Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sides

Hot tub sewer connection

To connect the hot tub to sewer communications, a drain with a hole diameter of 4-5 cm is used. It is convenient if the sewer pipe is located in the floor or wall. In the latter case, the distance from the floor should not be more than two centimeters.

At the final stage, the siphon from the jacuzzi is connected to the drain with a corrugated pipe. After connecting the bath to communications, it is necessary to check all connections for leakage. To do this, fill the bowl with water and carefully inspect the joints. Then you need to seal the junction of the jacuzzi to the walls. Water from the bowl is drained only after the sealant has hardened.

Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sides

Hydromassage bath

Installation of a hot tub from an official Jacuzzi service center - what could be more prudent?

Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sides
The real queen of all baths is undoubtedly the Jacuzzi. Immerse yourself in a relaxing warm bath bubbling with thousands of bubbles - what could be better after a working day? We install a jacuzzi from the world's leading manufacturer. Jacuzzi hot tubs have dozens of different types of hydromassage and system sets. Adjustable pressure, aero massage, heating system, underwater lighting - you can choose any set of functions. And numerous shapes, colors and designs allow you to install a Jacuzzi in full accordance with the interior of your bathroom.

Jacuzzi installation is:

Home mini-SPA: Once upon a time, hot tubs were only available in expensive spas. Now you can enjoy the magical hydromassage of water air jets, relaxing and relieving stress, right at home.

Therapeutic effect: Jacuzzi hydromassage stimulates blood circulation, improves metabolism and cleanses the body of toxins. The installation of a Jacuzzi also contributes to the preservation of beauty, in particular, such a bath fights fat deposits and cellulite in women.

Relaxation and toning up: Warm circulating water perfectly relaxes, and underwater jets of water perform acupressure, after which you feel energized and rested.

Finally, Jacuzzi is an opportunity to get incredible pleasure every day. Order the installation of a jacuzzi with us right now!
List of works performed during the installation of Jacuzzi Europe S.p.A.

  1. Checking the readiness of the site for the installation of the product.
  2. Checking the product package.
  3. Installation of the product on the prepared site.
  4. Connection of power supply, cold and hot water, sewer discharge.
  5. Testing of electronic and hydraulic system.
  6. Technical inspection of functional components and assemblies of the product.
  7. Demonstration of the operation of all functions of the product and training in the rules of use.
  8. Conducting safety training during the operation of the product.
  9. Filling in the manufacturer's warranty card indicating the warranty periods.

Jacuzzi products installed by Jacuzzi-Service specialists and the work carried out are covered by a 1-year warranty from the date of installation. For products whose production date differs from the installation date by 2 years or more, the warranty periods are determined by the condition of the product during installation. work, the guarantee extends 1 year from the date of installation. For products whose production date differs from the installation date by 2 years or more, the warranty period is determined by the condition of the product during installation.

Jacuzzi self installation

If you decide that you can install a hot tub yourself, then you need to read the more detailed installation instructions and follow them in the same way as those recommended above.

Detailed instructions include the following items:

  1. In the accompanying documents, look for a section that describes how to install the hot tub. Ask if the manufacturer recommends sealing the sides of the bathroom and what materials are best for doing this. Prepare them and proceed directly to the installation.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the set of parts for installing the bathroom: expansion dowels, supporting brackets, screws, washers - there should be 4 of them.
  3. Place the bath in the place that it is intended for, adjust the legs to the horizontal position of the sides, check this by level, controlling the horizontality along the sides and across.
  4. Make sure that there is a place for a decorative panel, if it is provided, install fasteners for the panel.
  5. On the bathroom wall, draw a line along the intended line of the sides.
  6. Mark the places where the brackets will be installed under the line at a distance of 6 cm. The location of these points should be uniform relative to the sides of the bath.
  7. At the marked points, fix the brackets that will support the tub. Use the dowels and screws from the kit for this.
  8. Carefully install the hot tub by hooking the sides onto the brackets.
  9. Connect the siphon to the sewer using a hydraulic seal and a sufficiently long corrugated tube, which you need to buy additionally. The possibility of maneuverable movement of the bathroom depends on the length.
  10. Install decorative panels.
  11. To seal the joints of the sides with the walls, treat the joints with silicone sealant.

The electrical connection is described above, but if you are not an electrician, then invite a specialist to check the possibility of connecting the equipment, this will be the best option for safety.

If you want to close the space under the bathroom with a decorative panel, then between it and the floor, you need to leave a distance of 20-30 mm, necessary for the ventilation that hydromassage equipment needs.

The installation of the front and side decorative panels must be done in the correct order, first install the side panel, then the front panel.

Many hot tub manufacturers recommend using decorative panels for aesthetics and do not recommend covering the space with tiles, because the panels are easier to dismantle when repairing hydromassage equipment. Using all these recommendations and tips, you will be able to install a jacuzzi in your home and use it for beauty and health.

Step by step instructions on how to install a bath

Stage 1 - installation of a reducer and filters for the bathroom. A standard hot tub is designed for a water pressure of 4-5 atm, therefore, in order to avoid exceeding this figure, it is recommended to install a pressure reducer. Special filters will provide water purification, the quality of which in taps leaves much to be desired. It is advisable to install a multi-stage filter system - this will avoid quick clogging of the nozzles, which means it will extend the overall life of the entire product.

Water filters

Stage 2 - height adjustment. Before connecting the bath to the sewer, it is carefully placed on its legs in a pre-selected and properly prepared place, the height is leveled with the help of adjusting bolts. It is not necessary to set it strictly horizontally, let's say a small angle of inclination to the drain.

Bath level adjustment

Stage 3 - installation of the drain system. The drain should be above the main drainage at a distance of about 10 cm.In general, connecting a bath to a sewer is done in exactly the same way as a regular bath, the only difference is that all seams and joints must be sealed. The drain-overflow system is semi-automatic, for installation it is enough to connect the hose that comes from the holes to the general drain system using special fittings.

Connecting a bathtub to a sewerage system with a drain-overflow system

Stage 4 - installation of a faucet in the bathroom. Faucet mixers are mounted quite simply, and not on the adjoining wall, as in the main for ordinary baths, but directly to the jacuzzi itself.

Stage 5 - connecting to the mains

The first and most important rule to remember: the place of work must be de-energized! The Jacuzzi is connected to the system with a three-wire cable, the socket is grounded and installed outside the bathroom or at least 1 meter away from the hydromassage unit. The socket is connected to the shield through a circuit breaker and an individual RCD

When connecting the wires of the electric cable, you should be very careful that the zero of the cable is connected to the neutral wire (blue color of the wire), the phase - to the phase of the device (marked in white, brown or red), and the ground - respectively, to ground (yellow-green color of the cable ). All parts of the bathroom that come into contact with electrical current must be placed in waterproof boxes.

Attention! Follow the safety rules! Turn off the power switch! It is recommended to entrust the work to a qualified craftsman if there are no special skills in connecting devices to the mains. Stage 6 - a decorative screen is installed

Usually the screen is included, but you can do it yourself. The main rule that should not be forgotten is that whatever the screen is, it should always provide quick and easy access to all connections.

Stage 6 - a decorative screen is installed. Usually the screen is included, but you can do it yourself. The main rule that should not be forgotten is that whatever the screen, it should always provide quick and easy access to all connections.

hot tub screen

Stage 7 - launch to check the performance. It is necessary to make sure that the filters, pressure reducer, RCD are installed correctly, there is free access to the system, the structure is stable in place, the drain is tight, there are no leaks at the pipe joints. After checking the electrical insulation, you can carry out the first start-up and enjoy swimming.

Very interesting and detailed video on the installation of the bath!

Features of installation work

Before installing the jacuzzi in the room, it is necessary to complete the repair work on the walls, ceiling, and floor. The pipes of the water supply system must be provided with filters in advance; when using well water, it will be necessary to install filters that perform mechanical cleaning. Bathroom sockets must be equipped with a grounding system connected with an RCD, have a protection level of at least four. In the absence of electrical outlets in the room, the hot tub is connected to the mains using a cable that runs through the entire room.

How to install a whirlpool tub

The hole that drains the water should be ten centimeters from the floor level, sometimes you have to use a special stand.

Connection of branch pipes with sewerage, plumbing system

Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sidesThe water supply pressure should not exceed five. To control the pressure, it is better to install a special gearbox. Water from the central sewer has many impurities, and even more so from well water. It is necessary to prepare thorough cleaning filters in advance. Pipes should run close to the bathtub without obstructing the access to the connecting corners.

The diameter of the drain into the sewer is approximately five centimeters.The process of installing faucets and connecting them to the water pipes is the same as for a standard bath. The faucet is installed inside the bath bowl. The jacuzzi has a modern semi-automatic drain system with overflow. There is a handle on the overflow hole, with the help of which the overflow valve opens. The bathtub with the sewer is connected with a flexible hose, it should have a margin of about fifty centimeters in length.

All connections must be provided with rubber gaskets against leaks.

The pipe of the sewer system can come out of the wall or floor, but not more than two centimeters from the floor. The siphon is connected with a corrugated pipe to the drain.

Next, install the jacuzzi bowl. At the end of the work, the joints and connections are once again inspected.

Installing a hot tub is not easy

Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sides

Installation of a jacuzzi begins with a preparatory period, which consists of several stages:

  1. It is necessary to carry out the removal of the dimensions of the room where the hydromassage equipment will operate. The requirements for the bathroom are quite specific and their observance is necessary, since the bathtub with internal filling is a heavy object, and the vibrations that occur during operation affect the floors. Therefore, the ceilings must be reinforced concrete, and the ceilings for normal functioning, ventilation and therapeutic effects - up to 3 meters high.
  2. The location of the pipes is of great importance, the supply pipes should not rest against the ribs of the bathroom so as not to interfere with the operation of the equipment, and the drain hole should be in the floor or at a height of no more than 3 cm from the floor.
  3. Then the old plumbing equipment is dismantled.
  4. The sewer pipes are being replaced and the plumbing system in the apartment is being updated.
  5. Floors are leveled and waterproofed.

Jacuzzis are different

In the world of sanitary ware, hot tubs come in all varieties.

Which modification of the bath to choose is dictated by both the shape and dimensions of the room in which it will be installed. Bathtubs with hydromassage are better not to be installed instead of a regular bath; its operation in an apartment building is not recommended.

Attention! Before installing a jacuzzi, a detailed plan of the room where it will be installed is made. The plan indicates the parameters of the room, mark the outputs of electricity and water supply

The choice of plumbing depends on the data obtained.

Jacuzzis are distinguished by a variety of surface coatings:

  • 1.baths made of cast iron.
  • 2.acrylic bathtubs.
  • 3.steel baths.
  • 4.baths made of stone.

Steel and acrylic bowls are lighter and can be installed in apartment bathrooms. If the floor can withstand a structure weighing more than a ton, then the installation of cast-iron, stone models is allowed. Jacuzzis made of stone and enameled material are not affected by chemicals, withstand heavy loads, and retain their original appearance regardless of weight.

Whirlpool bathtubs work without loud noise, keep warm water for a long time.

In everyday life, bathtubs made of acrylic material are common, the composition of which is durable and light at the same time, the models have different color variations and differ in shape. During use of the bath device, scratches that occur can be polished.

bowl shape

Jacuzzi differ in variety of forms. They are:

  • - round shape
  • - oval shape
  • - rectangular shape
  • - square shape
  • - in the form of an angle
  • - non-standard shape

In a room with small dimensions, rectangular or corner baths are recommended. Models in the form of a circle, an oval are usually installed in the center of the room. They require a lot of space.

Square models or non-standard bathtubs are mounted under the walls.

Hot tub installation instructions

When installing a hot tub, it is important to pay attention to the following key points:

  1. Sewerage.Water is drained using a standard plastic pipe with a diameter of 5 cm. It is better to make a drain hole in the corner. The exit of the sewer pipe from the wall is allowed if the distance between the lowest point and the floor is not more than 5 cm.
  2. Water quality. The installation of a hot tub must be accompanied by the installation of a mechanical coarse water filter. In addition to this, it is also desirable to install a fine filter. If the water is very hard and with a high iron content, it is necessary to install a special unit that softens the water and rids it of excess iron.
  3. Electrical connection. It is not recommended to connect the jacuzzi to an outlet located in the bathroom. It should be connected with a solid cable to the house switchboard. Mandatory points are the installation of an emergency shutdown device and an independent circuit breaker. When connecting, use a copper cable with three cores (phase conductor, neutral and protective wires) and double PVC insulation. The hot tub equipment consumes approximately 1.9-3.5 kW of electricity. This means that the cross sections of the cable cores should be 1.5-3 square meters. mm.
  4. Ventilation and leveling. Hydromassage products are installed exclusively horizontally, according to the level. Even a slight deviation can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. The leveling of the bath is carried out with the help of screw legs, on which the product itself stands. If necessary, you can install additional supports.

The sides of the whirlpool bathtub are covered with decorative panels or tiled decorative walls. In the first option, a small gap of about 3 cm is required between the floor and the panel. This is necessary to provide heat and ventilation for equipment - a pump, a fan, a control unit, which are located under the bowl. In the second case, a pair of small ventilation hatches should be located in the wall. Part of it is made voluminous so that it is possible to access the equipment for its repair and prevention or cleaning the debris accumulated under the bathroom.

As can be seen from the above information, in order to properly install a hot tub yourself, you need to understand this. In the absence of at least some knowledge and skills, it is better to entrust the installation to specialists. After all, the term and quality of operation of an expensive bathtub directly depends on a quality installation.

How to connect a jacuzzi to the power supply

When connecting a hot tub, you must have a network of two hundred and twenty volts, a cable with three cores of the required length, an RCD. It is also necessary to prepare a grounding system, a switch, a voltage stabilization device, electrical wires with a diameter of 3 or more millimeters.

Checking the correct operation of the hot tub

To check the quality of the jacuzzi, fill it with water until all nozzles are immersed. Connect to the mains and check all built-in functions. To drain the water, the jacuzzi is turned off. The operation of the nozzles is regulated using the system control panel.

After carefully checking the correct connection to the mains, the legs are attached to the floor, the gaps with the wall are covered with sealant.

What is the difference between outdoor Jacuzzi installation work. The fashion that came from Europe dictates the installation of a jacuzzi on the verandas or near the house. Abroad, you need a special permit to install a bathtub on the street.

At the stage of choosing a suitable place for installing a jacuzzi, you need to know that the bath should be located at a distance of one and a half meters from the house and the fence of the site. To power lines stretched along the top, the distance should be more than three meters.

How to prepare a place under the jacuzzi.First of all, they build a reliable foundation for the bath, because due to the large volume of water, its weight can reach more than a ton. A cast concrete base is considered reliable, therefore it is a common method. Concrete is laid in a layer of up to 11 centimeters, such a choice will make it difficult to transfer the jacuzzi to another place.

It will simplify the installation and dismantling of the foundation of slabs, prefabricated structures. Panels must be as strong as the size of the hot tub. Before installing a jacuzzi in a terraced room, you need to make sure that the flooring can withstand its weight.

Electrical connection

Cable laying can be ground and underground. The cable section is selected depending on the distance of the disconnector in relation to the bath. Suitable copper cable with nylon insulation system.

This is followed by the installation of an RCD with a voltage of two hundred and forty volts, with a circuit of 50 A, a model with a multi-level pump requires a circuit of 60 A. The block for controlling electricity is supplied with a disconnector. Do not connect other electrical appliances to the whirlpool circuit.

Many models do not need to be connected to the plumbing system, water is drawn into it with a hose, then heated.

Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sidesPanels are sold with the jacuzzi to close the lower space, leaving a gap of three centimeters to ensure ventilation.

Important! Do not lay tiles on the side of the hot tub. If it is necessary to dismantle the structure, the edges of the bathtub will be damaged

How to properly run a Jacuzzi. You can turn on the jacuzzi only after filling the bowl with water. Existing nozzles are completely covered with water to prevent overheating of the pump and its breakdown. At this stage, the pressure of the water outlet from the nozzles is regulated.

Water can be warmed up to fifty degrees, and aroma oils can be used, washing non-foaming substances.

Preliminary work

Jacuzzi connection to the mains and water view from all sides

Hot tub connection diagram.

Before purchasing a hot tub, you should measure the room. Based on these indicators, you need to choose it. Moreover, the minimum size of the room should be the size of the bath itself and another 1 meter on each side. This increase will give you the opportunity to have free access to the area under the bathroom. It should also be noted that hot tubs are most often installed in rooms with high ceilings. The product is heavy, so its installation is recommended only in houses with reinforced concrete floors.

It is important to take into account the size of the doorway - the bath should pass freely

Before starting the installation of the product, you should prepare the bathroom. The pipes need to be replaced. If necessary, the floor is leveled and waterproofing is carried out.

Types of baths by massage equipment

Baths are equipped with different types of massage. There are whirlpools with water massage, with air massage, equipped with water-air massage, ultrasonic, even pulsating or sinusoidal type of massage. Modern whirlpools use a water-air type of massage, when a jet of water and air comes out of the micro-holes in the walls of the bath under strong pressure. Water jets are usually located in the lumbar area, at hip level, on the side of the tub and along the back. The water supply from the nozzles can be adjusted: either all at the same time, or one by one. The latest modifications are equipped with built-in programs for setting the start time for each nozzle, controlling the feed force.

Modern hot tub equipment

The type of bath can be selected according to the availability of additional functions. Jacuzzis have additional structural elements: these are headrests, auxiliary steps and handles. Jacuzzis are equipped with the function of color, aroma therapy, have the function of a music and TV receiver, can carry out disinfection offline, and have additional mixers.

Structural elements that are equipped with a jacuzzi

To assemble a hot tub with your own hands, you need to understand what is included in the technical assembly kit. This is a pump that pumps water, nozzles for the exit of jets, a compressor, electronic or pneumatic control with built-in functions, pipes. With the help of a pump, water is supplied to the compressor mechanism, in which air is combined with water. Water through the nozzles with pressure enters the tank.

From the structure and number of nozzles, the massage type of the bath changes. The branch pipes coming from the bath are built into the sewerage and drainage pipes. For a large number of nozzles, a pump with more power is required.

Dismantling the bath brief instruction

The installation of a jacuzzi in the bathroom can be done both from scratch - at the design stage of the house, and if there was an old plumbing in its place - under such circumstances, the bath is replaced.

Do-it-yourself bath dismantling

The most difficult and time-consuming is the dismantling of a cast iron bath. A grinder and a large hammer are used, with the help of which the product is cut and broken into small parts, which are then folded into a bag and taken out of the apartment or house as ordinary construction waste. Replacing a tub made of steel or acrylic is much easier if they go through a doorway, otherwise you will have to resort to similar work to cut the product into pieces, although the process itself will take much less time due to their lower weight.

Dismantling a cast-iron bath: using a grinder and a hammer

Work order:

  1. turn off the water;
  2. dismantling the bath, start with the drain, unscrewing it as carefully as possible (remove the screen beforehand);
  3. unscrew the mixer;
  4. put on protective equipment and carefully break the old bath into pieces;
  5. take out the trash.

After all the work is completed, the bath is replaced with a new one, and you also need to follow some recommendations, which will greatly simplify the process and avoid possible errors that can lead to product failure and unnecessary financial expenses.

Dismantling the bath: accuracy as the key to success


