Tape plinth and its installation
There are several options for gluing the tape corner to the bathroom. Often this product already has a layer of a special fixative substance. However, if the owners are interested in the question of how to glue the baseboard on the bath in a quality manner, you should still choose a different sealant.
If desired, the factory adhesive can be carefully removed from the polyethylene product. This is done with a knife. The main thing is to perform all actions carefully.
Sometimes such a fixation layer is left, but silicone sealant is additionally used.
Different widths of the tape will also help you choose the right border. It is even easier to install than a hard corner. However, it is used in the case of rigid fixation of the bath.
How and how to glue a plastic corner in the bathroom
What to glue the corner in the bathroom? There are special types of glue designed for this type of work. In particular, the glue must be transparent so that even if it protrudes beyond the edge of the corner, no traces remain.
The plastic corner on the bath will be glued correctly if:
- Choose the right glue;
- Do not violate the installation technology;
- The product will be of good quality.
When choosing a material on which you can glue an acrylic or clinker border, you should also consider what the bathroom itself is made of. Namely, compositions made on the basis of acrylic can glue plastic, but if the plumbing equipment is made of metal, then the most common liquid nails can be used.
Plastic corner in the bathroom can be glued
To do this, you can use a sponge and a mild solvent. If the bath is made of a material for which it is strictly forbidden to use a solvent, then the adhesive residue is removed immediately after applying the corner, until the composition hardens.
If the corners need to be installed after the bathtub is purchased, then the tile flooring must be washed to remove dirt and dust. This can be done with a hard sponge and soapy water.
After that, the surface of both the bathtub and the tile must be dried, since the glue will not adhere to the wet coating, and repeated installation work will have to be carried out. To degrease the surface of the tile, alcohol or white spirit is suitable. Too aggressive compounds should not be used, as they can corrode the plastic corner. Glue is applied along the perimeter of the reverse side of the corner, but the line should be as thin as possible. To seal the seams between the bathroom and the wall, you can use silicone sealant or putty that is resistant to water and high humidity.
What are good borders in the form of a corner
In addition to its low cost, a plastic bathroom border has a number of advantages that often tip the scales in its favor.
So, there is no adhesive already applied on the baseboard, so you can choose the most suitable composition that is applicable specifically for your operating conditions. At the same time, you don’t have to scrape off the “native” glue, as often happens when using self-adhesive tape.
In addition, plastic bathroom borders in the form of a corner are very useful in cases where, as a result of installation, the gap between the wall and the edge of the washing container turned out to be quite wide.
A plinth made of self-adhesive tape is unlikely to close such a gap, and even if it is possible to cover the gap, then, most likely, such a border will peel off quickly enough.
The plastic border for the bathroom gives additional rigidity to the fixation of the bath, while it is practically not affected by vibrations and high humidity.
How to choose a corner
When choosing a corner to close the gap between the bathroom and the tile, consider:
- type of sealing element;
- device material.
Types of corners for the bath
The main types of corner designed to eliminate the gap in the bathroom are:
- soft corners, which are made in the form of a tape;
- hard corners made from various types of materials.
The advantages of soft tapes are:
- ease of installation, since in most cases the tape is supplemented with a self-adhesive base;
- low cost;
- ease of care. To clean the tape, you do not need to purchase specialized tools;
- diversity. Ribbons are available in different colors, sizes and shapes.
Self-adhesive bath tapes
Manufacturers produce two types of tapes:
- corner tape, which is intended to eliminate gaps no larger than 3 mm - 5 mm;
- curly tape to eliminate large gaps.
Differences between types of self-adhesive tapes
A significant disadvantage is the short service life, since over time and when exposed to moisture, the adhesive base loses its qualities.
Rigid corners-curbs - differ:
- variety. For the manufacture of sealing elements, various materials are used, differing in quality and cost. In addition, the corners are available in different shapes, colors and sizes;
- durability;
- minimal care.
bath border
To reduce the complexity of mounting a rigid corner, you can use special fittings made in the form of corners, plugs and other additional elements.
Additional items to simplify installation
Materials used for the manufacture of corners
Soft type corners are made exclusively from PVC, and for the production of hard borders are used:
plastic. The plastic corner is distinguished by its minimum cost, a variety of shapes and colors, the maximum level of tightness, and resistance to temperature extremes. To clean the corner, it is not recommended to use products that contain abrasive substances, as this will negatively affect the surface of the sealing element;
Assortment of plastic corners
ceramics. The ceramic corner is distinguished by high strength and resistance to various phenomena (temperature changes, mechanical stress, and so on). Unlike plastic corners, ceramics can be cleaned with any chemical composition and this will not affect the quality of the glossy surface;
Ceramic sealing bath corner
Ceramic corners are not recommended for installation on acrylic bathtubs, since it is impossible to achieve maximum contact between the surfaces and, as a result, complete tightness.
- acrylic (a kind of plastic). The acrylic corner has an aesthetic appearance, unlike other types of plastic, a variety of models, but at the same time a higher cost. However, the difficulty of cleaning acrylic elements significantly reduces the possibility of their use. It is recommended to mount acrylic corners on bathtubs made of the same material. In this situation, you do not need to purchase additional products to clean the surface;
- natural and artificial stone (marble, granite and so on). Corners made of stone are distinguished by their presentable appearance, the maximum indicator of stability and durability, as well as their large size and high cost.
Marble bath corners
Which corner is better to choose? It all depends on the priority of the user and the size of the budget, as well as the finish of the bathroom, as the best corner is the corner that is fully compatible with the design of the room.
Ceramic curbs
More recently, ceramic tiles have been an important finishing material for plumbing fixtures. And if there was a gap between the wall and the bathroom, I had to figure out how to make a border in a tile bath.
It was quite difficult and hard work: it was possible to cut small squares from the tile, from which the slope from the wall to the bath was formed. If the work was done conscientiously, then the effect was absolutely decent. Now there is no such need.
In many construction stores, when you buy toilet tiles, you can immediately recommend favorable ceramic borders. But often they still have to be purchased separately. When choosing such a frame, you need to work hard so that the border matches the color of the tile itself.
In an exceptional case, you should choose a white border, then merging with plumbing fixtures, it will not stand out from a single design.
In fact, all ceramic products are considered quite strong and hard. And therefore, of all the options that are considered, ceramic curbs will especially last a long time, they are virtually not subject to deformation and are used without replacement for many years.
But you need to remember about the disadvantages of this option: it has a weak resistance to mechanical damage, i.e. with a strong blow, such an object can prick.
In most cases, this kind of trouble occurs when installing ceramics, and already installed curbs add to their own hardness the mechanical strength of the wall and bathtub and are actually not vulnerable.
Working with ceramic components requires specific skills, and therefore the best option is to entrust this process to specialists. If, for example, you personally agreed to take on this business, then it will be useful for you to read how to make a border in the bathroom from ceramic profiles (or skirting boards).
Features of installation work
For work, you need to purchase the required number of blanks. Buy curbs with a margin (in case of damage), and also calculate how many corner-type elements you need. You will also need a specialized tile adhesive (it must certainly be moisture resistant), sealant and grout. All work consists of several stages:
Surface preparation. They must be very carefully cleaned and dried.
- Gap seal. If it is small, you can get by with silicone sealant. If, for example, the gap is large, it is sealed with mounting foam.
- Preparation of glue (according to the rules).
- Laying the curb itself. How to stick a ceramic skirting board on a bathtub? Using a spatula, glue is applied to the back of the parts, and they themselves lie close to each other so that there is no gap. Special corner components are nested in corners. Days must be allowed to dry.
- Grout. The finished grout removes small gaps between the parts, and also between the wall and the baseboard.
Each of these types of curbs has both its own advantages and bad qualities. When choosing an option for yourself, consider the entire interior of your bathroom. For anyone, decorating a bath with a border will give it a complete and beautiful look.
Surface preparation and preliminary work
The technology for laying the border around the bath may be different, but the preparation of the base is mandatory. It is necessary to clean the wall and the edge of the bathtub with a good, high-quality detergent, then rinse with water, degrease. For the last purpose, soda ash is used, if it is not available, ordinary soda, alcohol. Before gluing the plinth, it is necessary to make the surface dry. To do this, you can wipe the base with a lint-free cloth, dry it with a hairdryer. When you have to glue the bezel again, you need to carefully scrape off the remnants of the old glue.
To stick a border, the following tools and materials may come in handy (depending on the type of profiles, some will not be needed):
- glue or sealant;
- mounting gun;
- level, preferably laser;
- rubber spatula;
- sandpaper on a bar;
- pliers;
- Bulgarian;
- roulette;
- construction tape;
- sharp knife;
- profiles of the desired length.
How to glue a plinth on a plastic, tape bath, installation methods
Not a single wall in a building, including the walls in the bathroom, is perfectly even - not to mention modern buildings. Moreover, during construction it is impossible to achieve absolute parallelism of opposite walls. Therefore, when installing a bath, there is always some kind of gap, a gap between the sides of the bath and the walls of the room, and as a result, water leaks on the floor and even higher humidity in the room.
There are many ways to close these gaps. Each landlord comes up with something, based on the circumstances. You can close the gap, for example, with cement or some other suitable building material. However, the durability of such a “design” remains in doubt. The best solution is to glue a special skirting board on the bathtub.
This product is called differently: plinth, curb, bathroom corner. There are three main types of such skirting boards: tape, plastic and ceramic. There is also VIP (from marble, etc.), but they are a separate topic, since they are not widely used.
Therefore, for self-installation, it is better to use tape or plastic skirting boards. However, there are some differences in their installation, so we will briefly talk about each type of skirting board.
Plastic plinth
It is considered the most economical and easy to install type of borders. On sale there are not only straight skirting boards that are easy to cut, but also various corners. Therefore, with the help of such skirting boards, it is possible to reliably “isolate” a bath of any size and configuration. Liquid nails, silicone glue are used to fasten plastic. The entire installation is reduced to the correct marking of the elements of the common edging of the bath and their gluing. One side - to the bath, the other - to the wall. Moreover, you can glue both on the tile and “under” it (on the wall). Such work is within the power of any, even inexperienced, person. The main thing is to then seal the joints of the plinth strips and corners well with a sealant. However, it must be taken into account that over time the edges of the plastic can “lift up”, and it will begin to let moisture through. Therefore, it is better to lay wall tiles on top of the plinth.
General measures for both types of skirting boards:
- prepare surfaces;
- pre-seal the gap with sealant;
- after drying, apply liquid nails;
- firmly press the plinth (tape);
- close the joints;
- dry the bonding areas thoroughly.
Benefits of installing a corner bath
Bathroom design with a corner bath is becoming more and more popular not only because of its ergonomics and aesthetic appeal, the benefits are much greater.
- Space savings.
- Easily fit into any interior style.
- Easy to install, no special skills required.
- Surpasses traditional rectangular models in terms of filling level, displacement.
- The corner bath resembles a small pool, where 2 people can easily fit in, it can be accommodated both along and across.
Modern corner baths have a built-in hydromassage, filling control and other useful functional additions.
Corner bath has a number of advantages
Corner bath is easy to install and does not require special skills
Modern corner baths have many different functions.
ceramic border
Ceramic curb for waterproofing
Ceramic bathroom edging is considered the most beautiful type of decoration and durable, although it takes much more time to install. Previously, to decorate the joint and seal it, it was necessary to cut borders from the remaining tiles, but today this is no longer necessary, since the production of ceramic corners has been established at an industrial level.
Such a corner between the bathroom and the wall is now sold in almost every building materials store.The product has a wide range of colors and design variations, which allows you to choose a model for almost every style of interior. The material is highly durable and durable, although its installation process is a little more complicated than the previous ones.
Important! Before choosing corners for bathroom tiles, you need to remember that this method of sealing the joint is not able to withstand bending and deformation stresses, as it fits on the tile adhesive. This option is best not to use for acrylic or steel baths, but only for cast iron
- Before starting work, purchase the required number of curb modules with corner joints;
- clean and dry the joint;
- then close the gap with mounting foam or silicone, depending on the thickness;
Ceramic border color options
For your information. At this stage, you need to decide how to glue the corner in the bathroom. If you have an acrylic bathtub, then it tends to expand when heated, which means that it is better to use a sealant for the corner, which will provide elasticity when dried. If the bathtub is cast iron, then this material practically does not expand, and in order to securely fix the bathroom corner, you can use ordinary tile glue.
- knead the tile adhesive and use a spatula to apply it to the junction, after which you tightly lay the curb modules, saving space for grouting;
- after the installation of the border on the bath is completed, it is necessary to wait a day until the tile adhesive is completely dry and then apply a moisture-resistant grout for the joints.
Having studied the information above, you already know how to glue the corner on a plastic or ceramic bath yourself, which will allow you to significantly save money on repairs. And to consolidate the material, we suggest watching a video clip that will answer many questions.
The gap between the wall and the bathroom and the choice of border
If the bath was installed after finishing the walls, a gap inevitably remains between its side and the wall. Large or not very large - depends on how smooth the walls are and whether the bath itself is evenly exposed. In any case, it is better to close this gap. Firstly, there will be no dampness under the bath, and secondly, the appearance is better.
To choose a border for a bathtub, one must proceed from the width of the gap. Depending on the distance to the wall, the installation sequence changes:
- If the distance between the bathroom and the wall is up to 3 cm, you can immediately install the side. Only its lower shelf should be wide - it should be 3 times wider than the gap. And yet - in this case, only hard corners are suitable - ceramic or plastic. It is better to glue the curb tape with a small gap of a few millimeters or pre-seal it with a cement-sand mixture.
- If the distance from the side to the bath is more than 3 cm, it must first be repaired. There are three options:
- Attach the formwork from below, pour concrete, after setting (at least three or four days), work can continue.
- Close the gap with moisture-resistant drywall in two layers. A frame is assembled, which is attached to the wall with dowels, and to the bathtub - with mounting foam or liquid nails. If the shelf is large, put vertical supports. In general, they collect a full-fledged frame. A corner or ceramic tile can be mounted on the fixed drywall if the gap is very large and the width of the corner is not enough to close it.
- Make a side of the same tiles as the walls are laid out. A variant familiar from previous years, but today it is already unpopular.
Having decided on the technology for sealing the gap, you can choose a border for the bath. It's not as easy as it seems - there are many different options, so you can get lost.
Learn how to refurbish an old bathtub here.
Tips on how to install a corner on a bath against leakage
Experts do not recommend using the bath until its edges have been sealed.
This can lead to:
- To mold;
- To the fungus
- Excess moisture.
The plastic border must be glued strictly according to the technology so that the product fits snugly against the bathtub and against the wall. Only in this way can a correct installation be carried out, in which the waterproofing will be correct and without defects. Due to the fact that the plinth is sold in large footage, when framing the bathroom, you will need to first cut it into small elements. First, the corners are formed, then other parts are cut. Then fitting and gluing is required.
Corners or border tape on the bath must be glued strictly according to the technology
The gap between the bathroom and the wall can remain free, and it is closed with a corner, or it can be filled with silicone sealant to improve sealing. In this case, you will have to wait until the composition dries, and only then install the corner. Special plugs are put on the edges of the corner so that the bathtub finish looks complete, and sharp cuts cannot cause a cut on the skin during the operation of plumbing equipment.
Advantages and disadvantages of using a plastic corner in the bathroom
Any building and finishing material is characterized by certain advantages and disadvantages, which determine the possibility of its use in one capacity or another, its service life, as well as other distinguishing features on the basis of which the consumer makes his choice.
For plastic corners or in other words - special skirting boards for the bath, the following indicators are the distinguishing features.
- Low cost.
- Ease of installation work.
- Resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations.
- Plasticity, which allows cladding of surfaces that differ from straight geometric lines.
- It is not subject to destruction when processed with chemical (detergent) substances.
- Ease of use and care.
- Reliability.
- In case of improper installation, fungus and mold may form in the space between the corner and the elements of the enclosing structures (wall) and the bathroom.
- Limited terms of operation in comparison with analogs from a tile.
Tape variations
If you need to quickly and cost-effectively remove the gaps between the bathroom and the wall or sink and give the room a great look, then edging tape is great for this. But do not forget that this border will serve you no more than 2 years, and therefore this option can only be analyzed as a short-term one.
Such tapes have a thickness of about 2 mm, are available in different widths. High-quality border tape has excellent properties of operation.
It is made of polyethylene or elastomer. One side is covered with butyl glue. As part of many border tapes there are fungicides that protect the bathroom from the formation of fungi and mold. This border is completely waterproof, does not crack, easy to use, and thanks to its plasticity, it can be bent at any angle.
Features of installation work
Of course, first of all, you need to purchase a border tape of the required width. In order not to miscalculate, measure the largest width of the gap between the wall and the bathroom. And now, the tape has been purchased, where to start, how to stick a border on the bath? Consider all the steps of work and their distinctive characteristics.
It is necessary to carefully prepare the surface on which the tape will be glued. It must be cleaned of dirt and grease. You can use cleaning products, soda for this purpose. For degreasing, you can use gasoline or alcohol. If you are re-gluing the border, then make sure that there is no ancient glue left on the surface of the wall and the bathroom. The surface must be completely clean and dry.
- If the gaps are wide enough, it is better to carry out preparatory sealing.Silicone-based acrylic bathtub sealant is great for this.
- When the silicone is completely dry, proceed to gluing the border. As a rule, you can get by with the glue that is applied to the tape itself. For this, it must be heated with a repair hair dryer. But, this glue is not considered very strong. Also, when heated, the tape stretches somewhat, and when it cools down, it will begin to shrink, which leads to its peeling from the wall. And therefore it is better to use liquid nails for this. At this step, you need to stock up on this "wonder glue" and a gun for applying it on the plane.
Then you need to prepare pieces of tape of the required length. Plus, it must be remembered that this length must be a couple of cm longer than the length of the piece on which it will be glued. Apply a thin layer of glue to the base of the tape and press it against the bathtub, and the other edge against the wall. It is better to start gluing from the corner, slowly removing the film in small pieces. Since the quality of all work depends on the pressing force, it is better to perform it with an assistant. It is necessary to press each section for 20-30 s.
- After completion of work, it is necessary to seal the joints at the corners with sealant, and within 24 hours do not allow water to penetrate the curb.
If you do everything exactly, you will get a beautiful view of your bath.