Septic tank decor with various elements

Covers for a septic tank as a decoration of the site

The functional load on the products will be different, as well as the form of its use.

The most uncomplicated decor is fake stones. The stones are made from high quality components, including real stone chips. The internal cavity is empty, significantly lightens the product, will not affect the septic tank hatch with a lot of weight. The texture is very dense, moisture does not pass through the coating of such density. The use of natural material makes the cover absolutely identical to the original.

The crumb of stone is very different:

  • onyx;
  • basalt;
  • marble;
  • granite;
  • other natural stones.

Septic tank decor with various elementsThe application of different variants of stone chips makes different variations of the same type different from each other. The cover itself in the form of natural stone has distinctive characteristics from similar products. Peculiarities:

  • complete lack of interaction with water;
  • high strength completely eliminates deformation;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • harmless material for health;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • does not melt from high temperature;
  • frost resistance;
  • suitable for any landscape;
  • does not require special care.

Similar covers are made in different versions:

  • cuts, felling of trees;
  • hemp;
  • animals;
  • cartoon characters;
  • imitation volcanoes;
  • mountain range;
  • flower beds.

Wooden varieties are as popular as stone. The variety of wood is much greater, not only stumps and logs:

  • bridges;
  • chests;
  • mills;
  • wells.

Septic tank decor with various elementsRegardless of the model, everything is made in exact copying from nature, the exact repetition of the natural texture. The handiwork is so unique that few can distinguish it from real pieces of nature, even from close range.

Flowerbeds - a cover with a recess for soil with plants. Like any cover, it is installed above the septic tank hatch. Many people prefer this option only because the composition in the flower bed can be changed to another if this one gets tired or deteriorates. The lid itself has various visual configurations. It can be a low stump with a recess, a cover made for the usual city flower beds, but it can be the most ordinary, plain, without unnecessary shapes made of polypropylene. An ordinary flower bed is cheap, when buying, pay attention to the edges, veiled handles, in case of cleaning the septic tank, it should be convenient to lift it.

Flower beds are made not only in this form. Structures of various parameters are constructed from fracture-resistant materials, in several tiers, around a septic tank, for visual concealment. Forms of longline beds can be different:

  • triangular;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • round;
  • diamonds;
  • polygons;
  • pyramids.

Septic tank decor with various elements The design is made collapsible, cleaned in the cold season. Many install a hanger for pots, plant hanging plants, a flower pole is obtained.

Septic tanks - settling tanks have a larger area, due to the filtration system, after-treatment than usual with standard hatches. Decorating such a territory is a little more difficult, standard methods in this case cannot be useful, decor of this size is incredibly expensive. Bulk flower beds "alpine hill" can help in this matter. Flowers are planted during the flowering period, which does not coincide, constantly flowering plants perfectly hide the flaws left after the installation work.

Some homeowners purchase real wood camouflage structures. Despite the existing forms of wood processing, after which the wood becomes impervious to moisture, periodically requires maintenance to maintain its original state. Structures such as artificial are installed above the septic tank.Large structures are additionally equipped with useful devices, a backlight is installed that illuminates the site in the dark.

You can disguise everything that your heart desires, hide from the eyes, while making disguise as useful as possible in the household. The price must be reasonable.

Do not choose a complex assembly configuration, such products take a lot of time, often do not justify the money invested in them.

Everyone chooses what he likes, but it will be practical to consider several options in advance. The price is always formed based on the quality of materials, technological process, manufacturer, dimensions. Sometimes they resort to combined options, visually combine different decorations with living elements, for the warm season or for the whole year. It all depends on how strong the desire to create a unique landscape design in your territory. Everything is possible!

Decor of septic tanks

septic tank cover project

Ways to decorate a septic tank with your own hands

Disguising a sewer hatch in the country

Plastic false stones for decorating a septic tank

Types of manholes for treatment systems

There are many options for closing a septic tank. Of course, not all of them are decorative, but if desired, even an ordinary wooden shield laid on a sewer hatch can be turned into a panel.

Septic tank decor with various elements

Decorative products for hatches

There are several types of lids for septic tanks. They differ depending on the type of septic tank and are:

  • Plastic
  • From stone chips
  • Reinforced concrete

The first type of covers is usually used with standard industrial models of cleaning systems.

However, in home-made structures made of Eurocubes, it will be appropriate. Since usually the upper part of such a septic tank has a hole with a lid, but if it is small, then it is always possible to cut through a larger diameter. And for its closure, the first option is ideal.

If a septic tank of their concrete rings is installed on your site, then it should be closed with a reinforced concrete cover in which a hatch is mounted. Such models were previously used everywhere, but today they are being replaced by plastic.

Concrete products

However, the septic tank itself can be closed with any other product that is suitable in area. However, this option, in addition to having poor external qualities, can also be dangerous to others.

Of course, in a critical situation, you can also use a shield from the boards. But the problem of such a cover is its short service life.

Wood, upon contact with liquid, will very quickly become unusable. Therefore, the ideal option is still plastic.

Decor options

Septic tank decor with various elements

With external massiveness, all decorative elements are lightweight, easily lifted, providing access to the object.

A septic tank produced under industrial conditions has an excellent appearance and does not require any decorations. However, the presence of landscape design on the site may require the design of sewer manholes in a certain style. To do this, many homeowners use false stones that look like natural stones, thanks to their manufacture from stone chips. Inside, such a stone is a huge cavity, the presence of which contributes to additional thermal insulation. This decorative detail is used to block the septic tank. Modern manufacturers of decor for septic tanks offer other compositions. They can be elements in the form of a stump or an open stone book. Thus, for each septic tank, you can choose your own exclusive decor.

If the groundwater level is high enough, then a bulk filtration field is made to equip the soil aftertreatment. In order for such a structure to be in harmony with the decor of a suburban area, it is necessary to equip it. Alternatively, it can be used to organize an alpine slide.This will not only mask the unattractive details of the treatment plant, but also make the landscape design of the site more attractive. In addition to masking, the decor of a septic tank also has practical significance. It, in particular, is used as its insulation or protection of bacteria from heating.

The sewerage system is often decorated with plants, arranging mobile flower beds or equipping flower beds right in the manhole cover. To do this, they are made in such a design so that soil can be filled there for growing flowers and ornamental plants.

Use of details and plants

Septic tank decor with various elements

The service life of flowerbed covers is about 50 years.

In order not to violate the general concept of landscape design, details such as overhead bridges, a mill or a well are used to decorate the septic tank. They are positioned on top to allow unhindered access and convenient maintenance. To prevent stagnation of water, holes are made in the lid for drainage. The material for the manufacture of such a hatch is food-grade polypropylene, which ensures uninterrupted operation for half a century. To equip decorative hatches, there is no need to completely rebuild the well. It is enough just to dismantle the old hatch, replacing it with a new plastic cover.

Of course, the masking of hatches is determined by the taste and financial capabilities of the owner of the suburban area. You can offer, for example, such a decor option: install a multi-level flower bed above the lid, which is an open rack. To provide easy access for servicing the septic tank, preference should be given to a mobile structure, and decorative pots should be used for plants.

Another option is to build a part in the form of a hemisphere of wire. Just like the manhole cover, it must recline. You can decorate it with climbing ornamental plants or flowers.

An imitation of a well made of natural wood can become an element of decor. A timber or lining is best suited for this. An indispensable addition to the composition should be a bucket on a chain. To provide access to the septic tank, the design of the well should not be made stationary.

Thus, having shown imagination, you can even make such an unattractive structure as a septic tank a real decoration of a summer cottage.

Decor from artificial stones

Artificial stones can very naturally imitate the texture of real natural boulders. Therefore, the location of such stones on the hatch will be a profitable solution that will disguise the sewer cover. And when you need to gain access to the well, it is enough to move the boulder to the side, and then put it back in place. You can plant several perennials or ground cover plant varieties next to the stone.

Septic tank decor with various elements

As a rule, any artificially created stone consists of:

  • frame;
  • lining.

For the manufacture of a durable frame, environmentally friendly fiberglass, polyurethane or polymer resin is usually used. The cladding is marble, quartz or granite particles glued together, which allows you to get a wide variety of shades.

The design of such a boulder is hollow, but at the same time rigid and able to withstand high levels of humidity well. Artificial stone does not need special care and can be safely left to winter outside.

Advantages and disadvantages of decorative stones

From all of the above, it is worth highlighting the significant advantages that artificial boulders have:

  • a light weight;
  • high strength;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • the appearance of an artificial boulder is as close as possible to natural stone;
  • attractive shape;
  • environmental Safety;
  • affordable cost;
  • wide range of.

Unfortunately, it cannot do without drawbacks, but fortunately there are not so many of them:

  • the service life of an artificial boulder is significantly lower than that of a natural counterpart;
  • artificial stones do not tolerate strong impacts and exposure to chemistry.

How to make the right choice?

When choosing a stone that should close the cover of utilities, it is necessary to measure the hatch. This will allow you to determine the size of the base and the height of the boulder in order to completely cover the sewer cover. But if the hatch has an unusual shape or protrudes strongly above the ground, then you should contact the store consultants for help. But keep in mind that it will be easier for them to rely on some data. That is, be sure to take measurements or a photo of the “culprit”.

Septic tank decor with various elements

Before buying, it is advisable to check the product for quality

To do this, you need to pay attention to several points. A high-quality stone is not translucent, otherwise you should not take it

You should also look at the texture of the stone. If it is not pronounced, then such a boulder will look unnatural on the site.

Manhole cover options

Drainage accumulates in the tanks, which emit unpleasant odors, so one of the main requirements for lids is tightness. They must also protect the septic tank from rain and melt water, be durable - withstand the weight of a person. A light weight product is desirable - for access during inspection, maintenance, repair of a sewer facility.

Manufacturers offer the following types of manhole covers:

manhole cover materials Main advantage Durability Strength Flaws
Plastic Light weight Keeps original appearance for a long time Fear of mechanical damage Hardly ever
Cast iron The metal corrodes slightly Service life is practically unlimited Very high Heavy, difficult to lift
Reinforced concrete Convenient for use with concrete ring septic tanks Very big High Heaviest, requires a hard-wired handle to lift

All products have an unattractive appearance, spoil the design.

Using Plants to Conceal a Hatch

In this case, you can not only hide the sewer hatch well, but also decorate the place where it is located. For example, right in the center of the lawn area. In this case, in this place you can arrange a round flower bed with shrubs and various plants. Barberry with its golden or red tint, spirea, cinquefoil, juniper and other species will look spectacular here. When the plants grow, they will reliably hide the hatch, while becoming the epicenter of attention.

Septic tank decor with various elements

You can also plant next to some representative of tall perennial plants, for example, astilba. But what is interesting is that if the astilbes are damaged during technical work, they are able to recover very quickly and again delight with their beautiful views.

In addition to the listed plants, you can use some others:

  • marsh iris;
  • point loosestrife;
  • sedum caustic.

They also recover quickly and do not require close care.

From shrubs, you can plant stephanander. This creeping plant grows quite quickly, but to gain access to the hatch, you just need to move its branches aside.

If there is a septic tank on the site, then many manufacturers put a flower bed cover in the kit, which is placed instead of the usual one. In this case, you only need to pour fertile soil into it and plant the seeds of plants with shallow roots. And after a while, the cover will bloom in bright shades.

Painting the lid of a septic tank

If the septic tank cover is located on a path or paved area, then decorating it will not be easy. However, you can always turn a boring element into a real art object, armed with only waterproof paints and imagination.

In Japan, for example, there is a whole movement dedicated to painting manholes.Of course, many of us are far from the skill of real artists, but even a schoolboy can turn a septic tank lid into a turtle, dragonfly, ripe cherry or watermelon.

Quite often, sewer pits are not located near the fence, so a hatch in the middle of the site is not uncommon. It ruins the whole look. It will not work to remove the hatch, the sewer system is an important part of any building. Will have to put up with it. But in any situation there is a way out, and with us - you can’t remove it, which means we decorate it.

Septic tank decor with various elements

There is one important point - access to the hatch should be free. Therefore, when disguising, this must be taken into account, otherwise all efforts will be in vain.

Ways to decorate a sewer manhole

There are many options for masking, here are just a few:

1. The easiest way is to plant spreading shrubs with decorative foliage around the well. In this case, the lid will be covered with branches. Even if some of the branches are damaged when opening the hatch, they will grow back very quickly. Such types of bushes as spirea, cinquefoil, barberry are well suited for this. We break the flower garden. Near the hatch, in a circle, we make a small barrier of stones or pegs. On the lid itself we place flower pots. It turns out a kind of flower bed, which we renew, replacing faded plants.Septic tank decor with various elements

3. We install a wicker basket on the lid, fill in the soil and plant flowers. It turns out a magnificent flower bed-basket.Septic tank decor with various elements

4. We decorate the hatch with such a plant as it was young. To do this, we lay a piece of geotextile, a little larger, on top of the cover, pour fertile soil on top and plant young bushes.Septic tank decor with various elements

5. Use an artificial boulder. This design is light because it is hollow inside. It cleans up easily and very quickly. Around you can pour pebbles, plant ground cover plants, that is, create a small rockery - a stone garden.

Septic tank decor with various elements

6. We resort to the method of vertical gardening. To do this, we take a box of a suitable size so that the hatch is completely hidden under it. We drive in long pegs in the corners and fix a wire frame on them. We fill the box with soil and plant decorative vines, climbing plants with long flowering shoots. Ipomoea, petunia, clematis, sweet peas are perfect.Septic tank decor with various elements

As you can see, the hatch on the site is not a problem. You can always choose a variant of its disguise, which will harmoniously fit into the surrounding landscape.


The art of disguise

No matter how unsympathetic technical covers and hatches are, it will not be possible to do without them. And they can be located in the most prominent places of the site, and not just in the backyard away from chic flower beds, graceful arbors and other landscape decorations. Designers have many ways to decorate and hide these elements, while maintaining their functionality and easy access for maintenance.

Septic tank decor with various elementsNo matter how unsympathetic technical covers and hatches are, it will not be possible to do without them.

Artificial boulders, stumps and other decorative covers

The owner of a country house today can purchase not only standard solutions for decorating the neck of a well, but also finished decorative products that cover them. For example, artificial stones or stumps that look like real ones, but are hollow inside and therefore quite liftable if access to the maintenance hatch is required.

Septic tank decor with various elementsA cap stone can fit perfectly into the landscape design of the site. Photo from

A cap stone can fit perfectly into the landscape design of the site. For example, next to such a decorative element that closes the septic tank hatch, you can place an alpine slide or rockeries, including the notorious cover in the composition, or use it as one of the elements of the rock garden.

You can not only buy a decorative boulder, but also make it yourself. This will require materials sold in any hardware store (cement, sand, mesh or burlap and additives - plasticizers, peat, granite chips, dyes), and a couple of days of free time.

Septic tank decor with various elementsCover-boulder for the hatch. Photo from

Making "boulders" with your own hands is a good way not only to save money, but also to realize your creative impulses and get exactly the "stone" that fits perfectly in shape, color and size to the overall design.Look, for example, at the decorative boulders - sewer manhole covers, made by a member of our club strangersoul (Elena). She shares her personal experience in DIY Garden Boulder Stones.

In an artificial stone cover, you can make shelves or recesses to accommodate plants - representatives of the alpine flora or growing in pots. The decorative cover can also be in the form of a large stump made of concrete or a real wooden cut of a suitable size with a cavity selected from the inside.

Septic tank decor with various elementsSale of decorative manhole covers. Photo from

Garden figurines and sculptures

The cover of a sewer manhole or septic tank is a good place to place garden figurines and sculptures so beloved by summer residents.

Septic tank decor with various elementsOn the manhole cover, you can place a composition of garden figurines. There are also special sculptural groups for sale for decorating hatches. Often they do not hide the utilitarian purpose of the lid, but emphasize it with humor.Septic tank decor with various elementsMole plumber. Decorative manhole cover. Photo from

Bird drinkers and fountains

Continuing the theme of decorative sculpture to disguise unpresentable lids, one cannot help but recall bird drinking bowls and small garden fountains. Install a beautiful water container or a small, easily dismantled fountain. Feathered visitors with their fuss will make you forget about the lid of the septic tank.

Septic tank decor with various elementsBird drinker as a manhole cover

garden lamps

The technical cover can be turned into one of the stylish garden lights. LED technologies in lighting make it possible to provide such a lamp with electricity without laying meters of wires - a solar battery is enough to power it. Use strong tempered glass or triplex that will withstand walking on a glass hatch.

Septic tank decor with various elementsGlass manhole

The luminous hatch can be seen as a hint of some kind of underworld, mysterious and attractive. Having made such garden spotlights, you may regret that there are not enough hatches on your site.

Septic tank decor with various elementsThe Gully Cover Light by Chihong Zhuang. Photo from

Flowerbeds and beds

How else to decorate ugly structures in the garden, if not with plants? On the hatch of the septic tank, you can place containers with vegetables or flowerpots with flowers.

Septic tank decor with various elementsVases with flowers on the lid of the septic tank In order to completely hide the lid, which is undesirable for the appearance of the garden, you can arrange a border around it and fill the resulting box with decorative mulch, for example, crushed bark or gravel. Another way to use plants in camouflage is with hedges, trellises with climbing plants, arches, and trellises to house flower containers.

Modern garden sculptural composition is an excellent disguise. Photo from

Septic tank covers purpose and types

A reliable lid that closes the septic tank performs the following functions:

  1. Protects capacity from hit of thawed and rain waters, garbage.
  2. Prevents the spread of unpleasant odors around the area.
  3. Allows you to protect children and pets from injury when falling into an open container.
  4. Prevents the penetration of sunlight into the container, which is fraught with the active reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

When purchasing an industrial septic tank (metal or plastic), you don’t have to worry about the availability and compatibility of the cover for it. She comes with a set.

Septic tank decor with various elements

Plastic septic tank with lid

For the construction of septic tanks with their own hands, reinforced concrete rings or bricks are used. In this case, you will have to deal with the choice or manufacture of the cover yourself. The traditional option is reinforced concrete "pancake" with a metal hatch.

Septic tank decor with various elements

Wooden cover-shield

Standard industrial lids do their job well, but they can hardly be called examples of aesthetics and originality. In some cases, their appearance can seriously spoil the impression of the surrounding landscape. The solution to the problem is decorative options, both ready-made and do-it-yourself.

Answer to the question

Question number 1. How to make an artificial stone on the manhole cover?

Make a frame of rigid wire with a diameter of 5 mm. The internal volume is filled with mounting foam.They are covered with several layers of fiberglass, impregnated with synthetic resin. Stone chips are poured onto the uncured resin of the upper layer. The cobblestone is strong, can withstand the weight of a person, as well as an excellent heat insulator.

After installing the sewerage system on the plot, you can mask the covers of the wells installed above the sewer manholes. They are necessary for carrying out control inspections, as well as for the elimination of breakdowns and preventive work on their cleaning. This should be done in such a way that you can have easy access at the right time. Decorative elements of septic tanks should be easy to clean.


The most popular option for decorating such covers is with the help of artificially created stones. It is not difficult for them to disguise such hatches of septic tanks or revision wells. They are made from stones crushed into crumbs, connected with a polymer. Granite, marble, zeolite, etc. are used as fillers.

Decorative covers

When placing covers on a paved path or on a paved part of the yard, installing a three-dimensional decor is not the best choice. For such a case, it is better to choose a beautifully designed hatch. It can be selected from a wide range of proposed models.

Cast iron models

Usually sewer manholes are covered with cast-iron covers. They are installed even on the carriageways of roads. But today, such covers can be made quite artistically, and look no worse than works of art.

Manholes made of polymer-sand compositions

These lids are light in weight but highly durable. In their manufacture, a dye is introduced into such a composition. Therefore, even after a long period of their use, they retain their original color. For example, they are produced in the form of imitation paving slabs.

Decor in the form of lawns or flower beds

Those hatches that are located in the middle of the lawn, they can be arranged in the form of a flower bed. It is laid out in the summer, and removed with the onset of autumn. In this case, you can use covers with specially made recesses in them. You can also install a flowerpot in the recesses. But such a decorating technique is used only during the summer season.

dry stream

This method of decoration is preferable to use for septic tanks with fields for filtration. The stream is laid out from natural materials. It can be like one of the elements of alpine slides. To make such a stream, it is not necessary to take an expensive natural stone - you can purchase ordinary river pebbles.

How does a septic tank work

Septic tank decor with various elements

The task of a septic tank is not just to receive wastewater, but to clean it. This process takes place with the participation of bacteria. Feeding on organic matter, bacteria produce methane, which is known to be odorless. Therefore, a normally functioning sewage treatment plant does not emit unpleasant odors.

The reason for the occurrence of an unpleasant odor can be a large volume of discharged sewage water or a decrease in the temperature inside the septic tank below the permissible limit.

With a large volume of sewage, they do not have time to become infected with putrefactive bacteria, so the drains are not cleaned, the tank overflows, and they are discharged into drainage ditches. It must be said that methane bacteria do not require sunlight for their vital activity.

And the bacteria that produce hydrogen sulfide just cannot do without sunlight. Therefore, wastewater discharged into open water bodies and drainage channels quickly becomes a source of extremely unpleasant odor.

Since beneficial methane bacteria need heat to live, care should be taken to insulate the treatment plant in winter. To do this, you can use sawdust, foam sheets, dry fern, or pour a sufficient layer of soil over the septic tank.

Industrial models choose the best

Septic tank decor with various elements

Boulder-shaped decor

Every owner of private property wants the house territory to look well-groomed and original. To do this, you have to purchase decorative covers for the septic tank.

They can be very different - from ordinary hatches on which some ornaments are depicted, to those made in the form of a large boulder and even a small sculptural form. Naturally, the price of such products will also be excellent.

Simpler models are cheaper, and art-like ones are more expensive. As an example, consider several options. If the septic tank in your garden is located on a territory that is clearly visible from all sides, then it must be designed taking into account the general landscape style.

Septic tank decor with various elements

Decor of septic tanks

In this case, you can choose a novelty from the manufacturer "Septic Tank Decor" - the "Butterfly" cover. It will harmoniously fit into the overall design of the garden, especially if you break a flower bed nearby. If it is located in the yard, the Dog Barbos product would be an ideal choice. On it is a figure of a resting yard dog. And it is impossible to find a better design for a home septic tank.

There are also simpler covers. They are made in the form of a large boulder and only outwardly seem unbearable. In fact, such a cover weighs a little and can be easily moved even by a child. It is made of fiberglass, resistant to precipitation and sunlight and will last a long time.

DIY decor for a septic tank

Septic tank decor with various elements

Do-it-yourself cover

If you decide not to spend money and make the cover yourself. Then you can stop at the form in which the lawn or flower bed will be broken. It can be made from any improvised materials.

It is only necessary to provide for the possibility of moving the cover if cleaning is necessary. The simplest example of decorating a hatch is to use old tires.

Having chosen the most suitable diameter, it is installed on the hatch, having previously secured the cellophane on the underside. Then soil is poured inside the tire and flowers with a shallow root system are planted. If desired, the outer surface of an impromptu flower bed can be painted in any color or decorated with small pebbles. Such a do-it-yourself cover will not only hide the well, but also become a decoration for your site.

Should equipment be hidden?

The question is more than relevant. Although modern designs of treatment systems look aesthetically pleasing, but still, if they are located in a conspicuous place, the overall picture of the garden will be somewhat spoiled. This can be avoided by decorating protruding manhole covers. How and with what to do this, everyone decides to the best of their abilities and capabilities.

Decorative hatches

The appearance of a metal cover can greatly spoil the landscape design of the site. But today, designers, together with construction companies, have found an interesting approach to solving this problem. And it consists in the manufacture of decorative hatches of an unusual shape.

Depending on the material of manufacture, decorative hatches can be:

  • cast iron;
  • sand-polymer.

The great popularity of cast-iron hatches is known to every city dweller. Quite often such covers are located not only on sidewalks, but also on roads. They must be strong enough to withstand the entire transport. Therefore, they are made thick, which leads to a significant increase in weight.

But if a real master of his craft takes up the matter, then an ordinary sewer cover will become a real decorative element for any garden plot. Some cities can already boast of the original form of hatches, among which you can find whole sculptures of people or animals. So why not get such a cover for your garden plot to pleasantly surprise your neighbors.

Sand-polymer products have a low cost, a fairly long service life and good strength. According to some manufacturers, such covers can last up to 20 years and withstand weights up to 15 tons.

As for the weight, it is also a considerable one, about 50 kilograms, which brings them closer in weight to cast-iron hatches. But at the same time, unlike the latter, sand-polymer covers are more durable and durable. It is impossible to slip on them when wet and they do not represent any value.


