Types of drainage provisions
There are a number of positions in which sputum discharge is facilitated. The choice depends on the place of its accumulation - the upper, middle or lower lobe of the lung.
Before transferring to the drainage position, the following initial positions of the patient are used:
- On the abdomen with a predominance of the movements of the ribs in the lower part.
- On the side with predominant movement of opposite ribs.
- Sitting with back arched. It improves thoracic and abdominal breathing.
- standing.
They facilitate breathing in certain areas and improve lung ventilation.
Upper lobe
In the presence of inflammation in this zone of the lung, the bronchial secret is better drained in the following positions:
- The patient lies on the affected side, the upper part of the body rises by 35–40 cm.
- The patient lies on his back. Raises the foot end of the bed.
Positional drainage can be supplemented with exercises:
- Lie on the healthy side (the upper part of the body drops 30 cm), raise the opposite arm up and inhale slowly, deeply. During exhalation, you should roll over on your stomach, as sputum can get into a healthy lung.
- In a sitting position on a chair, take a deep breath, lean towards a healthy lung and at the same time turn your torso 45 degrees, exhale slowly. When performing the exercise, the arm on the affected side is raised.
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You should know that in the left lung, unlike the right, the middle lobe is absent. This is due to the location in this part of the chest of the heart. Therefore, in positional drainage, positions on the left side or on the back are used.
In case of bronchitis with a concentration of wheezing in the middle sections of the lung, a focus of inflammation in this area, pulmonologists recommend taking the following drainage positions:
- Lie on your back, pull the lower limbs to the chest, while the head is thrown back.
- Lie on your left side, lower your arms and head down.
Also, when the middle lobe is infected, the following drainage exercises are indicated:
- Lying on the bed with your head down (on your back), spread your arms and exhale. At this time, the right leg is bent and pressed to the chest.
- Sit on the bed (legs in an elevated position), slowly lean back back. At this time, the exercise therapy instructor presses on the chest in front to promote sputum. When exhaling, the patient leans to the left and forward, coughing - in the direction of the feet. The instructor presses on the zone of the middle lobe in time with the coughing shocks.
lower lobe
With stagnation of sputum in the lower parts of the lungs, the most effective position will be lying on the back or stomach with the head end lowered by 35-40 degrees. Breathing should be deep diaphragmatic.
The following exercises help the outflow of bronchial secretions:
- Lie on your back. While inhaling, spread your arms, while exhaling with a cough, pull your leg to your chest.
- Sit on a chair and slowly lean forward. At the exit, try to touch the toes while coughing.
- From a standing position, lean forward to the toes. Exhale slowly.
With bilateral lung damage with sputum stagnation, it is necessary to take a position on all fours. To improve drainage on exhalation, lower the top of the body to the bed, and raise the pelvis as much as possible. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
Drainage position according to Quincke
In case of inflammation of the lingular segments of the lungs and sputum stagnation in this area, pulmonologists prescribe Quincke positional drainage.
To do this, the head end of the couch is lowered (or the upper end is raised). This position is often used in pediatrics, especially in young children who cannot follow all the doctor's instructions or repeat physical therapy exercises after the instructor.
The Quincke drainage position is the simplest and most convenient to use.In this case, the patient can lie on his side, back or stomach - depending on the position in which the most intensive sputum discharge is observed.
The drainage position is given to the patient in order to remove the accumulated sputum. This method of treatment is not the main one. But its use reduces the recovery time and prevents the development of complications.
Drainage position
The drainage position is given to the patient for effective outflow of sputum. Bronchial mucus in some infections is thick and viscous, accumulates in the airways. At the same time, patients complain of a hacking, unproductive cough, pain in the chest.
And although one of the main methods of treatment are mucolytics (Lazolvan, ACC), their action is not always sufficiently effective. These drugs thin the bronchial secretion and stimulate the movement of the ciliated epithelium of the respiratory tract. But with the accumulation of viscous mucus in large quantities, bronchial obstruction occurs, and its drainage is disturbed. The consequence of this process is secondary bacterial infection of the secretion and the development of complications - for example, pneumonia against the background of bronchitis.
This treatment for bronchitis and pneumonia is called positional drainage. It belongs to physical therapy. Often, the drainage position is combined with vibration massage - tapping the ribs and intercostal spaces with your fingertips, which further enhances the discharge of viscous sputum.
Such exercise therapy is widely used in pulmonology in adults and children. It is especially effective in children under three years old, who do not know how to cough up bronchial mucus on their own.
What are the features of our drainage design services
- We carry out thorough pre-project research. The more complete the information about the object, the more accurate the calculations of the drainage system;
- The team consists of highly qualified engineers with extensive experience;
- We provide the client with such comprehensive information (description, calculations, specifications) that he can independently mount the drainage system;
- We always give free consultations to customers, even after the completion of the project;
- We do not have templates in pricing - for each project, the cost is formed separately;
We are confident in the quality of the developed projects and always offer our customers our services for the installation of designed drainage systems. With this option of cooperation, we provide discounts for all types of work, incl. and design.
What is territory drainage
Territory drainage is, to a greater or lesser degree of complexity, a system of drains (channels) located at a certain depth, in a certain order and equipped in a special way to achieve the following goals:
- collection and drainage of groundwater, - lowering the level of groundwater
- draining the soil on the territory of the site, removing excess water for the purpose of its further use for agricultural purposes
- rapid drainage of surface water
- to maintain the water balance of the soil on the site