the strength and tightness of the connection are not guaranteed. In case of overheating of the couplings, the structure of the pipe material will be destroyed, which will lead to a loss of its strength.

  1. Next, it is necessary to place tubular products on heated nozzles for a short time, until the end of the pipe, which is inserted into the socket, begins to melt. When connecting, it is imperative to control so that there are no distortions.

Do-it-yourself pvc pipe welding

The end of the pipe and the fitting are put on heated nozzles

  1. After soldering, ensure the immobility of the connected elements for several minutes until the final hardening of the joint.

Thus, using a special tool, you can independently connect PVC products in a short time.The resulting joints are characterized by tightness and strength over a long period of operation.

Power and pricing of soldering irons

Do-it-yourself pvc pipe welding

The instrument manual contains mandatory requirements for the rules for operating the instrument. The most important of them is the ability to work on electricity.

It is worth noting that different types of diameters have a list of requirements regarding the power for pipe welding. So, here are the main recommendations:

  • For pipes with a diameter of up to 4.9 cm, a power of 680 watts is required;
  • If work is carried out with respect to pipes 4.9-7.5 cm, then the value should not be less than 850 W;
  • For products 12.5 cm - the power must be at least 1200 volts;
  • Keep in mind that the range of prices is wide. To date, professional equipment for welding pvc pipes can be purchased at a variable cost from $ 200, while the most elementary option can be purchased for 1200 rubles.
  • Pricing policy is also based on the brand of the manufacturer. It is worth considering that a large number of goods on the domestic market are from China.

Types and purpose

Polypropylene pipes are available in four colors - green, grey, white and black. Only black ones differ in characteristics - they have increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation and are used when laying an irrigation system on the ground. All the rest have similar characteristics and are laid indoors or buried in the ground.

By appointment, polypropylene pipes are of the following types:

  • For cold water (temperature up to +45°C). It is easy to distinguish them by the longitudinal blue stripe.
  • For hot water supply (heating up to +85°C). A distinctive feature is a red stripe.
  • Universal (maximum heating up to +65-75°C depending on the manufacturer). Two stripes are applied side by side - blue and red.

For both cold and hot water, there are pipes with different characteristics. This is displayed in the label:

  • PN10 are used exclusively in cold water supply systems (up to +45°C) with low pressure (up to 1 MPa). They have a small wall thickness. Not suitable for high rise buildings.
  • PN16. They are often labeled as universal, but more often used for cold water - they withstand heating of the medium up to + 65 ° C and pressure up to 1.6 MPa.
  • PN20. Thick-walled pipes, which can transport medium with temperatures up to +80°C, withstand pressures up to 2 MPa. Used in the distribution of hot water and heating systems.
  • PN25. These are reinforced polypropylene pipes (foil or fiberglass). Due to the presence of a reinforcing layer, they often have a smaller wall thickness than PN20. Medium heating temperature - up to +95°C, pressure - up to 2.5 MPa. They are used for hot water supply and heating.

All of them are produced in different diameters - up to 600 mm, but in apartments and private houses they are used mainly in sizes from 16 mm to 110 mm.

Please note that the inner diameter is indicated, as the wall thickness may vary.

Do-it-yourself welding of plastic pipes

If it is necessary to replace old water or heating pipes, owners most often prefer modern plastic pipes. Plastic pipes have many advantages, among which the ease of installation deserves special attention - you just need to follow the instructions and remember a few important nuances.

Do-it-yourself welding of plastic pipes

The wiring of plumbing and heating using plastic pipes can be done by hand. However, before you start any activities, you need to learn how to weld plastic pipes on your own - without this skill, you definitely can’t do it.

Do-it-yourself welding of plastic pipes

Contents of step by step instructions:

Preparation for work

Before you begin, read a few important tips and prepare the necessary tools.

Helpful Hints

  1. In the absence of experience in welding plastic pipes with your own hands, first practice a little. Buy fittings and other wiring elements with a small margin. Having gained experience, you will be able to complete the finishing work as quickly and efficiently as possible.

In the absence of experience in welding plastic pipes with your own hands, first practice a little

The process of welding plastic pipes

Required Tools

Prepare the following fixtures:

  • special apparatus for connecting plastic pipes,

Fusioterm tool kit for welding polypropylene pipes

All necessary tools are sold in hardware stores. A soldering iron is quite expensive, so if the work on welding plastic pipes is of a single nature, it will be more profitable to find a company that provides such tools for rent.

Use only recommended equipment. Some home craftsmen try to adapt ordinary household soldering irons for welding plastic pipes, but nothing good usually comes of it.

Welding guide

Installation of polypropylene pipes

Welding plastic pipes is a simple event that you can handle on your own. It is enough to go through each step of the guide step by step.

The first stage is the preparation of parts for welding

Start by preparing the elements to be joined. Cut pipes according to the requirements of pre-prepared wiring diagrams. Lay out all the cut elements in the order in which they will be connected using a special soldering iron. So you avoid the risk of incorrect connection of the elements of the pipeline system.

Remember: if unsuccessful threaded connections are untwisted and redone without any problems, then the seams will no longer be able to be disassembled. Products with defective connections will simply have to be thrown away. Therefore, be careful and careful.

The second stage is setting up the tool for welding

Plastic Pipe Welding Machine

The design of the soldering iron assumes the presence of a temperature controller. Set the regulator to the limit recommended by the manufacturer in accordance with the attached instructions. To understand that the soldering iron has heated up to the set temperature, you can by the extinguished bulb of the temperature controller.

The third stage - heating the elements

Before starting welding, all the constituent elements of the future pipeline must be heated. Refer to your soldering iron manual for recommended conditions and optimum preheat times. Be sure to check it out.

To heat the parts, you must insert them into the connectors of the welding device. You can also find information on how to do this correctly in the manufacturer's manual for your soldering iron.

How to solder polypropylene pipes

The fourth stage - the connection of elements

Properly heated parts connect very quickly and evenly. During the connection process, no distortions and rotations of the elements should be allowed. When connecting two pieces of plastic pipe, strictly maintain the cut angle - only in this way will the seam you create be tight and reliable.

Fifth stage - cleaning connections

Let the seam cool and carefully clean it. A file can be used for cleaning.

Thus, there is nothing super complicated in self-welding of plastic pipes. Use high-quality tools, follow the recommendations received in everything, and very soon you will be able to use your own plumbing or heating system.

Welding instructions for welding saddles

After drilling, the welding machine is installed

Features of PVC products

Production and scope

PVC products are widely used for laying hot and cold water supply systems, and are also indispensable for organizing the installation of both internal and external sewage systems.Such pipes are also suitable for transporting aggressive working media and gaseous substances.

PVC pipes are made from polyvinyl chloride (unplasticized) in the form of single-layer or three-layer pipeline products. All PVC pipeline products are classified according to the stiffness class and are produced in different diameters to solve the maximum number of problems associated with laying the pipeline. Pipes are supplied in standard lengths of 50, 100, 200, 300 and 600 cm.

Positive qualities of PVC products

The positive qualities of PVC pipes determine the range of their use. The demand for these products is due to:

  • long term of their operation;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation;
  • resistance to chemical aggressive environment and corrosion;
  • full compliance with modern requirements for pipeline systems;
  • very low coefficient of linear expansion;
  • operating temperature of the transported medium up to 55ºС;
  • relatively low cost;
  • light weight pipes;
  • resistance against the introduction of bacteria and fungi;
  • absence of deposits on the inner surfaces of tubular products;
  • good throughput;
  • antitoxicity and explosion safety;
  • fire safety.

Components of the apparatus kits

Do-it-yourself pvc pipe welding

A large number of companies that produce welding machines offer their variety of accessories. We tried to make three standard sets of additional elements for devices:

  • The first option is elementary. The composition includes: apparatus, key for mounting the nozzle. The optimal set will be for the work of the master at home, when it is necessary to weld pipes of several diameters.
  • Medium layout. To date, it is considered the most comfortable option. This includes the following elements: nozzles for diameters from 2 to 4 cm, apparatus, case. The set is very convenient to take with you on the road.

Welding equipment, regardless of the components of the set, require knowledge of the rules for their operation. Before proceeding with the welding process, it is necessary to read the instructions, since each type of tool has its own technical features.


