What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

The need for insulation of the inner surface

If the design of a country house allows you to carry out thermal insulation work outside and inside, it is better to implement both methods. Alas, some circumstances force residents of private buildings to neglect external insulation. These include:

  • location immediately behind the wall of another building or other object, the distance to which will not allow placing a layer of heat insulator;
  • passing on or inside walls of energy cables and similar equipment that cannot be removed;
  • the presence of an expansion joint between buildings behind the wall;
  • the prohibition of the authorities to modify the facade (for example, an object of cultural heritage);
  • acute reluctance of residents to change the appearance of the building.

If at least one of the conditions above takes place, you can limit yourself to insulating the walls inside.

What not to use for insulation

Until recently, other methods of thermal insulation were included in the first list, but they gradually began to be abandoned, since although they allow you to save heat, they still require more careful maintenance or regular replacement.

Among them:

  • Isolon is a popular and well-known material that many have encountered. But if it keeps the temperature in the room, then it is not advisable to glue wallpaper on it. Especially if you are a supporter of regular repairs. He will tear off along with the wallpaper strips and leave his parts on the walls, and then they will have to be cleaned and leveled for a long time. Not everyone wants to face this.
  • Wood panels - in particular, chipboard, some modifications of MDF. They are good as a finish, especially when veneered. But sticking to them is still not recommended.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

Wall insulation under wallpaper roll coatings

What will be required?

One of the most popular and widespread solutions. They are made from polystyrene. Both sides are treated with a protective coating suitable for further finishing. 0.5 cm thick, so save space well. Excellent protection from the cold, resist the formation of fungus and mold. They do not require constant replacement and are able to safely survive several repairs.

With proper installation, they do not exfoliate, they help to hide minor irregularities. Available in white only.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

How to install correctly?

One unpleasant drawback that such roll insulation under wallpaper has is that it is advisable to glue them on flat surfaces. Therefore, the installation is carried out in several stages:

  • The walls are cleaned from old wallpaper, mold. Dowels, nails and other items, fasteners are removed from them.
  • A primer is applied, specialized plaster of various colors is used for leveling.
  • It takes from several hours to a couple of days to dry.
  • Rolled insulation is most often attached to heavy wallpaper glue (the surface and insulated wallpaper are smeared with it), but it can also be hung on a tile adhesive composition.
  • Each strip is placed adjacent to the previous one. Places of contact are sealed with adhesive tape or other adhesive tape.
  • Drying time is 72 hours.

Installation features can also be found in this video:


The substrate consists of several layers. In the middle, as a rule, there is polyethylene foam enclosed between layers of paper.

Many multi-apartment "anthills", both old and new buildings, do not have good sound insulation. Residents hear other people's conversations, and not only in raised tones, music and harsh sounds from neighbors. All this is unnerving and does not allow you to live in peace. Noise isolation is just provided by the use of a substrate under the wallpaper. Also, this material allows you to overcome the problem of indoor humidity.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaperWhat wall insulation to use for wallpaper

It is an excellent lining for any wallpaper. Using it, the outer decorative layer is easier to glue and will look better on the walls.

As a result, the finish will last longer and the problem of a new repair, as well as the material costs associated with it, will move away. Once upon a time, old newspapers were used as a substrate. It was easier to glue wallpaper on them. Since then, technology has come a long way. Given all the possibilities of modern substrates, their use cannot be considered a whim.

Why do you need to insulate the walls under the wallpaper

The issue of thermal insulation of interior and exterior floors arises in several cases:

Insulation is necessary when concrete slabs or brick structures freeze, microcracks and other damages that adversely affect living conditions are present.
The insulation system does not allow the formation of fungus, mold, the appearance of black spots.
Raises the average temperature in the room by several degrees.
It acts as an additional leveling of the surface, which is especially important in apartments with uneven walls.
Reduces moisture levels, which also prevents the spread of bacteria.
Additionally suppresses noise, which has a positive effect on the general emotional state of homeowners.
Reduces heat loss, and makes it possible to save on space heating in winter.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

What wallpaper to choose for warmth in the apartment

But not only with the help of a special insulation, you can maintain a cozy temperature in the apartment, but also due to the latest thermal wallpaper. This is a modern material that perfectly protects the space from heat loss. Due to the well-thought-out production technology, they have a denser structure. They are available in various design options and are able to advantageously decorate almost any interior.

They consist of two elements - the substrate and the top layer. The bottom one is made of thin polystyrene or cork, the second one is made of vinyl, non-woven or paper.

Advantages and disadvantages of thermal wallpaper

Among their advantages it is worth noting:

  • Don't be afraid of moisture.
  • They do not form mold, fungus.
  • Sturdy and hard to scratch or damage.
  • Installation is relatively simple and not complicated.
  • They don't have insects.
  • Do not emit unpleasant and pungent odors.

The main disadvantage of this material is the high cost. It will be expensive to decorate an entire room or apartment with them, but at the same time, such a coating is a profitable investment that does not require regular replacement. Only if you yourself do not like frequent changes.

Another disadvantage is flammability, but manufacturers are constantly upgrading the composition and new items are already less prone to fire.

The third drawback is that they do not stick on a perfectly flat surface. But this is different and many standard types of wallpaper.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

How to glue thermal wallpaper?

They are glued about the same as usual. The only difference is in the form of the substrate - cork needs a special composition, standard solutions will also work for polystyrene.

  • The surface is cleaned, if necessary covered with plaster.
  • Treated with a primer.
  • Cuts of wallpaper and walls are smeared with glue.
  • The segment is glued to the right place.
  • Three days are allotted for complete drying.

You can get acquainted with the installation features in this video, where plaster is used as an adhesive base, which is also suitable for attaching such insulating materials:

It is important to remember that all types of wallpaper and insulation are installed in a closed, warm room. Ventilation, especially drafts, are unacceptable

It is also worth considering in advance good ventilation for the room, because if a lot of moisture accumulates in the space, then the whole effect of any insulation will be lost and the room will freeze.

Insulation with mineral wool under the wallpaper

Required materials and cost

Basalt slab is often used in the decoration of houses and residential premises.Known for its insulating properties:

  • Perfectly retains heat.
  • Does not freeze even in severe frosts.
  • Completely safe for humans.
  • Not subject to decay.
  • Not combustible and does not ignite from an open flame.
  • Does not emit pungent, unpleasant odors.
  • Does not wrinkle over time.
  • Produced by many brands and sold at relatively affordable prices.

One disadvantage is the thickness of this material and the need to hide it under thin plasterboard slabs. In total, such a finish can eat from 4 to 10 or more centimeters near each wall. Not everyone will agree to sacrifice free space.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

Mounting Features

Another advantage of mineral wool is that old coatings can be left on the interior floors, but only if the surface is fairly even. If not, it is advisable to level it with a special plaster.

  • The work site is prepared, nails, dirt are removed, mold is treated with special compounds.
  • Metal or wooden guides are placed at an equal distance. It is desirable to give preference to steel or aluminum profiles. They take up less space and are easier to attach.
  • Layers of mineral wool are laid between them - it is sold in cut layers, which greatly simplifies installation.
  • Basalt sheets are fixed with the help of special plates located on the guides. Moisture insulation is placed, represented by a thin woven film.
  • Drywall or chipboard is mounted on top, but the latter is much less common.
  • The seams are treated with plaster, leveled and smoothed.
  • After drying, any wallpaper can be glued to the surface.

You can learn more about the features of installing mineral wool in this video:

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

Features of sheathing the inner surface of the house

The impossibility of external thermal insulation of the walls is in itself a disadvantage of the structure. To it you can add the following minuses of the skin inside:

  • reduction of the useful area of ​​​​the room (in the case of floor and ceiling insulation - also volume);
  • although the temperature gets higher, there is no accumulation of heat in the walls - they remain cold;
  • the previous fact contributes to the formation of condensate, which causes dampness, mold, corrosion, and the appearance of microorganisms.

Fortunately, there are also advantages, and the main one is the normalization of the microclimate of the premises.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper

Distinctive features of the internal thermal insulation of the walls of a private house, regardless of the material of the latter, are:

  1. The presence of two additional layers - hydro and vapor barrier. The first reduces the likelihood of moisture getting on the insulation from the outside, the second - from the inside (from the side of the rooms).
  2. Rapid temperature change in the room when opening vents, windows, doors.
  3. When using some heaters, “cold bridges” may appear - sections of the walls where condensate with cold air is concentrated.
  4. If possible, it is worth using environmentally friendly material for sheathing from the inside.
  5. You can save on wall insulation, which cannot be said about outdoor work.
  6. Performing work inside the house in comfortable conditions all year round - the process will not be affected by natural factors.
  7. The presence of assistants is not necessary - all steps can be easily completed independently.

Important requirements are imposed on the design at the preparatory stage of the lining inside. The key one is the maximum dryness of the walls.

How to glue

Practice shows that the substrate under the wallpaper is remarkably glued to concrete, and to wood, and to plywood, and to drywall. In order to firmly glue it to the surface, it is necessary to prepare the walls themselves for this: tear off the old wallpaper, remove paint residues, even out the depressions and repair the cracks with putty or cement mortar. Then you need to prime the surface.For this, PVA glue or some other similar composition will do.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaperWhat wall insulation to use for wallpaper

The substrate strips themselves must be prepared for wall stickers in advance. They cut very easily. They must be divided into canvases, taking into account the height of the walls, and allow these sheets to align.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaperWhat wall insulation to use for wallpaper

Smooth sheets of material are coated on the inside with PVA glue or glue, which is used for heavy wallpaper or under polystyrene. With an increased level of humidity in the room, baguette glue or liquid nails are used. (This, of course, will be more expensive, but you can be sure of the quality of the repair).

What wall insulation to use for wallpaperWhat wall insulation to use for wallpaper

Given all this, you need to act so that the glue does not get on the joints. Otherwise, the pieces of the substrate will stick together and the seam between them will be uneven. The canvases with the applied glue are left for five to ten minutes, and then they are glued to the walls butt-to-butt - just like most modern wallpapers. In this case, the wall must also be smeared with the same glue before that. Note that if the outer layer of the substrate is non-woven, and not paper, then only the wall itself needs to be smeared with glue.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaperWhat wall insulation to use for wallpaper

The gaps between the canvases must be sealed with paper tape or paper tape. To ensure that the result does not disappoint, as in the case of wallpaper stickers, drafts should be avoided. Experienced people advise to carry out the work at a temperature above +10 degrees and a humidity of less than 70 percent. If the room is cold, the glue will not set, and if, on the contrary, it is too hot, it will dry very quickly, and you may not have time to fix the entire substrate on the wall. Some areas will not be glued. Given these features, it is recommended not to start such repairs in spring or autumn, when there is high humidity and strong temperature changes.

What wall insulation to use for wallpaperWhat wall insulation to use for wallpaper

What wall insulation to use for wallpaper


