Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Price characteristics

Also, the price of a dry closet will depend on the type of storage tank - peat, electric or chemical. You simply choose the appropriate option for yourself, consistent with the benefits of each type.

Features of operation in winter

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantagesHow to make a country stationary dry closet frost-resistant? Firstly, a dry closet for a summer residence in winter must be emptied regularly. Frequent cleaning will prevent ice formation. Secondly, antifreeze of a special non-toxic composition is added to the water.

The same liquid with antifreeze for winter dry closets deodorizes and eliminates unpleasant odors. To avoid trouble with the filler, do not leave a full tank on frosty nights!

The dry closet warm is irreplaceable for winter frosty days. A good option would be to install a heated dry closet. This option is not cheap, but such a septic tank will be completely protected from the vagaries of the weather and temperature fluctuations. heated toilets work even at -60 degrees. As a rule, the cabin walls are insulated with a special material, and the tank is equipped with an electric heating element. The only condition is that electricity is needed to connect such a winter version of the dry closet. And lighting in the evening also does not hurt. All your efforts and efforts will bring comfort in winter.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantagesIf you will not use the dry closet, then for the winter it must be mothballed. But this must be done before the onset of frost. First, you should remove all the contents from the tanks, then put special cleaning bacteria into the container.

If you cannot do this work yourself, then invite specialists. Because thawing a frozen septic tank is problematic, and you simply won’t be able to use it in the spring.

Criteria for the right choice

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Dry closet maintenance

Do not rush to choose the cheapest model

Before making a purchase, please note the following:

  1. The volume of the storage tank.
  2. Maximum load limits.
  3. The pressure valve must empty the dry closet evenly and without splashing.
  4. Preference for dual flush models for maximum cleanliness.

If you have a large family, then pay attention to the volume of the cabin itself. It should be spacious and comfortable.

Portable models are easily installed anywhere on the site, the instructions clearly describe all the points of installing a dry closet. But in some models of electric dry closets, an exclusively sitting position may be provided, which is not very convenient for men.

Also pay attention to the height of the seat: it should be comfortable for children. Choosing the best model will not make it difficult for you if you make a list of the necessary requirements for a dry closet in advance: the size of the cabin, the principle of operation, the cleaning system, the price category, the volume of the storage tank, etc.

e. Also discuss in advance who will be responsible for cleaning the septic tank and disposing of waste.

This is also important! And now you can order the necessary model via the Internet or go to the supermarket. Retail sale of dry closets in our country offers a variety of choices for every taste.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Bathroom with dry closet in rustic style

A dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out was quite recently perceived as something mythical. Today, the variety of models of these devices is so great that a potential buyer involuntarily becomes confused. A dry closet for a country house is inexpensive and fully justifies the money spent on it.

Dry closets are called septic tanks in a different way and there are several types:

  • Peat.
  • Chemical.
  • Electric.

They are also divided into stationary and portable (mobile).

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The modern market is rich in the range of dry closets

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Beautiful and very comfortable dry closet Porta Potti Qube 335

Dry closet and its varieties

The dry closet is an autonomous stand-alone toilet, for the functioning of which there is no need to connect sewage and other communications.

You can use modern dry closets almost everywhere where there are no appropriate amenities. Inside it, the waste is converted with the help of biological substances (sawdust, peat, live bacteria, etc.) into a homogeneous mass, which is subsequently disposed of and completely harmless to the environment.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

various types of dry closets

All models offered by the market can be conditionally divided according to the principle of operation of the dry closet, which processes waste, into several types:

  • Peat
  • Chemical
  • Electrical
  • Biological

A composting peat toilet can be called the cleanest eco-friendly option. It recycles waste with a peat mixture, which is poured to the bottom by a dispenser. You can install it on the street or in the house if it is equipped with ventilation pipes.

The name of the chemical dry closet speaks for itself - waste processing occurs by exposure to chemicals (sold in granules or in the form of a liquid) that destroy microbes and odors.

Electric models need an electrical network and work according to a more complex principle. They, separating liquid and solid waste from each other, redistribute it to different tanks. The liquid is removed through the tubes to the drain, the solid waste is dried and compressed by the compressor.

We watch a video review of what varieties exist:

Environmentally friendly biological models in which waste is recycled by microorganisms. In the country, the resulting mixture can be used as a fertilizer.

All devices can be divided into stationary and portable. Models of the first type are medium or large booths that are installed in the yard or public places. The second are small compact devices that you can take with you to nature in a car.

Dry closet for giving odorless and pumping installation process

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The process of installing a dry closet does not cause much trouble

The installation of a dry closet depends on its design. The installation of some models will take some time and physical effort. If the owner does not plan to install a dry closet in the residential area, and there is no suitable room (garage, barn) in the summer cottage, it will have to be built.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

If in the house it is not possible to install a dry closet, then a special structure should be built

Installation activities are divided into two groups according to the degree of complexity. The easiest way is with mobile devices, they do not require the connection of communications. Such models are installed in any suitable premises, and, if necessary, transferred to another location. However, for a large family, mobile toilets are inconvenient.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Assembling a peat dry closet

Stationary toilets include:

  • peat;
  • electrical;
  • septic tanks.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Stationary (left) and portable (right) dry closet

These models require summing up various communications. For the installation of a septic tank, two tanks or more are installed

Such toilets do not have mobility, but their advantages lie in the possibility of intensive use, which is very important for a large family or for people whose house often has guests.

Chemical dry closets

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Chemical dry closets have a lot of advantages

Judging by the name, the reader can guess that in these models, the splitting of feces is carried out thanks to special chemicals. Chemical dry closets consist of two tanks:

  • at the top there is a water tank and a flush pump;
  • waste is collected in the lower tank, and a chemical reagent is placed there.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The structure of a chemical dry closet

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The toilet paper compartment is a nice addition, which not every model can boast of.

Such dry closets emit a minimum of unpleasant odor, are easily transported, and work autonomously. You can place a chemical dry closet not only in a specially designated room, but also inside the home.

Between themselves, the models differ in the design of the flushing mechanism and the size of the tanks. The flushing device is of three types:


Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Types of pumps for chemical dry closets

The electric option is the most difficult, since it cannot work autonomously, it requires constant power supply or batteries. Chemical preparations necessary for waste processing cannot be called harmless to the human body. However, a modern manufacturer is struggling with this drawback and is trying to produce less aggressive reagents.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Pouring reagents

Types of chemicals

Biological compounds act on waste due to the presence of living microorganisms. Of all the options, this is considered the most environmentally friendly and safe for humans. Fertilizers with such combustion of waste can be used without fear, there are no problems with disposal.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Chemical dry closets are very convenient to use

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Waste fluid drain

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Portable dry closets are small in size and weight

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Transportation of a portable dry closet

In second place in terms of safety are ammonium fillers. Fertilizers from such toilets can only be applied to the ground in small volumes. The splitting of waste in the tank of the dry closet with ammonium liquid occurs very quickly, due to which there is practically no unpleasant odor.

The most harmful to humans and animals are formaldehyde fillers. They are used only if the waste from the toilet is not used to fertilize the soil, but is immediately disposed of.

Types and their characteristics

1. Chemical model

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Toilet chemical model (portable version)

The chemical version is made of two parts (tanks) connected together - the lower and the upper. In the upper part are located: a toilet bowl with a seat, a lid and a water pump. The lower section is intended for the accumulation of waste. This section is equipped with a valve for cleaning. Most models are equipped with a filling indicator.

With the help of chemical reagents, waste is processed and solid fractions are split. Also, chemicals remove unpleasant odors. These models of chemical dry closets are easy to install and operate.

They are designed for both indoor and outdoor use. Before use, liquid is poured into such a septic tank with the addition of deodorizing substances, while waste is poured into the lower compartment.

2. Peat dry closet

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Compost toilet (peat)

In general, this is a fertilizer manufacturer for summer cottages, because peat converts feces into compost. Before operation, a special peat composition is poured into the tank instead of water, and after the operation of the toilet, the peat mixture is also poured into the receiving tank.

The tank is emptied about once a month. In addition to the design, a drain is installed. This type of septic tank is the cheapest of all due to inexpensive peat filler.

3. Electric dry closet

This version of the dry closet is powered by electricity using a compressor that separates waste into solid and liquid. Solid waste is dried and then removed. The electric toilet system is equipped with liquid drainage, the cabin is ventilated with electricity, and the dried feces are added to the compost.

Electrical model overview:

When making a comparison between the listed models of dry closets, their differences should be emphasized:

• A chemical (liquid) septic tank does not require draining and ventilation, but is expensive to operate due to the purchase of splitting agents.
• A peat septic tank is cheap to use, but it does require a drain and vent.
• An electric septic tank does not require a filler, but electricity is required to operate it. This dry closet model is the most expensive of all.

About manufacturers

Below are the most famous companies specializing in the production of dry closets.

  • Biolan

Finnish company that has existed since 1974. Produces dry closets of various modifications and consumables for them. In addition, the company produces a whole arsenal of products for summer cottages and personal plots.


A recognized leader in the production of peat dry closets and accessories for them.


Founded in the American city of Ann Arbor in 1963, Thetford began its activities with the production of components for ship toilets. Five years later, the first portable toilet was launched on the market. At the present stage of its development, the company produces both dry closets and mobile sanitary systems for installation on yachts of well-known shipbuilding companies.

Electric dry closets

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Electric dry closet

Electric dry closets are the most expensive devices for collecting human waste, but they have no equal in terms of performance. These are real technological masterpieces. Of course, different models of dry closets have their own principle of operation, but all of them are united by the fact that they require constant electrical power.

  • Some devices can be equated with more modified peat toilets. In them, the contents of the container are heated, due to which there is an increased reproduction of bacteria, and excess liquid evaporates.
  • Others are much more complex: solid wastes are dried by heating, and liquids are collected in a separate tank or discharged into a drain.
  • In some models, the waste, when burned, turns into ash, which can be used to fertilize the soil.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Separett electric dry closet

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Ash compartment

In addition to the need for constant power supply, such dry closets also have a high cost (from $ 900).

Peat dry closet for giving and not only

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

In the age of advanced technology, such a relic of the past as a toilet in the form of a box with a cesspool already looks rather strange.

A peat dry closet for a summer residence, the price of which is low, and the design is utterly simple, belongs to the category of environmentally friendly and clean. The prefix "bio", standing in the word, fully characterizes peat devices for collecting feces.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The principle of operation and standard dimensions of a peat dry closet

There are no expensive mechanisms and technologies here - human waste is mixed with peat mixture and processed in a natural way (burned). The compost obtained from this organic process is suitable for feeding all kinds of plants and horticultural crops.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

To save time and effort, it is better to replace the cesspool with a dry closet

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The ventilation system will help to get rid of unpleasant odors

The design of these models includes an ordinary storage tank for collecting waste. In the same tank, feces are processed, and as it is filled, it is simply emptied manually.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Filling the peat mixture

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Compost formed in a peat dry closet is suitable for feeding all kinds of plants and horticultural crops

The advantage of a large container is that it has to be emptied less often, but it also weighs significantly more. If the physical capabilities of the person who will serve the dry closet allow you to purchase a weighty model, this will be the best option for a family of more than three members.

Peat dry closet for giving reviews is different. The device has some drawbacks:

low rate of feces processing;
there is an unpleasant smell in the room, and therefore it requires a good ventilation device;
liquid and solid waste are collected in a common tank.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Peat dry closets the most affordable option

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

Dry closet Piteco 506

If the number of users of the dry closet is one or two, the liquid in the tank is absorbed by sawdust and there is no problem. With high operational patency, the peat mixture cannot cope with liquid volumes, therefore, to remove them, it is necessary to equip a drain. An additional tank or drainage system is provided.

If the family does not live in the country permanently, but visits it only on weekends, a peat dry closet is exactly what you need. He is not afraid of frost, and his work does not require electricity. The owner will only have to purchase a new peat mixture from time to time and empty the tank.

Most Popular Models

Tandem's products

Among the models of toilets are in demand:

  • Bioecology Eco Light (winter);
  • Eco Light MTK 1 (winter);
  • Toilet cabins Economy;
  • Dry closets of the Tandem company.

All these models are designed for operation at low temperatures, and withstand Russian frosts.

The advantages of toilets are that they are completely independent, autonomous and do not require connection to communications. Cabins are made of impact-resistant plastic, resistant to ultraviolet and frost. Cabins are easily transported and installed.

The upper part of the box is made of transparent plastic, which gives good illumination inside the cabin during the day. Also inside the cabin, you can mount lighting for the evening, and other additional equipment. Plastic material is easy to clean and sanitize. The whole design is designed for long-term comfortable operation of the product.

Production and assembly of Ecolight cabins:

Cabin equipment:

  • The storage tank is represented by several types of designs (designed for approximately 500 visits);
  • Ventilation tube;
  • Essential toilet paper holder;
  • Hooks for clothes and things;
  • Latch and lock.

Why peat

Among the produced models there are several types, and which one to choose depends on your desire. But for those who grow various plants on their plot, the issue of purchasing fertilizers is one of the most relevant. So, the best option would be a peat model.

Since this type of soil has bactericidal properties, its use in dry closets allows you to get rid of odors, as a result of its impact on waste, they decompose and, as a result, an environmentally friendly and safe fertilizer for people is obtained.

peat brand Kekkila

In developed European countries, the problem of country closets has long been solved by developing a peat toilet for a summer residence. In the future, it was taken as the basis for the creation of domestic products of this class.

The device and principle of operation of a portable dry closet

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

portable toilet device

When purchasing a dry closet for the home, the principle of operation of any of these varieties is based on the autonomous operation of the lower and upper parts. With proper use and proper care, they will perform all the functions assigned to them.

The upper part is a familiar toilet bowl. A tank up to 15-20 liters can be located next to it, which is filled with flush water or peat.

The lower tank acts as a storage tank in which recyclable waste accumulates. It can be easily detached for emptying and mounted back. Clean water from the upper tank flushes impurities into the lower tank. In it, the waste products, being processed by utilizers, deodorize and settle at the bottom.

When the lower part is filled, it detaches and the waste, which is odorless and environmentally friendly, is easily disposed of. It is enough to wash the tank, wipe it and install it back.

Watch a video review of the portable version:

The dry closet can be supplemented with a pump, pressure control valves, indicators for filling and emptying tanks, special technical pipes and adapters for connecting to ventilation systems, a septic tank or a sewerage system.

Design features

The device of such sanitary systems is quite simple. Peat dry closet, for example, Compact Elite, has a principle of operation based on the absorption of liquid by the filler. Below is a container for waste, and on top - for a disinfectant composition. The peat dry closet of the Compact Premium brand has the same device. For its operation, a ventilation and drainage system will also be required.

The main feature that distinguishes the compact peat mobile dry closet is the property of the mixture filled into it to absorb 10 times more liquid than its own weight. The Piteco 505 peat-type toilet for summer cottages is especially good in this regard.

How to choose a dry closet

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

The principle of operation of the dry closet is based on the processing of human waste by special bacteria and microorganisms.

When the desired tank capacity is determined and a place for installation is found, it is necessary to study the main characteristics of the models, which are very important for comfortable operation.

For uniform emptying of the dry closet in some devices, manufacturers have provided a pressure valve, which, among other things, prevents water from splashing.

For perfect cleanliness of the dry closet bowl, you should choose models in which the flush jet captures a larger area. There are devices with double-sided flushing.

Large flush jet helps keep your dry closet clean

For the timely emptying of the storage tank, some models have a filling indicator.

Due to its compactness, the dry closet can also be taken outdoors

The larger the storage capacity, the less often it is cleaned. Most manufacturers indicate on their product recommendations for emptying times, which are set based on the number of users.
If there is no sewerage in the country house, it is best to purchase a mobile version that can be carried from place to place and even taken with you on a trip to nature.
When choosing a seat height, you need to consider the convenience for children, if any, in the family.

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

When choosing a dry closet model, it is necessary to determine the height of this device

Dry closet for giving without smell and pumping out, advantages and disadvantages

For small families, you can opt for models with a small tank


