The distance between the pipes when connecting the mixer
Before installing the mixer, install pipes with cold and hot water, and supply outlets to the mixer attachment point. At this stage, you should know the distance between the pipes when connecting the mixer, this parameter should be selected based on the SNIP standards and usually it is 15 cm, with a deviation of 1.5 cm in both directions.
The size of the pipe connected to the mixer is half an inch, and based on this parameter, if necessary, take care of additional adapters
Installing a faucet in a bathroom, shower or kitchen has its own characteristics and nuances, which should be paid attention to even at the initial stages of pipe installation
Installing a faucet in the kitchen
When installing a faucet in the kitchen, as a rule, the pipes are brought into the open and are not walled up in the wall, so it is not so important what distance the faucet has between the pipes, it can be easily adjusted if necessary. If the pipes are mounted in the wall, in order to avoid the use of additional elements and adapters, it is worth taking care of the distance between the pipes in advance so that the installation of the mixer goes without any problems
The mixer should be bought in advance and, based on the given dimensions, install the pipeline.
Shower faucet installation
The most suitable for these purposes are faucets designed specifically for the shower. Until recently, in this role, one faucet was used for both the sink (pictured) and the shower, which did not require large expenditures.
A distinctive feature of this type of faucet is the absence of a bath-shower switch, which gives a more modest product size. Recently, there has been a tendency to use special mixers that allow you to reveal the functions of the shower at 100%. Installation of such a mixer can be done openly or hide some parts during installation for a more aesthetic appearance, it is worth noting that with hidden installation, when repairing a mixer, there are problems with access to parts that have failed. Shower faucets designed to connect special shower heads or hydromassage elements are gaining more and more popularity.
The distance between the pipes of the faucet in the shower with concealed installation is selected especially carefully, since the complexity of installing the faucet itself will depend on this
When installing the mixer, it is worth taking into account the height to which it is worth raising the mixer. Also, do not disregard the height at which the shower head is located, which affects the quality of the faucet.
Specify all the necessary indicators before buying a mixer from a sales consultant.
Installing a faucet in the bathroom
Often, when installing a water pipe to connect a faucet in a bathroom, the pipes are immured into the wall, this saves space in the bathroom. With this type of installation, the distance between the pipes for the mixer in the bathroom plays a big role.
A small error when installing the faucet can be eliminated with the help of eccentrics that come with most faucet models. After setting the required distance between the pipes for the mixer with the help of eccentrics, all the necessary elements are connected.
When choosing a mixer, pay attention to the weight of the product, as a rule, mixers made of silumin are cheaper and lighter in weight than brass ones, but they are usually inferior in quality. When installing the mixer on the thread of the products, it is necessary to wind the tow or full tape, this will prevent leakage during the operation of the product
If you carefully approach the choice of a mixer and clearly follow the installation tips, then such a repair is within the power of every owner.
Calculation of the installation height of the mixer
Consider the distance from the edge of the tank to the faucet
Despite the established standard for the distance between the mixer and the bathroom, which is 200 mm, the faucet is installed at a distance that is convenient for users.
When calculating the mounting height, the following requirements must be observed:
- Before installation, you need to try on the mixer to the intended installation site to determine the position in which it will be convenient to use this plumbing equipment.
Be sure to take into account the distance from the edge of the container to the faucet when there is a need to turn the faucet from the bathtub to the sink
When calculating this parameter, it must be taken into account that the size of the sink is usually 850 mm. In addition, when calculating in this case, you need to take into account the length of the tap itself and the distance between it and the sink
When turning the faucet, it should be in the middle of the sink.
The installation site of the mixer should be in places convenient for its fastening, without destroying existing structures and finishing elements. So, for example, you can not install fasteners on the edges of the tile, because it can crack in these places.
The location of the mixer may be affected by additional elements that are part of the system or installed at the request of the owners.
For example, if there is a water softener or the owner of the apartment wants to install a tap higher so that he can wash his hair.
Approximate parameters for the installation of mixing equipment can be taken according to the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the table:
№ | equipment identification | Installation options |
Sink faucet
250 mm from the edge of the sink
Sink faucet
200 mm from the edge of the sink
Washbasin faucet
200 mm from the edge of the washbasin
Bath faucet
800 mm from the floor
General Bath & Sink Hardware
1000 mm from the floor
Shower equipment
1200 mm from the floor
Faucet height above bath
The shower faucet is installed at a height of 120cm from the bottom of the shower tray.
If the pipes are laid before the bathtub is installed (which is the case in most cases), THEN the height of the bathtub should not be considered as simply the height of the assembled bathtub.
Almost always, during installation, you have to put stands under the legs of the bathtub, often 8-10 centimeters high.
This is necessary to ensure a sufficient sewer slope, otherwise there will be serious problems later. If you measure the height of the faucet 20 cm from the edge of the assembled bathtub, and then set it 10 cm higher, then the faucet will be 10 cm from the bathtub. This is not very convenient to use, plus some faucet models simply cannot fit into this gap.
So, it’s better to go to the store and decide on the model of the mixer and its dimensions, but it’s better to buy it right away.
If the faucet must still turn onto the sink, then its spout must pass freely over the sink, so the sink must also be decided in advance. For reference - the height of the sink ranges from 820 ... 850 (mm).
We add to it the height of the mixer X. Do not forget about the gap between the "gander" and the sink. In this case, it is better to err on the larger side than on the smaller one.
In this case, the vertical axis of the basin faucet is not made along the axis of the bathtub, but is shifted towards the sink.
Height of a standard bathtub assembly: 540…580 (mm)
The height of the faucet also varies: from the minimum to 20 cm. Quite a lot of customers asked to install the faucet higher so that you can wash your hair without getting into the bath.
It is also desirable that the mixer does not fall on the tile border.
It looks more beautiful that way. In addition, most curbs have a raised surface, and the faucet reflectors will not be able to adjoin them tightly.
The border, in turn, must pass above the sink. So we have a minimum of 1 meter of height from the floor.
If the mixer is installed along the side wall of the bath, it is better to place it not in the middle of the bath, but with a 1/3 offset to the feet. So it will be more convenient to sit in the bathroom and use it.
I will add that the standard distance between hot and cold water outlets is 150 mm along the axes.
Hot water is always on the left - this is a European standard, and all mixers have a corresponding designation.
The exception is some mixers with a built-in thermostat.
Installation depth of fittings - flush with tiles. Although, for greater fidelity, it is better to immediately buy a mixer, assemble it and measure it. It happens that the fittings need to be sunk a little into the wall.
It's a good idea to use a plumbing template to install fittings - a level. It allows you to set the water sockets strictly along the axes and according to the level.
Faucet Installation Recommendations
Hot and cold water taps must be at least 15 cm apart
For convenient and high-quality use of the faucet in the bathroom, sink, sink or above the washbasin, it is necessary to take into account the experience of specialists, their practical experience and requirements, wishes and comments of consumers. A brief description of them consists of the following points:
- If you plan to install the mixer along the side surface of the container, then you do not need to strive to do this strictly in the middle. In this case, it is better to install it closer to the feet - so it will be more convenient to use it while taking a bath.
- Cold and hot water supply points must be at least 150 mm apart, and the final installation of all equipment must be carried out after testing the system and finding the best option for its installation.
- The correct installation of mixing equipment is influenced by the design of the mixer, which can be installed on the bath itself, the wall or a hill specially made for this.
- The designs of many baths already provide for the installation of mixers, the installation of which is quite easy, subject to the requirements attached to the instructions for the equipment.
When mounting mixing equipment on a wall or a special podium and supplying water to it, most likely, you will need the help of qualified specialists.
Regardless of the type of mixer and the accepted method of its installation, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of the installation instructions in compliance with the technological sequence of work operations specified in them. All the nuances of installing a faucet in the bathroom, see this video:
The installation height of the tap depends on the shape and size of the equipment itself, the bathroom, sink, sink, as well as on the parameters of the room in which these plumbing installations and fixtures are installed.
Installation Height Determination
The height of the faucet above the bath is mainly determined by the user himself. However, specialists have also developed certain standards based on many years of research.
Standard parameters
The standard for installing a faucet above plumbing equipment is determined by SNiP 3.05.01-85. According to this document:
- the recommended height of the mixer above the bathtub is 200 mm;
- the height of the crane from the floor must be at least 800 mm;
- if the equipment is installed in a shower stall, then the recommended location height is 120 mm from the bottom tray.
Recommended mixer installation height
An exception to the rule is the installation of a mixer in medical institutions. If the equipment is installed above the bath, the recommended height is 110 cm from the floor. If the installation of taps is carried out in a shower stall, then the mixer is located at a height of 120 cm - 150 cm from the floor.
The standard installation height of the mixer is purely advisory in nature and is used only in public institutions.Each user can determine for himself the most optimal installation height. When calculating the parameter, you must be guided by the following rules:
- just before attaching the faucet in the shower, try on the equipment and check the comfort in use and the aesthetic appearance;
- installation of a shower over a bath should be made in accordance with the height of most users. The minimum distance - 120 cm is determined from the bottom of the font or from the tray installed in the shower cabin. The height above the floor is determined according to the installation height of the bath;
Determining the installation height of the shower
- if the faucet is used both for a bath and for a washbasin located nearby at the same time, then the minimum installation height of sanitary equipment should be increased by 5 or more centimeters;
If the bathtub and washbasin are located at different heights relative to each other, then it is recommended to install the tap at a height of 25 cm from the sink.
Faucet location for bathtub and washbasin
- determination of the location and, accordingly, installation is required after the bathroom is fully fixed, since in the course of work it may be necessary to level the font into the horizon, which will lead to raising the plumbing equipment and, as a result, reducing the distance between the bathtub and the mixer;
- the installation height of the mixer is also affected by the need to install additional equipment, for example, an aerator or a sprayer with several operating modes. Any device installed on a crane will increase the length of the equipment, and reduce the working area;
Bath faucet with aerator
- the height of the mixer tap is also determined depending on the location of the finishing material on the wall. It is not recommended to fasten to tiles, as the fixation will not be durable.
Installation, as a rule, is carried out at the junction of the finishing material or the laying of the curb;
it is additionally recommended to calculate the distance between the mixer and the edge of the font
It is especially important to determine this parameter when using a bath mixer and a wash-hand basin at the same time. For the calculation, it will be necessary to determine the overall dimensions of the washbasin, since water should fall almost into the center of the bowl, the length of the gander of the mixing equipment and the distance between the bathtub and the sink.
For more information about the installation process, see the video.
The most common mistakes when choosing the location of the faucet are too high and placing the equipment close to the edge of the bathroom.
In the first case, additional noise will occur when water is supplied. In the second situation, it will not be possible to wash large items.
If you take into account all the rules and recommendations of specialists, then self-installation of equipment will be correct and as efficient as possible.
The location of the tap in the bathroom according to SNiP
Despite the fact that each consumer independently decides at what height the faucet is to be installed above the bathtub, quite specific requirements for the installation height of faucets are indicated in regulatory building acts. According to the documents SNiP 3.05.01-85, the following standard is indicated - the distance from the bathtub to the tap must be at least 200 mm, and the height of the faucet in the bathroom from the floor must be at least 800 mm.
At the same time, according to regulations, the recommended parameters can be changed. So, for hospitals and healthcare facilities, to install a faucet, you need to measure the distance from the floor and install the faucet at a standard height of 1100 mm. And in the shower option, the distance between the mixer and the bottom of the tank should not be less than 1200 mm and not more than 1500 mm.
Modern builders and plumbers, especially in private households, do not comply with SNiPs, and the installation height of the bath faucet depends on the personal preferences of the consumer. At the same time, specialists adhere to the installation rules specified in the instructions for the device.
Installation Standards
When deciding at what height to put the faucet above the bath, keep in mind that this device is included in a single water supply system, becoming its integral element. The comfort of using the bath and the service life of plumbing fixtures depend on the correct installation of equipment and compliance with installation standards. Requirements for the installation of faucets in bathrooms or bathrooms are regulated by SNiP 3.05.01-85. The following installation parameters are prescribed in the regulatory documentation:
- The height of the faucet above the bath. This parameter indicates the distance from the top edge of the bathtub to the mixer, it affects the noise level during the collection of water in the wash container and the amount of splashes that occur during this process. If the distance from the bathtub to the tap is small, then it will be inconvenient to wash large items in the font, as well as to draw water into buckets or other containers.
The height of the mixer in the bathroom from the floor. Also, the installation standard for sanitary equipment also regulates the distance between the mixer and the floor of the bathroom. The pressure in the plumbing system, the pressure of water in the tap depends on this parameter.
Installation methods
The height of a bathroom faucet is not the only installation parameter to be taken into account during installation. A wide range of plumbing fixtures makes installation methods more diverse
The following are the most common options:
Installation errors
Experienced craftsmen note that an incorrectly chosen installation height can have a significant impact on the comfort of using the bathroom.
Therefore, it is so important during installation to take into account the recommendations of SNiP according to the type of device and the manufacturer's instructions. Often inexperienced masters make the following mistakes:
If you install the appliance too high from the bathtub, then when water is collected in the washing container, a lot of noise is created, which can be very annoying for households. This effect is especially pronounced if the bath is thin-walled.
- Too much distance from the bottom of the bowl to the taps leads to the fact that the jet during the fall is divided into streams, forming splashes. Because of this, the wall decoration in the bathroom, the surface of the furniture often suffer, and humidity rises.
- Due to the too small distance between the rim of the bowl and the tap, it may be difficult to wash large items.
- Due to the installation at a high height, the mixer can be inconvenient to use. Often people reach for a faucet and slip on wet, smooth surfaces, resulting in serious household injuries.
How to correctly calculate the height of the installation
Practical experience does not contradict the standards and appointments for the assembly of cranes - the mechanism is installed at a distance of 20 cm from the tank. But the practice is not hard on the location of the faucet - you can install it at a suitable point, at a comfortable distance from the bath or shower, you just need to follow the main points when installing:
- before installing the device, measure it by elevation and ask about the convenience of the position of the crane;
- if we are talking about the soul, then the device is installed on a hill from 120 cm from the shower. It is necessary to measure the represented figure from the bottom of the tank;
- a frequent oversight in the accounts, at what distance the device should be installed above the container from the floor, appears because the elevation of the bowl is taken as a starting point even before installation. This is wrong - because sometimes you need to provide the bathroom with great durability by installing special stands.It may turn out that the calculated installation height of the structure above the bath at 20 cm at the end of the work will turn into 10 cm, the crane will hang over the capacity, and will not only look ugly, but will be very inconvenient to use. Moreover, not all types of cranes can be placed at such a small distance;
- the establishment of the structure from the end of the tank is a parameter that must be measured and calculated first. This is especially necessary when it is supposed to turn the tap from the bathroom to the sink and vice versa. Remember the size of the sink - it is usually more than 850 cm. And to this parameter you need to add the magnitude of the mechanism itself, as well as the distance between the gander and the sink - here it is better to make a mistake in the plus side than in the minus;
- installation indications are also affected by additional parts that are often supplied with current taps - for example, water softeners, as well as the desires of those who will use the bathroom, many people want the tap to be installed above the tank on a high hill - this way you can wash your hair, without the need to take a shower or collect a large amount of water;
when installing the mechanism on the wall, it is necessary to try to avoid attaching the structure to the tile, to its edges - hard application of matter will not allow the crane reflectors to be firmly fixed. Therefore, the elevation of the crane installation can be firmly connected with the height of the curb laying (it is standardly laid at a height of one meter from the floor).
How to calculate the installation height of the faucet in the bathroom
When calculating at what height to install the mixer above the bathtub, a distance of 200 mm is taken as the standard, however, practical experience shows that the installed tap can be located at any distance convenient for the consumer. However, in the process of calculating the installation, several basic rules should be observed:
1. Before installing the faucet in the chosen place, attach it to the wall, try it on in height, see if the spout will interfere, evaluate the convenience of such an arrangement of the device.
2. Remember that if you want to install a shower column with a mixer, then the distance from the bottom of the bowl in this case must be at least 1200 mm.
3. When calculating the final height of the faucet above the bathtub, many people make a serious mistake, taking the height of the bowl itself before its installation as a reference point. This is wrong, because for what would to ensure greater stability of the bathroom, sometimes you have to resort to the fact that you need to put special stands. As a result, it may turn out that the mixer height of 20 cm verified by previous calculations will “fall” to 10 cm, as a result, the faucet will hang over the bowl, which will not only spoil the appearance, but will also create some inconvenience during use. In addition, not all models of sanitary faucets can be installed at such a short distance.
4. It will not be superfluous to make pre-measurements and calculations of the distance of the mixer from the edge of the bath. This is useful for those who plan to turn the faucet from the sink to the bath and back in the future. Consider the height of the sink itself, models with a height of less than 850mm are extremely rare. To these parameters it is necessary to add the dimensions of the mixing mechanism and centimeters between the sink and the spout - here it would be better to make a mistake in plus than in minus.
5. Installation volumes are also affected by additional accessories that are often equipped with modern faucets - for example, water softeners, as well as the wishes of those who will use the bath, some prefer the faucet above the bath to be located a little higher - this allows you to wash your hair without filling it bath water or take a shower.
6. When installing the faucet on the surface of the bathroom wall, it is necessary to avoid that the structure is attached to the tile, namely to its borders - in this case, the rough texture of the material coating will not allow the faucet reflectors to be tightly fixed.Because of this, the installation height of the crane is often associated with the height of the curb layout (most often it is 1 meter from the floor level).
Follow these simple rules, and the mixing device will serve you for a long time.
How to actually calculate the installation height of the faucet
The installation height of the faucet used in practice in the bathroom corresponds to the recommended standards for the placement of water fittings in this room. Usually the distance to the crane attachment point is determined at the rate of 20 cm laid down according to the standard. However, strict compliance with the rules in the location of these devices is not practiced in practice. You can install the crane in the place where you like, but before finally fixing it, you should definitely try on the height and evaluate how convenient it will be to use it.
Installing a floor faucet in the bathroom
If we are talking about a bath faucet with a shower, then it is necessary to determine the height of its installation from 120 cm, and you need to measure from the bottom of the tank. Some home craftsmen, when calculating what should be the final height of the installation of the faucet above the bathroom, are often mistaken, because they take the height of the bowl that has not yet been installed into the calculation. This is not true, because during the installation process it is often necessary to put stands under it (their thickness can be 8-10 cm). After all, if you do not provide a slope, then draining the water will be difficult. And it may happen that the value you calculated equal to 20 cm upon completion of all work will decrease to 10 cm. Such a “hanging” of the crane over the bowl will not look aesthetically pleasing, and it will be inconvenient to use it. In addition, some of the models simply cannot be fixed so low.
It is also necessary to measure and calculate in advance the value of such an indicator as the distance from the corner of the bowl to the place where the water socket is fixed. This must be done if it is supposed to supply water to both sanitary containers, turning, pouring out in the right direction. And keep in mind that the sink is always located higher, at a distance of 85 cm from the floor. To the value of this indicator, you must add the value of the device itself and a few centimeters for the free passage of the gander over the sink. Agree, the “plus” error will not be as dramatic as the “minus” one.
Floor standing bath faucet
The location of the tapping point will also depend on the availability of additional accessories, which are often equipped with modern plumbing fixtures, for example, a water softener. In addition, when thinking about how to install a faucet in the bathroom, all the preferences of future users must be taken into account. Some people want the tap to be located higher, then it will be possible to wash their hair without putting themselves under the shower and without filling the bathing container. Others, on the contrary, like it when the water outlet is as low as possible, because the longer the way the water falls, the more noise and splash from it. And this, of course, makes them uncomfortable. Yes, and taking a shower will not complicate it, because the length of its hose is enough for the tallest person.
When installing the appliance on a lined bathroom wall, try not to attach it to tiles, and even more so to curbs. It is very difficult to achieve a snug fit of the faucet reflectors to the rough coating of the cladding. Therefore, the location of the plumbing should be chosen taking into account the curb laid on the wall (usually it is laid a meter from the floor). In order for the decorative cup to completely cover the connection point, the inlet fittings must be recessed into the wall, and their ends must be flush with the front surface of the tile.
How to choose the right bath faucet
You need to choose mixers from models of popular manufacturers and, if possible, do not save on them. The more expensive the water intake fittings, the longer it will last.Due to poor quality, the device quickly becomes unusable, and the most common problem with cheap faucets is corrosion. It must be selected according to the following criteria:
- Weight. A high-quality mixer has dense walls. It shouldn't be easy.
- Material. Reliable devices are made of brass, cheap devices are made of silumin (silicon + aluminum). Brass is heavier and more voluminous.
- Size and specifications. It is selected based on personal preferences and the place in which the model will be installed. Of great importance when choosing fixation on the side of the bathroom or wall, the length of the hose and the spout of the tap, additional fasteners in the set.
Useful tips for the correct location of taps in the bathroom
Recommendations for the location of faucets in the bathroom
If you plan to install a faucet on the side of the water tank, do not try to place it clearly in the center. It is better to move the structure closer to the feet - in this case, it will be more convenient for you to use the mixing device when taking a bath.
The distance between the hot and cold water outlets should be at least 150 mm in axial directions, and the installation depth of the fittings is best determined after a complete test assembly of the structure.
The easiest way is to correctly install a mortise mixer - in the modern design of bathroom bowls, special technological holes for installation are provided. If the holes were cut out on the container on their own, then the process still remains quite simple - the mixer is connected to the water pipes by connecting flexible water supply pipes to it. The valve itself is fixed in the hole with a fixing nut, sealed with washers and special gasket material. Similarly, the water supply pipes are fixed. If their size is a little longer than necessary, just cut off the excess and sand the cuts.
Installing the mixer on a stand or podium without professional help will be quite difficult - you will need a specialist not only in plumbing, but also in construction work, since when installing such a design, you need to connect water pipes directly to the stand.