There are several classifications of tulip shells.
The first - depending on the supporting part.
Based on this criterion, tulip shells are of two types, and they differ from each other by pedestals.
Thus, they distinguish:
- Sink on a pedestal. The design provides for a supporting device, one part of which rests on the floor, and the other, directly on the sink. This kind of tulip shells, in turn, is also divided into two types: in the first case, the pedestal is tightly attached to the walls of the bathroom with special bolts, but since the column has two support points - above and below, the load on the walls is minimal. This version of the sink is the best suited for homes with fragile partitions. In the second case, the pedestal stands at a small distance from the walls of the room, and there is a special supply for communications;
- Sink on a semi-pedestal. The pedestal in this case is about two times shorter than in the classic version of this sink, and carries only a decorative character, excluding the function of a support. The semi-column joins only with the sink itself and the walls, but it still hides the communications connected to the sink. The semi-pedestal is also fastened to the walls with bolts, as in the case of a sink with a column. Sometimes additional supporting structures are installed to support the main part of the sink.
The second classification is according to the forms of the shell itself. Now there is a huge selection of tulip shells of various shapes, ranging from standard geometric (round, square) to complex options (ellipse, corner products).
Speaking about the types of washbasins, do not forget that they differ in the materials from which they are made:
- faience: perhaps the most common sinks, which have a very attractive cost and fully meet quality standards;
- porcelain: sinks made of this material most often have a large number of decorative elements and are able to decorate the interior of even the most modest bathroom;
- stone: the most durable and high-quality tulip sinks that look very stylish in modern bathroom interiors.
Possible design options
It is important to decide in advance on the installation option. In the assortment of plumbing stores, a washbasin with a semi-pedestal, models installed on a countertop, built-in options
When planning the purchase of a new bathroom washbasin, you should separately focus on the consoles. For fixing, brackets or installation are used, by analogy with a bowl, a mixer is attached. True, in the end, the supply pipes and the sewer drain turn out to be in sight, but, if desired, it is closed with a semi-pedestal attached to the wall.
A practical solution is the tulip washbasin, whose pedestal rests on the floor, ensuring maximum structural stability. A sink with a semi-pedestal is slightly inferior in this criterion, but it looks stylish and in line with fashion trends.
What to look for when choosing
The sink for the bathroom should be in harmony with the general style direction of the room, fit in size and, of course, be the embodiment of practicality. If the model is chosen taking into account the above indicated requirements, there can be no doubt about the success of the event.
The following selection criteria are of no small importance:
Depending on the material of manufacture, the bathroom can be supplemented not only with porcelain, but also with glass, stone and even wooden models.
The tulip for the sink (if such a design is chosen) must match the style and shade of the bowl, so in this option you should immediately buy a ready-made kit.
Also, you should pay attention to the faucet that fits the sink.
Considering in more detail the material of the shells, one should immediately note the impracticality of wooden and glass solutions, the rapid loss of the original appearance of composite and stone models, especially when choosing budget options. So, as before, porcelain remains the most durable and attractive material for washbasins.
Criteria such as the dimensions and configuration of the sinks are also important when choosing. In the presence of a spacious bathroom, decorated in a classic style, it is appropriate to install an oval-shaped bowl; for hi-tech and minimalism, triangular and rectangular solutions are preferred. The baroque style, which welcomes luxury, is focused on massive wide models with a pedestal or a pedestal to match the setting.
Tulip shell what is it
Many people do not need to explain what a tulip sink for a bathroom is - they themselves perfectly understand what it is. Another thing is the modern generation, which uses more advanced plumbing fixtures of this type in their bathrooms. For them, the existence of a tulip may be news, perhaps even pleasant, which will help solve a number of problems.
So what is a tulip washbasin? In fact, this is an ordinary sink, without any functional features, a slightly improved design. Its main difference lies in the presence of the so-called pedestal (legs), which has two responsibilities. Firstly, it serves as a support for the washbasin, allowing it to stand rigidly and steadily, and, secondly, it is designed to hide plumbing and sewer communications that provide water supply and drainage to the sink. Despite the simplicity of the design, this type of sink has many advantages that can be successfully used to your advantage. We will talk about them further.
Sink in the bathroom tulip photo
Models with a pedestal
Depending on the type of washbasin purchased, installation is carried out either against the wall or supported on a pedestal. If the latter option is suitable, in most cases the installation of the tulip sink is carried out at some distance from the wall itself.
It takes quite a bit of knowledge to install a sink with your own hands
Fastening to the wall is carried out in the following sequence:
- The sink is tried on in the place chosen for installation, places for fasteners are marked on the wall;
- Holes for fasteners are drilled, plugs or dowels are driven in;
- The installation of the sink in the bathroom in this way is completed by tightening the bolts, which should not be fully tightened. The main thing is to exclude the reeling of the washbasin;
- After fixing, a siphon is attached to the bowl and the mixer is fixed. The faucet is installed in the existing hole on the washbasin. The taps are connected to the water supply system by means of flexible hoses, on which threaded connections are provided, and fittings.
Do-it-yourself installation of a tulip sink, subject to its free placement on a pedestal, is carried out according to the following scheme:
- First, the washbasin is connected to the sewer using long pipes;
- After that, the siphon is connected by inserting the outlet pipe into the opening of the bowl;
- The washbasin is mounted on brackets and the joints are sealed.
The installation height of the sink is maintained within 80-85 cm, otherwise there will be inconvenience during hygiene procedures.
When choosing a console option, installing a sink in a bathroom is carried out mainly on brackets (installation is also possible) and involves a number of actions:
- First, make appropriate markings, drawing a horizontal line at a height of 80-85 cm from the floor level (a building level is required to control the horizon). Fixing points for fasteners are marked with vertical lines determined by the width of the washbasin.
- Then they try on the supplied brackets to the plumbing equipment, put them against the wall and make marks for drilling.
- To install the sink in the bathroom, after drilling the holes, clog the plugs or dowels, hang the sink and proceed to connect the siphon and faucet in the same way as a tulip sink.
Mortise or furniture washbasin
If the equipment is built into the countertop of the cabinet, you need to decide on the tie-in option (top or bottom). When choosing the first method, installation on the countertop is carried out with the formation of a protrusion above the surface of the cabinet 2 cm high. After installing the washbasin, the butt joint is sealed.
If a lower tie-in is planned, L-shaped fasteners are purchased in advance, which will connect the washbasin to the furniture from the inside. You can go a simplified way - leave the sink standing on the surface of the cabinet, if such an opportunity is provided for by its design.
When the installation work is completed, open the water and check how tight the connections are.