Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Installation of concrete rings

For the vertical installation of concrete rings into the ground, machine and manual methods are used, the existing special equipment allows making round holes in the ground for any standard outer diameter of the well - for this, special drills or nozzles in the form of horizontal knives are used. Homeowners who cannot afford ordering special equipment often turn to the services of private craftsmen (shabashniki) who mount concrete wells for sewage by hand.

During the work, two technologies are used: in the first case, they dig a deep hole and lower the rings into it using a winch or holding them with their hands using ropes tied to mounting hooks. The second method is to install the ring on its workplace and dig out the earth from the inside, while as it deepens, the product falls down under its own weight.

In individual areas, concrete wells are usually placed after a septic tank, using them to drain (discharge) treated effluents deep underground, therefore, coarse-grained, fine-grained sand and gravel are purchased before starting work, which serve as a filter pad for drained effluents. Usually, the sewerage from the reinforced concrete rings for drainage at the site has a low depth - for its device you will need two or three rings without a bottom, the top can be covered with a lid with a hatch.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Rice. 8 Support and additional rings of reinforced concrete products for sewerage - price list

An independent device of a sewerage well from concrete rings is carried out manually according to the following technology:

  • They break through the shaft of the required depth with one of the methods described above, they can be combined by tearing out a hole with the height of one ring from the outside, and after it is put in place, then digging the ground from the inside, the element will begin to fall under its own weight. When carrying out work, it is imperative to monitor the vertical with a plumb line suspended from the outside or a building level. The depth of the drainage well is determined individually and depends on the complexity of the work being carried out (the weight of the ring elements is important), financial resources, usually the number of concrete rings does not exceed three at a standard height of 890 mm, the diameter of the concrete ring is chosen 1000 or 1250 mm.
  • For digging in wells, it is more convenient to use products with a lock and metal ears, for which ropes are hooked, after installing the first element, the ears are cut off, and the next one is placed on it. When locking between the rings, no materials are placed, if the ends are flat, they are installed on a cement-sand mortar.
  • After installing the concrete well, fine-grained, coarse-grained river sand (pillow thickness of about 300 mm) and crushed stone (layer of at least 400 mm) are poured onto the bottom, a hole is punched in the side wall with a perforator, installing an external sewer pipe into it, the slots are covered with cement mortar.
  • The rings are buried under the sewer by manually raised earth, a round slab with a hatch is placed over the opening, which is closed with a light polymer lid.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Rice. 9 Installation of concrete rings for sewerage - the main stages

Features and benefits of concrete rings

The advantages of reinforced concrete circles for the construction of treatment facilities appear when compared with other materials used for these purposes:

  1. Red brick tanks require waterproofing of the inner and outer walls. Even with carefully done work, they are short-lived, destroyed by aggressive substances present in the drains.
  2. Metal is subject to corrosion, especially in aerobic septic tanks under the influence of oxygen. The service life of black steel tanks is short, and stainless steel is expensive.
  3. The main disadvantage of plastic is its light weight. Even filled with water, it can be squeezed out when the soil is heaving.Requires anchoring to a reinforced concrete slab. Eurocubes and plastic barrels have thin walls; protection with a metal frame is necessary so that the soil does not crush.
  4. The construction of a reinforced concrete monolith is a laborious and long-term process.

The plot is sandy, GWL is low, water is below 4 m or it is not

The combination of low GWL and well-draining soil is ideal conditions for building a septic tank from reinforced concrete rings. Moreover, in this case, it is possible to do without a filtration field, so the possibilities of a filtering well are sufficient. There may be several design options, we have identified the most simple and effective.

Scheme 4. 3-chamber septic tank with one hatch

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation


  • Compact 3-section septic tank with a filter well.
  • 1 hatch for maintenance of the entire system.
  • Savings on additional rings - they are needed only for one well.
  • Filtration layer throughout the volume around the wells and between them.
  • The bottom of 2 wells is concreted. In the filter well - no, there are holes in the walls of the lower ring.

The following video shows the construction process without further comment. Most of the work is done in 1 day. For increase

Conclusion: this scheme saves space for an external sewerage device, you do not need to buy additional rings and hatches for 3 wells.

Scheme 5. 2-chamber septic tank with a filter well

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation


  • A simple diagram of a 2-chamber septic tank with a filter well.
  • Can be installed and put into operation in 1 day.
  • You can get by with wells of two rings.
  • The bottom of the first well is necessarily deaf.

A simplified wastewater treatment scheme is due to the excellent drainage properties of the soil. In the video below, the author details the role of each structural element of the treatment plant. Also in the video there is a lot of information for reflection, which will allow you to feel more confident when installing a septic tank.

Conclusion: scheme for permanent or seasonal use. It takes up little space on the site, copes with salvo discharges of wastewater. Large resource of the draining layer. Pumping out sludge from the first chamber no more than once a year.

Varieties of sewer rings and their scope

To drain sewage, pipes are usually used, which are made of polymeric materials, cast iron, ceramics, asbestos cement, reinforced concrete, mainly these products have a small diameter, with the exception of structures made of lightweight plastic components. If a large pipeline diameter is required for laying underground utilities, the weight of long pipes becomes too large for transportation and installation of the line, so it is constructed from short rings.

Due to the cheapness, wide sewer rings are made only from concrete, and this material has no competitors today. With the development of modern technologies and the trend of using polymers in all areas, analogues of concrete products have appeared on the market relatively recently - polymer sand rings, which are used only for the construction of vertically installed structures.

If in the urban planning sphere, underground horizontal communications are laid from reinforced concrete rings for transporting organic waste, storm and gray wastewater, they are used as protection for water supply and gas pipelines, then in the household economy their use is of a different nature. In individual sections, reinforced concrete sewer rings serve as the main elements in the construction of the following structures:

Water wells. Installation of wells for the intake of drinking water from reinforced concrete rings is one of the most popular ways of supplying water to individual residential buildings in urban and rural areas. The shaft is dug out manually or mechanized, after which sewer wall rings with a lock are immersed in it. If a well is made of concrete rings on the site, the depth of the structure can reach 30 m - in this case, a submersible electric pump is used to draw water.

Septic tanks.From do-it-yourself sewer rings, some homeowners build septic tanks or settling tanks using structures with a closed bottom and top.

Drainage wells. Installation of reinforced concrete rings for sewerage in households is one of the most common areas of their application. The sewage waters purified in individual septic tanks are disposed of at their site, using aeration fields or drainage wells for additional purification and directing the effluents underground. Many people mount the drainage chamber with their own hands from reinforced concrete rings, installing several elements with a locking connection on top of each other in a vertical position.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Rice. 2 Engineering structures from reinforced concrete rings

Viewing wells. Engineering structures of this type are needed for sewers in a private house in cases where the underground main has a large length or branches. For cleaning, preventive maintenance and inspection, wells of small diameter are placed along the sewer pipeline. They are designed to access inspection hatches installed in pipes for cleaning them in case of blockages and monitoring the state of the line.

Caisson wells. A well made of reinforced concrete rings is often used to place pumping equipment in it, to protect a well water source from freezing and precipitation when it is taken by a submersible electric pump or a surface pumping station. The depth of such structures usually does not exceed 2 m, during installation they often use rings with a finished bottom or top floor with a hole for a hatch, another installation option is to install separate round plates for the bottom and upper manhole. Also for caisson wells, experienced users purchase ready-made structures with built-in metal running brackets located along the entire height of the wall.

Settling tanks. Often in private households, especially in rural areas, residents deprived of access to centralized sewerage share waste disposal. They install a separate toilet for faeces on the street, and gray water after washing dishes, washing, cleaning rooms and other household needs is drained through sewer pipes into a drainage sump built of concrete rings.

Cellars. Concrete rings with a bottom can be used in a private area for the construction of cellars designed to store fruits and vegetables deep underground in winter and summer.

horizontal passages. When laying utilities under roads, for transferring water masses to the other side of highways and railways, reinforced concrete rings of large diameter are often used, which are easier and easier to lay one after another than to immediately stretch a heavy long pipe.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Rice. 3 Excavation for wells with special equipment

Volumes of septic tanks, dimensions of concrete rings, bottoms and ceilings

According to the standards, 1 person consumes an average of 200 liters of water per day. The well (drainage is not taken into account) should take a three-day rate - 600 liters. To calculate the volume of sewage, this number is multiplied by the number of family members, and the capacity of the tanks is obtained. If there are 2 cameras, the first should receive ⅔ drains, the second - ⅓.

According to the calculated volume of wells, rings are selected

Pay attention to the label. The letters indicate the type of concrete, and the numbers indicate the dimensions in inches: first the diameter, then the height

The latter indicator is predominantly 0.9 m, but with a diameter of over 1.5 m it can be 60 cm to reduce weight. The diameter of the rings for the septic tank is from 0.7 to 2 m.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Deciphering the marking of the reinforced concrete ring

The volume of 1 ring is calculated by size. For example, KS10-9 has a diameter of 1 m, a height of 0.9 m, and its volume is 0.24 m³. For a two-chamber treatment plant, you will need 3 elements for 1 person. If there are up to 3 people in a family, 2-3 such containers are required.The volume is increased due to the diameter, and not the number of rings - it is not recommended to install more than 3 on top of each other, since the stability of the structure is weakened.

The diameter of the bottoms is presented in sizes of 150, 200 and 250 cm. Installation is simplified, tightness increases if a monolithic product with a bottom is chosen instead of a separate element. There are overlaps for rings of all types, except for KS7. They are with an off-center hole with a standard diameter of 0.7 m.

What types of septic tanks can be built from concrete rings

Concrete rings allow you to independently build a septic tank of any capacity and degree of wastewater treatment. The simplest option is a sump storage tank. It is the only sealed container in which the liquid simply accumulates and needs to be pumped out frequently. The volume of this container is regulated by the number of rings used.

Standard concrete rings come in diameters of 100, 150 and 200 cm. The height of the rings is different, but most often rings with a height of 0.9 m are used. Accordingly, to calculate the volume of one element, you need to multiply the height by the square of the radius of the inner circle and by the number P equal to approximately 3.14. Those who are too lazy to do calculations can remember that a meter ring gives a volume of about 0.7 m³, a one and a half meter ring about 1.5 m³, and a two-meter ring a little over 3 m³.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

An example of placing a septic tank in the ground

The second option assumes the presence of two cameras. In the first, the drains are settled and denser substances settle to the bottom. Fluid flows into the second chamber according to the principle of communicating vessels. The bottom of the second chamber is not airtight, and drainage is arranged under it. For this reason, the liquid goes into the ground. The first chamber is usually made somewhat smaller in volume.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Local treatment plant using concrete rings

The third do-it-yourself septic tank scheme from concrete rings involves the implementation of better wastewater treatment. It has three cameras. In the second, sedimentation of suspended particles also occurs, and in the third, water goes into the ground. Such a scheme cleans drains more reliably, but at the same time is more cumbersome.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Diagram of a septic tank with two wells made of concrete rings

Concrete rings for sewers

In the manufacture of sewer concrete rings, they are guided by the sections of GOST 8020-90, which regulate the technical conditions for this type of product. Its main provisions include the following points useful for specialists and ordinary consumers:

  1. The structures are made of heavy concrete according to GOST-26633 with a compressive strength of 70% of its brand or class.
  2. For reinforcement, rod reinforcing wire, thermomechanically hardened or hot-rolled steel is used.
  3. Well rings must comply with the requirements of GOST 13015-2012, which regulate their parameters in terms of the following indicators:
  • stiffness, strength and crack resistance of structures without load;
  • the physical strength of concrete in its original finished form, and the release after the manufacture of the product;
  • water resistance and frost resistance;
  • the thickness of the layer of concrete up to the built-in reinforcement;
  • steel grades for fittings, running and loop fasteners.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Rice. 4 Concrete rings for sewerage - dimensions according to GOST 8020-90

Concrete rings and auxiliary structures have symbols consisting of the following sequence of alphabetic and numeric characters with the following interpretation:

1. - an indication of the serial number of the standard size (1, 2, 3, and so on), quite often the first digit is missing in the designation;

2. - view of the reinforced concrete structure:

  • KS - a ring of a wall chamber or the neck of a structure, if a narrow manhole of a certain height with a hatch is mounted to access the working chamber;
  • KO - support ring, installed on the upper plate of the structure for the construction of a neck under the hatch, through which access is provided to the inside of the working chamber.It differs from the wall view in its low height, greater wall thickness and fixed diameter;
  • PN - bottom plate, placed under the well bottom;
  • PP - floor slab, installed on top of the structure, has a rectangular or round cutout for mounting a manhole with a hatch;

3. figure: for KO and KS - the inner diameter in decimeters, in the designations PN and PP - the inner diameter of the well rings, on (under) which they are placed;

4. - the digital symbol after the dot indicates the height of the wall concrete goods in decimeters.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Rice. 5 Parameters of support rings KO and plates PO, PN according to GOST 8020-90

The device and operation of the septic tank from the rings

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installationIn order for a do-it-yourself septic tank made of concrete rings to carry out the cleaning process effectively, it must accommodate the daily water consumption of one person in a triple volume.

That is, in three days one person spends about 600 liters of water, which means that if a family consists of three people, then a septic tank with a volume of 1800 liters will be required.

Wastewater flows through a pipe that comes from a private house, flows into the first tank, settles, splits into ordinary liquid and sediment, which in turn must be removed every couple of years if the treatment plant is done correctly.

The second tank is also sealed (if there are only three), so the liquid from the first tank flows here when it reaches the level of the overflow pipe.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

In the second tank, the decomposition process takes place; for this, a vent hole is built into it, through which methane evaporates, the rest precipitates in the form of silt.

From the third tank, the purified liquid enters the ground if the treatment plant made of concrete rings is equipped with a drainage bottom, or is pumped out if it is an ordinary well.

Location of the septic tank

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installationThus, a septic tank made of concrete rings is intended not only for the accumulation of wastewater, but also for their purification and discharge into the soil, which is really convenient for a summer house or a private house and does not require regular pumping after a short period.

It is also necessary to carefully consider the location of the septic tank.

Consider the following recommendations:

  1. the septic tank should be located at a distance of 5-20 m from the house;
  2. it is necessary to be able to drive to the septic tank by car for pumping or for special equipment during its installation;
  3. it is necessary to figure out what level of groundwater occurrence in the selected area, check seasonal fluctuations;
  4. if there is a well with clean water on the site, then from the well to the septic tank there must be at least 30 m.

In order for the concrete rings to hermetically dock with each other, you should buy them with locks.

Installation of a septic tank from concrete rings

Consider the process of installing a septic tank from concrete rings.

  1. To begin with, with the help of an excavator, it is necessary to dig a pit, but keep in mind the fact that its size when digging a septic tank must be calculated in such a way that people can work freely between the pit wall and the concrete rings during the installation process.
  2. At the bottom of the septic tank, sand should be poured with a layer of about 20 cm.
  3. If rings without a bottom were purchased, then it is required to concrete the place in the pit where they will be located.
  4. Then, with the help of a crane, concrete rings are installed, covered with a lid on top.
  5. Be sure to waterproof the joints between the concrete rings and between the lower ring and the concrete base. If concrete rings with a bottom are installed, then waterproofing is carried out only between the joints.
  6. Then pipes are laid. The septic tank is also waterproofed between the pipe and the tank wall.
  7. The septic tank is waterproofed on the outside of the installation, then the pit is filled up.

In this case, it is rolled without the help of special equipment to the selected area and the ground is dug under it, so that in the future it will independently sink into the dug pit.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

What are the types of septic tanks?

To date, there is a wide variety of septic tanks, but a septic tank made of concrete rings has the advantage of affordable cost. There are several types of septic tanks made of concrete rings on the market:

1) a single-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings. Only one camera is installed 5 meters from the country house. In the future, such a septic tank will require regular pumping out of the liquid, so it is necessary to provide convenient access for the car to the installation;Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

2) a two-chamber septic tank for a bath. Such a septic tank consists of several tanks, since wastewater that has undergone effective treatment can be used for irrigation;

3) overflow septic tank. Its distinctive feature is that each capacity is set to a level below the previous one. This type of septic tank is the most effective and will last for many years.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

It should be borne in mind that the operation of a single-chamber septic tank is not of sufficient quality and durability, therefore it is better to install at least a two-chamber septic tank made of concrete rings, from which liquid can be used for household purposes (for example, watering a garden or vegetable garden).

How to choose a place for a septic tank from turnkey concrete rings

Before drains penetrate the ground, they must be cleaned and neutralized. This is the purpose of the treatment plant.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Here, the organic component of fecal and sewage accumulations is divided into safe sludge and water suitable for irrigation of the territory. The septic tank as such does not affect its contents, but it creates conditions in which bacteria develop, decomposing organic matter into harmless elements.

In addition to compliance with the regulations of this document, you need to obtain a hygiene certificate that gives you the right to install a treatment plant in a selected location, as mentioned in SanPiN

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installationAccording to these documents, the correct septic tank of concrete rings should be built at least 50m from the borehole or well shaft, and the discharge of water from the septic tank should be at least 30m away.

A septic tank should be installed at least 4m from the house and water pipes near it, moreover, at least 5m from the road. To build a septic tank in a selected place, you need to contact the sanitary and epidemiological station or the district administration for a building permit and a certificate.

You can build a septic tank without coordinating the construction with the local administration. However, if violations of legal requirements are detected, fines will not keep you waiting, as well as the requirements to transfer the capital structure to another place.

Calculation of a septic tank from concrete rings - we calculate the volume and performance

In order for the effluents to be completely cleaned, they must lie in the treatment plant for at least three days. Therefore, the volume of each section of the septic tank is calculated as:

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installationV = 3*Y*Z

Here: V is the volume of a separate section of the septic tank, Y is the rate of water consumption by one person (conditional), Z is the maximum number of people living in the house.

The septic tanks installed in accordance with this formula are very large, but they provide maximum purification of fecal and sewage effluents, making water and sludge suitable for irrigating the site, serving as fertilizer. The rate of water consumption is determined by many parameters.

Indoor water supply and sewerage of buildings meet the conditional norm of 95–300 liters per person per day.

You can calculate on your own how much water you consume, or use the SNiP table.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Thinking over the device of a septic tank from concrete rings, it is better to adhere to the maximum values, and increase the number of residents by 50%. Although this will increase the cost of building a septic tank, you will eliminate the risks: if guests arrive, the septic tank will not overflow and the ground near the building will not be flooded with feces.

With this approach, construction costs are significantly reduced, and the degree of wastewater treatment becomes worse with an increase in the number of residents.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

If the purified water is supposed to be discharged near the building and water intake points (up to 50 m), use the formula for the volume of one section.

If the distance is more than 50m, the formula for the total volume can be used. Undertreated drains removed to such a distance will not be dangerous.

Types of septic tanks made of concrete rings

Several types of septic tanks are built from reinforced concrete rings, and stations differ:

  1. depth level;
  2. ring diameter;
  3. insulation.

The depth of the septic tank is determined both by its dimensions and by winter temperatures, more precisely, by the depth of soil freezing.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

The lower it is, the lower the septic tank should be installed, since a strong drop in temperature (less than zero degrees) slows down or even stops the processes taking place in each section. Therefore, it is necessary either to deeply deepen the septic tank - all its sections, or to insulate each with foam or similar insulation.

It is possible to reduce the cost of installing concrete rings under the septic tank with a greater depth of the station, if not reinforced concrete rings, but a brick well are installed above the freezing depth of the soil, since the processes in the septic tank are greatly inhibited above the freezing depth of the soil even with high-quality insulation.

Septic tanks are also classified according to the number of their elements. Single-element pits are called cesspools and are considered ineffective.Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

The most effective design of three elements. A larger number of sections does not affect the quality of wastewater treatment. Three sections can be placed in the longitudinal direction, then the installation is very long, or in a triangle, when the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pit for the septic tank is reduced by almost a third, and with it the amount of soil that needs to be dug.

Basic Information

Postulate 1. Position correctly

Choose a place for a septic tank on the most elevated platform of the site. This is necessary so that storm drains do not flow into it.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

For the placement of the septic tank, see SP 32.13330.2012, the distances to it should be as follows:

  • from home - 5 m;
  • from the reservoir - 30 m;
  • from the river - 10 m;
  • from the well - 50 m;
  • from the road - 5 m;
  • from the fence - 3 m;
  • from the well - 25 m;
  • from trees - 3 m

Postulate 2. Look at the GWL

If the groundwater level (GWL) is high, i.e. water accumulates in the pit already at a depth of 1-1.5 m, then this is a reason to think about choosing a different septic tank design, possibly a plastic sump or biological treatment plant. We discussed in detail about ready-made VOC options in this article.

If you firmly settled on the wells, then you should wait until the GWL is lower. For example, summer or winter. This will simplify the development of the pit and the construction of wells: you will not stand knee-deep in water and will be able to concrete the bottom normally and make the seams between the rings airtight.

Postulate 3. Calculate the volume of the septic tank with a margin

Carefully calculate the volume of the septic tank. Please note that the rule according to SP 32.13330.2012, in which the volume must be more than 3 times the volume of wastewater discharged into the sewer per day, is valid only on sandy soils and at low GWL. The rules assume that 1 person per day will discharge 200 liters of wastewater. And this means that in this case you need a septic tank with a volume of 600 liters.

In other cases, the worse the soil drains, the larger the volume of the septic tank. There is a working rule: for a family of 4-5 people with permanent residence, depending on the soil, the septic tank will be 30 m³ - on clay, 25 m³ - on loam, 20 m³ - on sandy loam, 15 m³ - on sand.

Calculation of the volume of a septic tank
Number of people Septic tank volume, m³ (working values)
Sand sandy loam Loam Clay
1 4 7 10 15
2 7 12 17 22
3 10 15 20 25
4 15 20 25 30
5 15 20 25 30
6 17 23 27 35
7 20 25 30 35

It is necessary to vary the volume of the septic tank not by the depth of the wells, but by the diameter of the rings. Those. if you have a choice of rings with a diameter of 1.5 m and a height of 0.9 m, or a diameter of 1 m and a height of 0.9 m, then it is better to take the first ones. They will need a smaller amount to obtain the desired volume. This means that a not so deep pit is required, there will be fewer seams in the wells.

Postulate 4. Hire people to develop the pit

If you are not a 20-year-old young man, and you do not have a couple of the same assistants who are ready to work for barbecue and beer, then entrust all earthworks to hired workers or hire an excavator.

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

The pit must be larger than the volume of the treatment plant, i.e. the distance from the wells to the walls of the pit is 30-50 cm. Subsequently, this volume must be covered with a sand-gravel mixture (SGM) or sand.

Postulate 5. Order rings with delivery and installation

Order rings only after the foundation pit is ready. Immediately with the installation, i.e. a truck with a crane-manipulator should arrive.

All lower rings must be bottomed. They are factory-made - convenient and reliable. The exception is filter wells, which are made on well-draining soils. But on clay by no means DO NOT DO IT like the picture below!

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

After 1-2 years, the bottom of the filtering well becomes silted and does not allow runoff to pass through, you have to call a sewage truck to clean the well, but this does not give a long-term effect.

Postulate 6. Use only red pipes

Pipes are only red, with a diameter of 110 mm, for external sewage. They need to be insulated only if they are in the open air in some area. Everything in the ground does not need to be insulated.

 Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

Red pipes are specially designed for outdoor sewage. They are multi-layered, withstand the pressure of the soil. gray pipes are intended for works inside the house, they are single-layer and the soil will simply crush them.

The pipes are laid in trenches on a compacted sand cushion with a slope of 2 cm by 1 m. Avoid turns of 90 degrees, maximum - 45. A layer of ASG or crushed stone 30 cm thick is poured on top and sides. Next is the soil.

Postulate 7. The filtration field occupies a large area

The filtration field is needed at a high GWL, at a low one, you can get by with a filter well. On average, expect that for 1 person the area of ​​the drainage field should be at least 10 m².

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

It is appropriate to make a filtration well on well-draining soils: sand and sandy loam. On clay and loam, significantly larger areas are needed from which drainage will be carried out. Underground filtration fields allow this to be done.

Pipes in the filtration field must be laid with a slope of 1 cm by 1 m, so that the treated drains have time to seep through the holes into the crushed stone layer.

How the sewerage scheme works

Regardless of the number of containers, septic tanks work the same way. Once in the first chamber, the effluents are divided into heavy fractions that settle to the bottom, and light fractions that remain on top. Mechanical cleaning is supplemented by the activity of anaerobes that process organic matter into gases. They escape into the atmosphere through an internal sewerage pipe or a ventilation riser in a septic tank.

A fatty film forms on top. To prevent it from entering the next chamber, a tee is installed on the overflow, which is lowered into the drains below the film. There may not be a second tank, then the effluents cleaned by gravity and anaerobic methods are diverted to filtration facilities, where additional treatment takes place. Such facilities are common among summer residents who come only for the weekend. But it should be borne in mind that a single-chamber septic tank quickly silts up, it needs to be cleaned more often.

The processes in the second chamber do not differ from those that occurred in the storage chamber. Here, the pretreated effluents become even lighter. Silt falls to the bottom, the remaining organic matter is processed by anaerobes. Further, the water is sent by gravity for additional filtration or goes into an aerobic septic tank. It is the final cleaning.

Types of concrete rings

Rings have differences in the type of construction:

Do-it-yourself septic tank from rings scheme of device and installation

The final structural element of a reinforced concrete septic tank

  1. Bottom.
    A monolithic product that is installed in the pit first, on top - wall. Used to create a sealed container, leaks do not occur during the entire period of operation. Standard height - 0.9 m.
  2. Castle.
    With special recesses in the upper and lower parts. During installation, a secure connection occurs. Indispensable in the construction of septic tanks on floating soils.
  3. With lid.
    The ceiling has a hole for a hatch. This is the final element of the well. A monolithic product increases the strength of the entire structure.

Advantages of septic tanks from rings

Septic tanks made of concrete rings have a number of advantages, not because we install them, but because they really meet all the customer's expectations. Installed by us 10 years ago, such septic tanks still regularly serve their owners and do not cause any discomfort both during temporary and permanent residence in the house. We list the main advantages that concrete septic tanks have:

Affordable cost - prices for concrete rings since their inception have always been low, that is, adequate in comparison with other materials. Reinforced concrete rings are the main component of a septic tank made of rings, therefore the total installation cost will be inexpensive;
Strength and durability - the guaranteed minimum service life of a septic tank is 50 years! No other septic tank will give such a guarantee, and this is even if there is no additional processing of the rings;
Does not pop up - many are already familiar with the problem when in the spring their septic tank just surfaced. The specific gravity of a septic tank made of concrete rings is simply huge and it is simply impossible to emerge from the ground.
Will not burst - the natural pressure of the soil on the septic tank is not visible to a person, but it is

Many modern septic tanks cannot withstand it, which is not at all scary for a septic tank made of reinforced concrete rings;
Installation in any soil - no matter what kind of soil on your site, sand or clay, even in an open swamp, the septic tank will feel good.
No electricity is needed - yes, while all modern plastic septic tanks need direct current to work, concrete ones work autonomously and without electricity. An important point for those who have problems with frequent power outages.
Installation in 1 day - yes, we can install and launch any of the septic tank options proposed above in just 1 day!
Minimal maintenance - it does not need to be constantly cleaned and checked

You can pump out such a septic tank once every 2-3 years.
Installation of a septic tank at any time of the year - there are no restrictions on the time of year or the weather. We put septic tanks from rings in winter, summer, autumn and spring in any weather.
The choice of volume - we can make a septic tank of the required volume, depending on the number of permanent residents in the house. This allows you to choose the best option and save on unnecessary volume.

Before making a choice in favor of a particular septic tank, read again the advantages that we have written. Perhaps you have not yet lived in your house, where there is no central sewerage and you think that any septic tank works the same way. They can really work in the same way, but far from all serve without failures and problems. We have described the advantages that can really be distinguished as fundamental when choosing an autonomous sewage system for a private house.


