How to take a bath, bath recipes

The benefits of baths

According to scientists, the reason for the increase in the frequency of baths was environmental pollution. Factories and plants emitted soot so actively, motor vehicles so diligently polluted the air with exhaust gases, that the human excretory system was forced to work with an increasing load compared to previous environmentally friendly times. To preserve the cleanliness of the skin, so as not to cause hostility of others, to feel confident and comfortable, modern people began to wash more often.

A wonderful and quick hygiene procedure is a shower. Morning contrast will help you wake up quickly, become cheerful and active. An evening relaxing shower will soothe and cleanse after a busy day at work. A contrast shower is an excellent hardening for the vascular system.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

The elasticity of blood vessels increases, the skin becomes elastic, acquires a healthy color. It also strengthens the immune system and improves the state of the nervous system. Detergents and washcloths will help exfoliate dead skin particles, wash away dirt and sweat.

But, no matter how good the shower is, he cannot replace the bath. The latter is not only and not so much a means for washing. This is a real ritual for relieving stress, cleansing the body and soul. A shower is good for a daily quick clean-up, but it cannot be compared with a bath, prepared at least once a week according to all the rules of water art. But even here there are rules.

How to take a bath, bath recipes


For comfortable use, it is necessary to correctly determine the size of plumbing.

The following dimensions are of great importance:

  • side height;
  • depth and width of the container;
  • length.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

The choice is made taking into account individual parameters, in addition, the scale of the bathroom plays a role - in some rooms you can install only small bathtubs, narrow and short.

The following are considered optimal average parameters:

  • side height - 60–70 cm;
  • depth - 50–60 cm;
  • length -150-180 cm;
  • width - 70–80 cm.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

These indicators are calculated for a person with a height of 170–180 cm, who does not have excessive fullness. If there are children in the house, then a low bath is better - it is more convenient and safe for the child. The size of the bath may also depend on the material from which it is made.

Manufacturers supply products to the market with the following parameters:

  • cast iron products do not differ in a variety of dimensions, they are either small, represented by miniature models of 100x70 cm, or correspond to the European standard format - 150x70 cm;
  • steel ones can be up to 180 cm long and up to 85 cm wide, but there are also small ones with a length of 120 cm;
  • the configuration of acrylic is more diverse, there are bathtubs 160x70 cm, the length can reach up to 190 cm, and the width - up to 170 cm, there are non-standard shapes, the container itself can also be deep.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes


All types of containers are usually divided into several categories depending on the following parameters:

  • material;
  • the size;
  • form.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

These criteria are the main ones when choosing.

In addition to mass-produced products, there are also such unusual options as:

  • double bath for those who want to turn bathing into a romantic evening and enjoy the rest together with a loved one; a distinctive feature is the increased size of the container, and two headrests may also be present;
  • built-in design - this is an unusual option on legs, which is installed in a special podium or even on the floor; built-in bath can be of any size and shape;
  • modern products often have additional functions, massage options are popular, which make the rest even more pleasant, while the types of massage systems may differ;
  • cast containers are very durable, they are more durable, but also more expensive;
  • a sit-down bath is a solution for miniature rooms, but most people in this situation prefer to install a shower cabin.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

In addition to the options listed, there are models with handles designed for the elderly and the disabled to make it more convenient to use plumbing. Manufacturers often produce plumbing in sets, so you can immediately pick up a sink, toilet, bidet, so that all products are in the same style. But if there is no need for a complete replacement, then there are many bathtubs in stores that have a universal design and can fit into almost any interior. If desired, you can additionally mount a watering can with a shower in the bath.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

Useful accessories

To make water procedures comfortable, it is worth choosing special accessories that will make the process more convenient.

  • Handrails are useful for older people who find it difficult to change position or balance on slippery surfaces. Special devices allow you to avoid injuries and the need to call someone for help. Handicapped people also use handrails to manage their own hygiene routines.
  • The headrest will appeal to lovers of soaking in hot water. It is made of waterproof material, easy to clean. Most often, it has suction cup mounts, so it can be conveniently placed on the side.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

  • Anti-slip mats are another safety accessory. They come in handy if you want to take a shower. Such a product is placed directly on the bottom of the bathtub so that you can stand on it without fear of accidentally slipping. The rug can also be laid on the floor if the room has slippery tiles.
  • The back holder is a device that helps to bathe small children. With it, they will remain in a sitting position and not swallow water.
  • The bath stand is a handy accessory that can be used to hold a variety of accessories that may come in handy while bathing.
  • If possible, it is worth installing special fixtures and hanging a curtain for the bathroom. It will allow you to take a shower and not make a flood in the room, and also complement the interior if you choose a beautiful color or pattern.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

How to take a bath

The fair sex at all times loved to relax in the bathroom. They say, however, that the great emperor of France, Napoleon Bonaparte, sent letters of a similar nature to his ideal wife Josephine: “I will be soon.

Stop washing!"

It turns out that Napoleon liked, as he said, the natural aroma of the body, and he did not like it when his wife washed it off. One can only guess how often the great emperor himself took a bath, and how fragrant he could be ...

Well, everyone has their own quirks, but today there is hardly an ordinary man who dreams of a woman who does not like to wash! So enjoy the water treatments!

The easiest and fastest hygienic operation is a shower. It can be taken daily, and even twice - in the morning and before going to bed. In the morning, a shower can help shake off sleep and become energetic, and in the evening, on the contrary, it can help you relax and calm down after a working day.

There is an opinion that it is often harmful to take a shower. Of course, you should not lather with soap every time, because it dries the skin. It is also not necessary to pour half a bottle of gel on yourself - it is enough to lather every other day. Each time, only specific areas of the body are soaped, which require scrupulous hygiene.

You do not need to save money and buy cheap soap. Better get yourself a soap of excellent quality, with a cream with a moisturizing effect and other useful elements. Otherwise, your skin will regularly be overdried, and then it will begin to peel off.A great option is shower gel, as it is much softer than any soap.

No need to wash with very hot water. Take a warm shower and finish with cold water. Cool water narrows the wide pores of the skin and protects it from dehydration. Also, a contrast shower makes the skin elastic and helps to strengthen the blood vessels.

A shower is good, but it is unlikely to replace a warm and gentle bathroom. A bath not only cleanses the body, relieves tension and stress: a bath is a real pleasure.

What is the right way to take a bath? Some girls, after watching movies and TV shows, thought that they should take a bath in the morning. However, you don’t need to do this - after all, we don’t need relaxation before the working day. Of course, the bath is much better to take in the evening.


Cast iron products are very popular. Iron baths with a high carbon content are very durable. They can only inflict serious damage with a targeted blow with a sledgehammer. From above, the container is coated with enamel, depending on the quality of the application, the service life of this coating can vary from 10 to 40 years, and the bath itself can stand much longer.

She also has such advantages as:

  • slow cooling of water due to the low thermal conductivity of the material;
  • easy care;
  • there is practically no noise when collecting water.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

Among the disadvantages is a lot of weight. The products are very heavy, so there are even certain restrictions on their installation in some buildings. Delivery and installation of such a design is also difficult. These bathtubs will not please with the original form - it will not be possible to make something intricate from cast iron, therefore they produce only standard products. Another problem is that the restoration of enamel on such products is expensive.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

Steel bathtubs are no less popular, they are made from various types of steel, including copper alloys. Such materials are plastic, so they can be given a variety of shapes and create original designs.

In addition, they have the following advantages:

  • products from structural grades are several times cheaper than cast iron ones, which saves money, but stainless steel options will cost more;
  • light weight allows you to install bathtubs without any restrictions, and the installation process is much easier;
  • in terms of durability, these products are not inferior to cast iron ones, if timely cleaning and care of the enamel is ensured, and enamel restoration, if necessary, is cheaper.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

The downside is the high thermal conductivity. The water cools quickly, so the containers have to be additionally insulated. The same solution helps to get rid of the excess noise that occurs when water is collected. Products with thin walls can sag, so, despite their cheapness, it is better to choose a more durable option.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

Acrylic sanitary ware is made from polymeric materials in special molds under pressure.

She has her own characteristics.

  • Wide price range. For manufacturing, both more durable materials and inexpensive types of plastic are used, which last 8–10 years, so the cost varies significantly.
  • Various shapes and colors. Modern technologies allow you not to limit your imagination, so you can choose an option for any design.
  • Additional functions. It is acrylic structures that are most often equipped with a hydromassage system and other similar devices.
  • Light weight. It is easy to deliver and carry out installation, there are no restrictions on installation.
  • Low thermal conductivity. According to this parameter, the products are comparable with cast-iron bathtubs.
  • Easy care. The material has virtually no pores, so dirt does not eat into the surface. In addition, many types of plastic have a special antibacterial additive to help keep them clean.

Recently, a new material appeared on the plumbing market - kvaril.It is a composite consisting of quartz particles. It is strong and durable and also withstands high temperatures well. Quaril products combine the advantages of cast iron and acrylic solutions, but do not have the disadvantages inherent in these materials. There is only one minus - this is not the most affordable price.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

There are also rarer original products. The bath can be made of solid wood, artificial stone, brick or ceramics. Usually such plumbing is made to order, so its cost is rather big. But if there are funds to purchase such a bath, the customer will receive a durable product with an unusual design, devoid of the disadvantages of typical products.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

What it is

Speaking of a bath, they usually mean a bathing container in which you can completely immerse yourself. Such plumbing is present in most apartments. But there are other baths - for children, hydromassage, sitting. And the Japanese bathroom is a wooden tub, into which a person is immersed up to his shoulders, and on top it is covered with a lid so that the heat does not leave too quickly. Bathtubs also differ in shape, they can be not only familiar, but also original - in the form of a sea shell or a tea mug. They make plumbing from different materials - from the usual acrylic to glass or natural stone.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes


Most people have one bathroom in the house, and this room is usually small, so the question arises what is better to put - a bath or a shower. The booth is often chosen on the principle of saving space.

But even in a small bathroom, you can install a bathtub, and this solution has its advantages.

  • Additional seating area. After a hard day you want to relax, the bath is perfect for this. Warm water and fluffy foam are a good way to calm down and get ready for bed.
  • SPA home complex. For girls who devote a lot of time to self-care, the bath will be a convenient place where you can carry out various procedures. Hair and face masks, scrubs, special salts and peels - with all this wealth it is much easier to sit in the bath rather than in the shower. In addition, hot water steams the skin, pores expand, and dead cells are more easily removed, so the effect of caring cosmetics will be more pronounced.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

  • Entertainment for children. Toddlers love to splash in the water, and an older child will not refuse such pleasure. Children can spend hours in the bath with their favorite toys, having fun in the water.
  • Pet care. Washing animals after a walk is much more convenient in the bath, which allows you to do everything you need without flooding around the floor.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

  • Cleaning and laundry. From time to time, it becomes necessary to soak the laundry before washing in the machine. Several basins with things can be placed in the bath, and if you need to soak something voluminous, for example, curtains or bedding, you can use the entire container for soaking. In it, you can leave large dishes to soak - baking sheets, pans.
  • Water supply. Unplanned water outages are not uncommon. In such a situation, it is worth filling the bath in advance, so that later you can cook, wash dishes and do other household chores.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

The bathtub is more convenient to wash, it does not leave streaks, unlike the glass doors of the cabin. And if you wish, you can always upgrade the plumbing by attaching a shower head and hanging a curtain. Therefore, the owners will be able not only to swim, but also to quickly rinse in the shower. There are options available to suit any budget. Manufacturers also produce inexpensive products.

The only significant drawback is the size. Miniature bathrooms often provide the ability to accommodate only a cubicle. If the owners of the apartment do not want to make serious repairs with redevelopment, then they have no other options.Other pros and cons of plumbing in this case no longer play a role.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

Bath Recipes

soda bath. In warm water (38 degrees), dissolve 200 g of drinking soda. Such a bath soothes, and also protects the skin from dryness.

Bath with common table salt cleans the pores of the skin and improves its general condition, has a general strengthening effect on the body. It is enough to add 500 g of salt to water with a temperature of 37-38 degrees.

Sea salt bath can be taken for about 15 minutes. Real sea salt is sold in any pharmacy, and 350-500g is enough to take a bath. A bath with sea salt not only improves the condition of the skin and saves from acne, but also relieves fatigue, fatigue, and reduces pain in the joints.

Pine bath helps to remove the redness of an allergic nature, has a calming effect. 500g of very small sprigs of coniferous trees (it is best to collect fresh, in the wilderness) brew in 3 liters of hot water. After half an hour, pour the acquired infusion into the bathroom, the water temperature in which should not be more than 35 degrees.

Bath with sedge excellently helps with urolithiasis. It is necessary to brew 200 g of washed sedge in 5 liters of hot water, then leave for 2 hours and strain. Pour the acquired broth into the bathroom. The comfortable temperature of such a bath is also 35 degrees.

Bath with honey. 1 tablespoon of honey is enough to make the skin soft, relax and improve sleep.

milk bath strengthens the skin, makes it softer and more elastic. To take a milk bath, you can use powdered milk by dissolving 1 cup in warm water.

Bath with the addition of bran.Bran relieves skin irritation and redness. Dissolve in the bathroom. A spoonful of bran and bathe. After the bath, take a warm shower for 1-2 minutes to wash off the remaining bran.

Vinegar bath. A glass of fruit vinegar added to the bath can help to quickly get rid of dry and flaky skin.

Hollywood bath. Beat in a mixer 1 fresh egg, a teaspoon of gelatin and half a glass of shampoo suitable for your skin. If you substitute this mixture under a strong water jet, it will give a thick foam. After such a bath, you will feel like a star!

And finally, a few primitive tips. Take a bath no more than 2 times a week so as not to overdry the skin; do not take a bath after eating; do not lie in the bathroom for a long time, for example, with a book.

And after a warm and gentle bath, a general massage gives special pleasure ...

Creator: Gataulina Galina
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Bath types

Daily baths, even at a comfortable warm temperature, draw out subcutaneous fat, the skin becomes dry. To prevent this from happening, it is worth taking a bath every three to four days. Hot baths stimulate the work of blood vessels, improve metabolism. However, staying in such a bath for more than fifteen minutes is bad for the heart. The best option is when the water does not cover the heart area, especially if the water in the bath is hot.

A cold bath will help with neurosis, loss of appetite, neurasthenia. Regular adoption of such procedures gives vigor, improves skin tone, and improves mood. Only it is impossible to endure in such a bath for more than thirty seconds, and it is not necessary.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

In the most comfortable bath, warm, the temperature is slightly above or below body temperature. In such conditions, it is easy to relax: they will relieve stress superbly. You should not soak in warm water for more than half an hour. During this time, the muscles will have time to relax, rest, the pores will expand, and the nervous tension will recede.

To feel comfortable when taking a bath, you should follow some rules. You need to dive into warm water up to your neck.It is better to put a small special pillow or towel under your head, dim the lights, light candles and enjoy peace. All anxieties and troubles dissolve and go away.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

After the bath, you should douse yourself with cool water, wipe yourself with a towel and apply a suitable cream on the coda. After that, it’s not worth planning any business: right under the covers. It is not necessary to try to fall asleep: in peace and warmth, the healing effect of the bath will become stronger.

To enhance the beneficial effect of warm water on the skin, a variety of foams, salts, herbal decoctions, oils, vinegar, honey, milk, and so on are added to the bath. Of course, each woman independently selects useful supplements and determines which bath to take, and the main criterion is her desire.

How to take a bath water temperature

What should the water temperature be? The most suitable temperature is 37 degrees, almost like body temperature. If you catch a cold and your temperature rises, then a great option is to completely refuse to take a bath, as well as other procedures related to water. In any case, you can take a lightly warm shower in a matter of minutes.

Some people think that the foam with which we take a bath is, in principle, enough to cleanse the skin. Most likely, the heroes of the series are again to blame for this: they often show how beautiful women get out of the bath without even washing off the foam - just wrapping themselves in a towel. But still, bath foam does not have a cleansing effect - it just foams and makes a pleasant aroma.

A bath can be taken in different ways: hot, warm and cold.

hot tub (up to 40 degrees) activates material metabolism and dilates blood vessels. You can take a hot bath for no longer than 5 minutes, and at the same time do not go deep completely, but leave your chest on top of the water to avoid stress on the heart.

Warm bath relaxes and soothes, helps relieve tension and make sleep more restful. It is enough to lie down in warm (37 degrees) water for about 15 minutes.

Cold baths take to activate the work of the nervous and cardiovascular systems and increase skin tone.

A bath can have very different effects - depending on what additives you take it with.

Installation subtleties

You can install new plumbing with your own hands. To do this, you must first prepare the bathroom. If you plan a full-fledged repair in the room, then it is better to complete the installation first, and then deal with the wall cladding to make waterproofing and choose the right tile. In the case when only the bathtub is changed, the height of the new product should not be lower than that of the previous one. Otherwise, the old tile will be visible, into which dirt has eaten.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

The floor must be durable, especially if you plan to install cast-iron plumbing

Under its weight, fragile tiles can crack, so it is better to pay no less careful attention to the coating. It must be laid on solid cement with extrusion so that there are no voids under the layer, otherwise damage will be inevitable.

Installation height matters not only for correlation with existing cladding. A bathtub raised by 4-5 cm allows you to make a siphon with a deeper knee, which reduces the likelihood of blockages, and also speeds up the flow of water. In this position, small debris and hair practically do not accumulate in the siphon, respectively, then you do not have to clean the sewer.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

Possible different mounting methods. Most often they use a wall mount, if there is not much space in the room, then the bath is moved close

In this case, it is important to ensure a good seal so that water does not flow down and accumulate there. This will prevent rotting of the finish, the appearance of fungi and mold.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes


Standard models are most often white, but now you can find other options in plumbing stores. Various colored bathtubs allow you to make the environment more interesting. A bathroom in light colors has already become a classic, so some people prefer to choose the exact opposite solution and install a black bathtub.

It looks very stylish, but it is important to add colors to the interior. It is worth choosing some more cheerful tones so that the atmosphere does not seem gloomy or oppressive, because this is also a place to relax.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

The gray model does not seem so gloomy if someone is scared off by black, in addition, it has an important advantage - this color is combined with other tones, so it will not be difficult to fit plumbing into the interior. A red bath is an original and even bold solution, a bright color creates a cheerful mood, so it’s better to balance the interior with calmer pastel shades, and plumbing can act as a kind of accent

An alternative option is the pink model. She looks more restrained, because this color is not so flashy. Delicate pink shade will be a good replacement for boring white. An interesting solution may be a purple model that will look good in a light blue setting. This option looks original, while the colors create a calm mood, allowing you to relax after a hard day and tune in to sleep.

Foam, herbs or vinegar

A bath with lush fragrant foam is an essential attribute of all beautiful films, but is it really that useful? Foaming agents, surfactants, which can hardly be called useful, are cleaned as part of the foam, but there are also natural oils, mineral salts, and plant extracts. When choosing a foam, you should carefully study its composition.

Inexpensive products often contain only chemical ingredients. And such dominance is unlikely to improve the appearance and help health. Foam beautifully, and not cleanse pores, look aesthetically pleasing, emit a pleasant aroma - these are all the advantages of such products.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

But there are products with natural herbal extracts and essential oils, the use of which will have a wonderful healing effect. A bath with a string extract will relieve irritation and swelling, such a bath is especially useful for colds. Sandalwood and rose extract perfectly moisturize dry skin. Some products have delicious flavors of chocolate, melon, liquor and honey. Even outwardly, they look very appetizing, but it’s better not to bask in them too often.

In addition to foam, salts, decoctions, leaves and flowers are added to the bath. With natural additives, the bath acquires an amazing aroma, and the effect of the procedure is refreshing and soothing. For a juniper bath, both plant branches and essential oil are used. Sea salt - improving skin condition, eliminating acne, relieving fatigue, reducing joint pain. Ordinary table salt is both a cleansing of pores, an improvement in the appearance of the skin, and a tonic effect.

To improve the elasticity of the skin, a mixture of juniper fruits, thyme herbs, rosemary, pine needles, mint leaves and sage is added to the bath. For vivacity in the bath, just drop six drops of tea tree oil. Under its influence, even chronic fatigue will recede. Such a bath is shown for problem skin. In a wine bath with a liter of dry red wine added to warm water and one hundred and fifty grams of honey, skin tenderness is guaranteed.

Excellent lifting will provide a bath with vinegar. It is recognized as an excellent analogue of a plastic lift, only the effect will last no more than half a day. Just a couple of glasses of vinegar is enough for a bath to provide an amazing effect. If you add a body massage with a soft sponge and a mask on your face during water procedures, the result will be enhanced.

How to take a bath, bath recipes

What kind of bath to take - you will have to decide on your own, but do not forget that the bath is not called a simple water procedure and a type of skin care. Taking a bath is a real ritual during which both body and soul rest. Taking a bath at least twice a week is adding magic, joy and peace to your life.

Which one to choose

Given the abundance of options in stores, it is better to decide in advance on the following characteristics and parameters of plumbing:

  • first of all, the issue of the budget for the purchase is resolved; you need to immediately determine the upper limit on the cost in order to reduce the range of searches;
  • it is necessary to make measurements of the area of ​​​​the bathroom, and it is also worth measuring the old plumbing, if it has not yet been dismantled, in order to focus on these parameters;
  • when choosing dimensions, it is taken into account who will use the bathroom - are there children, elderly people in the house, how tall are the owners of the house;
  • you should immediately choose the material, comparing the pros and cons of different options, as well as financial capabilities.

How to take a bath, bath recipesHow to take a bath, bath recipes

Too cheap models are not the best option, since they have the appropriate quality. Their maximum service life is 8-10 years, after which the plumbing will have to be changed again. It is better to choose something from the average price category. If the bathroom is small, then a compact bath may be a suitable option. Such products are also presented in stores, although the most popular are medium sizes - the so-called European standard. There are also large roomy models, if the area allows, then this option will provide an opportunity to relax in comfort.

How to take a bath, bath recipes


