Letter spacing
Keeping the right distance between the letters is very important. You can often see, on the one hand, letters too closely placed to each other, and on the other, huge, unjustified intervals between them.
In the word “WHEN”, the letters KOG are visually perceived as shifted, while between G and D there is a gap, emphasized by the convergence of the letters D and L.
Composing a word from individual letters, it is necessary to take into account the optical area occupied by the letter. In accordance with this, the breakdown between letters changes. Determining the breakdown can be based on the size of the gap. According to Millet, the lumen is divided into four parts. With two straight letters, the spacing between them is equal to all four parts, and with other letters, a quarter, half, or three-quarters of the gap is used - as required to create optically equal spaces between the letters. The space between words should be equal to the normal width of the letter.
For some combinations of letters, the gaps between them can have a negative value, i.e., one letter can go into the area of \u200b\u200ba neighboring letter.
When deciding on the alignment of the intervals between letters, it is necessary to take into account a characteristic feature of the Russian alphabet, which gives it a different graphic character than that of the Latin: the presence of a number of letters “open” to the left.
There are only two such letters in the Latin alphabet - J, Z. This creates a number of graphically difficult letter combinations in the Russian text in the neighborhood of a letter that is “open” to the right and “open” to the left, for example, ГЛ.
Alignment of distances between letters has to be done in typographic fonts (from kg. 16 and above). Typographic fonts are cast, with few exceptions, without taking into account letter spacing.
If in a set it is easy to equalize the gaps by different spacing between individual letters (with the help of spaces), then in a drawn font, in case of failure, you will have to redo the entire word, and sometimes the entire line.
Therefore, when drawing a font, careful preliminary marking of intervals is necessary, taking into account the nature of adjacent letters.
However, it would be absolutely wrong, when composing a type line, to start working with a digital calculation of intervals. It is necessary, first of all, to build it by eye, to solve it as it is prompted by the artist's direct instinct. And only then mathematically refine the size of the intervals (half, quarter, etc.).
It may turn out that in some cases it will be necessary to give not a full interval, but three-quarters of the interval, or not a quarter, but a third of the interval. Markup is recommended not to be done immediately on the original, but first on another sheet of paper.
The role of distances between tanks
The task of determining fire breaks (minimum safety distances). in warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids from the requirement to exclude dangerous heat transfer from the source of fire to a neighboring object is considered in the works of the VIPTSH of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.
In accordance with the results of the experimental-theoretical study, fire breaks in the warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids depend on the type of oil product, the type of tank and the time of input of forces and means to extinguish the fire.
Taking into account the estimated time for the introduction of forces and means to cool the tanks, equal to 30 minutes, the calculated value of the minimum irradiation intensity for tanks with light oil products is assumed to be 19.2 kW/m2.
The presence of stationary fire extinguishing systems or tank cooling makes it possible to reduce the size of the fire gap by increasing the calculated values of the minimum radiation intensity.For example, the presence of stationary fire extinguishing systems with a response time of up to 10 minutes can reduce the gap between groups of tanks in; by an average of 25%, and between tanks in a group up to 0.5 /) for: light and up to 0.35-0.45.0 for dark oil products.
In this case, it is necessary to take into account the possible deviation of the torch; flames driven by the wind. As experiments have shown, at a speed of: 4 m / s or more, tanks with light oil products with a gap between tanks less than 0.71) may be in; zone of direct impact of the flame. For tanks with dark oil products, this distance is 0.5 O.
Modern standards for the design of oil and oil products warehouses require minimum distances between structures to ensure a reduction in construction costs. So, the distances between the walls of ground tanks in one group should be: for tanks with floating roofs - 0.5D but not more than 20 m; for tanks with pontoons - 0.65 /), but not more than 30 m; for tanks with fixed roofs - 0.75 / 3, but not more than 30 m when storing flammable liquids and 0.5 D but not more than 20 m when storing flammable liquids. The distance between groups of ground tanks should be 40 m.
As can be seen from the calculations and experimental data, the specified standard distances with a sufficiently strong wind are not even able to prevent the direct covering of a neighboring reservoir by the flame of a burning reservoir, and thermal radiation from a flame in any meteorological conditions can dangerously affect several reservoirs at once. However, an increase in the distances (fire breaks) between the tanks to the safe value required by the calculation leads to an excessive increase in the area and costs for the construction and operation of the tank farm.
Interior decoration
Finishing should provide convenience of functional use. Visual comfort is no less important than equipping with the necessary equipment.
Here are the general requirements:
- Floor coverings must be non-slip and allow wet cleaning. Therefore, as a rule, relief or non-slip tiles are used, but it is also acceptable to use various types of linoleum. It is possible to use metal specialized tiles for flooring. There are seamless non-slip floor coverings that are convenient for finishing the room and subsequent operation.
- wall coverings need to be washable and tough, so the most common use is paint and wall tiles. It is undesirable to use light finishing panels, because. their fasteners are not strong enough for a significant load.
For decoration, it is desirable to use light and neutral color combinations that do not attract significant attention, so the visual orientation in the room will be most convenient.
The color of the door blocks for ease of orientation is chosen in contrast to the overall color scheme. Information elements must be fixed on the surface of the door blocks.
The room must be adequately lit. To do this, it is best to provide for the installation of several lamps. Luminaires are dust and moisture resistant.
Open engineering communications (water and sewer pipes) that impede the convenient movement of the stroller should be excluded. The method of laying pipes is chosen hidden or covered with screens that do not create differences in floor heights. In places of technical connections, hidden inspection hatches are installed to service communications.
It is unacceptable to install significantly protruding skirting boards at the junctions of the floor and walls. Skirting boards, when selected, are narrow, do not reduce the space for movement and do not create obstacles on the way.
The correct functional and spatial organization of the toilet accessible for the disabled will not only ensure ease of use for all categories of visitors, but also ensure that the building complies with regulatory requirements.
Requirements for sanitary facilities for the disabled
The size of the bathroom for MGN should allow to place the necessary sanitary equipment and provide comfortable conditions for wheelchair users. Premises of a complex shape are excluded, it is difficult for wheelchair users to move in them. Design standards do not exactly answer this question, but the dimensions are determined taking into account the equipment to be placed (handrails and auxiliary elements) and plumbing fixtures (washbasin, toilet bowl, etc.) and provide convenient access to them for people with limited mobility. The square shape is also not optimal, because. when installing equipment, the surface of the walls is used. The optimal shape is rectangular, with a ratio of the dimensions of the long and short sides - one to one and a half, and the dimensions are determined based on the rational placement of equipment.
If there is a height difference between adjacent rooms (corridor, hall), a ramp is required. The size of the entrance opening is at least 90 cm. With a narrower opening, wheelchair access is not possible. Doors are selected with an outward opening. Doors are equipped with special markings in the form of embossed signs at a height of 1.35 m from the floor level. The bathroom for the disabled is equipped with an alarm. The alarm button is located at an accessible distance from the sanitary equipment (toilet bowl, shower tray) at a height of 90 cm from the floor. Warning lights are placed above the entrance. They are triggered when the alarm button is pressed. It is convenient to place several non-wired call buttons in the room for MGN. The flashing of the alarm signal informs about the call of the duty personnel. The alarm signal is transmitted to the duty personnel and to the security post.
When placing a restroom for MGN, it is necessary to take into account which rooms are located above and below. It is more rational to place rooms with wet processes one floor above the other. This simplifies the process of laying communications and reduces the length. It is also necessary to provide a ventilation system. It is unacceptable to mark bathrooms above electrical switchboards. It is not desirable, from the point of view of the operation of the building, to place latrines above offices with a large crowd of people (halls, lobbies, halls, etc.).
If a separate room is not allocated for a bathroom for the disabled, an equipped cabin in a common toilet is provided. Dimensions are regulated:
- width not less than 1.65 m., depth - 1.8 m., without shower tray,
- 2.2m. 2.25 m., when installing a shower tray.
When placing sanitary equipment, it is necessary to provide free space with a width of at least 1.4 m for a convenient turn of the stroller. When placing a separate specially equipped cabin in a common bathroom, it must be taken into account that visitors in a wheelchair are accompanied by people of the opposite sex, therefore, when organizing an entrance to such a cabin, it is advisable to provide a vestibule that separates the entrance to the cabin from the common bathroom.
Conventionally, the toilet can be divided into functional zones: equipment placement, a zone for the movement of a wheelchair and a transfer zone for equipment. Based on the placement of these zones in the room, the correct location of the equipment is determined.
With proper and compact placement of the necessary elements with a functional organization of space, the minimum size of the bathroom will be ensured. It is influenced by the dimensions of the equipment adopted in the project and their placement.
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Drain system options
There are three ways to drain:
- continuous flow of water. Quite convenient, but completely unprofitable, given today's utility bills by meters;
- manual flush - the most versatile, most common flush of water;
- automatic flush - modern systems that are gaining popularity. Such systems are often included in the "smart home" system, since the flush is controlled by built-in sensors when a person moves away from the urinal or opens the door when leaving the bathroom.
According to the type of construction, urinals can be divided into two types:
- floor - are used extremely rarely, because they are rather inconvenient in operation, besides, they are difficult to connect to the water supply system;
- wall-mounted - the most popular models. They are attached directly to the wall or can be held in place by an installation, which is often equipped to mount wall-hung toilets and sinks.
Of course, the demand for this type of plumbing raises many questions about its proper installation, and the installation of a urinal is becoming an increasingly urgent problem.
SanPin requirements and norms for public toilets
The Eurostyle company, being a manufacturer of toilet partitions and cabins, offers to the attention of customers a useful informational article on the requirements and norms of SanPin for public toilets.
SanPin state requirements for public toilets, sizes of SanPin toilets, established rules for the arrangement of latrines are enshrined in regulatory documents. Their implementation is mandatory for everyone.
If the SanPin requirements for toilets in schools and preschool educational institutions have changed relatively recently, in 2010, by Decree No. 91 of the chief sanitary doctor, then the SanPin requirements for common areas have practically not been edited since the 70-80s. However, they are still valid.
SanPin to public toilets
Sanitary rules for the arrangement, maintenance of public latrines, and equipment for them are detailed in the document SanPin No. 983-72 of 1972.
For places with high foot traffic and high flow of people, the approximate calculation of the capacity of the latrines is 1 toilet bowl or 2 urinals per 500 people. The service radius is about 500-700 meters. SanPin of public restrooms requires that places and approaches to them be marked with appropriate signs and signs. The place must be agreed with the sanitary authorities.
According to SanPin, the size of the toilet must be at least 2.75 m2. At least 2.5 m2 should be allocated for each toilet bowl, and the height of the partition between the stalls should be at least 1.25 m.
According to SanPin, the toilet room must be fenced, have an entrance vestibule, ventilation, be well heated and lit, be sure to have washbasins, sinks (with a separate airlock) and a separate entrance, and be isolated from staircases.
The floor is made of easily washable materials, not slippery, the walls are sound/waterproof. In the toilet cabins, toilet paper, a coat hook, and waste bins should always be available.
An electric dryer or paper towel, soap should always be in a public restroom. The public toilet provides for the presence of cabins with sanitary equipment for children and the disabled. The area around the public toilet should be asphalted and landscaped.
The staff is provided with all the necessary means of labor to maintain cleanliness and order.
SanPin for school toilets
Toilets in schools also have their own SanPin standards, which prescribe the following.
Each floor of any school should have 1 toilet for girls and 1 toilet for boys, equipped with lockable toilet cubicles for children, at the rate of 1 toilet + 1 washbasin for 30 girls and 1 toilet (urinal) + 1 washbasin for 30 boys (0.1 m2 per 1 student).
Sanitary equipment must be intact, without chips or damage. Hygiene room with an area of at least 3 m2 with a bidet or special tray with hot / cold water at the rate of 1 cabin for 70 people.
In the classrooms of primary classes, laboratory, labor, chemistry, physics, biology classrooms, washbasins are required to be installed. Each class has its own size from the floor to the side of the sink. Pedal buckets, toilet soap, paper and towels must be available at all times.
Toilet in a preschool educational institution according to SanPin
For school groups, the toilet area should be at least 16 m2, for preschool and nursery groups - at least 12 m2. The entire area is divided into 2 zones: washroom and sanitary, at the rate of 1 sink / toilet bowl for 5 children.
Toilet bowls are placed in the sanitary zone, in the washbasin shower tray, which has access from 3 sides.
In the nursery group, 1 service sink for personnel is required with a rack for storing pots with a place for their further processing.
SanPin norms for toilets at the enterprise, SanPin for toilets in the rooms of sanatoriums.
Projects of all latrines are checked by regulatory authorities for compliance with established requirements.
Dimensions of toilet rooms in public restrooms for the disabled
According to SNiP, the following size of a bathroom for the disabled and people with disabilities is established: cabin width - 1.6 m; length - from 2.2 m. If the bathroom is combined, then both of these parameters should exceed 2.2 m. The smallest dimensions of the toilet cubicle for people with disabilities: depth - 1.8 m and width - 1.65 m.
In cabins for the disabled, the following mandatory requirements must be met:
- Opening doors to the outside.
- Equipping the door closer.
- From the inside, the door of the toilet cabin for the disabled must be equipped with an additional handle in the entire width of the door leaf.
- The support rails must be located at the toilet at least 75 cm. The rail on the boarding side must recline.
- The height of the toilet bowl should be from 45 to 60 cm (for this you can install a standard toilet bowl (40 cm) on a stand).
Important points to know before buying
Be sure to initially decide how the urinal will be installed, which mounting method is preferable for you, how wastewater will be discharged and what additional options you need. You may prefer a model that has an automatic drain or a device with increased throughput.
It is worth adding that on sale today you can also find devices in which there is no drain. It uses a special absorbent or a built-in membrane that prevents the occurrence of unpleasant odors in the room, which also prevents unpleasant odors from penetrating into the room from the sewer.
When you were finally able to decide on the choice of device and choose the model that suits your needs, a number of questions may still arise during the installation process, for example, the height of the plumbing fixture. In this case, the urinal should be installed at the height that is more convenient for you, there are no specific rules and regulations in this regard.
Before attaching to a wall, make sure it is strong enough to support the weight of the unit. Lightweight interior partitions made of plasterboard are clearly not suitable for this. Prepare the base properly before installation. The wall must have a flat and smooth surface. If this is not the case, then you will have to deal with its alignment.
But, if the wall is not strong, and there is no other suitable place, then you should think about the installation device. It is a solid frame made of durable metal profile. Subsequently, the installation is completely removed inside the wall or covered with a cladding.
After installing and connecting the urinal to the water supply and sewerage systems, be sure to check all joints for leaks and conduct the first test run of the system. When all the nuances are taken into account and the new plumbing is checked, you can start using it.
Water supply and sewerage