Dimensions of corner showers

What's better

Shower cubicles and corners are very similar designs. Both will take their rightful place in the bathroom.Dimensions of corner showers

But what is better? What type of plumbing is best to buy? Advising is a thankless and pointless thing, it is better to compare them with each other and leave the choice to the reader:

  1. Price. The cost of the corners starts at about eleven thousand rubles; you won’t even find a cabin for less than seventeen thousand. And at the same time it will not be the best option in terms of quality and functionality.
  2. Duration of operation. The corners have a simple design, which makes their operation much longer. The cabin will last less precisely because of the complexity of its device.
  3. Service complexity. The corners are practically maintenance-free. Cabins, being complex devices, need periodic inspection and maintenance.
  4. Maintaining cleanliness. The corner consists of walls and doors. They are made of glass, which is easy to clean. The rest of the walls in the room are tiled, which is also easy to clean. Cabins are made of acrylic, which is much more difficult to maintain.
  5. Installation features. A corner can be with a pallet, or it can do fine without it, but there is no cabin without a pallet.
  6. Room requirements. Before installing the corner, you need to level the walls and floor. For the cabin, all these little things are not important.
  7. Installation costs. To install a corner, you need to spend money on preparing the floor and walls, only the bathroom does not require such preparation. The cabin can be placed in any place where water is supplied, without any additional investment.
  8. Additional functions. The corner will only give you the opportunity to take a shower, the cabin is endowed with a large selection of various options.
  9. Design reliability. The corner will last a very long time, as it does not contain any electronic components and other parts that are prone to wear. The cab can fail almost immediately after purchase. Quality is influenced by many factors - this is the manufacturer, assembly, components.
  10. water requirements. Corners are not sensitive to water quality, and cabins, if equipped with hydromassage, require the installation of a filter.

In addition, the design decision also matters - the corners are simple in their design, this allows them to harmonize with any room and with any environment. The cabins have their own, unique and unusual design. It will not work to take the first available model and install it in the room. The picture can turn out ridiculous and eccentric.

Installation Features

To ensure the correct stack of water and prevent splashing on the walls, a tray and a special curtain made of a material that is not afraid of moisture are installed. Factory shower enclosure models are equipped with a tray made of plastic, metal or even stone. However, the plastic version turns yellow over time, may burst, the metal pallet is susceptible to corrosion, and stone specimens are very expensive.

The most profitable project will be a do-it-yourself shower corner, which will not only save money, but also realize individual preferences. A significant stage is the arrangement of the drain. There are several ways to display the sewer structure. The size of the pipe is selected taking into account the interval from the bathroom to the sewer riser. It must be remembered that the slope in height is taken at least two millimeters.

At a low height for masking, it is necessary to provide for raising the floor level. You can also install elements in the wall by hiding them in a special box. Next, the sewer pipe is extended to the center of the pallet, ensuring proper waterproofing, installing a ladder and adjusting the placement of the pipe.

Installation Guide

The main installation steps are already listed

It remains only to consider them in more detail and pay special attention to small, but important details.

Installation of the pallet, connection to the sewer

To install shower enclosures with your own hands, you need to start with the installation and. We will consider the best option from the point of view of labor costs - when the pallet rises above the floor and pipes are placed in the resulting gap.

The work instructions will look like this:

  • the pallet itself is first tried on, the position of the drain hole is noted;
  • then the sewer corrugation is attached to the sewer pipe, its other end is attached to the siphon with the help of a union nut;
  • after that, the siphon is attached to the pallet itself, installed in the corner. The level of the pallet is checked by a level and, if necessary, its position is adjusted using threaded legs;

Dimensions of corner showers

Dimensions of corner showers

At this stage, the main problems most often arise with how to seal the shower enclosure. An ordinary silicone sealant is also suitable for this, you should not try to find a miracle composition, the main thing that needs to be ensured is the rigidity of the pallet, it should not sag even a millimeter.

This is what most often causes the dampness of the space under it. Even if the deflection is 1-2 mm, the edge of the pallet is easily peeled off from the layer of hardened sealant, and water seeps into the gap without any problems.

If the rigidity of the factory frame is not enough, then you can always put an ordinary brick under the pallet (put a piece of rubber on top so as not to scratch the plumbing fixture).

If, despite all efforts to seal the shower corner in the bathroom, dampness, mustiness and fungus still cannot be removed, then the cause should be sought in poor ventilation. Of course, you should first check the tightness of the joints.

Wall installation

Much depends on the design of the corner:

  • if the bathroom is tiled, then the walls of the bathroom itself can act as a back wall. In this case, the installation is very simple - you just need to fix the metal profiles and insert glass or plastic into them;
  • but a shower enclosure with a back wall will require a little more effort, you will also need to install the rear opaque walls.

Dimensions of corner showers

As for how to properly install the shower enclosure, the installation procedure remains the same, in the case of placement against the wall, you need:

install metal profiles on the wall and on the floor. Naturally, before installation, the verticality of the location is checked, then holes are simply drilled and the profile on the dowel is attached to the wall;

Dimensions of corner showers

Dimensions of corner showers

further glass walls are simply inserted into the profiles. Formally, rubber gaskets should provide sufficient tightness, but it will not be superfluous to play it safe and additionally coat them with silicone. In this case, water will definitely not get into the gap between the glass and the gasket;

Dimensions of corner showers

you can also advise on top of the glass sheet to additionally fix it with a metal jumper to the opposite wall, which will increase the rigidity of the structure. On this question, how to assemble a shower enclosure can be considered closed.

For shower corners not adjacent to the bathroom walls, the procedure remains the same, except that the profiles do not need to be fixed to the wall. The frame is simply assembled, and then the walls are mounted.

The principle of structural care and prevention of fungus

It is best to start using shower enclosures without a pallet with care requirements. Don't ignore the following:

  1. After each shower, it is recommended to wipe all surfaces dry, incl. watering can with a mixer. This will prevent the formation of white lime stains.
  2. Sealing rubber bands deteriorate with frequent use, so they must be changed at the first damage, otherwise the glass may be damaged.
  3. The joints (with bolts and self-tapping screws) are susceptible to corrosion and begin to leak, therefore it is rational to replace them in a timely manner and treat them with an anti-corrosion agent.
  4. Refuse to use abrasive products. They damage glass, tile and nickel surfaces.
    Choosing and installing a siphon for a shower tray ...

The task that the siphon for the shower tray has is to quickly and efficiently drain the water after bathing. However, not all drain devices are the same ...

Bathrooms are equipped for hygiene procedures in apartments, cottages and private houses. Their design and style completely depends on the taste and preferences of the owner. Some have a bath, others have a shower, and others, due to the fact that the room has a small area, prefer a corner. This plumbing fixture has various types, consider them.

Subtleties of self-installation of a shower enclosure

Dimensions of corner showers

It is necessary to begin the construction process with the preparation of a place for a shower enclosure. Also, it needs to be properly prepared. Set the level to the ideal plane. Designate for yourself what will lie at the base of the bathing area. Often this is an acquired pallet with strong legs, however, its frame may turn out to be unreliable, therefore, for additional rigidity, a brick substrate is made, and a rubber mat is laid in order not to scratch the bottom.

Next, the laying of sewerage is necessarily thought out, if it has not been done in advance. If the bottom is shallow, a small podium is constructed, in which a gap is provided for the location of the siphon or corrugated tube. When all conditions are met: the drain pipe of the corner is lowered into the sewer system through a special rubber gasket. The bottom is fixed and sealed at the junction with the wall, this will help to avoid the accumulation of dampness and fungus.

Next, an aluminum frame is installed, it is also better to silicone their connections with the walls and the base. After that, all fasteners are checked. If the aluminum strips need to be fixed to the tiled surface, holes are pre-drilled in it, then the installation is fixed with self-tapping screws placed in the dowels.

Dimensions of corner showers

Usually a homemade corner for a shower cabin is not equipped with a roof, so we immediately proceed to install the doors. We handle them very carefully so as not to damage or scratch them. We glue seals on the edges of the panels, then put the rollers on the frame, along which the sashes will move. If necessary, the wheels are adjustable to ensure ease of movement.

The final touch in arranging a corner with a pallet is to install handles on the doors and hide the gap between the floor and the pallet, if any. In the case when you purchased transparent sashes, you can later apply a drawing.

How to install correctly step by step instructions

After the bathroom is completely renovated, the installation of the shower enclosure begins, for which you will need a set of installation tools.

Dimensions of corner showersLet's see what to do in this case:

  • From the profiles (horizontal) remove the transport corners. On the fixed walls on the right and left, install the upper and lower guides and screw them;
  • In the event that the horizontal profile has not been removed, then each side of the shower enclosure is expanded by 20 mm, and then the plumbing fixture will not repeat the radius of the tray;
  • In order to make it easy to screw the aluminum guide, the screws are lubricated with petroleum jelly;
  • After that, they attach the corner to the profiles, put it on a pallet, set it up using the building level, and mark the profile on the wall;
  • For dowels, holes are drilled and guides are screwed;
  • Consider how to apply silicone sealant to them: in order to prevent water from flowing out of the pan, it is applied vertically from the outside.At the same time, remember that for the free flow of water, you cannot apply it from the inside;
  • The shower enclosure is fixed to the installation profiles, and re-exposed using a level;
  • With the help of screws with a gasket, they fasten the corner from the inside to the profiles, and from above the heads of the fasteners are closed with a decorative cap or plug;
  • There are holes in the glass doors (in the upper part), a roller mechanism (made of metal) is fixed there, and in the holes in the lower part there is a plastic structure that will allow you to easily and quickly put on and remove the shower enclosure door;
  • Decorative strips made of plastic, attached to the glass fixed part of the plumbing fixture;
  • In order to make it easy to manipulate, the glass is rubbed with soapy water;
  • Glass doors are put on a horizontal profile located at the top, for this a roller mechanism is used and it is latched using a plastic one to the lower guide;
  • Handles are inserted, a transparent silicone gasket is placed under each of them.

Benefits of a shower enclosure

Significantly more usable space inside, with the same declared dimensions.
It is possible to independently select and install plumbing fixtures - a faucet, a watering can, a tropical rain system, etc. Thus, you yourself determine the class and reliability of the equipment

This approach will save on maintenance, and mount really high-quality and convenient plumbing.
Affordable price - the buyer has the opportunity to independently choose a complete set, paying attention to the quality and price of parts.
Modern design - suitable for any bathroom interiors. The surface of the walls and doors can be either transparent or with sandblasted patterns.

How to equip a shower box important components

Shower corners for bathing should consist of several obligatory details: plumbing communications (water supply and sewer water outlet), a tray, a mixer with a watering can, sashes. Consider a few tips on how structures should be selected and located.

Water pipes

It is necessary to supply hot and cold water directly to the place where the shower corner for bathing will be placed. Risers are best made of plastic, all fittings and taps must be installed before arranging the corner.

Dimensions of corner showers


It is better to build a sewerage system in advance, for example, at the stage of screeding, and a ladder with a sewer should be left for the intended shower. Nowadays, preference is given to plastic structures.

Please note that the siphon should be of a flat type in that caseif you plan to mount a purchased bottom with a minimum depth. Minimum pipeline diameter 80 mm


Often, a do-it-yourself corner shower is built using a store bottom of different sizes. However, you can cope on your own by equipping a corner of stone or brick. It can be made of different heights, the main thing is that the drain is located at the level of the toilet sewer pipe. So that your structure does not spoil the attractiveness of the room, it can be hidden behind a decorative panel of the appropriate color and design.

Dimensions of corner showers


The shower enclosure can be equipped with or without doors. Making a choice of installations, we can conclude that plastic and glass are considered especially popular. Both of these types have attractive qualities, they are transparent and matte, some are even decorated in the form of an image that repeats the features of the bathroom interior.

How to make the right choice

Since this plumbing fixture is mounted in the corner of the bathroom, this design will be beneficial for those who live in an apartment with a small area, but want to take water procedures comfortably.Today, the shower enclosure competes with bathtubs, as it can be placed both along the wall and in the middle of the room. This plumbing fixture may have an unusual shape and design.

The shower corner with a 90×90 tray has gained particular popularity among consumers, as it is stable, airtight, comfort and safety are guaranteed when bathing. Pallets with this size have a large depth and therefore they are convenient for children and the elderly, as they replace a bathtub, and a small seat in the form of a step is also mounted here.

The pallet for such a corner is made of acrylic, ceramics, quartz or enameled cast iron.

Acrylic does not darken and has antibacterial properties, while quaril is resistant to various mechanical stresses and is also durable. If the pallet is ceramic, then it is massive, durable and stable.

Dimensions of corner showersGlass or plastic is used for the walls. If they are made of glass, then they are durable, they can be transparent, frosted or tinted. They are easy to care for, stains do not appear on them, but such designs are more expensive than plastic ones, which can be of different colors.


In the event that a light design is preferred, then a shower enclosure without a frame is chosen, which is completely glass, has hinges that align the profiles (they attach the glass to the wall).

There is a so-called "semi-frame" look, which does not have vertical rails, but thanks to the doors (they are sliding), you can save space.

More popular among consumers is the frame design of the shower cabin, since due to the fact that the glass is inserted into the frame, the strength of the device increases.

In shape, the corners are different, for example: oval, square or rectangular. And the dimensions are from 0.75 X 0.75 m to 0.9 X 1.2 m, and sometimes 1.0 X 2.0 m. When sold together with an acrylic tray, the shower channel or mini-bath is included in the kit.

The corner can have doors that fold, rotate, slide apart or work with a lift-and-turn design.

The first type saves space and prevents water from spreading.
At the moment the door is opened, all the liquid flows into the sump.

If the door rotates, then its mechanism does not require much maintenance, and when opened, part of it opens inward.

The folding door, although small in size, has a large entrance width.

For vertical movement of doors, a lift-and-turn structure is used, which ensures the movement of doors vertically, that is, when opening, they rise automatically and, when closed, they are completely adjacent to the floor (or pallet).

Features of the design of the shower cabin, its pros and cons

Today, in any plumbing store you can see an extensive selection of shower cabins. Different shapes, sizes, designs and functions can capture the imagination of any person. But no matter how diverse they are, their design is the same and includes the following elements:

  1. Doors. Usually glass is used for their manufacture. It can be matte, tinted or have some kind of pattern.
  2. Pallet. It comes in various shapes, sizes and materials. You can find steel, cast iron, acrylic, marble, ceramic, as well as other materials.
  3. Mixer. It can also be of various types.

In addition, cabins have various additional functions and decor.Dimensions of corner showers

You can choose any option that is closest in terms of financial capabilities and preference.

Positive sides:

  1. This is a ready to use design. From the category - bought and forgot. It will not require you to start looking for additional elements and adjust them to each other.
  2. No need to pre-prepare the room. Due to the tightness of the device, there will not be a drop of water on the walls and floor.
  3. Wherever there is a water supply, a cabin can be installed.

Negative sides:

  1. It is the integrity of the kit - not always a positive quality. Often, many functions are simply not used, but you need to pay for them anyway. If there is a desire to install an element not from the delivery, it will be almost impossible to implement.
  2. Large sizes. Cabins, despite the fact that they allow you to free up some space in the room, are quite voluminous structures. At the same time, there is less space inside than is required outside.
  3. The acquisition will last no more than ten to twenty years, and then it will be necessary to look for a replacement, and this is new money spending.

What you need to know about installing a shower corner

The main difference between a corner and a full-fledged shower stall is that the corner is just a fenced off part of the bathroom. The shower cabin is much more complicated, it is a kind of capsule, in which many manufacturers provide such pleasant additions as hydromassage of the back, feet, equip them with a telephone, a steam generator, etc.

Dimensions of corner showers

Do-it-yourself installation of a shower enclosure will require solving several problems:

  • it will be necessary to organize a reliable flow of water;
  • you will also need to connect cold and hot water;
  • The final stage can be considered the installation of walls.

However, the same problem can be solved in different ways.

For example, when organizing a drain, you can go in 2 ways:

just buy a shower tray, raise it above the floor and mask all the pipes under the tray itself;

Dimensions of corner showers

a compromise option - the most flat pallet is used. In this case, an ordinary siphon will not work; you will have to look for special flat models. Sometimes a recess is made in the floor so that, after installation, the edges of the pallet do not rise above the level of the floor in the bathroom.

Even at the stage of choosing a pallet, you need to think about the shape of the future corner. If, for example, a pentagonal shower enclosure is to be installed, then the shape of the shower tray must also be appropriate.

As for the material of the walls, the choice in this matter is not very large.

If we discard the very budget options, when the corner is simply fenced off with curtains, then you can highlight:

glass walls
- only tempered glass 8-10 mm thick is used, any color can be chosen, and only the price can scare away from the purchase. The cost of glass sheets will go far beyond 10 thousand rubles;

Dimensions of corner showers

- you can note their lighter weight, lower resistance to mechanical stress and light weight, which somewhat facilitates installation. Otherwise, a nice pattern can also be applied to the plastic and the shower corner will look quite stylish.

Dimensions of corner showers

How is a shower enclosure different from a shower cabin?

As it has already become clear, a shower cabin is a device hermetically sealed from all sides, which includes walls, a roof and a pallet. Initially, it was installed: a mixer, a shower head and there are many different functions.

Shower enclosures are much simpler. In fact, these are just glass walls or doors. The drain and drip tray are usually laid out by the user. Brickwork is being done, which is tiled. Sometimes purchased pallets with low sides are also used.

In the shower corner, you can put plumbing, which is more to your liking. Nobody forbids you to install many different shelves, hang hooks, put any kind of mixer and shower head. In a word - a huge field for activity.

The installation of these devices is very different. You just need to bring and install the booth, but the corner is assembled each time for the specific features of the room and taking into account certain conditions. Here the pallet needs to be laid out and finished, the walls installed, the mixer installed.Dimensions of corner showers

Construction with pallet first stage

Do-it-yourself installation of a shower enclosure with a pallet begins with the following operations:

  1. Dismantling of old plumbing.
  2. Walls and corners are leveled, tiles are laid, time is waiting for it to solidify.
  3. Installation of sewer and water pipes leading to the shower enclosure is in progress.
  4. A pallet is selected for the design, a good option is acrylic with a corrugated surface. It is strong enough, safe and resistant to temperature extremes.
  5. Proper installation of the shower corner requires its fixation in a certain position. To prevent deflection of the structure, it is installed on special legs that are supplied in the kit. To prevent water leakage, the pallet is mounted in a tight ratio with the corner part of the wall.
  6. The tile is rubbed, the seams are treated with silicone to ensure sealing and counteract the formation of fungi and mold.

Dimensions of corner showers

Proper operation

We looked at how to assemble a shower enclosure yourself and how to choose the right model, and now we'll figure out how to care for it.

On the advice of the manufacturer, before the first use, regardless of the material of manufacture, the walls and the tray must be treated with a composition that will give the shower enclosure protection from pollution and increase the water repellency.

In order for the metal surface to acquire the effect of chromium, silver grout is made. And the shower enclosure is cleaned as it is used, but the frequency of cleaning (once a week or once a month) and the use of special products are also important. If you follow all the recommendations and rules of care, then the design will last a long time.

We looked at how to properly install a shower enclosure yourself. But in the event that for some reason you cannot do this, then seek help from specialists.

A shower corner is a simple thing, but very useful. Particularly attractive is the fact that its cost is several times less than a shower stall. In addition, installing a shower enclosure with your own hands is quite simple, this will further reduce the burden on the family budget.

Installing a shower box without a bottom

In terms of economy, a shower enclosure without a tray is considered more practical than an example with a bottom. When installing a shower enclosure, there are several important points that you should focus on.

Dimensions of corner showers

After all the work on preparing the floor is completed, they begin to assemble the corner booth (we chose a glass one with a frame). The base on which the sashes will be held is fixed to the surfaces. Then we insert the sealing gum into the necessary places (on all the existing joints between each other, between the floor and the doors, between the walls and parts of the booth).

Reconsider that the connections are reliable and do not loosen over time, treat them with an anti-corrosion agent.


