How to care for an acrylic bath
To begin with, it must be said that the conditions for caring for a bathroom in our country are somewhat different from the conditions in other countries. This is due to the quality of the water we use.
In this regard, we will need to more carefully and regularly take care of the acrylic bath.
- Use only liquid acrylic surface cleaners. These preparations should not contain abrasive substances that can scratch the delicate structure of this material;
- It is possible to restore the gloss of the surface using a soft cloth dipped in a furniture polish;
- Stubborn stains can be removed with household products that are designed for smooth surfaces;
- Two or three times a month, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the acrylic bath with special detergents, of which there are a large number. Instructions for use are written on the packaging.
- To avoid the formation of rust on the surface of the bath, tighten the taps tightly.
- Animals are recommended to bathe, protecting the bottom of the tub with a rug. You will avoid unwanted scratches, moreover, the surface will not slip.
- After each use of the bath, it should be cleaned with a mild detergent and rinsed with plenty of water. Next, wipe the bath with a dry towel and leave it in this form until the next use.
- Don't despair if you find a few superficial scratches. They are easily cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper. Further, these places are simply polished with liquid detergent.
Possible pollution of the acrylic bath and methods of elimination
Sooner or later, you will have to deal with different types of pollution, so you need to be prepared to quickly eliminate them. We list the most common:
- Hardened and dried mud. If stains cannot be removed with a mild detergent and a sponge, allow the dirt to soak first. To do this, hot water is drawn into the bath and left for at least half an hour. If the rim of the tub is dirty, place a damp cloth soaked in liquid detergent on the stain.
- Ordinary dirt. This is the most common type of pollution. It is he who is eliminated more easily than others. It is enough to wet the sponge and pour detergent on it, and then lightly wipe the enamel.
- Moisture resistant and resistant pollution. To remove sand or clay deposits, a specialized composition or a conventional detergent is applied to them, which must first be absorbed into the thickness of the stain. But if stains from wood resin, plaster or lime appear in the bathroom, you will have to make a lot of efforts to get rid of the problem.
The right way to clean an acrylic bathtub
How to care for an acrylic bathtub and how to clean it is the main question of the hostess. An acrylic bathtub can be found in almost any home. They are practical, cheap, look pretty and can be of any shape and type. Withstands a lot of weight, up to 150 kg, they are even made to order.
The main feature of an acrylic bath is that it heats up many times faster than cast iron and is easy to install in a room. But not everyone decides to buy such an attribute, as they believe that acrylic care should be some kind of specific. This is not always the case, but such a bathroom needs special care.
What can happen to an acrylic bathtub:
- glossy shine disappears;
- stains, yellow spots appear;
- water stone grows;
- the surface is scratched;
- rusty parts.
These are the main problems that can be encountered when using an acrylic bath. You can fight them, some of them are perfectly cleaned thanks to homemade recipes.
For cleaning, you will need a few items - gloves, lint-free rags, sanding paper and a spray bottle. If desired, you can also use a gauze face mask so as not to breathe in the fumes of cleaning products.
To restore the shine in the bathroom, you need to periodically rub it with polish applied to a soft cloth. Water stone can be removed with citric or acetic acids: dilute in ordinary water 1: 7 (a liter of water and 7 tablespoons of acid).
After stripping, rinse the area well, then polish with a soft cloth to a glossy shine. If the scratch is deep, then you can use liquid acrylic, it is sold at any hardware store.
Cleansing with acetic or citric acid gives excellent results if you fill them with a bath inside at night:
- draw warm water into the bathroom;
- add acetic/citric acid (1:7);
- leave the resulting mixture in the bathroom for 12-14 hours;
- pour everything, rinse and wipe with a dry cloth.
Experts advise when buying acrylic bathtubs to carry out preventive actions, then over time there will be no problems with acrylic: rinse the surface with warm water, wipe dry after use, at least once a year carry out complete disinfection.
This all together will help keep the surface and integrity of the bath in excellent condition for many years. Before you start cleaning the surface, you need to follow a few rules:
- work only with gloves - some solutions (especially special, store-bought ones) can damage the skin and mucous membranes;
- exclude detergents that contain ammonia, acetone, chlorine, powder, they can seriously damage acrylic and make it yellow and not attractive;
- the sponge is selected soft, lint-free, hard washcloths are excluded;
- after all cleaning actions, rinse the surface well with warm water;
- check the faucet, do not allow dripping water from the tap, this will lead to rusty stripes in the bathroom;
- when bathing pets or washing dishes, it is advisable to cover the bottom with something, a rag or a special rubber mat, so as not to damage the surface;
- very hot water can also damage the surface, turn it yellow and remove the glossy sheen.
Many people have a reasonable question: does an acrylic bathtub require constant cleaning and maintenance. The answer is unequivocal - yes, no less than ordinary cast-iron bathtubs. According to the rules of hygiene, wipe and wash the surface with soapy water every time after bathing.
And it is advisable to use a product for cleaning acrylic bathtubs. If not, you can make it at home. This will require baby soap (20 g), boiling water (500 ml), soda (100 g), aromatic oil (if desired). The mixture is prepared quickly:
- baby soap is rubbed on a coarse grater;
- the resulting chips are poured with boiling water, stirring until completely dissolved;
- after soda is added, mix well;
- add a couple of drops of aromatic oil if desired for a more pleasant smell.
The resulting creamy paste well removes yellow spots, dirty marks and other imperfections of the acrylic bath. Paste gives the best effect if it is smeared with a thick layer and left for half an hour. After that, it is cleaned with a sponge, wipe the bath dry with a rag.
Cleaning products must be chosen carefully, excluding hard, powdery products - they can damage the glossy layer of acrylic. As a result of this, yellow areas appear, dark spots, which are almost impossible to remove in the future, but it is better to paint over with acrylic paint.
Features of acrylic products
Plumbing intricate configuration allows you to create a unique interior in large and small bathrooms. It makes it possible to emphasize the individuality of the owners, adds coziness and brings a special atmosphere with its mere presence.
What is a bathtub?
An acrylic bath, in addition to the original shape, has its positive and negative sides, which must be taken into account during its operation and maintenance.
So, you should immediately make sure with which particular product you have to live side by side - with a construction made of cast acrylic with a thickness of 5 mm or more, or with a 1 or 3-layer plastic variation covered with a 2-3 mm layer of acrylic.
If we are talking about the first option, then there will be no doubts about the impeccable quality of the product. This will be confirmed by the manufacturer, providing a guarantee for acrylic in 10-25 years.
In the second case, you will have to make friends with a thin coating, which will last for 3-5 years, and maybe for all 10. It depends on the features of use and the promises of the company that made the bath.
We will not consider the option with a parody of an acrylic product with a top layer of 0.5 mm - a bad fake cannot be called an acrylic bath. The coating will wear off after 6-8 months of use.
In addition to the thickness of the acrylic layer, the complexity of care is influenced by size and functionality - the larger the bowl and the more pleasure it has to offer, the more difficult it is to clean.
As for additional functions, acrylic models are equipped with hydromassage equipment, lighting, sound effects and other interesting devices.
It turns out that the original shape of the bowl, non-standard size, a lot of nozzles will just affect the complexity of the procedures for caring for it. And the more additional equipment, the more time it will take to wash and disinfect the product.
What is the acrylic surface afraid of
After buying a bath, it is important to carefully read the manufacturer's recommendations. The fact is that many companies give a guarantee for acrylic coating and all kinds of equipment only if certain rules are observed.
So, sometimes the instructions indicate that the warranty begins to operate only after the installation of the product by a responsible employee of the company in which it was purchased. It turns out that if you install it yourself, you can lose your 10-year warranty.
Another feature that you should definitely pay attention to before using the bath is the manufacturer's recommendations for its operation. It is this section that you need to carefully study so that in the future you do not lose the product and the guarantee for the elimination of the problem at the expense of the seller
A polymer bathing tank is significantly different from its steel and cast iron counterparts - it requires a more careful attitude towards itself. Especially if the acrylic layer is very thin.
Acrylic thicket is afraid of fire, hot water, aggressive chemicals, prickly and sharp things and other troubles. To prolong its life, you need to carefully monitor your actions in relation to the acrylic bath.
In addition, manufacturers are categorically against bathing animals in a bowl - it should be used only for personal hygiene. Therefore, scratches from claws that spoil the appearance of the product are not covered by the warranty.
The way out of the situation is to get a special bedding for pet water procedures. It can be a soft thick towel or a silicone mat. Before bathing, it should be laid on the bottom of the tub. True, such a device will not protect against scratches on the sides.
Folk cleaning products
No less effectively you can clean the acrylic bath with improvised means. If the problem is only rust and yellow plaque, the following options will help:
- Apply soda gruel to problem areas, leave for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.
- Heat vinegar essence, combine with table salt. With the resulting mass, wipe the rusty spots on the plastic.
- Dilute borax powder, moisten a rag. Wash the surface with progressive movements. All limescale deposits instantly come off.
- Well cleans a solution of ammonia with water.
- Darkening can be rubbed with ordinary toothpaste, and washed off after a few minutes. This technique returns the shine and purity of acrylic.
It is safer for acrylic if all of the listed ingredients are not applied in pure form, but diluted in a filled bath. The result will have to wait longer, but the likelihood of surface damage will be reduced to zero.
Jacuzzi cleaning rules
Baths with hydromassage require a careful and responsible approach. It differs from standard models by the presence of nozzles through which the pump delivers directed water jets. Irregular use of the jacuzzi leads to the formation of limescale and pathogenic microflora on the outlets. The cleansing rules are as follows:
- Fill the tub with hot water 6–8 cm above the level of the jets.
- Disable air massage, if present.
- Pour in a special cleaning compound. Suitable for dishwashers. To get the result, 50 ml is enough. For bactericidal treatment, 150-200 ml of vinegar is used.
- Run the hydromassage equipment for 15-20 minutes. This technique allows you to remove the accumulated dirt inside the nozzles - it easily flows out.
- Drain the dirty water and refill the tub. Start hydromassage again.
At the final stage, clean water will wash the inside of the nozzles. The bathtub is ready for safe use again.
As a disinfectant, it is not recommended to add chloride compounds. They not only damage the plastic, but also corrode silicone and rubber gaskets.
Helpful Care Tips
If you follow the rules for operating an acrylic bath, then there will be no problems with the coating, as well as minor scratches. But unfortunately, it is not always possible to follow the recommendations. Firstly, pets - it is not always possible to equip pets with a separate washing room.
So you have to put up with them in one bathroom, using an acrylic bath as a container for bathing animals and for receiving water procedures for all family members. Therefore, you should purchase a repair kit in advance so that it is at hand at the right time.
Secondly, you need to be extremely careful when cleaning faucets - choose a product that will be safe for the bath. After all, random drops of an aggressive liquid can well spoil the impeccable gloss of acrylic.
Thirdly, be sure to use protective gloves - any, even the most harmless, remedy can harm the delicate skin of the hands.
Fourth, when buying a new acrylic cleaner, it's a good idea to test it on a small piece of tub to make sure it doesn't damage the tub's acrylic layer.
The fifth tip is that if you need to collect water in a basin or bucket made of metal or plastic, then it is better to put it on the floor and fill it using a shower head.
Sixth, if colored splashes get on the acrylic surface of the bowl, for example, when washing off hair dye, children's gouache or other colorful substance, you should immediately remove them using your arsenal of bath detergents. A stubborn stain will be much more difficult to remove than a fresh one.
Helpful tips will help you avoid many problems and keep the attractiveness of the bath.
When choosing special means, you need to pay attention to whether it is a substance in the form of a cream, gel, oil, suspension or liquid. Moreover, solid inclusions, aggressive acids and solvents should not be included in the composition of the correct acrylic care product.
Another important tip is to choose the type of product that matches the nature of the pollution. So, a gel to combat limescale with stains from rusty water is unlikely to cope.
How to get rid of scratches on acrylic
It is not always possible to protect the bath from damage
Careless dropping of metal objects or overzealous cleaning may scratch the acrylic surface. But that can be dealt with too.
Acrylic scratches appear as easily as they are removed. Therefore, you shouldn't worry too much about them. Small scratches with a depth of less than a millimeter are perfectly eliminated with an ordinary piece of felt, without special trowels. Take a piece of felt and rub it over the scratches until they are invisible. It usually doesn't take long.
Deep scratches and damage can be repaired with liquid acrylic. It is sold in hardware and hardware stores and is a paste. Liquid acrylic is applied to the surface of the bath according to the instructions, after which you need to wait for it to dry completely. Then the surface of the bath is polished with the same felt to achieve a smooth and even layer. Liquid acrylic can be not only white - you can easily choose a shade that suits your bath.
An acrylic bathtub can be repaired even if you have a through hole. But only if your tub is pure acrylic, not acrylic-coated plastic. To do this, the bath on the reverse side is sealed with adhesive tape for fixation. Then liquid acrylic is applied from the inside so as to fill the hole. After it hardens, the surface is leveled and polished. This procedure can be performed independently, it is not necessary to call a master for this.
Bath acrylic is a modern, durable and comfortable material that allows you to implement the most daring design solutions. Proper care of an acrylic bathtub will allow you to keep its beauty and shine for many years to come.
How to fix the situation if the bath is still damaged
If you do not put basins, stools and other hard objects on the bottom of the product, then scratches will not form. The same applies to the use of care products. But what to do if the damage still appears?
Do not panic and call the experts. Some problems you can easily handle yourself.
- Small scratches, the depth of which is not more than 0.5 mm, can be polished with a regular piece of felt. If you do not need to process the entire surface, then you will not need special tools and devices.
- Deep scratches are easy to fix with Liquid Acrylic. Buy a repair kit consisting of a tube of this substance and a special plastic spatula. Apply acrylic to the damaged area, and after drying, polish with a piece of felt.
Acrylic repair kit
- Even if a through hole has formed in the bathroom, you can fix it. We are talking about products made of sheet acrylic. Attach tape to the back of the hole, and pour liquid acrylic into the damage. You can also use a special insert insert.
For a white bath, it will be easy for you to choose the appropriate product.
If the product is made in color, pay attention to the marking of shades, it will help you choose the right acrylic for restoration.
Acrylic bathtubs are different care for them too
For the manufacture of bathtubs, one of 2 types of material is used, which determines the necessary care for the acrylic bathtub during subsequent use.
The first material is a cast acrylic sheet, 4 to 5 mm thick.
This is the material that made acrylic sanitary ware so popular due to its excellent performance, hygienic and aesthetic properties.
The second material is a combined sheet (sandwich) of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). A cheap option, thanks to which the reputation of acrylic products turned out to be “tarnished”.
The thickness of the top layer of PMMA is only 0.4-0.5mm. The remaining 95% is occupied by ABS plastic, whose hardness indicators are far from impressive.
Acrylic Combined Sheet Bathtub
The main disadvantage of PMMA/ABS sheet is the fact that these materials have different thermal expansion characteristics. Inconsistent work during heating and cooling leads to the fact that microcracks appear in PMMA plastic after 20 cycles.
The surface of the PMMA/ABS board is rough compared to cast acrylic (not visible to the naked eye). It is not difficult to add both facts together to come to the conclusion that such a bath requires more careful maintenance. In addition, the period of its operation will be very limited (only about 3 years).
A bathtub made of cast acrylic is fundamentally different from a bathtub made of PMMA/ABS. Among its undeniable advantages:
- best surface strength among thermoplastics;
- abrasion resistance;
- resistance to water;
- glossy, non-porous surface;
- resistance to pollution;
- an obstacle to the growth of bacteria;
- non-slip surface (unlike enamel)
- keeps temperature well.
Home Care
In order for the bathtub not to lose its impeccable glossy sheen, it should be regularly washed and cleaned with special products. Some of the options offered by the market are quite expensive. Therefore, economical housewives prefer to use home-made products to wash the bowl from various kinds of pollution.
Washing folk remedies
In order to save money when buying special equipment for plumbing care at home, various tricks and even products are used.
If you decide to borrow this way of getting rid of dirt in your bathroom, you should pay attention to the features and characteristics of acrylic
It is strictly forbidden to use the following options to remove stains, stone, rust and other contaminants of a polymer bath:
- boiling water or steam;
- washing powder;
- metal scraper;
- chlorine, formaldehyde;
- alcohol, oxalic acid;
- various solvents.
All this will help get rid of not only dirt, but also the acrylic layer. From boiling water, even 6 mm bath coating is deformed. Moreover, you need to carefully monitor the temperature of hot water - it should not exceed 60-70 degrees.
Among home methods and products for cleaning plumbing, there are quite safe for acrylic surfaces. These include weak solutions of citric acid, a solution with soda, toothpaste, acetic acid.
According to the reviews of many housewives who have tried folk methods of dealing with dirt on the surface of an acrylic bath, they do not always live up to expectations.
According to the owners of cast acrylic products, the use of sponges with a harsh surface does not leave marks on the surface of such products. But for washing cheaper models with a 2 mm layer of acrylic, it's not worth the risk.
Bath cleaning technology
To maintain the external shine of the acrylic coating, it is enough to regularly care for the product. After completing the water procedures, wipe the surface of the bath with a sponge with soapy water, Fairy or other dishwashing detergent.
After 2-5 minutes, rinse everything with water and wipe dry. But this is not always possible - in the morning after taking a shower, you need to run to work, and there is no time left to take care of the bath.
In practice, all procedures are performed, as a rule, once a weekend. And it can be quite difficult to cope with a weekly raid - you have to make every effort to wash everything, especially when there are a lot of salts and other impurities in the water.
In order for the bath to sparkle with cleanliness, the following procedures should be periodically performed:
- wash every evening with soapy water, rinse and wipe the surface dry;
- use a special polymer care product once a week;
- rub the surface with a polish intended for acrylic, 1 time in 2 weeks;
- for a jacuzzi - disinfect and wash the hydromassage equipment once a month or two;
- remove stains immediately after their formation;
- repair scratches as they appear using a repair kit.
To clean the hydromassage equipment, it is better to use special disinfectants. It is dangerous to use a chlorine solution - the acrylic coating of a particular bath may react poorly. As a result, you will have to buy a new bath.
A bathing container without additional devices does not need to be specially disinfected - it is enough to regularly use a cleansing emulsion / cream or gel designed for acrylic.
The quality maintenance technology of an acrylic bathtub consists of a series of sequential processes.
It is quite convenient to wipe the acrylic bathtub with a cotton cloth. It perfectly absorbs small droplets remaining on the surface and does not leave streaks.
Acrylic bathtub can be as good as new always take care of it properly
In fact, the care of an acrylic bathtub is quite simple. The only limitation is that you cannot use powder products to clean it.
Despite the fact that acrylic has the highest surface strength among thermoplastics, it is still a household plastic, and it is glossy, and exposure to any substance that has an abrasive effect will negatively affect its appearance.
Use liquid or gel cleaners. Ideal for products specifically for acrylic products. There is no shortage in them. Such cleaning products are produced by any self-respecting manufacturer of household chemicals. Acrylic tubs are resistant to soiling, however, periodic thorough cleaning is advisable.
Apply the cleaner to the walls of the bathroom and leave for 5-10 minutes, then rinse. It is recommended to use a soft sponge or cloth. Another reason why you should use products designed specifically for acrylic is the polishing effect that manufacturers put into them.
If you didn’t follow up and yellow water stains appeared on the bath, you still can’t resort to powdered cleaners. Moreover, no chlorine, acetone, ammonia, formaldehyde and other aggressive substances.
You don't have to invent anything. There are special products for rust control on acrylic surfaces. For the same reason, laundry should not be soaked in an acrylic bath, since washing powders contain chlorine or other bleach, contact with acrylic is undesirable.
Acrylic is indifferent to household acids, so purely domestic conditions are not an obstacle to the fight against limescale (water stone). You can use acetic or citric acid.
Pour water into the bath, dilute the acid and leave for several hours. Then drain the water and wipe the tub dry. If you carry out prophylaxis against rust and limescale regularly, this will save the original appearance of an acrylic bathtub for ten years.
If necessary, the acrylic bath can be easily sanded or polished. Maintainability of acrylic products at a very high level
But such measures, with care, you may need no earlier than 10 years (manufacturer's warranty)